March 2016 Running Challenge



  • WhatMeRunning
    WhatMeRunning Posts: 3,538 Member
    edited March 2016
    I have been a bit short on time, but have been reading to try and keep up. I'm guessing the running shoe companies are having a very good month. :smile:

    Rest day today, long run tomorrow, and a reduced mileage down week coming up next week for me.

    I didn't log my 5 miler yesterday, so posting that now.

    3/1 - 5 miles
    3/2 - 5 miles
    3/3 - 5 miles
    3/4 - Rest
    3/5 - 12 miles
    3/6 - 5 miles
    3/7 - 5 miles
    3/8 - 5 miles
    3/9 - 5 miles
    3/10 - 5 miles
    3/11 - Rest
    3/12 - 12 miles
    3/13 - 5 miles
    3/14 - 5 miles
    3/15 - 5 miles
    3/16 - 5 miles
    3/17 - 5 miles

    89/150 Miles


    Upcoming races:
    4/9 - Rock the Parkway half marathon (Kansas City, MO)
    4/16 - Garmin Wickedly Fast half marathon (Olathe, KS)
    4/23 - Race for Hope half marathon (North Kansas City, MO)
    5/1 - Buffalo Bell Stampede half marathon (Leavenworth, KS)
    5/14 - Running with the Cows half marathon (Bucyrus, KS)
    6/2 - Hospital Hill 5k 7pm PRE-RUN (Kansas City, MO)
    6/3 - Hospital Hill half marathon 7am RE-RUN (Kansas City, MO)
    10/15 - Kansas City Marathon 26.2 (Kansas City, MO)
    11/5 - Jenks half marathon (Jenks, OK)
    11/6 - Kansas half marathon (Lawrence, KS)
    11/12 - Longview half marathon (Kansas City, MO)
    11/13 - Gobbler Grind half marathon (Overland Park, KS)
    11/19 - White River half marathon (Cotter, AR)
    11/20 - Pilgrim Pacer half marathon (Lenexa, KS)
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    sthoma13 wrote: »
    Any recommendations on good running books? I am current reading Born to Run by Christopher Mcdougall and just finished Unthinkable by Scott Rigsby- def would recommend them both!
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    Anyone know what happened to @MorningGhost14 ??? His profile is deleted.
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    Stoshew71 wrote: »
    Anyone know what happened to @MorningGhost14 ??? His profile is deleted.

    how strange :(
    i liked his advice
  • WhatMeRunning
    WhatMeRunning Posts: 3,538 Member
    That's twice now that he has deleted a profile. Guess he is torn somehow about being here?? I dunno. Wish him the best though!
  • CivicSista
    CivicSista Posts: 459 Member
    edited March 2016
    Hey everyone I am new to this thread. Hopefully you'll be seeing me around more.
    I have been slacking in the running department lately.
    My goal this month is 25 miles. I'm at 10.2 for the month. I have a 5 miler on Sunday and hope to add in a few more miles for the month.

    Thanks for this challenge.

    Upcoming Races:
    3/20: Excalibur Relay
    5/1: Eat my Crust 5k
    11/27: Space Coast Half Marathon
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Good luck in your races this weekend, @HonuNui , @Elise4270 , @zmcgrandles , @louubelle16 . Those are the only names I saw with races posted. Did I miss anyone?

    Good luck to you! Weather has cooled off and we've had some rain.
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    I'm already wprking on doing planning for next month. Here is what I have generally outlined for my planning. I'm consistently doing 3 mile runs during the week, and my long runs rotate through 5,6,7 miles. This is my plan for base building, so when I dtart training for my September half Marathon in May/June, I have a good base. Most of the beginning long runs on the plans I'm looking at are shorter than what I'm already doing. Could I get some input/critique on my planning?
  • ceciliaslater
    ceciliaslater Posts: 457 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    Good luck in your races this weekend, @HonuNui , @Elise4270 , @zmcgrandles , @louubelle16 . Those are the only names I saw with races posted. Did I miss anyone?

    Good luck to you! Weather has cooled off and we've had some rain.

    Yeah, looks like the weather Sunday is going to be about as perfect as it can be, barring any changes. Morning low around 33, high around 55, mostly sunny, light breeze. I was a little worried earlier in the week when it was 85, but it looks like it's all going to work out in my favor!

    My sister comes in early tomorrow morning (should land in Tulsa around 9am), then we're heading for Ardmore!
  • freakymistkd
    freakymistkd Posts: 586 Member
    March Goal - 50km walking

    March 18 - Rest
    March total - 42.8

    7.2km to go :smile:
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    7lenny7 wrote: »
    Hey, I'm only 27 pages behind!

    Work has been crazy (I've had some days I don't leave until after midnight) so I haven't been able to keep up or post on this thread, but i did want to pop in and share a very cool tool I found on Strava, though you don't need to be a registered member to use it.

    It's a tool for finding popular running (or biking) routes in an area. They have a global heat map of all the runs or bike rides in their database. Pan around, zoom in and out, and you can see where others are running or biking. Find new routes in your neighborhood or research an area you're traveling to. If you only want to see running routes, make sure you select that on the left.

    I have a short trip coming up next week and I didn't see any readily apparent running routes. Then I came upon this tool and though it confirmed my suspicions, it showed me some routes very close which others are using. If their being used enough to show up, chances are they'll be good routes for me to run as well. I'll now know to check this tool first and save a lot of time (or waste time as I explore new routes close to home)

    Check it out and let me know what you think, I think it's pretty slick!



    I have crazy amounts of work through mid April. I'm going to scan the pages I've missed on my trip next week but it's a PIA to post and reply on a phone so I likely won't post. Running has been going well for me of late and I'm excited to get back to the miles my marathon plan prescribes.

    I'm on pace to meet my monthly goal!


    This is the Huntsville area. It is all lit up with just running routes. If I add bike routes, it's even worse.

  • 9voice9
    9voice9 Posts: 693 Member
    ccnagain wrote: »
    Used my new wireless earphones and loved them. Thanks again for telling me about them @9voice9, I got them yesterday and they are perfect!!!! Even told my friend about em' and she ordered a pair as well.
    Glad they're working for you. It's not often I get to feel helpful around here! :)
  • 9voice9
    9voice9 Posts: 693 Member
    01-Mar: 0.00 miles but 6.14 miles (walk)
    02-Mar: 0.00 miles but 5.73 miles (walk)
    03-Mar: 2.10 miles plus 2.50 miles (walk)
    04-Mar: 0.00 miles but 5.96 miles (walk)
    05-Mar: 3.16 miles
    06-Mar: <Life Day> but 6.87 miles
    07-Mar: 3.87 miles
    08-Mar: 4.93 miles
    09-Mar: 4.30 miles
    10-Mar: 3.28 miles plus 2.35 miles (walk)
    11-Mar: 4.66 miles
    12-Mar: 3.35 miles
    13-Mar: <Life Day> but 2.47 miles (walk)
    14-Mar: 4.72 miles
    15-Mar: 6.05 miles
    16-Mar: 3.17 miles
    17-Mar: 3.25 miles
    18-Mar: 6.67 miles
    20-Mar: <Life Day>
    27-Mar: <Life Day>


    Methinks I over-underestimated my recovery this month. Looking forward to my latest 5K tomorrow - then NOT looking forward to the airport trip Sunday watching my son "Leaving on a Jet Plane" for Japan for a year. or three.

    Just gonna leave this earworm here: :wink:

    Upcoming Races:
    19-Mar: Cherry Blossom 5K, Macon, GA
    02-Apr: Run 2 End Alzheimer's 10.5K, Bonaire, GA
    16-Apr: Running for Ronald 10K or 15K, Macon, GA
    04-Jul: Peachtree Road Race 10K, Atlanta, GA
  • karllundy
    karllundy Posts: 1,490 Member
    @9voice9 - Sounds hard. Hopefully a good opportunity for him, though. Love that song!
  • greenolivetree
    greenolivetree Posts: 1,282 Member
    edited March 2016
    @07KatieP13 great job :) Sorry you are struggling.

    @CivicSista I'm new also. Welcome and good luck Sunday!

    3/1/16 - 2 miles
    3/4/16 - 6 miles
    3/5/16 - 4.5 miles
    3/6/16 - 3.1 miles
    3/11/16 - 6.2 miles
    3/12/16 - 5 miles
    3/14/16 - 3 miles
    3/15/16 - 4 miles
    3/18/16 - 6.5 miles

    Got an early start and beat the rain. Chilly run. Total was 7.75 counting warm up/cool down. I don't work Fridays so my longest runs are Friday.
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    edited March 2016
    Elise4270 wrote: »

    @rcsmom2002 My whole town is full of Bradford Pears and the smell is driving me crazy. It's like rotting fish

    Interesting... At the park I run there is a section that smells like grape tootsie pops. I never considered it might be something blooming. Really glad its not old fish..

    Too funny we have Bradford pears everywhere, I figured all the builders in our area got them on discount. They drive my nose insane but I never noticed a bad smell.

    @9voice9 sorry about your son leaving. That's no fun. I hate when Skip goes to my mom's for 6 weeks in the summer.

    I was all ready to run this morning and I got in the kitchen and there was a note on the table "Momma I need to run today since practice was canceled please run with me this afternoon". So went laid back down in bed.

    @elise4270 you might be smelling mimosa trees, they smell awesome. There is a yard on my route with like 5 of them and when they bloom I can smell them 1/2 mile away. Love them.

    Good luck to everyone running this weekend. Skip and I planned a trip to a park about 2 hours away to hike with the dog and her Coach called last night and asked if she could run in a meet on Saturday. We're calling it the pick up meet since we didn't plan to run and the school is closed and we can't get money to pay for it, so anyone running needs to bring $5 to run ha ha!!! What a bunch we are!
  • mom3over40
    mom3over40 Posts: 253 Member
    3/02 3 miles
    3/05 3 miles
    3/09 3 miles
    3/13 13.1 miles (San Diego Half - first time ever! :blush: )
    3/17 2 miles

    I enjoy reading the conversations here on this thread, only that it is very difficult to catch up :sweat_smile:

    This month is low mileage month because of some subtle pain on the back of my knee after a long run in February. So, I just decided to play on the safe side just so I can still participate in the Half past Sunday. Going easy and hopefully steadily increasing in mileage for the rest of the month.
  • Virkati
    Virkati Posts: 679 Member
    edited March 2016
    3/1 - Last swim lesson with Davis
    3/2 - 3.28 Treadmill run
    3/3 - ** 3.27 Lunch walk
    3/4 - ** 2.11 Lunch walk
    3/5 - 5.4 Sloan's Lake (includes cool down)
    3/6 - 2.92 Treadmill make-up run
    3/7 - Rest
    3/8 - 2.31 Treadmill run
    3/9 - ** 2.65 Lunch walk
    3/10 - 2.92 Lunch run
    3/11 - Rest
    3/12 - Rest
    3/13 - Lazy
    3/14 - 3.87 (includes cool down)
    3/15 - Swim lesson with Jason
    3/16 - Life Day
    3/17 - 3.42 Treadmill Run

    02/20 Snowman Stampede 10 mile race -cancelled due to injury
    04/24 Graffiti Run with grandkids - "Memaw's Mini Posse" is our team name!
    04/30 Greenland Trail Race...8 mile
    05/15 Colfax Marathon (Half)
    08/07 Tri for the Cure Sprint Triathlon
    09/05 Labor Day Mini Marathon (Half)
    10/16 Rock-n-Roll Denver Half
    **Ticker is run mileage only. Will add in walking to meet goal if necessary!**
  • rune1990
    rune1990 Posts: 543 Member
    My hip is being a little annoying, not sure whats going on there but I will ice it and take some anti-inflammatory and see how that feels. Doesn't hurt at all when running, but if i'm sitting and pick up my knee, i feel it.

    I run the same route pretty much and never see anyone else running. Sometimes I see a few people out enjoying the weather but that's only about once every two weeks or so. Two runs ago I actually passed another live runner! Then today there were a couple people who nearly ran out into the path of my car, lol. It's a quiet road, but don't YOU look before you cross?? My little 10k slice is turning into a regular popular running mecca! (that doesn't use strava. I checked :smirk: )

    3/1 - 3.1
    3/2 - 3.1
    3/3 - x-train stationary bike
    3/4 - 3.1 slooow miles with my average HR
    3/5 - bought new shoes!
    3/6 - 4 miles
    3/7 - x-train stationary bike
    3/8 - 3.1
    3/9 - 3.1
    3/10 - true rest day
    3/11 - awesome 3.1
    3/12 - 3.1 windy but great
    3/13 - 2 mile building
    3/14 - x-train stationary bike
    3/15 - awesome 3.1. super awesome
    3/16 - 3.1
    3/17 - rest day. hip feeling hot
    3/18 - 3.1

  • ariceroni
    ariceroni Posts: 422 Member
    3/01: 3 miles, easy (am)
    3/01: 6 miles, 2x1 mile at LTP (7:30) then 800m @ 5K pace (pm)
    3/02: 6 miles, easy
    3/03: 5 miles, 5x800m @ 6:45 pace with 400m recovery jog between
    3/04: 5 miles, easy
    3/05: 6 miles, easy
    3/06: 13.1 miles, long and easy
    3/07: Off, have the flu
    3/08: 4.25 miles, easy
    3/09: 5 miles, easy (am)
    3/09: 5 miles, easy (pm)
    3/10: 4.75 miles, 3x800m @ 6:45 pace + 2x400m @ 6:30 pace with 400m recovery jog between
    3/11: 5 miles, super easy
    3/12: 2 miles, warm up
    3/12: 5K race, 23:27
    3/13: 9 miles, easy with strong finish
    3/14: 5 miles, easy
    3/15: 5 miles, 1.5 miles at LT pace (7:40)
    3/16: 5 miles, easy
    3/17: 5 miles, 3x1/2 mile @ 7:00 pace with 1/2 mile recovery
    3/18: Off, rest day
    Total: 102.72 miles

    Rest day today to prepare for Sunday's race. Looks like @CivicSista and I will be at the same one! I see you are doing the Space Coast Half as well- this will be my third year doing that one! It's a wonderful race, and the first half marathon I ever ran so it holds a special place in my heart. Best of luck on sunday!


    Races I'm registered for:
    03/20 - Excalibur 10 Miler
    03/26 - Chicago Quarter Marathon
    04/03 - Shamrock Shuffle (8K)
    04/09 - Chi Town Half Marathon
    04/24 - Ravenswood Run (5K)
    05/28 - Soldier Field Run (10 miles)
    10/09 - Chicago Marathon
    11/27 - Space Coast Half Marathon