Women with Multiple Tatoos HOT OR NOT?

I sure don't wanna stir the pot or make any ladies upset, but I am wondering why some of you ladies would get so many tatoos on your body. Me personally I find it unattractive, but I know there has to be some guys out there that like the Tattoos. I do love the Tatoos on the lower back(those are hot) Sure do hope I didn't offend any of you ladies. I have one Tatoo, So I am definetly not against tatoos, I think 1 or 2 are great. Just Curious and would love to see some Pictures of Tatoos.


  • bjohs
    bjohs Posts: 1,225 Member
    Not! They may look good now... but I can't imagine what they will look like in 30-40 years. **shudders** :)
  • JennLifts
    JennLifts Posts: 1,913 Member
    LOL I like how you like tramp stamps :) that's funny.
  • emancipateurself
    emancipateurself Posts: 175 Member
    I have a few tattooos and getting more, I love them for me they mean something....either something spiritual or something that I've gone through........I don't really care if a guy finds it attractive or not, it's on my body it's for me you know......that's my humble opinon.
  • LOL I like how you like tramp stamps :) that's funny.

    Sorry i guess its the male in me, Its just sexy, I didnt wanna say that word in fear for offending someone, but I am glad you said it.
  • manny_bee
    manny_bee Posts: 62 Member
    tattoos are an expression of who i am on the inside, showing on the outside. some of us like our art to be permanent. to accent the grooves and curves of the human body with ink and color. i love my tattoos. i want more, but i'll have to save up first.
  • arielian
    arielian Posts: 200
    I love my eight tattoos and twelve body modifications. I find that with many other things certain aspects of people are like an aquired taste. You either like it or not. Every tattoo was put on my body to remind me of the hurdles I've overcome in my life. It's not a problem that someone doesn't like my tattos, because it's not permanently on their body, it's on my own. i get them for myself so in my mind, only I need to love them. No other opinions matter =)
  • soldier4242
    soldier4242 Posts: 1,368 Member
    A few tatoos maybe
  • I have a few tattooos and getting more, I love them for me they mean something....either something spiritual or something that I've gone through........I don't really care if a guy finds it attractive or not, it's on my body it's for me you know......that's my humble opinon.

    Thats cool I was just curious, I hope I didnt offend you.
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    Love them! I like them tasteful though...nothing trashy or stupid. The same can be said for men, my brother is totally covered and they look good and they are all based on his own artwork. I can't wait to get more...however...I don't ever want a 'tramp stamp', lol.
  • Hahaha what guy doesn't love tramp stamps, their hottt :D and yeah totally depends on the woman tho, sounds shallow but it's kinda true...
  • I have two tattoos. One on my back and one in a hidden spot. I plan on getting one on my lower back once I am at my goal weight. I also want to get something on my foot!

    I suppose its one of those "to each their own"
  • bella8282
    bella8282 Posts: 188 Member
    To each their own. But i'm not a fan. I could not think of anything i love enough to have it tattoo'd on my body.

    When i have said this i have had people jump up and down saying but dont you love your children?? would you not have their name's tattoo'd on you???

    Answer is. i love my children more than anything.... but i dont need their names on me to remind me of that... hell i could just engrave their names on a bracelet for the same thing yeah??

    So to the point... I dont find it hot... but i know of people who do... so i'll say it again - To each their own!
  • Karleyyy
    Karleyyy Posts: 857
    I loveeee tattoos. As long as they are tasteful. I want to get a bunch of them, but I also want them to be delicate looking and feminine...

    Tattoos on guys are hot, depending on the guy. And the type of tattoo. Tattoos on girls can also be hot, but if they are over the top it makes them look sorta manly to me...
  • tattoos are an expression of who i am on the inside, showing on the outside. some of us like our art to be permanent. to accent the grooves and curves of the human body with ink and color. i love my tattoos. i want more, but i'll have to save up first.

    There expensive too I had mine 14 years ago and paid 200 smackers
  • I personally LOVE tattoos! BUT I think tattoos on the lower back (aka the tramp stamp) are kinda trashy. Just my opinion! :/
  • msmandyjo
    msmandyjo Posts: 95 Member
    Depends where and what. I have 3, but most ppl think I have none or one since you can't see them unless I wear clothes that reveal them. I've got one on my hipbone, R shoulder blade and lower-mid back piece. If I looked like I looked when I got them, they'd be hot, but not so much right now lol

    I'm not a fan of women w/ sleeves or any tats on arms TBH, and no neck tattoos either. Legs should be kept to an ankle if you must, but I think the foot tats look pretty cool. I wouldn't get one, though I prefer ppl to NOT look at my feet.
  • manny_bee
    manny_bee Posts: 62 Member
    i think ive spent close to $300 on my six. one of them was free because my boyfriend at the time was learning... that reminds me i need to get that touched up...
  • emancipateurself
    emancipateurself Posts: 175 Member
    I have a few tattooos and getting more, I love them for me they mean something....either something spiritual or something that I've gone through........I don't really care if a guy finds it attractive or not, it's on my body it's for me you know......that's my humble opinon.

    Thats cool I was just curious, I hope I didnt offend you.

    Not at all you were just curious and for sure beauty is in the eye of the beholder right.
  • I love my eight tattoos and twelve body modifications. I find that with many other things certain aspects of people are like an aquired taste. You either like it or not. Every tattoo was put on my body to remind me of the hurdles I've overcome in my life. It's not a problem that someone doesn't like my tattos, because it's not permanently on their body, it's on my own. i get them for myself so in my mind, only I need to love them. No other opinions matter =)

    Awesome attitude I am so glad I havent offended anyone. Body modifications??? Do I dare ask? lol
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    Personal choice... I don't have a tattoo but it's something each person has to decide for themselves.

    Personally I don't think I would still like to have them in another 10 years. For example I used to wear a nose ring and belly button ring. Now I'm in a different part of my life I don't chose to, although I like them on other people.
    I prefer things that I can change back when it suits me.