March 2016 Running Challenge



  • zmcgrandles
    zmcgrandles Posts: 78 Member
    03/02 4.5 miles Legs took a while to warm up seriously thought of turning back home at mile 1 but persevered with it and turned into a really good run.
    03/04 4.6 miles Kept it comfortable rather than the build up that was suggested legs wanted a slight break
    03/06 8.7 miles Bit hillier than I normally do so was rather happy to find that I could run up the hill on the route.
    03/08 4.5 miles
    03/13 11 miles Longest run so far!
    03/17 4.5 miles Rather comfortable run to set me up before my first race on Sunday, probably my last run until then as I don't want to exacerbate the blister on the arch of my foot.
    03/20 6.3 miles I completed my first ever race and I completed both my goals first was to run a faster 10k than I had in training which I did by nearly 2 minutes and second was not to come last which I managed to do by 3 people, was soo happy with my time thought I'd gone off far too quick but managed to maintain it for most the race ended up walking a bit at 8 & 9 km but it left me with some energy to 'sprint' for the line and stay in front of the 2 women I'd just overtaken. Enjoyed how friendly it was with so many of the runners on their way back giving me a little cheer. Will show off the bling in my next post :).


    03/20 Canterbury Riverside 10k 1:16:12
    05/29 Edinburgh Half marathon
  • lillymacki55
    lillymacki55 Posts: 35 Member
    03/01 3.23
    03/02 3.19
    03/03 3.17
    03/04 3.27
    03/05 6.83
    03/06 8.15
    03/07 3.17
    03/08 3.43
    03/09 3.59
    03/10 6.25
    03/11 2.70
    03/12 0.00 (16 mile bike ride)
    03/13 7.01
    03/14 3.09
    03/15 3.28
    03/17 3.34
    03/18 5.21
    03/19 4.90
    03/20 7.01
    03/21 2.79

    TOTAL 85.5
    GOAL 100


  • 4leighbee
    4leighbee Posts: 1,275 Member
    Two this morning, which is better than 0.0.

  • kristinegift
    kristinegift Posts: 2,406 Member
    3/1: Rest day
    3/2: 12 miles (am), 5 miles (pm)
    3/3: 7 miles speedwork (am), 6 miles with Thursday crew (pm)
    3/4: Rest day
    3/5: 7.3 miles
    3/6: 15.2 miles
    3/7: 6 miles with Joe to Go crew
    3/8: Rest day
    3/9: 12 miles (am), 5 miles (pm)
    3/10: 8 miles (am), 6 miles with Thursday crew (pm)
    3/11: Rest day
    3/12: 5.6 miles (2.5 mile warm up and 5k race)
    3/13: 18 miles
    3/14: Impromptu rest day
    3/15: 6 miles (am), 8 miles (pm)
    3/16: 10 miles (am), 7 miles with Wednesday crew (pm)
    3/17: DC mini-vacation
    3/18: DC mini-vacation
    3/19: 7.2 miles
    3/20: 20 birthday miles!
    3/21: 6 miles with Joe to Go crew

    Good run with the coffee crew today! Nice recovery run. Plus the sun started to come up halfway through the run so we finished in daylight. Not many stayed for coffee, but I got a free bday latte courtesy of my honorary Running Mom :) I wasn't really sore at all from running long yesterday, and my calf feels even better than it did this weekend. Hopefully with a rest day scheduled tomorrow I'll be good as new by Wednesday!

    And birthday celebrations last night were great. I ate enough to feed a small family at Cheesecake Factory, and my friends sneakily let it slip to the waitress that it was my birthday, so I got a song and a candle with my cheesecake. And two of the girls from my Oiselle team got me a fun running goodie bag filled with gummy bears (my carb load candy of choice!), picky bars, and a Nike running shirt (I had sent the link to one of them asking if I should buy it, and she said "No, save your money!" and then they bought it for me: so clever!). All in all, a great runtastic birthday!



    Upcoming Races:
    3/12: Run O' The Mill 5K: New PR! 21:55
    4/3: Caesar Rodney HM (Wilmington, DE)
    4/16: River Horse 6K (Ewing, NJ)
    5/1: New Jersey Marathon (Lots of towns, NJ)
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    Rest day here, after covering 12 miles in 3 days over the weekend, I need it. Not a lot compared to some here, but the base building continues tomorrow
  • WhatMeRunning
    WhatMeRunning Posts: 3,538 Member
    After having a busy weekend I've been unable to go for a walk for a couple of days. Tonight I was feeling like I needed to go for a walk but the last couple of times I walked alone at night I really spooked myself and now I just don't feel like it's a nice walk instead I'm tense for the whole hour. Anyway still wanting to "move" I have just finished walking on the spot for an hour and a half and the app on my phone "lifelog" has recorded my steps but also estimates that I have walked 7.6km. My question is, should I count it towards my goal of walking 50km this month? Or would that be cheating?
    Thanks :smiley:
    As @Virkati pointed out nobody here is going to discourage people from being active. I started by walking and later when walking no longer seemed all that challenging I started adding a little running for short bursts on my walks. Over time I started running instead.

    There are people here who walk in addition to running. Some track their walking mileage and some don't.

    There is also a March 2016 Walking Challenge thread in the Challenge forums as another option.

    It is up to you what you track, and how. I have seen people track their time spent running instead of distance. The idea is to set your goal and work at it. There is no shame in missing a goal, just try again the next month.
  • username301
    username301 Posts: 247 Member
    Not sure if this story would have made it across the pond but it's well worth a read. Comedian Eddie izzard has ran 27 marathons in 27days for charity.

    an incredible achievement in almost anyone's book (save a few idiots in the comments section)
  • greenolivetree
    greenolivetree Posts: 1,282 Member
    @jringer1 When is your half? Hope you feel better this week :)

    @meganridenour Great pic!

    @07KatieP13 Yippee!

    @MNLittleFinn Enjoy the rest day :-D I'm building base miles also.

    My plan today is 3 trail miles. It's a 1.5 mile loop that I'll do twice. This section always kicks my butt so I'm anxious to see how it goes today. It doesn't SEEM hilly but I'm always surprised how many "floors" my fitbit registers here compared to when I'm doing what I consider hills. LOL
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    edited March 2016
    1-nothing yet
    3-sicker yet. sick sick sick
    4-still sick
    so since i had no running to blog about i made a blog with some running memes.
    Happy Friday
    7-3.77, it felt nice. lots of people out so dog couldn't come with. i have to keep working on socialization
    8-nothing yet
    10-new medicine-nauseous
    12-Great Pi Race 5k. great time with some horrible hills. I would have had an amazing time without them and as it was i still beat my last 5k by 2:37min. Stepdaughter to be got second in her age group. i was 20 out of 36.
    13-rest day
    14-4.87mi happy bunny
    15-no run (yet) knee and kidneys are sore.
    16-no run-kidney's still hurt
    17-carpool-no run. grumble.
    18-carpool and slush fell from the sky this morning. so I vinyasa/power aerial yoga-ed
    19-car shopping
    20-family stuff
    21-6.13mi not easy not too hard. well the first 15 min were awful but then it settled in.

    Jan 16-Frosty 5k-33:43:123 (gun time-don't have chip time)
    Feb 13-Steve Cullen Run 8k chip time: 53:37
    Feb 15 Puppy Love Virtual Run 10k runkeeper time: 1:13:20
    Mar 12-Great Pi Run 5k 32:17
    May 7-Door County Half Marathon
    ?Jun 11-Rock n Sole 5 or 8k? honeymoon might interfere
    June 19th through Sunday, July 10th SHE Power Virtual Half


  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    @greenolivetree Base building is a pain, but I know it's getting better. The we miles over the weekend was 3/4 of what I do in a normal week. Going to be upping my weekday runs in another week or so....That will be real fun....
  • briscogun
    briscogun Posts: 1,135 Member
    W7D3 in the books! 25 minutes straight again, no stopping. That's 3 sessions in a row! Next stop: Week 8 and 28 minutes straight!

    Feeling good about this! (knocks on wood)

  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    W7D3 in the books! 25 minutes straight again, no stopping. That's 3 sessions in a row! Next stop: Week 8 and 28 minutes straight!

    Feeling good about this! (knocks on wood)


    You got this.
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    Happy Belated Birthday @kristinegift & @whatang

    Congratulations on your 10 miler @ariceroni

    Nice one on your relay @CivicSista

    welcome @jringer1

    @HonuNui Way to go on barely finishing. Prayers for your son.

    @skippygirlsmom Congratulations to Skip.

    @MobyCarp Way to listen to your body. Go off plan if need to be.

    Nice medals @Elise4270

    @zmcgrandles Congratulations on your first race.
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    Date Miles today. Miles for March
    3/1 7.25 miles - 7.25
    3/2 4 miles - 11.25
    3/3 9 miles - 20.25
    3/4 3.5 miles - 23.75
    3/5 6.2 miles - 29.95
    3/6 2 miles - 31.95 << race warm-up
    3/6 5 miles - 36.95 << 8K race
    3/7 6.2 miles - 43.15
    3/8 8 miles - 51.15
    3/8 4.1 miles - 55.25 << daily double
    3/9 6.2 miles - 61.45
    3/10 8 miles - 69.45
    3/10 4 miles - 73.45 << another daily double
    3/11 6.25 miles - 79.70
    3/12 16.25 miles - 95.95
    3/13 REST DAY
    3/14 10.75 miles - 106.7
    3/15 8 miles - 114.7
    3/15 4.1 miles - 118.8 << daily double
    3/16 6.6 miles - 125.4
    3/17 9.35 miles - 134.75
    3/17 4 miles - 138.75 << lunch time daily double
    3/18 6.2 miles - 144.95
    3/19 15.15 miles - 160.1 << 2,297 ft. elev of trail running
    3/20 REST DAY
    3/21 6.65 - 166.75 << sore Monday morning;


    Upcoming races:
    Oak Barrel HM - 4/2
    Bridge Street HM - 4/10
    Cotton Row Run 10K - 5/30
    Firecracker Chase 10.2 miler - 6/25

    It was a slow start this morning that progressed into easy pace and a few bursts after the blood got pumping. I plan to do another 6 at lunch time.

  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,878 Member
    rohanivan wrote: »
    Last week was one to forget, it was a miserable one. Planned for at least an 8K long run and had to return after 1K. Still not able to understand why do I get exhausted so soon, at the end of 1K, I was getting all exhausted like I have been running for hours. Need to get this nourishment thing correct, I was out of energy.
    Don't know if I will be able to finish the monthly target, next is the Easter week donno how much will I be able to run. need some long run to pull the spirits back.

    Bad run.. bad run... :'(

    3/2..................04.13.................04.13 (Walk)
    3/3..................02.62.................06.75 (Walk / Run)
    3/4..................03.40.................10.15 (Walk / Run)
    3/5..................04.37.................14.52 (Walk / Run)
    3/6..................01.52.................16.04 (Run)
    3/10.................01.58.................17.62 (Walk)
    3/12.................05.16.................22.78 (Run / Walk)
    3/15.................05.65.................28.43 (Run / Walk)
    3/19.................01.31.................29.74 (Run / Walk)

    Upcoming Races: 10 April (5K) - Technically the first 5K


    We all have days like that. For me the first mile is always the worst one, and once I push through that I am okay.
    But it sounds like you are more than just exhausted, so maybe just a little under the weather. Although that first mile issue seems to be getting better and better for me, the more I run.
  • greenolivetree
    greenolivetree Posts: 1,282 Member
    @MNLittleFinn I first started running summer of 2014 and couldn't run a mile. I kinda did everything wrong, ran very few miles, 2-3 days a week, and ran 5k at 8:08 pace. I had inury after injury. LOL Nothing major but so much time off. So after 8 weeks off Nov/Dec, I tried to start over Jan 1 and do it right this time. Before, it was like every run had to be faster than the one before. Big mistake.

    @brian_gunther Great work!

    @rohanivan Sorry about the exhaustion. Are you sleeping well?
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    @MNLittleFinn I first started running summer of 2014 and couldn't run a mile. I kinda did everything wrong, ran very few miles, 2-3 days a week, and ran 5k at 8:08 pace. I had inury after injury. LOL Nothing major but so much time off. So after 8 weeks off Nov/Dec, I tried to start over Jan 1 and do it right this time. Before, it was like every run had to be faster than the one before. Big mistake.

    I finally broke that bad habit on my last 2 runs. One was slower than the one before. Found that I actually enjoy the running more going slower.....Adding 1min/mile did it for me. I CAN do 6 miles at a 9:24, but I found that doing 10:40 feels good, and 11:40 is even better. This base building is all so that I can start a training plan for half marathon in June, and I'll actually be DROPPING miles at first when I start it. This is intentional, so I feel good about the training.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    ddmom0811 wrote: »
    rohanivan wrote: »
    Last week was one to forget, it was a miserable one. Planned for at least an 8K long run and had to return after 1K. Still not able to understand why do I get exhausted so soon, at the end of 1K, I was getting all exhausted like I have been running for hours. Need to get this nourishment thing correct, I was out of energy.
    Don't know if I will be able to finish the monthly target, next is the Easter week donno how much will I be able to run. need some long run to pull the spirits back.

    Bad run.. bad run... :'(

    3/2..................04.13.................04.13 (Walk)
    3/3..................02.62.................06.75 (Walk / Run)
    3/4..................03.40.................10.15 (Walk / Run)
    3/5..................04.37.................14.52 (Walk / Run)
    3/6..................01.52.................16.04 (Run)
    3/10.................01.58.................17.62 (Walk)
    3/12.................05.16.................22.78 (Run / Walk)
    3/15.................05.65.................28.43 (Run / Walk)
    3/19.................01.31.................29.74 (Run / Walk)

    Upcoming Races: 10 April (5K) - Technically the first 5K


    We all have days like that. For me the first mile is always the worst one, and once I push through that I am okay.
    But it sounds like you are more than just exhausted, so maybe just a little under the weather. Although that first mile issue seems to be getting better and better for me, the more I run.

    Maybe a cut back week is in order? I hit that often when I wasnt pacing properly and was training too fast. Might sleep a little more, eat a little better, like you said, and drop your running miles. I usually trade 1 or 2 run days for walks. The monthly goal is just a best guess. It's not horrible to miss it. It's just learning to train smart.
  • WhatMeRunning
    WhatMeRunning Posts: 3,538 Member
    @username301 - I recall hearing a few weeks ago about Eddie Izzard starting off on that journey and enjoyed reading stories posted on the Marathon Maniacs facebook page when he finished. I think it is super impressive. Until a few weeks ago I was not aware he did a lot of marathons.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    I'm not sure the sale is still on. There's free shipping on the Believe Journal. I love mine.

    Promo code proudtobeirish, they are ~20USD. The free shipping is to the US and Ireland.