

  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    lenora glad the b-day was a happy one. BTDT =been there done that

    barbie i totally get the exhausting wait in the car dealership, my dh and i would have done the same thing, pesistance paid off though.

    lora welcome, sounds like you have a solid exercise plan in place and are motivated, stick to it, stick to us, you will get there!

    rose have fun, this whirlwind senior year with acceptances and events and milestones is a wonder!

    Having left my plateau suddenly, i have dropped almost two pounds after 3 months of ............
    I am a little amazed and skeptical, but hey i will take it and not back slide into old behaviors and habits. She says tentatively.....

    Karen from ny
  • Marcelynh
    Marcelynh Posts: 974 Member
    I got my new compressor set up with new hoses and fittings so I can use three spray guns at once. Before, I had to keep changing the color and cleaning out the gun every time, so this is going to be really nice. And I researched how to fix an annoying problem with my kiln. Will work more on that tomorrow. It still works, but it doesn't do certain things I want to do.


    Oh my, I'm drooling at the thought of a spray gun. I just don't have a place or room for a booth in my studio, even a little one. I'm working on hand-building this week. I just don't like it much and so I have to force myself to work on it so I improve. Not that it will ever take the place of my wheel work but it can be necessary evil. lol This weekend is kiln time! Whoo hoo! Actually I'm firing a bunch of stuff that was made by some 8 yr old girls. I did a mini-class for my daughter and a group of girls at her church. They did pinch pots and rolled out a plaque they painted. Looks to be pretty wild in the color department but they will be so excited about getting their finished pieces back. So far no explosions in the kiln and hopefully they will make it through the final firing in good shape. I would hate to disappoint a little girl with her first project.
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,074 Member
    Lenora Happy Birthday :flowerforyou: The flowers are from a conservatory in our community. They change this room depending on the season. I posted their Christmas showing. My picture is also taken from there.

    Mary love to meet up there. Always something different to see.

    We are getting A/C installed yesterday and today. We have hot water heat and are having ductless A/C installed. My brother is St. Louis has the same system and we know how happy he is with his. We had the hardest time finding the right way to get this done. Our last few summers were not too bad. I don't think we are going to be so lucky this year considering how warm it already is this spring.

    :heart: Margaret
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Thanks, for all the birthday wishes. I don't feel any older; feeling good. Going to start tackling the house with a vengeance, to get it clutter-free. I've lived with it long enough and now need to get it cleaner than it is at the moment. Right now it is a bit 'overwhelming' just need to take it one room at a time. Hard to do, when I find something that goes into another room and then take it there, and get waylaid from starting something there. Can't seem to focus on what's in front of me. Starting with MBR, since that seems like the easiest place to start. Need to go through all my clothes and put what fits me in drawers and closet and then put those things that the tailor has told me to wait until I get to my goal weight before bringing them back. I've decided that the dress I wore to DYS and DDnL#2's wedding is just not going to be able to be successfully altered because it is a dress with loose lace over it; but, connected at the waist. I think it would almost require being taken apart and altered independently of one another. Too expensive. Only worn once. Will take it to the consignment shop and hopefully I'll get a little bit for it.

    Barbie from NW Washington – We, too, had a light that’s stayed on about 'Passenger Airbags being off'; called Honda Dealership; who informed us that it was the sensor; but, when someone over a certain weight (or other things, totaling it) was in the front seat, the light will go off. Prevents air bag from exploding when contact is made (such as a wreck) if there is not passenger sitting there … it will work on the passenger who weighs over a certain weight. It drove me crazy when sometimes it’d not be lit (being on); other times lit to show it was off. It’s not something that needs to be tampered with by dealership. Start watching it (go off) when there is a person sitting there, or if you put bags of groceries there that total that magical weight. The weight has to be evenly distributed like a person sitting there and quite often packages in the front seat just are not distributed enough to make it 'go out' and sometimes they are. I don’t know the weight limit; but, I think it is higher than that of a child, unless they weigh enough for it to be safe for them to sit in the front seat. Other than that, all children and babies should ride in the back seat, properly restrained. Hope this helps. I'd be more concerned if it wasn't 'working' at all. Maybe your 'new-to-you' car doesn't have a passenger side air bag. My Honda also has side airbags built in to the frame, so if I get T-boned, it will provide some protection.

    Yesterday, stayed under caloric intake numbers; but, little exercise. Figured out my caloric intake for today; and still under daily caloric intake; and, I plan on working hard cleaning or going for a walk, or both. Got to remember to drink more water when I exercise. Some says that you are supposed to weigh (in ounces) 1/2 of what you weigh in pounds. I think I am right there; but, told to up it more when exercising. DDnL#1 says she is going to go Sunday AM to the 'other' MD who does the 'weight control loss program' she's in, too see if he has any other suggestions about losing weight. She's lost a total of 20lbs since sometime in February. Was told by the 1st MD to not drink a lot of water. Both DOS and I disagree with that; she is getting constipated; and, both of us told her that 'while' she might retain water for a while, he body will get used to the extra water and start flushing out toxins and help with the constipation issues. She used to go once a day; now it has gone to 'maybe' every 3 days. DOS told her to wait until Friday and take the proper dose of Ducalax pills so she won't run the risk or 'needing to go bad while she is at work'. I'm almost positive that the weight she has lost has been 'water' weight; and, she'll get discouraged if she 'drinks' more water and puts the weight back on, this is what has happened over the past few years when she has tried to lose water. DOGD told her the same thing that we did. She is big breasted; and, about the only thing I can say is it looks like she is losing from her face downward; she either did not have on a good bra, or her boobs are hanging down to almost her waist. I had suggested that 'if' either of them got a job with 'health benefits' that maybe she should seriously consider a breast reduction. I don't think my DOS is 'that shallow' as to be 'upset' if she did. She's over 35; and, has not had a baseline mammogram. I'd think she would have to have a large tumor before it could be felt. She is so modest, I doubt she even does a self breast exam each month. She probably does not even know the proper way to do so.

    Welcome to all the 'newbies' ... come often and post!

  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    Hi B)

  • DLS1029
    DLS1029 Posts: 70 Member
    Yes, I am still alive. Been taking care of people.......

    Donna in WV
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited March 2016
    I sent Terri_Mom a message inquiring about her and telling her we miss her and her hugs. Following is her response. She told me I could share with the group.

    "Thank you SO much. I truly appreciate your warm thoughts. You may copy/paste this to post if you wish.

    Since I keep getting more responsibility at work, it is becoming increasingly difficult to read/post/ track food, etc. So far the scale has not moved the wrong direction (Thank Goodness !) And don’t worry, I still have enough time to dance and sing, so I’m not sitting still all 8+ hours.

    DS has been winning bowling tournaments again lately, which in turn means more tournaments, so bowling season is not even close to over. But baseball season has begun, so I drive him to/from weight lifting, too. Soon we need to find a Driver’s Ed course, because his job wants him to work Tuesdays and Thursdays next fall, and I don’t want to pick him up at 10:30pm then try to get up for work-out and work at 3:30am.

    Next month is a few more tournaments, awards banquets, and baseball try-outs. We also have my Grandma’s 94th Birthday Party.

    June should be a little quieter, then July brings National Bowling tournaments.

    DH and I spent 8 days in Reno and came back even(and we still like each other) , so that was a successful trip.

    My Dad is also keeping me busy. He had back fusion surgery last week, so my evenings are: making a huge, easy to reheat supper, so he can have left-overs for the next day’s lunch. I also need to do his wound care, help him shower, re-bandage the incision, and get him settled for bed. He still can’t take off or put on his compression stockings, but thinks he’ll be able to drive himself to a doctor appt in a few days, so I’m not too sure how to intervene on that issue.

    Hugs and warm thoughts for Everyone – Every Day ! ! ! "

    Janetr okc
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,629 Member
    TODAY IS MY 4 YEAR ANNIVERSARY OF BEING ON THIING!! WOO HOOOOO, BUH BAM!!!! ::::: putting the mike in of me, arm stretched out in front of me; then turning around and walking off!!:::::::
  • Deborah2412
    Deborah2412 Posts: 9 Member
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    TODAY IS MY 4 YEAR ANNIVERSARY OF BEING ON THIING!! WOO HOOOOO, BUH BAM!!!! ::::: putting the mike in of me, arm stretched out in front of me; then turning around and walking off!!:::::::

    Wow girl Congrats!!! :)
  • lcottomsvcs
    lcottomsvcs Posts: 25 Member
    Thank you all for the welcome!
    Joyce, I live north of Terre Haute.

    Lenora, stay on your daughter in law about the mammogram. I have lost too many loved ones to that disease.
    lhannon, love the pics! My husband and I try to get out to to Arizona or Las Vegas at least once a year. We are not gamblers, just love the country and love getting out in nature. You make me jealous. We have mostly sugar maple/oak/beech forests here in the state parks. Where I live in Indiana is where the flatland from the last glacier ended. So miles and miles of open country. But very good garden soil!

    This year my weight loss has a specific goal. I am taking a group of students to visit Costa Rica in July. We will be staying at a camp on the edge of a National park. The plan calls for lots of hiking. I don't want to be the "old lady' who can't keep up with her students. So my exercise has a purpose, to get stronger and build some endurance.
    We have been planning this trip now for over a year, and it is huge in my mind. So, I am extra motivated to get these pounds off, not just to look great in a swimsuit (gave that up some time ago).

    Also more about me: I am an avid gardener, and also a beekeeper. We have kept bees for 12 years now, and it is the worst year ever for bees. I follow the changes in the pesticides laws pretty closely, I believe that pesticides are to blame for my loss of bees. This is on my mind today because we are ordering more bee packages to replace what we have lost. This is an expensive hobby, but something the DH and I can do together.

    I'm looking forward to getting to know you all better! Have a great day!

  • Deborah2412
    Deborah2412 Posts: 9 Member
    Lilymay2 wrote: »
    Hi B)


    Hi Lilymay
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Pip ~ What the heck is "thiing"? Just curious!

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,629 Member
    morning peeps-

    oops, late happy bday grits!
    welcome lcottonsvcs - you'll get there, keep it up!

    Kirby is clear to drive week, starts back next Monday. did spin class wit today.
    gotta go b4 I kill this computer
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Carol - I think Pip means MFP - she's been here since March 2012. I'm headed for my one-year anniversary myself...

    lcottom - glad you like the pics... It was in the 50s that day (thus the jacket my husband was wearing). Yesterday it was 92 degrees. I'm ready though, I missed the heat.

    Lisa in West Texas
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Mary from MN: I haven't seen any posts fro m Terri in a while, either. I think she was going on a trip. I hope someone else knows more. :flowerforyou:

    Joyce: I just read something on facebook about MS being caused by tick bites. DS says he was bitten as a teen. Were you ever bitten by a tick? I wonder whether this "discovery" is really true in a cause and effect way, and whether it can lead to effective treatment or cure. I sent DH's MS doctor the question under DH's name. We'll see whether his doctor answers. :star:

    Janet OKC: Congratulations to your DGD! Keep us in the loop. I hope she continues to shine. :flowerforyou:

    Heather: Hugs to you and your DH. :heart:

    Barbie & KJLaMore: We had a tire that kept getting low and needing air added. It turned out that the valve stem was faulty. They replaced the valve stem and we never had trouble again. We have since traded that car for a different one. There are so many small things that can go wrong with cars that affect safety. I'm happy that the dealership stepped up and Barbie and Jake switched to a car without obvious troubles. :smiley:

    Alison: I like treadmill, recumbent bike and yoga. All three do nice things for my strength without damaging my wonky knee. Treadmill is my least favorite of the three because I have to avoid pounding my knee & am often tempted to go too fast. That is when I pound. I have to keep the treadmill set at a brisk walk :ohwell:

    Margaret: I'm happy that you're getting AC. I don't know a thing about ductless AC. How does it work? Ours feeds into the heat ducts so we get hot or cold air delivered through the same system. :flowerforyou:

    Donna in WV: Thanks for checking in. :smiley:

    Janetr OKC: Thanks for sharing Terri_Mom's reply. It is good to know things are going well for her. :flowerforyou:

    Pip: HAPPY MPF ANNIVERSARY! :heart: :flowerforyou:

    DS and DDIL are on the road to their new posting on the east coast. I miss them already! :cry: DD is having a tough time just now with her DH. I hope that he will get effective help. DH and I are resting up after spending several days with DS & DDIL as they finished up work on his boat. Now it will be for sale or we will get it to him at his new post so that he can finally get some pleasure from it. :heart:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    March Resolutions :
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back strength.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.

  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 392 Member
    Just a quick joke from Mindy Kaling for all you de-clutterers out there...

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,629 Member
    peach1948 the thing is mfp
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Congrats on your 4 years! :)
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    o:)<3B) - 2nd time that computer has erased my stuff. My Internet keeps 'stopping' working; but, I also did not disable my touchpad before I started typing - that was the reason for the 2nd cyber hell trip; but, not the first one. I'm having issues with the keyboard on the laptop being incredibly slow, too. Having to hit the keys several times, or hunt and peck with 2 fingers when I am use to typing with all 10 of my fingers.

    Thanks for all who wished me a 'belated' birthday (from yesterday). I had a great day. DOS and DDnL#1 were planning on cooking supper for me yesterday; but, she had 'bad day' at work (nothing unusual). I keep getting pop-ups, driving me crazy; so I am going to stop here.
