

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,356 Member
    Margaret - <3<3<3

    Heather UK
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Margaret ~ Beautiful Flowers! :)
  • MightyLolo
    MightyLolo Posts: 504 Member
    Yay spring flowers! Thanks for sharing those, Margaret.
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited March 2016
    Vicki wrote - " Happy dance, I went for the follow up on my mammogram and they could see a small spot on the mammogram, but could not see anything on the ultrasound. So they told me not to worry about it and have a follow up in six months. I feel so much better. Thanks for all the support and prayers. Means a lot to me."

    Thank you, Lord. I am so glad you got such good news. I kept wondering yesterday about you and how it went. Congrats on the lost pound also. Happy dance :)

    Janetr OKC
  • CSSJ09
    CSSJ09 Posts: 296 Member
    Allie that cracked me up and it might not have been as late as 80! I keep seeing this cartoon that someone sent me of an 'older woman' with a blouse on and her nipples hanging below it!

    Maxine, maybe? She says what I think but am afraid to say.
  • CSSJ09
    CSSJ09 Posts: 296 Member
    Lenora thanks for the list. I rarely go out since I retired but once in awhile will take the kids to Dennys on kids eat free days. I was always forgetting to show my AARP card but finally remembered the last time. Every little bit counts when one is on a set income.

    Which reminds me - those of you who are not yet 65 or not yet collecting SS make sure you understand about Medicare before you retire. I actually thought that Medicare was free and all of your doctor visits, treatments etc. were free until I went on Medicare. Not only do you get charged monthly for the insurance that you paid for all those years you worked but then you also pay at least 20% of your medical bills + prescriptions. I haven't decided yet whether Medicare Advantage is actually better than regular Medicare or not. Each year the insurance companies that offer the Advantage programs increase the co-pays and/or take away some of the perks that were originally offered. The co-pays for a regular doctor are usually low but if you have to go to a specialist - ortho, dermatologist, heart doctor etc. it's usually at least a $50 co-pay. I don't know about the rest of you but I rarely need to see my family practitioner (PP) but should be seeing specialists. However at $50 a visit to the specialist plus a visit and co-pay to PP for a referral I just don't go. I just don't understand what all that money we paid for Medicare while working was for? At least the kid's medical is paid for so I don't have to worry about whether to take them or not. Guess this was kind of an educational message and rant. Don't get me started on people who never worked a day in their life yet qualify to get all of their medical and dental paid. Ok get out the broom someone - I'm done!

    Janetr - what a beautiful granddaughter. Her aspirations hit home for me. My parents had a friend who was a cosmetologist to the movie stars. From the time I met her until I got married (at 18) I planned to follow in her footsteps. I wanted to go to cosmetology school in CA then to Paris to study and later either work for movie studios or on a cruise ship. Ah the dreams of youth!

    I know I had some more people I wanted to respond to but I'm afraid that I will lose this post and then I would be very unhappy camper so I'll go for now and will have more to say later!

    Ok one more DJ love the smiley throwing the flowers in the air but . . . aaaaaCHOOOOOO!

    Gloria - where the pollen is flying big-sneeze.gif

    Have you joined AARP and looked at the Medicare Advantage from them. Fabulous alternatives. Of course, what is available differs according to state offerings. Your Div. Of Aging should be able to help. You also might want to have an advocate go through all your bills and check to make sure that you aren't being cheated.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,713 Member
    Guess what Kirby told me, the hospital bill was free , no bill! They are self insured, he as an employee got his work done for free! BONUS!
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Good afternoon! I feel like I haven't posted in forever...

    I've kept up with reading and am enthralled with Heather's new granddaughter, feeling so bad for Lisa in the loss of the job opportunity and death of friends, and worrying about several of you. I'm also saying a quiet yippee for those of you who have wonderful things going on in your lives. (I might get carted off by the gents in white coats if I randomly began yelling yippee...) Welcome to all of the newcomers! I don't want to invite you to come in and set a spell--it'd be better if you walked in place while you read. :smiley: (And, yes, I know the difference between sit and set but my mountain heritage has to come out sometimes!)

    On the home front...

    My son still seems to be doing well with school. He put on his big boy pants and took out the trash and recycling and emptied the dishwasher before I got home on Friday--without being told!! He also cleaned his bathroom, even if I did have to remind him. (I told him Spot's toilet was clean so I expected his to be clean as well!) I hope he will work with me on his room this weekend and try to make it a more pleasant and functional space for both of us. I'm getting overwhelmed with all of his stuff all over the house so I'm going to try to get his dad to pay for a small storage unit for Andrew's dorm stuff.

    My daughter is still enjoying her new job and is thrilled with the income. She seems to be making some friends, too!!

    I'm still seeing the same guy--about six-seven weeks now. We're having much deeper conversations about what we like and don't like. I don't know if this will be a long-lasting thing or not, but we are "exclusive" now! I don't think I've ever had a guy tell me that I could date others if I wanted to but that he wasn't going to be seeing anyone but me. :blush: I'm a one guy at a time person so there are no worries on that front. I will admit that, even though I am so incredibly pleased that he takes his time with his daughter very seriously, it means that I get to see him only every other weekend, too. As of now, I will probably drive to see him on Fridays and he will drive down to me on Saturdays when he isn't with his daughter. As the days get longer, we may be able to get in a mid-week visit occasionally. He is really a sweetheart.

    I'm beginning to walk more again. I am trying to get back on track with both exercise and food. I'm doing much better with it and lost 3 pesky pounds that I gained over my binge time.

    It seems that I am going to be taking on a third job. I tried my best to volunteer but they are insisting on paying me. I will be keeping the books for a fledgling non-profit (I did it last year as a volunteer) and the director has been "keeping the books" on her own for three months so I will be tackling cleaning that up and doing retro-entries for the next week or so--she's about as organized as a demented squirrel but loves the children she's working with.

    If I can possibly squeeze out the money, I am going to NYC in May with my best friend's son's graduation from graduate school at Columbia University. I've never been to NYC before so I'm kind of excited and a lot anxious. I'll be the country mouse visiting the city.

    Well, it's almost time to go home and I need to finish up a couple of things before I leave.

    Carol in NC

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,804 Member
    That's sad I forgot what I said? Glad it was funny though. Well after work I go up and feed Faith and give her her nightime pills,she really is a sweet lady... My DFIL made me feel bad,he kept telling me he missed me yesterday.it was snowy and I had Tom's car...but he ate like a trooper today.
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Hi Ladies nothing new to report here. Had PT today. They are not doing much for my back, but spending time mobilizing my hips and getting rid of my incredible muscle spasms. I did stop at a local restaurant and ordered my Easter brunch “take away”. So I’ll pick that up Saturday along with a load of bread baked into a pink bunny.

    My brother had stents # 7 & 8 placed yesterday but is home today.

    IDW & Ladyfair: welcome to the group

    Gayle: we are supposed to get some snow tomorrow then about 4” on Easter

    Pip: glad Kirby is doing well.

    Beth: good luck to son!

    Sylvia: hugs!!!

    Katla: adorable pic!

    Kelly: I am with you on the phone! I refuse to allow my visiting children to keep theirs out either.

    Janet: sending good wishes to Jack!

    Heather: I have missed the news about DH? What is he telling the children? I hope it’s not something bad.

    Vicki: I am so sorry for your loss!!! (((hugs))) Glad the mammogram went well.

    Margaret: what lovely flowers. Thanks for posting them!

    Carol: sounds like things are looking up for you!

    Well time to ice the old back. So sad about the terrorist attacks; seems no one is safe anymore. Take care all, Meg from sunny (for now) Omaha!

    Oh, that was supposed to be "loaf" of bread, not load, although I could eat a load of it!

  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Carol in NC great news on your ds taking up some chores without asking, boy does that feel good when my dd does that. Taking on a 3rd job and being paid is a great thing, take it!

    Hope you do decide to visit nyc, I lived in the area around Columbia University many moons ago and the city is a real experience not to be missed. It sure can be pricey, but it is just fun to be around that much energy, young, old, rich, poor, the architecture, the culture, it is a one of a kind adventure, hope you decide to go and share your experience with us all.

    Karen from NY
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Heather: I'm sorry you're hurting but glad your DH is home and that you were able to go for a walk together. :flowerforyou:

    Vicki: Yay for the good news about your mammogram and ultrasound testing!!! :smiley:

    Lisa: I hope the dentist gets your issues resolved. :flowerforyou:

    Becca: Your thoughts about letting go of stress make sense to me. Thanks for sharing. :heart:

    Margaret: I needed flowers today. Thanks! :flowerforyou: :heart: :flowerforyou:

    Pip: Great news on Kirby's health care! Yay!!! :bigsmile:

    DS and DDIL are on their way to a new assignment across the country. I will miss having them close-by, but they are ready to be someplace else and looking forward to the adventure of the new post. DH is snoozing in the living room and I'm thinking of watching some TV. If I use earphones I won't disturb him. His snoring, however, is already disturbing me and I'm at the opposite end of the house.:grumble:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    March Resolutions :
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back strength.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.

  • Marcelynh
    Marcelynh Posts: 974 Member
    edited March 2016
    Allie that cracked me up and it might not have been as late as 80! I keep seeing this cartoon that someone sent me of an 'older woman' with a blouse on and her nipples hanging below it!

    An older neighbor was very distraught over life and the recent death of her husband. She just decided she couldn't face life anymore. She decided she was going to commit suicide. She didn't want to botch the job so she called her Dr.'s office and asked the nurse exactly where in her body was hear heart located. The nurse told her directly behind her left breast. The next day she carefully took aim holding the gun directly to her left breast. The woman was admitted to the hospital with a gunshot wound to the left breast and knee.....

  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    Guess what Kirby told me, the hospital bill was free , no bill! They are self insured, he as an employee got his work done for free! BONUS!

    Wow, free is GOOD. You guys desetve a break.

    Janetr okc
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Gloria – I think the cartoon of the old lady with her boobs hanging out of the bottom of her shirt is out of “Playboy” Magazine. My husband used to subscribe to the magazine for a long time; was a gold card member; that is where we went for our first ‘real’ date; the night that George Wallace, candidate for POTUS was shot. That’s what I remember seeing on the news right before he rang the doorbell. And, I was wearing a sundress that I had to wait for him to tie it for me, so it would stay up. We started dating then, and became engaged that June. I remember going to meet his parents and his mother was so happy to meet me and see the ring. His Dad was sitting at the dining room table, reading the newspaper; and, he looked up at DH and said, “I would have thought you would have had learned your lesson by now.” I decided that I’d make that Old Coot love me. When he was in the nursing home, dying, I was the only one who could get him to ‘eat’. All the family was standing in the doorway. Red Jelly was what he finally ate a little. My DYS would do anything to ‘push his buttons; but, he was special to him’. DOS was my Daddy’s shadow and he’d walk behind him, stepping in his steps, usually jumping, with his head down. If my Daddy had ever stopped suddenly, my DOS’s head would make a wad in my Daddy’s pants.

    I know the feeling of the ‘broom’ … they seem to know how to work the ‘system’; have been doing it for generations. Three or four, at least. I tend to ‘fly’ on my broom when they come around me in ‘fancy’ cars and lots of ‘gold jewelry’ and especially when they buy a full cart of groceries and use their EBT card.

    Becca – I have a ‘seizure disorder’ controlled by medication (most of the time); but ‘stress’ can put me into one. I usually have somewhat of an ‘aura’ before (not always), usually sitting at my computer; and fall over and get tangled up in the chair, slow to come out of them; but, one of the things I do is ‘thump’ my right leg (bent at the knee); that is how I know it is a ‘seizure’; once over, I feel less stressed. Thankfully, I have not had one since August '13.

    Margaret – Those are beautiful flowers; are the in your yard? Seems that I remember you posting pixs last Spring of your back yard and it was beautiful.

    CJ – Love “Maxine” … she is definitely ‘politically correct’. The hanging boobs are from “Playboy” magazine. She’s got a name and I ‘think’ it is “Grannie” (old, old, old, Playboy bunny whose boobs have gone South due to gravity).

    Pip – That’s great about Kirby’s hospital bill. Everybody needs to have ‘some perks’ with their job.

    Carol in NC – My middle sister ‘love’ NYC – one of her children worked up there, transferred to Los Angeles. Got badly injured falling out of his 3rd floor upstairs apartment window. Mmmm, that is the ‘story that is being stuck with’. Went back to Miami as soon as he could ride on a plane and lives with his mom (my middle sister). He’s going to school and she is hoping that he will get a part-time job.

    Today, about 4:00pm, I turned 65, so the flowers were a treat for me! Thanks, Margaret (my middle sister’s name). DOGD called and wished me a Happy Birthday; went out to eat with a friend (and brought home ½ of it for tomorrow). DOS and DDnL#1 are cooking supper for me. DYS and DDnL#1 called and wished me a Happy Birthday … we’re trying to get “Tango” to work for us. Could see them; but, could not hear them. They stopped and turned off their car and they could, then, hear me. I stopped but still could not hear them. I think I should have clicked on the “Tango” icon and not the message icon. I just realized that if we have a GS; then I will be referring to him as DOGS; I'll have to come up with something else, since I had a DDog. Cracker has really enjoyed the warm weather. She stays outside a lot running and carrying on, and discovering things; but, she stands patiently at the back door to come in when she's played enough and goes straight to her bed; and, at night straight to her crate.

    For all the ‘newbies’ … Welcome! To those who have lost friends or family - My deepest sympathies. To those either sick or taking care of someone sick – Prayers for you. I asked BF about an old friend of mine; and, she told me he was in a nursing home with Alzheimer’s … say it hit him suddenly. He was doing fine, then, suddenly he was getting very irritated and 2 months later his wife had to put him in a nursing home. So sad. He could always make me laugh when we ate lunch at the “Y” after working out. I made him 'laugh' one Christmas when I wore my Christmas sweatshirt that read: "SMILE IF YOU'VE BEEN NAUGHTY" Gee, I still wish I had it. At least it was not 'tacky' looking.

    DH just came in, and birthday supper is now going to be on Sunday (she had a bad day).

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,804 Member
    evening ladies~
    well I am here and tucked in....Faith got her own dinner :open_mouth: lets see what her numbers will be tomorrow... Of course I haven't talked to Tom all day but he told me the boys (dogs) wanted him to call and check in..I set my alarm for 3 , so I can get up and get to the gym... sort of leary leaving her for 4 hrs on her own.but she will be sleeping...
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Grits~ Scary stuff, seizures! Positive thoughts sent your way to continue their absence in your life friend!
  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 399 Member
    Great news about Kirby!
    Also am happy about Vicki!
    Happy Birthday, Lenora! I did the birthday thing on Friday--but I am a wee bit younger.
    Love the fireflies!
    DH is getting his appt bumped up--hope they can tell him something. We are going to work up a list of questions to ask.
    Love the Como flowers. Used to go there when we lived in Mpls decades ago.
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((hugs))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Lenora Happ-happ-happy Birthday friend!!!!!
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member