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Women with Multiple Tatoos HOT OR NOT?



  • MistyMtnMan
    MistyMtnMan Posts: 527 Member
    I don't do tattooing anymore, but it depends... I have seen a lot of crap that just makes the one wearing it look trashy, albeit, mostly stuff done in someones garage but not limited to just that. I'm not a fan of covering the legs with ink, and for me to dig the chest it has to be really well done and not just a giant blob of crap thrown together.

    If you're going to get it done, at least take some time to think about what you are doing, and invest yourself in something original with a good artist. Stick to one theme, or at least one theme per body part for some congruency to the work so it doesn't look like a rubber stamp factory blew up on you.

    Before I stopped I started refusing to do nautical stars, swallows, anchors, cupcakes, giant bats across the chest, spider webs etc... also refused to do lettering for a long time before that.

    Dude this is awesome. I feel the same way. I hate when people just get random crap all over. The dude that is doing my sleeve won't do anything other than a solid original idea either. I think that's why people don't like tattoos sometimes cause they see these horrible ones that people go get on a whim one day than hate it the next. You wouldn't just wake up and go buy the first car you see in a used car lot if you were car shopping. Put some thought into it people, some original thought.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I find that extremely amusing about the 90 yr old with the false boobs. Bet that was a sight to see lol

    I have seen that before too, a wrinkly old woman in a bikini with perfect boobs. Very odd.
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    Not a fan of tattoos in general, but my opinion on whether or not I'd date a man who had tattoos has changed as I've gotten more mature. My ex-boyfriend told me once that if his dad or a close friend died, he'd get a tattoo in remembrance of them, and I told him if he wanted to keep seeing me, he better not even think about it. Now I feel like I wouldn't want to be with a man who would allow me to tell him what he can and cannot do (at least in a situation like that, where it doesn't have any serious impact on me). If it's that important to you, a person who loves you will accept it.
  • Akiyah
    Akiyah Posts: 57
    Tramp stamp is a name more than likely thought up by a man and what offends me is that women buy into that crap, really? some jerk classified it as a tramp stamp and women now fear getting it or think it's trashy....lol. Whatever makes the individual happy is all that matters and how odd that I was more insulted by the women on this subject then the men. I don't mean any offense when I say that I am a woman and don't give a rats *** what a man might think about what I do with my body.
  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    I don't do tattooing anymore, but it depends... I have seen a lot of crap that just makes the one wearing it look trashy, albeit, mostly stuff done in someones garage but not limited to just that. I'm not a fan of covering the legs with ink, and for me to dig the chest it has to be really well done and not just a giant blob of crap thrown together.

    If you're going to get it done, at least take some time to think about what you are doing, and invest yourself in something original with a good artist. Stick to one theme, or at least one theme per body part for some congruency to the work so it doesn't look like a rubber stamp factory blew up on you.

    Before I stopped I started refusing to do nautical stars, swallows, anchors, cupcakes, giant bats across the chest, spider webs etc... also refused to do lettering for a long time before that.

    Dude this is awesome. I feel the same way. I hate when people just get random crap all over. The dude that is doing my sleeve won't do anything other than a solid original idea either. I think that's why people don't like tattoos sometimes cause they see these horrible ones that people go get on a whim one day than hate it the next. You wouldn't just wake up and go buy the first car you see in a used car lot if you were car shopping. Put some thought into it people, some original thought.
    I am hawaiian, so I am a huge fan of the Polynesian tattoos, much like Dwayne Johnson. So some will accuse me of being a poser or unoriginal for going tribal, but I am paying homage to my peeps.
  • bps71
    bps71 Posts: 5
    Depending on what the Tat is and where it is located it can be cute on a womans body...that being said.. Personally I prefer a woman with no tats only because it shows me that she is comfortable with herself. Or at least she gives off that impression. Yes they can add some expression of what a person feels or something they like NOW.. but as the deffintion of Tattoo is in my mind (well aside from the little dude from Fastasy Island) :

    " A permanent reminder of a Temporary feeling" .. and others in this thread have stated some were a bad call.. so my point is valid..

    But it all boils down to a personal decision.. and I say More Power to YA..
  • bigdawg025
    bigdawg025 Posts: 774 Member
    I like SOME... but I'm definitely not into the sleeves or full body tats or anything. I definitely think they can be hot, though. Personally, I'm not letting anyone draw on me with a needle, but hey... I still like to look! LOL
  • emmaldownie
    emmaldownie Posts: 232 Member
    I personally LOVE tattoos! BUT I think tattoos on the lower back (aka the tramp stamp) are kinda trashy. Just my opinion! :/

    My opinion too... I have several tats, but would never in a million years have a tramp stamp
  • H8T3D
    H8T3D Posts: 77 Member
    Tattoos are work of the devil... >=)
  • MistyMtnMan
    MistyMtnMan Posts: 527 Member
    I don't do tattooing anymore, but it depends... I have seen a lot of crap that just makes the one wearing it look trashy, albeit, mostly stuff done in someones garage but not limited to just that. I'm not a fan of covering the legs with ink, and for me to dig the chest it has to be really well done and not just a giant blob of crap thrown together.

    If you're going to get it done, at least take some time to think about what you are doing, and invest yourself in something original with a good artist. Stick to one theme, or at least one theme per body part for some congruency to the work so it doesn't look like a rubber stamp factory blew up on you.

    Before I stopped I started refusing to do nautical stars, swallows, anchors, cupcakes, giant bats across the chest, spider webs etc... also refused to do lettering for a long time before that.

    Dude this is awesome. I feel the same way. I hate when people just get random crap all over. The dude that is doing my sleeve won't do anything other than a solid original idea either. I think that's why people don't like tattoos sometimes cause they see these horrible ones that people go get on a whim one day than hate it the next. You wouldn't just wake up and go buy the first car you see in a used car lot if you were car shopping. Put some thought into it people, some original thought.
    I am hawaiian, so I am a huge fan of the Polynesian tattoos, much like Dwayne Johnson. So some will accuse me of being a poser or unoriginal for going tribal, but I am paying homage to my peeps.
    That's awesome man and I at least you can say it's your heritage. I do love Polynesian tattoo design though and how it can tell a story with the images. Very cool. they are the roots of modern tattoos.
  • emmaldownie
    emmaldownie Posts: 232 Member
    Tattoos are work of the devil... >=)

    Says the man with one on his neck :p
  • BamBam1113
    BamBam1113 Posts: 542 Member
    Lots of ink is SEXXXY as hell. As long as they aren't like demons and stuff like that. But i find a heavily tatted woman EXTREMELY sexxxy!!!
  • MistyMtnMan
    MistyMtnMan Posts: 527 Member
    Depending on what the Tat is and where it is located it can be cute on a womans body...that being said.. Personally I prefer a woman with no tats only because it shows me that she is comfortable with herself. Or at least she gives off that impression. Yes they can add some expression of what a person feels or something they like NOW.. but as the deffintion of Tattoo is in my mind (well aside from the little dude from Fastasy Island) :

    " A permanent reminder of a Temporary feeling" .. and others in this thread have stated some were a bad call.. so my point is valid..

    But it all boils down to a personal decision.. and I say More Power to YA..

    I feel like having a tattoo shows you are MORE comfortable with yourself, actually. It takes guts to get something put in your skin permanently and to show it off shows confidence, to me. I know some people get them on a whim but tattoos are supposed to be a map of your journey in life. It shouldn't matter if it's "current". It should mark a period of time in your life. that's what I feel tattoos should be about. You should always think things through and doing anything with out thinking first will end bad no matter what.
  • skittybang
    skittybang Posts: 1,525 Member
    Totally HOT, since I am one.
  • Ali_TSO
    Ali_TSO Posts: 1,172 Member
    I have five:

    a cross/music note on the back of my right shoulder
    a "jesus fish" on my foot
    the chinese symbol for "twin" on the back of my neck
    my wedding date on my ankle
    and my fave one on the front of my left shoulder (pic of it in my pictures)

    When I reach my GW of 180, I'm getting "non sum qualis eram" on my wrist. (I'm not who I was.)

    Then when I have a kid, I'll be getting their handprint somewhere...haven't decided yet.

    I think tattoos are awesome. :wink:
  • ch178
    ch178 Posts: 364 Member
    I have 3. I love them and don't regret getting them but I am glad they are all in places that can be hidden if needed.
  • Schwiggity
    Schwiggity Posts: 1,449 Member
    It depends. Frankly, I find scene chicks with full sleeves pretty hot, but that's just me.
  • Myslissa
    Myslissa Posts: 760 Member
    I have a few tattooos and getting more, I love them for me they mean something....either something spiritual or something that I've gone through........I don't really care if a guy finds it attractive or not, it's on my body it's for me you know......that's my humble opinon.

    Amen sister. I have sixteen and I have drawn them all myself. It is a source of therapy for me. I could think of a lot more things that I could be addicted to.
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    As long as it's somewhat subtle I don't care and some can be kind of hot. But when the **** is all over your neck, arms, legs, it's a turn off for me especially when the tat's are more masculine in nature.
  • BeeElMarvin
    BeeElMarvin Posts: 2,086 Member
    The right tattoos on the right person, in the right locations.... HOT!