Experience with the "whoosh"?



  • vickeb07
    vickeb07 Posts: 1 Member
    edited March 2016
    These links explain exactly what you guys are going through!

    I experienced this yesterday after eating 80g of carbs, usually on keto + 16-8 LeanGains IF, and lost 2.5 pounds after being stalled for almost a week!

    The day before, I felt gross and squishy, especially my stomach which looked flabby and super soft...but I am at a 500cal deficit daily, and taking yohimbine while exercising fasted every morning 5 days a week. There is no way my body is not burning fat, so i realized it definitely is water retention in the fat cells.

    The links explain how a carb-load can fix this..because after burning the fat from the fat cells, only glycerol is now left, which attracts water = water filled fat cells! By eating carbs, SOMEHOW it causes the pulling of water out of your empty fat cells.

    1) Whooshes and squishy fat explained:


    2) Water retention phenomenons!:


    Great read and I am mind-blown =)
  • brb_2013
    brb_2013 Posts: 1,197 Member
    I can see how some people could see this as BS, but it does happen.

    All week I've stayed around the same weight, losing and gaining a pound, all over the place. My stomach was all squishy and really pushed out, and I just assumed it was monthly bloating, but this morning I was suddenly down 4.2 pounds.

    I also did my measurements yesterday and they were pretty much the same as they were 2 weeks ago, half an inch here or there. After reading this was post I was curious so I did them again...Lost 2.5 around my navel, 1 on my hips and 1.5 on my waist. Since yesterday.

    If that wasn't a "whoosh", it was magic. Haha.

    I like that you connected the pounds lost to some inches. To me, this shows with the most "evidence" that this is a real phenomenon. I like how you can almost tell where those 4lbs came from. Congratulations!
  • chachachingona
    chachachingona Posts: 11 Member
    Oh my gosh. Just did this. I wasn't losing weight for almost 2 weeks and then I jumped on the scale after waking up and was down 4 pounds. I kept moving the scale around the room because I thought that maybe the floor was uneven. Lol.. Awesome. I'll never think of a plateau the same way again.
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    edited March 2016
    Oh yeah, I've had my fair share of whooshes, although for me it was never more than a few pounds. It usually happens when there's been a stall on the scales for a few weeks and then whoooooosh! nice! :smiley:

    and yes, peeing like an elephant is a sure sign that the next day a whoosh is going to happen.

    I'm been in maintenance for so long I can hardly remember what those whooshes were like LOL
  • therealhyper
    therealhyper Posts: 124 Member
    firstsip wrote: »
    I've heard about it, read about it, researched it...

    What is your personal experience with the "whoosh": what did your body look like, how did you feel, is this even real, etc.?

    Note that this is a more precise post than my mistaken thought that people called it "fat flush" :laugh:

    What is woosh? ?
  • Adphillips9
    Adphillips9 Posts: 30 Member
    I've always wondered about my strange, non linear weightloss. Since I got back on the wagon (yay!!!) and I'm going for my final goal this time, I'm really curious about what I lose and when.

    In the last six, six to ten day periods my weightloss has fluctuated from 3.4 lbs to 1.4 lbs. I looked at my fitbit activity and calorie consumption for each period, and there is not nearly enough variance to justify that 2 lb difference.

    I guess water weight?
  • qb63
    qb63 Posts: 88 Member
    I honestly don't really care about the science behind it all I know is that my weight stays exactly the same (with a 1 pound fluctation day to day depending on what I ate the day before and ToM) for 3-6 weeks and then BAM! I will drop 3-5 pounds and then stay at that new low for the next 3-6 weeks.

    Exactly the same for me!
  • missblondi2u
    missblondi2u Posts: 851 Member
    I'm a believer in the whoosh!
  • brb_2013
    brb_2013 Posts: 1,197 Member
    Oh my gosh. Just did this. I wasn't losing weight for almost 2 weeks and then I jumped on the scale after waking up and was down 4 pounds. I kept moving the scale around the room because I thought that maybe the floor was uneven. Lol.. Awesome. I'll never think of a plateau the same way again.

    This is a great point, with all these stories showing the same sort of phenomenon we really ought to dispose of the plateau concept as we think about it. Maybe a true plateau is months, not weeks. Since if we just keep plugging along on our plans, the whoosh will come. We just have to have patience.
  • neldabg
    neldabg Posts: 1,452 Member
    Oh yeah. The whoosh is real. I learned to be more patient after experiencing it myself. Before maintenance I was eating a deficit of 250-300 calories, and I fluctuated crazily up and down the top end of my weight range, and then about 3-4 weeks later, BAM. I stepped on the scale, and I was at my ultimate goal weight, and I even ended up losing another pound, not on purpose. It's amazing how long it takes for that weight loss to show up on the scale.
  • missblondi2u
    missblondi2u Posts: 851 Member
    brb_2013 wrote: »
    Oh my gosh. Just did this. I wasn't losing weight for almost 2 weeks and then I jumped on the scale after waking up and was down 4 pounds. I kept moving the scale around the room because I thought that maybe the floor was uneven. Lol.. Awesome. I'll never think of a plateau the same way again.

    This is a great point, with all these stories showing the same sort of phenomenon we really ought to dispose of the plateau concept as we think about it. Maybe a true plateau is months, not weeks. Since if we just keep plugging along on our plans, the whoosh will come. We just have to have patience.

    Truer words were never spoken. I'm trying to exercise some patience after shooting up a whopping 5 pounds seemingly overnight after starting strength training exercises and getting back into running after a long break. I KNOW I didn't eat enough to gain actual weight, and I KNOW the whoosh is coming, but man it's hard!
  • brb_2013
    brb_2013 Posts: 1,197 Member
    brb_2013 wrote: »
    Oh my gosh. Just did this. I wasn't losing weight for almost 2 weeks and then I jumped on the scale after waking up and was down 4 pounds. I kept moving the scale around the room because I thought that maybe the floor was uneven. Lol.. Awesome. I'll never think of a plateau the same way again.

    This is a great point, with all these stories showing the same sort of phenomenon we really ought to dispose of the plateau concept as we think about it. Maybe a true plateau is months, not weeks. Since if we just keep plugging along on our plans, the whoosh will come. We just have to have patience.

    Truer words were never spoken. I'm trying to exercise some patience after shooting up a whopping 5 pounds seemingly overnight after starting strength training exercises and getting back into running after a long break. I KNOW I didn't eat enough to gain actual weight, and I KNOW the whoosh is coming, but man it's hard!

    It is so hard. I'm really only just getting started with a deficit again but the lack of instant gratification is absolutely the mose difficult part of weight loss. I'm trying my best not to weigh in much, definitely no more than once per week, but ideally monthly so I don't have to stress over whooshes. We can do it!
  • whatshequilts
    whatshequilts Posts: 8 Member
    edited March 2016
    It's funny as I was going to start a post on this. How come my weight loss is so slow and then about every 2-3 weeks I loose 4-5 lbs in a day or two. It had my PT baffled. She is now educating herself on the "whoosh"

    It's easy to track if your weighing and charting every day, I was able to see on my chart it happens about every 3 weeks
  • waitress2
    waitress2 Posts: 1 Member
    So glad I discovered this thread. I read every single reply in this thread - so helpful! Really providing me motivation right now. Even a week long stall has caused me to quit weightloss efforts many times in the past so understanding this uneven weight loss phenomenon called "woosh" is helping me stick through my current plateau. I have noticed that though my weight has been surprisingly steady for the past 5 days, over the past two days I've lost almost 1 1/2 inches on my waist. Same on my hips. What I've learned from this thread is how important it is to have multiple ways of measuring progress so as to not get discouraged. After reading this thread I looked back at a spreadsheet I kept from a couple of years ago where I had joined a weight loss contest at work and what I saw was also a very staggered pattern of weight loss with plateaus and even some weeks of regains. At the time I thought I was doing really bad at the contest but at the end, I had lost a respectable amount of pounds and won the money from the weight loss pool.
  • CattOfTheGarage
    CattOfTheGarage Posts: 2,745 Member
    Weight fluctuations happen, due to water retention. They make your weight loss look like "stalls" and "whooshes" instead of a steady decline. That's an established fact. The reasons behind this are complicated and varied and it often seems random.

    This elaborate story about fat cells storing water has never convinced me and I just don't see how it helps. I think we'd all be better off detaching ourselves emotionally from the bathroom scale. It's a fickle friend and there are better places to get affirmation.
  • gamerbabe14
    gamerbabe14 Posts: 876 Member
    Resurrecting this because I expect a whoosh tomorrow. Been peeing all damn day.
  • MaddMaestro
    MaddMaestro Posts: 405 Member
    I'm not sure I understand.. is a woosh a sudden lose of weight? Not sure if I've had that??
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    I haven't had massive whooshes...but I can go two or three weeks where the scale just bounces around and then I'll lose 2 or 3 Lbs and bounce around at that weight...lose two or three Lbs, etc...
  • Daddy78230
    Daddy78230 Posts: 125 Member
    I peed like crazy yesterday. I just had a sudden drop of weight over night - 5 pounds. I just ignored it. Thought it was another fluke. I went to the gym to lift weights and made impressive gains in everything.
  • aeloine
    aeloine Posts: 2,163 Member