Women with Multiple Tatoos HOT OR NOT?



  • hiimshadoe
    hiimshadoe Posts: 122
    you live one time...whynot express yourself in any way you wish!mine mean happiness and to live every second to its fullest..so when i look at them they could potentially pull me out of a rough spot or motivate me to do something...so i plan on getting plenty more..ive always been a huge fan of art and even if my tattoos dont necessarily mean something..i think there beautiful(most of them..)
  • TamiLinc
    TamiLinc Posts: 70 Member
    I have two tattoos. One on my back and one in a hidden spot. I plan on getting one on my lower back once I am at my goal weight. I also want to get something on my foot!

    I suppose its one of those "to each their own"

    I got one on my foot and it hurt so bad!! but i too am getting a tatt when i reach my first goal weight!! awesome.. Ive wanted to get my sons name and now i have a goal for it. I think im going to get it on the outside of my foot.. eekk!~
  • veggievixen
    veggievixen Posts: 36 Member

    @goodidea, good job at furthering a discussion. I thought this was about sharing our thoughts and ideas to gain a better understanding of each other and ourselves, not a random opinion poll.

    BTW not offended fatboy225, I feel that how ideas are voiced should take into account your audience both intended and accidental. As a writer, that was hammered into me by some really great teachers. Once it's out the author has to own it for better or worse. I think many comedians have paid a big price to learn this, Tracy Morgan and Gilbert Gottfried most recently. Once the words are out there you don't always get to explain yourself, though you've shown open minded-ness by reading and responding to feedback.
  • littlemissanguissette
    littlemissanguissette Posts: 248 Member
    I absolutely love tattoos. I have two right now [technically three - one is a coverup] and I do have a "tramp stamp", which I do find quite annoying it is called that. The lower back is a perfect place for a nice tattoo. :) I was stupid when I was 18 and get a name on my lower back, which I got covered up last year.

    I have three or four more already planned, just really waiting and deciding if I do want them. I have one on my right wrist [latin], and will be getting latin on my left wrist, as well. I have one planned for either my left shoulder blade, or centered between my shoulder blades...not sure yet.

    I'd love one on my foot, but for some reason I'm balking at one on my foot, or ankle...not a huge fan of them.

    I think it is up to the person. I find people with tattoos beautiful, but I also find people without tattoos beautiful.

    But I love tattoos on men. Full sleeves, half sleeves...back pieces...chest...YUM.
  • TheGoktor
    TheGoktor Posts: 1,138 Member

    Well Corsayre8 you have mistaken my kindness for weakness, I simply was Curious, Your assumption is incorrect. It would be the same as a political statement referenece Democrats or Republicans, Abortion or no Abortion. We all have our opinions.If you had read a little more into this you would see that I have a tatoo. There is always somebody who takes a post too far. Guess who that is here? Not once did I denounce a specific Tatoo on anybody, I simply said "I"( meaning me alone) didn't care for them.) I looked back at your previous posts it always seems you are complaining about something, lighten up and have fun, I meant nothing by statement, you are over reacting. I sure am glad I didn't say I hate Broccoli, that mighta caused riots.

    FWIW, I didn't for one minute find any of your posts judgemental or negative! I thought you made it perfectly clear that you were interested in other people's opinions right from the outset.

    Just don't start with the Marmite, OK....or else we may have a falling out! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    (I love broccoli, BTW!)
    I have a question about tatoos, What is a sleeve that you all keep talking about?

    It's when your entire arm is tattooed. A half sleeve is half your arm done. Lookie here:

  • Still_Sossy
    Still_Sossy Posts: 868 Member
    Thanks Joy!!!!
  • Carey2011
    Carey2011 Posts: 15

    I have a few tattoos and although I do like them, there are a few I wish I never had. Young and stupid comes to mind! Thankfully they aren't anywhere overly visible so it's not as though i'm going to look like the tattooed lady at 90 years of age, sitting in the care home .

    Each to their own is what i would say.
  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    Since my GF has multiple tattoos, I'd say they are hot. Also I am a fan of the Suicide Girls look.

    And lets be serious, when you are 90, are you really going to give a *kitten* what other people think? All I want to do is be a dirty old man.
  • Sh1tsRainbows
    Sh1tsRainbows Posts: 1,227 Member
    Since my GF has multiple tattoos, I'd say they are hot. Also I am a fan of the Suicide Girls look.

    LOVE Suicide girls!!!!!!

    i have 9 tats..and every one has very significant meaning to me..
  • brewingaz
    brewingaz Posts: 1,136 Member
    Seriously people are offended by that? I mean, some people like girls with a ton of tattoos, some people don't. Who cares? Everyone has different tastes. Some people prefer brunettes over blonds. Is that offensive too?
  • GorillaNJ
    GorillaNJ Posts: 4,024 Member
    I like to be unique... so I have no tattoos. When I go to the beach or look around the gym sometimes I think I am the only one!

    Personally I think full sleeves and things of that nature do not look attractive on women. And Boob tats? Why ruin something as perfect as a boob? LOL I do understand that people love to get them and so many people love how they look, just never really appealed to me.
  • MistyMtnMan
    MistyMtnMan Posts: 527 Member
    Not! They may look good now... but I can't imagine what they will look like in 30-40 years. **shudders** :)

    I don't think anything will look that great in 30-40 years.
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    No tattoos here. Can't get myself to ever get one. I know as soon as I get one I will immediately regret it for eternity lol. I personally think they look tacky but I do want to acknowledge that I have seen some pretty awesome designs.
    To eat their own I guess. On a side note, my husband's battle buddy got a "f%ck you" tattoo on the inside of her lip.
  • MistyMtnMan
    MistyMtnMan Posts: 527 Member
    I LOVE LOVE LOVE TATTOOS! Well good tattoos, not just any. Some are really terrible, you gotta do your research and not just walk in and get one.
  • Carey2011
    Carey2011 Posts: 15
    Lol, very true about th 90 yr thing, Think i will have more to worry about.
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    Not! They may look good now... but I can't imagine what they will look like in 30-40 years. **shudders** :)

    I don't think anything will look that great in 30-40 years.

    You bet. My husband is a Radiologist Technician at BAMC and one time they received a trauma. It was a 90 yr old lady. They had to take off all her clothes to attend her injury and my husband said she was wrinkled like a prune but she had fake boobs and it was the most unnatural thing he has ever seen, LMAO. He said, the boobs were sticking up, as if gravity did not exist and yet the rest of the body just sagged, haha!
  • casey12105
    casey12105 Posts: 293
    I'm waiting to get all of my tattoos when I hit my goal weight, but there are plenty I want, some even pretty large. Personally I'm not going to be inking myself to impress anyone else, I'm going to do it for me because I will love how it looks and love what it symbolizes for me. And like someone else said, in 30-40 years I'm not really gonna give a crap what I look like lol.
  • foxyforce
    foxyforce Posts: 3,078 Member
    i think ive spent close to $300 on my six. one of them was free because my boyfriend at the time was learning... that reminds me i need to get that touched up...

    that is just over $50 a tattoo so my question and assumption is, they are small?

    i just counted and am ashemd to say i've spent roughly $750 on my tattoos. yikes! and they are getting more and more expensive, especially for an awesome artist.

    tattoos are HOT.

    when we are 80, we aren't going to be in the best shape anyway. so i love how people say, "how will that look when you're an old woman", well, i'm going to be a beautiful old wrinkly lady anyway, so i might as well support what i supported in my youth.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    Seriously people are offended by that? I mean, some people like girls with a ton of tattoos, some people don't. Who cares? Everyone has different tastes. Some people prefer brunettes over blonds. Is that offensive too?

    It's offensive to have a preference of any sort, didn't you get the memo? Being heterosexual is just SO prejudiced, don't you know?
  • Carey2011
    Carey2011 Posts: 15
    I find that extremely amusing about the 90 yr old with the false boobs. Bet that was a sight to see lol