March 2016 Running Challenge



  • whatang
    whatang Posts: 102 Member
    8.3 miles tonight, 54/75 for the month.
  • AdrianChr92
    AdrianChr92 Posts: 567 Member
    edited March 2016
    I couldn't contain my fast. Do you guys have this problem? Keeping your fast under control? I went for an easy 5k today but I accidentally too fast and decided to do a fast run. So I ran 3k at fast then did 3 strides x 25 seconds each at maximum fast.

    I almost hit 3 min/km fast it was nice


    .....Date.....Distance...Pace (min/km).........................Random thought of the day
    March 01 - rest
    March 02 - 5 km............(4:42).........Stop bouncing like Bambi you idiot you gonna kill your knees
    March 03 - 7 km............(6:00)............................Bend at the ankles not the waist.
    March 04 - 3.5 km.........(7.46)....................A metronome app helps with your cadence
    March 05 - rest
    March 06 - 15 km..........(6:00)............Need to taper long run next week but don't want to
    March 07 - 5 km............(7:08).........................,.............Treadmills suck
    March 08 - rest(4k walk)
    March 09 - 3 km............(6:00).................................Treadmills really suck
    March 10 - dead
    March 11 - dead
    March 12 - dead
    March 13 - dead
    March 14 - 4 km.............(4:20).......................Turns out I'm quite good at biomechanics
    March 15 - rest
    March 16 - 4.4 km..........(6:50).................I can't do this any slower watch leave me alone
    March 17 - 3.4 km..........(5:50)......................Tap Tap Tap Tap Tap Tap Tap Tap Tap
    March 18 - 3.4 km..........(5:00)......................................Gotta go fast


    03/04: Bucharest 10k and Family run (registered)
    16/04: Color Run Bucharest (registered)
    15/05: Bucharest Half Marathon (need to register till march 31)
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    Date Miles today. Miles for March
    3/1 7.25 miles - 7.25
    3/2 4 miles - 11.25
    3/3 9 miles - 20.25
    3/4 3.5 miles - 23.75
    3/5 6.2 miles - 29.95
    3/6 2 miles - 31.95 << race warm-up
    3/6 5 miles - 36.95 << 8K race
    3/7 6.2 miles - 43.15
    3/8 8 miles - 51.15
    3/8 4.1 miles - 55.25 << daily double
    3/9 6.2 miles - 61.45
    3/10 8 miles - 69.45
    3/10 4 miles - 73.45 << another daily double
    3/11 6.25 miles - 79.70
    3/12 16.25 miles - 95.95
    3/13 REST DAY
    3/14 10.75 miles - 106.7
    3/15 8 miles - 114.7
    3/15 4.1 miles - 118.8 << daily double
    3/16 6.6 miles - 125.4
    3/17 9.35 miles - 134.75
    3/17 4 miles - 138.75 << lunch time daily double
    3/18 6.2 miles - 144.95


    Upcoming races:
    Oak Barrel HM - 4/2
    Bridge Street HM - 4/10
    Cotton Row Run 10K - 5/30
    Firecracker Chase 10.2 miler - 6/25

  • MobyCarp
    MobyCarp Posts: 2,927 Member
    I'm already wprking on doing planning for next month. Here is what I have generally outlined for my planning. I'm consistently doing 3 mile runs during the week, and my long runs rotate through 5,6,7 miles. This is my plan for base building, so when I dtart training for my September half Marathon in May/June, I have a good base. Most of the beginning long runs on the plans I'm looking at are shorter than what I'm already doing. Could I get some input/critique on my planning?

    It looks like a reasonable plan. Be prepared to modify it as your body may require. Maybe it goes just the way you have it laid out, maybe you feel beat up after increasing the distance each week. If you start feeling beat up, don't be ashamed to repeat a week, or even to repeat a week twice. The idea isn't so much to build mileage as much as you can, as to build mileage as much as you can while still feeling really good.

    What you really don't want to do is keep running through the beat up feeling until you have to stop running entirely.
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    @MobyCarp Thanks for the input. I look at the plan as a general outline, something to keep me focussed, and if I need to, I can slow it down, and keep steady for longer before upping. I have a LONG time until my half marathon, and until July for the 5 mile I'm registered for, so the April/May running is all just base building and cementing routine for me.

    By the end of it, I'll be about 3 miles per week more than I am right now. Last week and this week were both 16 miles (Assuming tomorrow's 6 mile run goes full distance), so I feel ready for it, but I definitely will listen to what my body says about taking it easy if I need to.
  • MobyCarp
    MobyCarp Posts: 2,927 Member
    I couldn't contain my fast. Do you guys have this problem? Keeping your fast under control?

    Oh, yeah. It's very common for new runners, and not unknown for established runners, to have trouble controlling how fast they run. I really struggled to learn to run slower than 8 minutes per mile (5 minutes per km). But that's what I need to do a lot in order to avoid extended periods of couch time.

    While the most important thing is injury avoidance, there is a bit of an ego boost from the reaction that people used to seeing me run easy have when they see me run at race pace. I don't win any races outright, but I get around pretty well for a 60 year old.

    I find it's a lot easier to hold the easy runs at an easy pace when I'm in a training schedule with a lot of miles and challenging speed work days. That makes me really appreciate a nice slow 6 mile run.
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    MobyCarp wrote: »
    I'm already wprking on doing planning for next month. Here is what I have generally outlined for my planning. I'm consistently doing 3 mile runs during the week, and my long runs rotate through 5,6,7 miles. This is my plan for base building, so when I dtart training for my September half Marathon in May/June, I have a good base. Most of the beginning long runs on the plans I'm looking at are shorter than what I'm already doing. Could I get some input/critique on my planning?

    It looks like a reasonable plan. Be prepared to modify it as your body may require. Maybe it goes just the way you have it laid out, maybe you feel beat up after increasing the distance each week. If you start feeling beat up, don't be ashamed to repeat a week, or even to repeat a week twice. The idea isn't so much to build mileage as much as you can, as to build mileage as much as you can while still feeling really good.

    What you really don't want to do is keep running through the beat up feeling until you have to stop running entirely.

    @MNLittleFinn In addition to what Moby wrote, sometimes it is not a bad idea to actually go backwards for one week before increasing your weekly mileage further. We call these "cutback weeks". There are also other similar names people give these weeks where you temporarily cutback the number of miles for one week to allow your body to adapt to the training.

    This article calls it a "down week".
  • AdrianChr92
    AdrianChr92 Posts: 567 Member
    I call them Deload Weeks cause that's what we do in powerlifting, and lifting in general. Every 5th or 4th week we would decrease weights by 20% or so, or else we risked to accumulate too much fatigue
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    Got my new rain jacket 62y0bfcy4u2e.jpg
  • _nikkiwolf_
    _nikkiwolf_ Posts: 1,380 Member
    edited March 2016
    Tonight's run was tough, felt like the hardest effort this year to me - my legs were really tired. I blame my bike!

    We had lovely warm weather today, more than 10°C, and I had fixed the broken rear tire of my bike earlier this week. So I no longer had any excuses; I finally put my good resolutions to take the bike to work into practice. That was so hard! You'd think that with all the running I'd be in better shape. But a fair amount of my way to work is uphill, and while I'm slowly getting used to running up those hills, trying to climb them on the bike was killing me!
    There and back I ended up with 10km of biking, and an elevation gain of 85m. Which probably sounds ridiculous to any real biker out there, but I could really feel those hills in my legs when I made it home, and later during my run. Plus the entire ride home I was cursing my hard seat - maybe I shouldn't have spent all my money on running stuff, but saved a little to buy myself some padded saddle covers ^^

    I really admire everyone who goes out and does hundreds of kms with their bikes in a day. I'm not sure I'll ever be "a bike person" - running there and back would have been much easier, and much more enjoyable. :)

  • MobyCarp
    MobyCarp Posts: 2,927 Member
    March Running Totals (miles)
    [2/28 – 7.78 easy]
    [2/29 – 7.22 easy + 4 strides]
    3/1 – 9.31 warm up + 8 x Yasso 800s
    3/2 – 6.02 easy
    3/3 – 15.05 easy
    3/4 – scheduled rest day
    3/5 – 17.01 2 easy, 13 MP, 2 easy
    Weekly total 62.39 vs. target 62

    3/6 – 7.70 easy
    3/7 – 8.17 easy + 4 strides
    3/8 – 11.67 warm up, speed work, cool down
    3/9 – 11.03 easy
    3/10 – 8.92 warm up, speed work, cool down
    3/11 – scheduled rest day
    3/12 – 15.10 easy 2 solo, pace 8, race 5
    Weekly total 62.59 vs. target 62

    3/13 – 11.00 – 4 easy, 3 MP, 4 easy
    3/14 – 5.74 easy + 4 strides
    3/15 – 7.96 easy
    3/16 – 9.41 easy
    3/17 – 9.79 easy
    3/18 – scheduled rest day 2.38 easy
    3/19 –
    Weekly total TBD vs. target 68

    March total to date – 156.26

    Goal – 56, 62, or 68 miles per week, per training plan
    Expected March total - ~282 miles

    Today's notes – It's a week of adjustments. The training plan calls for 68 miles, but it also called for some very challenging speed work that I didn't do. Not doing the challenging speed work dropped 8 miles from what I had planned to run. I made up 5 miles of it on Wednesday, and about another mile yesterday. So I looked at the totals, and doing the maximum long run assignment on Saturday would leave me 2 miles short of the weekly target.

    I thought about that. Today's assignment was "Off or 30 min. run". I had originally scheduled this as a rest day, but those 2 miles bugged me. I realized I have a mostly flat 5K route from my home, got home with daylight left, and set out to run 5K. That would put me a mile over the weekly target, but that's close enough, right? About 1.2 miles in, I realized I had an option to cut the route short. I didn't know how much distance it would cut out, but it seemed like it should be a mile or a little less. Got to thinking about the marathon runners I know.

    Marathon runners are disciplined. If a marathon runner needs 15 miles on a long run day, he runs 15 miles. He doesn't run 16, because running too much can come back to bite him in the butt. So I took the shorter way home, and ended up with 2.38 miles instead of 3.1. If I run exactly 22 miles tomorrow, that will bring the week in at 68.28, compared to the target 68. Since I'm pacing 14 miles for the local training program, and the routes are structured as 8 + 6 miles, 22 should be straightforward enough. Just repeat the 8 mile route after I drop off all the trainees.

    There is still the chance that my iffy ankle may ask me to quit earlier. If it happens, it happens. The ankle felt a little better this morning than yesterday morning, and I could have run considerably farther than 2 miles today; but there's that training discipline thing. It's not always better to run more miles, just as it's not always better to run faster.

    So I didn't take today off, and I didn't run 30 minutes. I ran a bit under 19 minutes, and I ran easy. I even have a report from Garmin that says my heart rate spent 95% of the time in Zone 2. (It was in Zone 1 for 47 seconds at the beginning of the run.)

    I'm really liking the new HRM that came with my 630, and I'm doing better with caring for it than I did with the HRM that came with my 620. As a result of better hardware and better user compliance with the instructions, I'm not seeing the fake heart rate spikes at the beginning of the run any more. This makes the heart rate data more meaningful. For those of you who ask what heart rate to run easy, today's maximum heart rate was 125 and the average was 118. Given how low in Zone 2 the average was, I'm not going to worry about the average pace of 7:56 per mile. The ankle was fine with it, the heart rate stayed in Zone 2, the run was easy enough.

    Upcoming races:
    March 26, 2016 Spring Forward Distance Run 15K (Mendon, NY)
    April 18, 2016 Boston Marathon (Hopkinton, MA)
    April 24, 2016 Flower City Challenge Half Marathon (Rochester, NY)
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    edited March 2016
    3/1 - 4 miles
    3/2 - 3.5 miles
    3/3 and 4 - travel days
    3/5 - 5 miles
    3/6 - 6.5 miles
    3/7 - rest day
    3/8 - 5 miles
    3/9 - 5.3 miles
    3/10 - rest day
    3/11 - 7.1 miles :smiley:
    3/12 and 13 - life days
    3/14 - 6.5 miles
    3/15 - 5.1 miles
    3/16 - rest day
    3/17 - 4 miles Happy St. Patrick's Day
    3/18 - 4 miles with Skip and Macy

    56 out of 100 miles

    Family run

  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    Good luck in your races this weekend, @HonuNui , @Elise4270 , @zmcgrandles , @louubelle16 . Those are the only names I saw with races posted. Did I miss anyone?

    Good luck to you! Weather has cooled off and we've had some rain.

    Yeah, looks like the weather Sunday is going to be about as perfect as it can be, barring any changes. Morning low around 33, high around 55, mostly sunny, light breeze. I was a little worried earlier in the week when it was 85, but it looks like it's all going to work out in my favor!

    My sister comes in early tomorrow morning (should land in Tulsa around 9am), then we're heading for Ardmore!

    Have a safe trip. My husband said okc is under a freeze warning.

    We (I) have has a hellova day. Phone died. Won't charge. Find out that I can't get a new one without my husband, I'm not an authorized user on the account. So waiting for him put us way behind schedule. So I am behind on food, hydration and have to figure out how to get my new phone setup with the criticals, i.e. Garmin, MFP.

    We have only valet parking, so inconvenient when you forget something. Especially at 30$ a day... ouch! On top of the 500+ on the phone.

    I bought a Brooks hat at the expo, and it is too big... :( I'll stitch it or something since I dropped the receipt. :(:(

    But love the new phone. Made it safe. Downtown Dallas hotel. Pretty cool. Looking out the window there is a 50 ft giant eyeball in a grassy area.. so weird. And we're are on the 10th floor, directly across is a pool that hangs outside the structure of a building like on the 5th floor. The end of it is glass. I doubt if wanna swim 5 stories up with a glass wall. I remember it being there ages ago, but it didn't seem odd when I was 15.
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    edited March 2016
    I hope this works.

    Treadmill used right. HHMM I can't make it show here only the link shows up

  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Got my new rain jacket 62y0bfcy4u2e.jpg

  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    All. I posted a new blog as a follow up to my last blog about training plans. I included a lot of your comments about that blog (specifically the long run) that all of you gave me. You should recognize most of them. Please read and let me know what you think. Oh, this time, add your comments at the bottom of the actual blog please? That way they will be all in one nice location to refer to later. Thanks!
  • JohnONE29
    JohnONE29 Posts: 101 Member
    3.18.16 - 7 miles. Friday night Hansons Marathon Method​ plan calls for 6 miles at an easy pace. My target pace was a 9:41 which I approx hit 4 of the 7 miles. I ran on a TM, and set program to rolling hills in order to prepare for my next 2 marathons. On the flat segments of the program, I ran a 9:16, 9:12 and I finished with a 7:55 mile.

    Upcoming Runs:
    4.3.16 - Knoxville Marathon
    5.1.16 - Flying Pig Marathon
    5.29.16 - Buffalo Marathon
    6.18.16 - Grandma's Marathon
  • HonuNui
    HonuNui Posts: 1,464 Member
    March Goal: Run often

    3/1 3.44
    3/2 9.27
    3/3 rest
    3/4 3.30
    3/5 meh
    3/6 3.70
    3/7 3.12
    3/8 struggling
    3/9 mightily
    3/10 5.00
    3/11 more meh
    3/12 4.05
    3/13 4.01
    3/14 3.14
    3/15 rest
    3/16 3.38
    3/17 snorkel 2.5 hours. This enormous parrotfish was getting spruced up by a cleaner wrass, and looked "blissed out." They normally don't let me get close enough to get a good pic

    3/18 3.20

    Total 45.93

    Upcoming races:
    3/20 Big Island International 1/2 marathon
    6/26 SHEPower Virtual 1/2 marathon
    11/13 Las Vegas Rock n Roll 1/2 marathon

    Ticker is my goal for 2016 and accumulation to date:


  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    @HonuNui What gorgeous colours on that fish! :heart:

  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    1 Mar – 3 km
    2 Mar – 4 km
    5 Mar – 5 km
    6 Mar – 10 km – first time ever!
    8 Mar – 7.5 km
    10 Mar – 5.1 km
    12 Mar – 5 km – parkrun PB!
    13 Mar – 10 km
    15 Mar – 7.5 km
    17 Mar – 5.4 km
    19 Mar – 5 km

    Total: 67.5 km
    Goal: 60 km

    Today was my 20th parkrun. I've done one or volunteered at one every Saturday since October 10.

    Didn't get a PB, but did my second-best time.