

  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,657 Member
    Hi gals,
    Kelly – the fireflys are so cute – we do not have them in CA and I have never seen one, that’s on my bucket list to see a firefly and maybe catch them in a jar. I’d catch and release!

    The Brussels attack is awful I had to turn off the radio as it is depressing… so little one can do except reach out and be inclusive.

    Margaret – beautiful!!!

    Vicki – so glad to hear!

    Carol – excellent news on the guy and on your son doing a bit of cleaning on his own!

    Marcelyn – ok you had me thinking and trying to figure out what she did – then the light went on!!!LOLOLOL

    Lenora – Happy Birthday

    Kim from N. California
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,713 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,713 Member
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Margaret- beautiful flowers! Someday when I come down would you like to meet up at Como?

    Pip- wow! What an awesome benefit!

    Chris - great score at the store!

    CarolNC - you are having great things going on in your life! Have fun dating!

    Shep on our walk taking a break. 4 1/2 months old.



    Mary from Minnesota

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,391 Member
    Did about 20 minutes of yoga, held my plank for 2 min 49 sec, then the extremepump class. Today, Tuesday, did an hour on the bosu. The plan for tomorrow is to do a DVD called "non-Stop Strength". It looked like it was cardio, so we shall see.

    I volunteer at the Green Room today, then Vince and I will go to Lowe's Hardware then we'll go to WalMart.

    This no driving means tht I REALLY have to be ready to do everything. Vince hates to go to the store. The other day he commented that the beef wasn't all that good. I had to tell him that I really wanted to get a better piece of meat but the store didn't have any so I had to settle. He didn't say anything. See, I would have gone to another store, but he doesn't like to.

    Mondays are usually pretty hectic for me. Went to the extremepump class, stopped at the Salvation Army. Got a pair of Calvin Klein shorts for $5. Then senior bowling, came home to have dinner, then pick up Loki's med (normally, I'd do it in the morning just in case for some reason they don't have it I can still pick it up in the evening, but not Vince), then ceramics, then mahjongg. The log, turtle and worm are finished. Now Vince needs to glue it all together. So I won't post a pic until it's all done.

    janetr - (((hugs))) for you and your hubby

    Sylvia - you are so good to your son. I'm sure he appreciates everything you do

    Anna - insist that they do it. You know, a while back I fractured (I think that's what happened) my ankle. At the time it was because I tripped over my son's hockey stick. Then, a while later I was getting up and walking to the closet and my ankle just gave out. You should have heard me demanding a bone density scan! The MD kept saying "we don't recommend them for women who haven't gone thru menopause". But I kept insisting, I knew something was wrong. I had no desire to be in a mall and have my ankle give out. Finally, she recommended a BDS, I truly think she did it more to shut me up than anything else. Was she ever surprised that it came back that I had osteoporosis! So don't be afraid to insist. This is your body. No one knows it better than you.

    Lenora - positive thought being sent to your DnL. BTDT.

    Change of plans - they had benefactor day at the Green Room so I wasn't needed. Poor Vince had to come back to get me! So we Skyped with Denise instead. I made a chocolate cake to put in the freezer for Easter. Now Vince is having his lunch and then we'll go to Lowe's Hardware for seed, fertilizer and Weed & Feed, then to WalMart for me to return some things and buy just a few things since we were just there. Update: WM changed their policy, now they will only exchange clothing if you don't have a receipt. there's no way I was going to buy $13 worth of clothing, so I'll look for the receipt.

    Beth - good luck to your son

    Terri - I usually find that when I have air popped popcorn, that makes me want to drink. Also, something very spicy (like cayenne pepper or peppered beef jerky)

    pip - sending good thoughts for Kirby

    Cheri - love the cats

    Betty - I'd go with your hubby to the MD. It's always good to have an extra set of ears

    Welcome everyone new

    Suzy - I missed one day and I'm having to skim the posts!!!!

    DJ - it never ceases to amaze me when I go to WalMart the number of people who don't use coupons or price match. I got 5 dozen eggs, each for 99 cents by price matching. I know Vince wouldn't want to go to another store.

    Edw - keep coming back and you'll feel like "one of the family". As someone once said, coming in here is like sitting at the kitchen table and talking. What happens in our lives affects our eating so much. Of course, there's always room for more!!!! Great weight loss!

    pip - I found those pics very interesting. Thanks for posting them. Give my best wishes for a speedy recovery to Kirby

    Meg - I'm going to check WalGreen for the zonisamide and also WalMart. That would probably be cheaper than having it compounded

    CJ - I remember reading a book called "101 Ways to Save the Earth". What amazed me was that most of the things were things that my grandmother did. She raised 5 children during the depression, so nothing, and I do mean nothing, got wasted.

    Gloria - Vince will be 62 next year and he is not looking forward to Medicare at all.

    KJ - lovely fireflies

    Chris - what a buy!!!!

    Vicki - I knew things would work out with your ultrasound

    pip - that's amazing that Kirby got his work for free! I'd be happier than you can imagine, and I'm sure he is, too.

    Carol in NC - how wonderful you and that guy? Is there maybe a chance that you can also spend some time with his daughter?

    Lenora - happy birthday!

    Betty - if I neglected to wish you a happy birthday, let me do it right now.

    Well, the one cake didn't work out. It stuck to the pan, not sure why. So I made another one and this time lined the pan with that non-stick aluminum foil. Then for good measure I sprayed it with nonstick spray. Guess what? So, since it's real fudgy, I pieced it together and then just put a whole can of icing on it.

    Have a Newcomer board meeting tomorrow. It's a combination of the old Board and the new Board. It's held at this restaurant. I'll probably get the veggie wrap.

    Michele in NC
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Evening, Ladies,

    Joyce, glad Charlie is doing better after the surgery. It’s nice once we see a tiny incision and seems to hurt less.

    IDW, welcome. We are always happy to welcome new friends that are serious about a new lifestyle. You have had a wonderful start so a huge congrats on that. Come often and join right in and we will get to know each other before you know it.

    Pip, I am getting a bit squeamish about the pictures but so happy the procedure was a success!! And gee, since his feet aren’t broken, crack that whip and make him walk!!! Lol

    Gloria, the pollen is flying here too. OMG what a year. As for the Medicare supplements, I have one with no deductible and don’t pay anything to see a specialists either. It’s worth checking on that option as the premium wasn’t much different.

    KJ, cute fireflies.

    Janetr, so happy Jack is doing well. Give him a Hug from this Janet. smiley-ashamed005.gif

    Chris, that was a “score” at the grocery. I don’t think I’ve ever seen chickens for that little. Way to go.

    VickiNE, so glad the Ultrasound didn’t show anything to be concerned about. It’s hard not to worry until you hear. (((Hugs))) Doing Happy Dance with you.

    Pip, way cool that Kirby snuck out of the hospital without paying. Ya never hear of that happening.

    Margaret, the flowers are beautiful and didn’t even make me sneeze. Thanks.

    CarolNC, so happy you are enjoying seeing Mr. Exclusive. That is great. If you get to go to NY for the graduation will you be going with someone? I love NYC but DH hates it so we’ve never been together. I fear it has gotten too expensive for me to ever go again.

    Meg, I hope the PT will start to help more. Wishing you back to full force. (((Hugs)))

    welcome.gifto any Newbies that I missed. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    I had line dance this afternoon and did well. My hip was hurting this morning again but got better mid-morning. The weather should be back up near 70 tomorrow but I still need to stay in due to the high pollen count.
    Sending good thoughts for all of you and wishing you each a healthy and happy day. happy-spring-smiley-emoticon.gif
    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.
    I Love you, smiley-love013.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Thank all of you sending "Happy Birthday" wishes my way. It was a 'great' day. I've heard from just about all my family. Was on long distance and my DSGD was trying to call. I guess that she gave up; or had to go to bed; her mother is pretty strict about bedtime on school nights; but, maybe she'll call tomorrow. They called Trey to find out 'if we had gone out to eat for my birthday' and then told her to try a little later. Got a pot of beautiful tulips. They are always so pretty, just don't bloom that long. So if I plant them out in the yard, will they come back? I sure hope so.

    Michelle in NC - I'm a little dense today; but, what does BTDT mean?

  • TheRealMsWolf
    TheRealMsWolf Posts: 100 Member
    Happy Birthday, Lenora!
  • CSSJ09
    CSSJ09 Posts: 296 Member
    How do I log kettle bell exercise on MFP? I have searched and do not know what to ask. I started with 10 minutes video today and I feel more exhausted than 10 miles. Boy am I out of shape.

    Just got back from a community event. A veteran who I said that I would walk with told me that I looked as if I have been working out. Yippee.
  • joanl9
    joanl9 Posts: 107 Member
    Belated birthday wishes, Lenora! Sounds like you had a lovely birthday celebration.

    Kate in AL
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    CSSJ09 wrote: »
    How do I log kettle bell exercise on MFP? I have searched and do not know what to ask. I started with 10 minutes video today and I feel more exhausted than 10 miles. Boy am I out of shape.

    Just got back from a community event. A veteran who I said that I would walk with told me that I looked as if I have been working out. Yippee.

    You have to create it. Go to exercises and create it. Under cardio. Enter name of exercise, time 30 minutes, 600 calories. You can change the time when you actually do the exercise. It will adjust the calories accordingly. You burn 20 calories/minute.

    Message me if you need further help.


    Mary from Minnesota
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,657 Member
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    t3302.gif...Lenora, I hope you had a great day and this is the beginning of a great year.

    :)Vicki, what great news about your mammogram...I'm glad you took advantage of the love and support we sent your way so you didn't waste time worrying and stressing.

    :)Pip, good news about Kirby's continued return to his healthy and active self.

    1056287i3zmwzup2m.gifStats for today:
    12,000 steps
    134 minutes of dog walking
    20 minutes riding the exercise bike
    a long long time at the car dealer

    :'( the problem with the "passenger air bag off" light in our recently purchased car has continued to haunt us....after many tests and other tinkering, the response from the dealer and the manufacturer was that the sensor in the seat could be affected by how weight was distributed in the seat and all systems were working OK so there was nothing anyone could do about it. At least no one suggested that I ride in the back seat or put on some weight to solve the problems. I'm not a crier but I felt like it as we prepared to leave with no solution. Then I told the service manager that the only solution I could be comfortable with was to find a car that we could trade straight across that would meet our requirements and that would require no cash out of pocket and no increase in our payments.....it took awhile, but we now have a different car with no problem with the passenger air bag sensor and some nifty features that the other one didn't have. I don't like the color as much but I will learn to love the car. We were there for over four hours and had to call a friend to walk the dogs, but we both feel much better albeit very exhausted from the emotional energy expended. :)

    sleeping-beauty-smiley-emoticon.gifsleepy Barbie from NW Washington
  • lcottomsvcs
    lcottomsvcs Posts: 25 Member
    Hello All, reading this thread is like walking into a room filled with good friends. I wanted to introduce myself. I am married, a blended family of 2 girls and 2 boys, 4 lovely little granddaughters. I am a high school science teacher and really love my job. I have come to MFP looking to lose weight at the advice of my cardiologist. And he is right, it is time.
    I am doing an hour of vinyasa yoga twice per week, walking 10,000 steps (most) days and alternating between an elliptical trainer and weight training for a half hour in the mornings during the week. Started at 188, now at 184 after about 6 weeks. Working hard! Hoping I can keep it up. I do have fibromyalgia, which complicates my exercise routine somewhat, I get tired easily. I am fortunate to to have a wonderful supportive husband, and that is where much of my encouragement comes from.

    I would like new friends and support, and you all seem like positive people!

    Lora in Indiana
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    fanncy0626 wrote: »
    Margaret- beautiful flowers! Someday when I come down would you like to meet up at Como?

    Pip- wow! What an awesome benefit!

    Chris - great score at the store!

    CarolNC - you are having great things going on in your life! Have fun dating!

    Shep on our walk taking a break. 4 1/2 months old.



    Mary from Minnesota

    MARY!! Don't look now, but some big dog has swallowed your sweet little puppy with the floppy ears!
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    fanncy0626 wrote: »
    Margaret- beautiful flowers! Someday when I come down would you like to meet up at Como?

    Pip- wow! What an awesome benefit!

    Chris - great score at the store!

    CarolNC - you are having great things going on in your life! Have fun dating!

    Shep on our walk taking a break. 4 1/2 months old.



    Mary from Minnesota

    MARY!! Don't look now, but some big dog has swallowed your sweet little puppy with the floppy ears!

    Lol! :)

    Mary from Minnesota
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good evening everyone. Its been a long day. I had a cleaning team (mother and daughter) meet me at my son's this afternoon and give me a price for cleaning. They are going to do a deep cleaning for $60 next Tuesday, then weekly cleaning for $45 after that. He was reluctant, but agreed. I think he is going to feel a huge relief when its done. Right now he's just embarrassed at how bad it is.

    I got my new compressor set up with new hoses and fittings so I can use three spray guns at once. Before, I had to keep changing the color and cleaning out the gun every time, so this is going to be really nice. And I researched how to fix an annoying problem with my kiln. Will work more on that tomorrow. It still works, but it doesn't do certain things I want to do.

    We had another co-op meeting tonight. We are getting ready to sign the lease and move in April first. This really is going to happen! It's starting to get exciting.

    Good night everyone!

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,713 Member
    fanncy he is soon cute!!!
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,657 Member
    Miriam - definitely interesting, I had not heard of that study.
    Sylvia - Co-op Yeah! Kiln Yeah!! Cleaning Team hip hip hooray!
    Mary - what a doll!

    Kim in N. Cal