March 2016 Running Challenge



  • ceciliaslater
    ceciliaslater Posts: 457 Member
    Full race report later, but FIRST MARATHON is in the books. I finished just shy of 4:52. Due to my recent stress fracture and missed training, my goal was just to finish with a side goal of under 5 hours. Actually ran about 26.5 thanks to bad corners.

    Pretty sure that puts me at 75.3 of 100 miles for the month.
  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,878 Member
    Trying to catch up on posts I have missed. What a bunch of busy runners we are! @Stoshew71 -- if you had a nickel for every post in these threads over the past years... you'd be a rich guy!

    @WhatMeRunning - omg - dying laughing at the jog strap.
    @kristinegift - Happy 25th! Awesome run!
    @Elise4270 - awesome time and with a stop!
    @9voice9 - wow, that's got to be difficult. It's one of those bitter sweet moments as a parent. You are so proud ... yet it's so hard. And you know it's the right thing. Who would want a kid that never leaves home? (My MIL would have I think). My daughter has lived in NYC since she was 18, college and took a job there. I was a nervous wreck until I went to visit her the first semester and found out she was more street savvy than me.

    @7lenny7 - I like that heat map feature too. @WhatMeRunning mentioned it to me for my trip to KC in the spring.
    @skippygirlsmom - I'm a few days behind, but I love that note Skippy left you on Friday! So cute. What a good momma you are! Also the shoes ... LOVE Those!
    @Stoshew71 & @MobyCarp - Down week? Oh my, that sounds awful. I'm still forcing the rest days.

    @Stoshew71 - I think @elise4270 shared that video also. I cried the first time, and watched it again, cried again. I would love to share it with some people I know whom I wish would start walking, but it's not my place. :neutral:

    @CivicSista - Welcome! I am looking for a HM in the fall and saw you are doing Space Coast. I may do it also. I guess that is Thanksgiving weekend and it is hard for me to plan if that will be doable or not just yet. I'm in Orlando area.
    @MobyCarp - I'm so excited for your BM. Boston Marathon, that is. Your training is so impressive. And excited for others on here to qualify this year!

    @shanaber - hope you are feeling better. I know you can't wait to get out there with Hobbes.

    I don't think I remembered to reply to everything I wanted to ... but need to do a little planning for school tomorrow.

    In other news, I decided to start the 4 week Squat program that MFP had a blog on. The blog says that we do it to get a big round booty. Umm, no... I just want strong legs, hips, core for running/biking! I already do at least 2 sets of 20 squats when I go to the trainer 2x a week. And he mixes them up with the various types of squats. I'll be away from trainer for a couple weeks because SPRING BREAK STARTS THURSDAY!!!!

    March 1 - 5.05 miles + 1 hour spinning
    March 2 - strength training
    March 3 - 5K for Orlando City Soccer (not sure why they need $) + 1 mile warmup
    March 4- strength training
    March 5 - 43 mile bike ride (went 9 more than the usual 34 mile Sat ride).
    March 6 - 51 mile bike ride
    March 7 - 5 miles
    March 8 - recovery/rest day
    March 9 - 5.1 miles + strength training
    March 10 - 5.02 miles
    March 11 - strength training
    March 12 - 35 miles bike
    March 13- 62.5 miles biking Tour de Cure
    March 14 - 4.12 miles - PI run + 0.98
    March 15 - Recovery day
    March 16 - 4.7 miles (intervals) + strength training
    March 17 - 4.5 miles
    March 18 - strength training cancelled :( so unplanned rest day.
    March 19 - 34 mile bike ride
    March 20 - 8.4 miles - biking was canceled so impromptu run

  • WhatMeRunning
    WhatMeRunning Posts: 3,538 Member
    @ceciliaslater - Super congrats to you! That is an amazing feat! I am so happy for you, and proud!
  • whatang
    whatang Posts: 102 Member
    Full race report later, but FIRST MARATHON is in the books. I finished just shy of 4:52. Due to my recent stress fracture and missed training, my goal was just to finish with a side goal of under 5 hours. Actually ran about 26.5 thanks to bad corners.

    Pretty sure that puts me at 75.3 of 100 miles for the month.
    Yessssss!!! Well done!

  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Full race report later, but FIRST MARATHON is in the books. I finished just shy of 4:52. Due to my recent stress fracture and missed training, my goal was just to finish with a side goal of under 5 hours. Actually ran about 26.5 thanks to bad corners.

    Pretty sure that puts me at 75.3 of 100 miles for the month.

    Sa-wheat! Congratulations! I don't the same int the half. Couldn't be avoided with the crowd though... And frozen feet the first 2 miles.
  • gradchica27
    gradchica27 Posts: 777 Member
    Finally feeling like a runner again--can't wait for weather and schedule to permit more outdoor runs.
    3/7. ER trip. Rest.
    3/8. 4.25 m
    3/9. 3.25 m
    3/10. Sick. Cross train.
    3/11. Sick. Lift.
    3/12. 5.05 m
    3/13. 3.5.
    Weekly mileage: 16 miles
    Total month to date: 31.2/60

    3/14 3.6 m.
    3/15. Cross.
    3/16. 5.25 m.
    3/17. 3.5 m.
    3/18. 2 m.
    3/19. Rest.
    3/20. 6m
    Wtd. 20. 35

    Mtd. 55.15/60
  • pacificnorthwitch
    pacificnorthwitch Posts: 14 Member
    edited March 2016
    Just got home from spring break ;c I still got out and ran on vacation though! 23/25 miles for march so far... Looks like next month I'll be setting the bar much higher c:

    Hope everyone is doing well!
  • ccnagain
    ccnagain Posts: 50 Member
    edited March 2016
    I decided to make the best of my time when my daughter had gymnastics today and went for a 2.38mi run followed by a mile walk because I had an hour to kill. I started at the bottom of a hill though and that was hard. I usually do flatter roads but I went from where I was at and that was it. I'm excited that I accomplished my March goal and didn't disappoint myself by falling short though. And today I not only got to use my wireless earphones but I also got a lifeproof armband that my phone fits in with it being in it's lifeproof case which made me SUPER happy. I feel like I'm more together now for getting out there, no irritating earphone cords and no longer having to hold my phone as I go. ♥

    Congrats to all who accomplished runs this weekend. I'm hoping to start finding some 5k's around me to run.

    03/20 -2.38
    03/18 -2.15
    03/14 -1.65
    03/12 -2.20 -Shamrock Run
    03/11 -1.16
    03/09 -2.10
    03/07 -1.53

    06/09 - Mountain Mudder
    07/29 - Color me Boss 5k

  • kristinegift
    kristinegift Posts: 2,406 Member
    @ceciliaslater Congrats on your first 26.2! May there be many more in your future :)
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    3/9-3.23 (5k pr)
    3/12-7.01 (personal distance PR)
    3/13-2.25 (getting closer to doing a true recovery run)
    3/15-2.02 (4-10 inches of snow in the forecast for tomorrow, so I snuck a quick run in tonight)
    3/16-Crosstrain HIIT core work
    3/18-3.01 (First AM run, in the dark)
    3/19- 6.27

    Total: 47.89/56

    Notes on today's run: even at 37 degrees, with no hat on, my UN turtleneck+Brooks LSD Jacket means I still get too warm in the sun. Today felt really good. Averaged 11:42 min/mile. a full minute slower than I have before. Think this could be my new easy run pace. Felt really good. Finally dialing in where I should be at for easy runs.
  • WhatMeRunning
    WhatMeRunning Posts: 3,538 Member
    @MNLittleFinn - No two are alike when it comes to comfort in cold temps, but I have found 36 degrees to be the point where I do best in shorts and a short sleeve shirt. For long runs a hat and thin gloves are needed if the sun isn't out. If it's windy though I might go shorts and long sleeve.

    There are many others who need pants and long sleeves at that temp though.
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    @MNLittleFinn - No two are alike when it comes to comfort in cold temps, but I have found 36 degrees to be the point where I do best in shorts and a short sleeve shirt. For long runs a hat and thin gloves are needed if the sun isn't out. If it's windy though I might go shorts and long sleeve.

    There are many others who need pants and long sleeves at that temp though.

    I'm starting to think a lighter ling sleeve shirt is in order. Having the jacket is entirely for wind breaking, the wind is what always gets me. I could probably go with shorts though...and I need to ditch the socks I'm wearing,.....way too warm, and go with my light weight no shows.
  • ariceroni
    ariceroni Posts: 422 Member
    3/01: 3 miles, easy (am)
    3/01: 6 miles, 2x1 mile at LTP (7:30) then 800m @ 5K pace (pm)
    3/02: 6 miles, easy
    3/03: 5 miles, 5x800m @ 6:45 pace with 400m recovery jog between
    3/04: 5 miles, easy
    3/05: 6 miles, easy
    3/06: 13.1 miles, long and easy
    3/07: Off, have the flu
    3/08: 4.25 miles, easy
    3/09: 5 miles, easy (am)
    3/09: 5 miles, easy (pm)
    3/10: 4.75 miles, 3x800m @ 6:45 pace + 2x400m @ 6:30 pace with 400m recovery jog between
    3/11: 5 miles, super easy
    3/12: 2 miles, warm up
    3/12: 5K race, 23:27
    3/13: 9 miles, easy with strong finish
    3/14: 5 miles, easy
    3/15: 5 miles, 1.5 miles at LT pace (7:40)
    3/16: 5 miles, easy
    3/17: 5 miles, 3x1/2 mile @ 7:00 pace with 1/2 mile recovery
    3/18: Off, rest day
    3/19: 3 miles, easy with quick finish
    3/20: 10 mile race
    Total: 115.79 miles


    Picture from the finish line of today’s race- the Excalibur 10 Miler! My mom and I went to this race together, and I made us cute little matching princess outfits so that was a lot of fun. I went into this race with the goal of finishing under 1:20 (8:00 min/mile); my official time was 1:19:39 (7:58 pace) so I’m happy to say I met my goal! I also finished 2nd in my age group, which was pretty exciting because my award was an excalibur letter opener!!! Overall, I am incredibly pleased with how I did! The 4th and 5th miles were on a (loosely packed) dirt road; I slowed down a bit because my calves were really suffering. Wasn’t sure I’d be able to make up for the lost time, but I managed to speed up quite a bit and do the last mile in 7:24. I had just enough energy for a little kick at the end! Though once I crossed the finish line, I started dry heaving and could barely walk so I know I definitely gave it everything I had haha

    @ddmom0811 - the space coast HM is a really awesome race! This will be my 4th year doing it (I live in Chicago but grew up in the Tampa area. My parents still live there so I like to do races with my mom when I visit!). Sadly, it's such a great race that registration fills within the first 15-20 minutes of opening, so you wouldn't be able to get in for this year. I'd definitely recommend looking into it for next year though! Really great course, the goody bags are pretty awesome, and it's right along the water.


    Races I'm registered for:
    03/20 - Excalibur 10 Miler 1:19:39 - PR and 2nd in my age group!
    03/26 - Chicago Quarter Marathon
    04/03 - Shamrock Shuffle (8K)
    04/09 - Chi Town Half Marathon
    04/24 - Ravenswood Run (5K)
    05/28 - Soldier Field Run (10 miles)
    10/09 - Chicago Marathon
    11/27 - Space Coast Half Marathon
  • WhatMeRunning
    WhatMeRunning Posts: 3,538 Member
    Congrats @ariceroni! You did amazing!
  • rune1990
    rune1990 Posts: 543 Member
    Wow, happy birthdays and grats on first marathons and halfs and PR's and so much awesomeness going on! This thread was fun in the winter, but I can see that it's going to be great over the summer too!

    I signed up for my first race! I decided not to go for the HM, I can always sign up for that another year when I'm a little more experienced. So all I'm signed up for is the 5k. Its a part of a world record attempt too, the most people running a race wearing a kilt :) I thought I missed the deadline to sign up, but was so relieved to see I didn't!

    My hip is still squawking at me, not sure what to do.

    3/1 - 3.1
    3/2 - 3.1
    3/3 - x-train stationary bike
    3/4 - 3.1 slooow miles with my average HR
    3/5 - bought new shoes!
    3/6 - 4 miles
    3/7 - x-train stationary bike
    3/8 - 3.1
    3/9 - 3.1
    3/10 - true rest day
    3/11 - awesome 3.1
    3/12 - 3.1 windy but great
    3/13 - 2 mile building
    3/14 - x-train stationary bike
    3/15 - awesome 3.1. super awesome
    3/16 - 3.1
    3/17 - rest day. hip feeling hot
    3/18 - 3.1
    3/19 - 3.1
    3/20 - 3.1

  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    @ariceroni Congrats! Awesome job, and great job on the matching dresses!
  • CivicSista
    CivicSista Posts: 459 Member
    Today I ran the 10 miler Relay team for the Excalibur. I was the second half and did my 5 miles in 53 minutes. I stuck to my intervals, because I didn't want to tire myself out. Usually I run until I can and stop and walk. It worked great and I loved it. I know I can up it for next time. We took 60th out of 128 teams for the co-ed relay. :smile:


    @ariceroni Great job on second place! and awesome costumes. I am also doing the half this year again for space coast.

    @ddmom0811 Keep an eye out for next year for the space coast half. There are still spots available for the full...
  • jringer1
    jringer1 Posts: 1,230 Member
    new to this forum, but training for my first 1/2 marathon. I have fought a nasty viral infection for the last two weeks. Still have the hacking cough and find I am about 2 weeks back on my training schedule. Hoping to get a good week in this week
  • greenolivetree
    greenolivetree Posts: 1,282 Member
    @kristinegift Happy Birthday :) great run!

    Today I did 5 miles. Wasn't sure how that was gonna go because I never ran right after strength training. 1 mile warm up run. 1.5 miles of intervals (7:30ish pace on the 5 fast parts). 2.5 more miles. All averaged out to 10 min miles. It's been cold here again which means I'm constantly stopping to blow my nose :)
  • WhatMeRunning
    WhatMeRunning Posts: 3,538 Member
    Congrats @CivicSista!!