

  • ljdw99
    ljdw99 Posts: 360 Member
    Thank you all! some awesome goings on. I'm in a long mtg tonight will try to get more involved tomorrow. :)
  • ladyfair003
    ladyfair003 Posts: 11 Member
    My first time here, i turned 60 in dec. Weight just seems to be growing. New goal to walk a mile every day and write down everything i eat. Got to start somewhere!
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    17761776 wrote: »
    fanncy0626 wrote: »
    Chris- beautiful flower!

    I have over 5.5 miles in and still have another walk to take with Shep. It's cold outside but no snow!


    Mary from Minnesota

    Minneapolis is to get 6 inches Wednesday. Gayle

    I'm glad I live 4 hours away! We're not expected to get any!


    Mary from Minnesota
  • tryingtolive1
    tryingtolive1 Posts: 245 Member
    My first time here, i turned 60 in dec. Weight just seems to be growing. New goal to walk a mile every day and write down everything i eat. Got to start somewhere!

    Welcome. It will be a great start. Once you get going it is easy to get motivated. Don't get me wrong we all have days that we don't do as well as we want but with all the support here you will find it easy to get back on track. Glad you are joining us.

    Anne from Wisconsin
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,713 Member
    i am sacrificing my bike ride to work tomorrow so i can drive (he can't drive) him to the gym with me, he'll walk while i run. he's got a sling but his feet ain't broke
  • CSSJ09
    CSSJ09 Posts: 296 Member
    Just a quick note today.

    Sylvia You must be so torn between wanting to support your son and believe in him and wanting to wring his neck. What a horrible place to be.

    Chris I worked for a millionaire who came her with $75 in his pocket from a country devastated in WWII and by the civil war afterwards. He still shops grocery clearance, never, ever throws anything out because it might come in handy (although not a hoarder) and does all of his own repairs. You are a great example for the earth. About 40% of the food produced in America gets wasted every year. And about 1/2 of all the food grown for human consumption around the world gets wasted. If we all were more conscientious like you, we would not be wasting food and would not have to use any additional resources to feed the world. Hunger would cease.

    Pip Love Kirby's Easter bonnet. Seriously, I hope his recovery is soon complete.

    Cheri The cat pictures are great. Do you have a favorite?

    <3 to everyone.


  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    1056287i3zmwzup2m.gifStats for today:
    16,000 steps
    178 minutes of dog walking
    20 minutes riding the exercise bike
    2:10 plank

    weight-lifting-smiley-emoticon.gifStrong Lifts with dumbbells
    sumo squats 5X5 @ 45 lbs
    deadlift 5X5 @ 60 lbs
    overhead press 5X5 @ 30 lbs

    <3 Barbie from beautiful NW Washington
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,713 Member
    Cssj09 - lololololol
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Barbie - Awesome workout! You are doing great!


    Mary from Minnesota
  • GloworminWA
    GloworminWA Posts: 704 Member
    An FYI for you insomniacs while I catch up - My daughter was having trouble sleeping and tried all of the regular stuff that you usually try before talking to your doctor. Her doc put her on Trazedone and she sleeps soundly now.
  • GloworminWA
    GloworminWA Posts: 704 Member
    edited March 2016
    Allie that cracked me up and it might not have been as late as 80! I keep seeing this cartoon that someone sent me of an 'older woman' with a blouse on and her nipples hanging below it!
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,804 Member
    morning ladies~
    yup~ I am up have been up since about 1:40 couldn't sleep .
    set the laundry to start early so I just threw it in the dryer, and made Toms dinner and his lunch for tomorrow... having a cup of tea and then will pack the rest of my stuff for up at Faiths and to the Cape...
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,356 Member
    Yoga day today. Coffee in the pub with the group. (I have tea as the coffee is weak) Then I will have to think about what to pack for our two days with the grandchildren. Easter presents to take plus DDIL 'S birthday present.

    DH was awake from 5 am thinking about what to put in an email. I said he doesn't have to write an epistle, just a couple of sentences. He still needs time to absorb things. He will feel better once he's done it and spoken to his children.

    I hope my friend with the leg op will make it, at least to the pub. <3

    Love Heather UK
  • GloworminWA
    GloworminWA Posts: 704 Member
    Lenora thanks for the list. I rarely go out since I retired but once in awhile will take the kids to Dennys on kids eat free days. I was always forgetting to show my AARP card but finally remembered the last time. Every little bit counts when one is on a set income.

    Which reminds me - those of you who are not yet 65 or not yet collecting SS make sure you understand about Medicare before you retire. I actually thought that Medicare was free and all of your doctor visits, treatments etc. were free until I went on Medicare. Not only do you get charged monthly for the insurance that you paid for all those years you worked but then you also pay at least 20% of your medical bills + prescriptions. I haven't decided yet whether Medicare Advantage is actually better than regular Medicare or not. Each year the insurance companies that offer the Advantage programs increase the co-pays and/or take away some of the perks that were originally offered. The co-pays for a regular doctor are usually low but if you have to go to a specialist - ortho, dermatologist, heart doctor etc. it's usually at least a $50 co-pay. I don't know about the rest of you but I rarely need to see my family practitioner (PP) but should be seeing specialists. However at $50 a visit to the specialist plus a visit and co-pay to PP for a referral I just don't go. I just don't understand what all that money we paid for Medicare while working was for? At least the kid's medical is paid for so I don't have to worry about whether to take them or not. Guess this was kind of an educational message and rant. Don't get me started on people who never worked a day in their life yet qualify to get all of their medical and dental paid. Ok get out the broom someone - I'm done!

    Janetr - what a beautiful granddaughter. Her aspirations hit home for me. My parents had a friend who was a cosmetologist to the movie stars. From the time I met her until I got married (at 18) I planned to follow in her footsteps. I wanted to go to cosmetology school in CA then to Paris to study and later either work for movie studios or on a cruise ship. Ah the dreams of youth!

    I know I had some more people I wanted to respond to but I'm afraid that I will lose this post and then I would be very unhappy camper so I'll go for now and will have more to say later!

    Ok one more DJ love the smiley throwing the flowers in the air but . . . aaaaaCHOOOOOO!

    Gloria - where the pollen is flying big-sneeze.gif

  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,836 Member
    Good morning all! Happy Tuesday! Welcome new girls! Love and hugs going out to all of you right now; as I plan to keep this short today.
    Some one was talking about people texting her and because she doesn't have her cell phone close by, she doesn't get the message right away...I am one of those people who intentionally do NOT take my phone everywhere with me. I refuse to be joined at the hip with technology. That said, all of my daycare families and my children/hubby/sibs all know that if they need me to know something right away, they HAVE to call me. My kids admitted a while ago, that they don't always answer their phone when it rings; because they know it is either me or their father! Once I found that out, I learned to text, and text rapidly. I have an old, old flip-phone. (Pretty sure I have seen it in museums already) But I can text out a message in quick time.

    I wanted to share a craft that we made last year and that we will be making this week. I hope the photo loads. Fireflies made out of those plastic easter eggs. You glue on googly eyes to the smaller end. Poke a pipe cleaner through the holes (there are a couple of tiny holes in these eggs) for antennae, glue on paper wings; then place one of those battery operated tealights inside facing the bug's backside. When the light is turned on, they make a cute little "glow" craft. I thought if some of you have family gatherings; it might make a fun thing for the kiddos to make.
    A jar full of fireflies; in all of their color changing glory! LOVE this craft!
    Kelly LaMore's photo.
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,836 Member
    Gah...no photo. I will try one more time.
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,836 Member
    LOL! There it is! Last year's jar full of fireflies! Sorry so big!