Craving, binges and Diet?

Since I started logging my food the first of the month, I lost 18 pounds.however this last week I've been going off; crazy with my intake. Endless craving binging on stuff I know don't even taste good to me right now. I feel a void and It feels like I need food but it does not work. I think I need some better recipes of food that will fill me up without the calories. Need advice ASAP


  • pinggolfer96
    pinggolfer96 Posts: 2,248 Member
    Sounds like your restricting yourself too much, leading to a want to binge
  • lauralou93a
    lauralou93a Posts: 50 Member
    What do you eat for your meals on a typical day? You might need to increase slow release carbs and proteins
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    If you are eating too little, you will get hungry. What's your height and weight and calorie goal, and do you hit that every day? Do you log correctly?
  • chism21
    chism21 Posts: 155 Member
    I do log daily and as accurately as possible. Currently I'm not counting my macros however i'm sticking to my calories I usually eat less than 2000 but more than 1500 calories per day. My dairy is public if anyone would like to check it.
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    edited March 2016
    chism21 wrote: »
    Since I started logging my food the first of the month, I lost 18 pounds.however this last week I've been going off; crazy with my intake. Endless craving binging on stuff I know don't even taste good to me right now. I feel a void and It feels like I need food but it does not work. I think I need some better recipes of food that will fill me up without the calories. Need advice ASAP

    @chism21 I did that many times over a period of 40 years and it almost totally wrecked my health. Cravings are NOT normal and until I found a macro where I had ZERO physical cravings my weight went like a yo yo.

    Above is just a Google search on "foods that can kill cravings" so you can take it from there to find a macro that may cut out your physical cravings. I still can have mental cravings but it is one the physical cravings that are not humanly easy to fight like when trying to stop smoking.

    Remember you have to find a macro that stops cravings because cutting calories can only make them worse by binging. People who do not have cravings can just cut calories OK.
  • mamafazz
    mamafazz Posts: 92 Member
    chism21 wrote: »
    Since I started logging my food the first of the month, I lost 18 pounds.however this last week I've been going off; crazy with my intake. Endless craving binging on stuff I know don't even taste good to me right now. I feel a void and It feels like I need food but it does not work. I think I need some better recipes of food that will fill me up without the calories. Need advice ASAP

    @chism21 I did that many times over a period of 40 years and it almost totally wrecked my health. Cravings are NOT normal and until I found a macro where I had ZERO physical cravings my weight went like a yo yo.

    Above is just a Google search on "foods that can kill cravings" so you can take it from there to find a macro that may cut out your physical cravings. I still can have mental cravings but it is one the physical cravings that are not humanly easy to fight like when trying to stop smoking.

    Remember you have to find a macro that stops cravings because cutting calories can only make them worse by binging. People who do not have cravings can just cut calories OK.

  • mamafazz
    mamafazz Posts: 92 Member
    @galehawkins: what is your macro pattern that has helped?...I struggle with cravings as well. On low carb I crave carbs..on lowfat I crave fat..just want to stay in caloric deficit without being miserable.
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    mamafazz wrote: »
    @galehawkins: what is your macro pattern that has helped?...I struggle with cravings as well. On low carb I crave carbs..on lowfat I crave fat..just want to stay in caloric deficit without being miserable.

    @mamafazz first of all there are 'mental' only in our head cravings and there are 'physical' cravings for carbs, protein or fats. In my case I expect many of the billions of critters living in my digestive track was made up of the bad types rather than the good types since my cravings were only for carbs. The bad guys crave glucose most often as I see it. While they can get some glucose from protein but none for fats they signal the brain to crave fast carb foods in my simple view.

    Medically we know if cravings are not stopped a caloric deficit can set many of us for a 100%+ regain down the road especially if we used exercise to lose fat when we tire from using willpower to fight off cravings.

    After 40 years of serious joint and muscle pain and yo yoing weight I decided to test cutting my carbs to <50 grams daily. In just 30 days my pain was managed without meds for the first time in 40 years. 40 years of serious IBS resolved six months later and is still gone a year after that.

    5% carbs, 15% protein and 80% fats has been my macro for the past 1.5 years and resulting in improved health and blood markers, weight loss that has been maintained for a year while I stuffed my face with my macro.

    Others may report the same results with very different macros. We are all different. Remember I was 63 (currently 65) and in very bad health rushing towards a premature death before I finally got myself off of sugar and all forms of grain as a elimination test. Yes I did read medical studies that supported my 5/15/80 macro as being safe for the rest of my life. I have earned an OD degree and my wife is a pharmacist so we can read and understand medical research and understand not to just take it at face value. Most all medical research can be misleading at one level or another. All social media medical info/advice should ONLY be used as a starting point to do personal research and NEVER to be acted upon at face value. What may be good for one may kill another.

    Remember we do not become obese like I was unless we are physically sick/unhealthy from some cause. My health had to start to improve before my health markers could improve.

    Best of luck in finding the macro that works for you. I had to finally get aggressive because the doctors wanted me to start on Enbrel injections for pain management in just 30 days. I had tried tapering off of 60 days and was a total failure. Going cold turkey was very hellish the first two weeks then my brain stopped sending out craving messages. The first 90 days was weird with a steep learning curve and somewhat weird for the next 90 days.

  • mamafazz
    mamafazz Posts: 92 Member
    @galehawkins..thank you..very helpful info :)
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,988 Member
    chism21 wrote: »
    I do log daily and as accurately as possible. Currently I'm not counting my macros however i'm sticking to my calories I usually eat less than 2000 but more than 1500 calories per day. My dairy is public if anyone would like to check it.

    How did you feel after your breakfast Monday vs the other days? You may not remember, but moving forward, I suggest you pay attention to how you feel after a meal and then look at your meal's macros. I feel more full after protein, fat, and fiber. When I eat higher carb meals, my body wants to continue eating - I'm not satisfied.

    Also try adding some low calorie, high volume vegetables like broccoli to your meals.


    Do you exercise? My regular exercise program helps me with other sorts of food cravings.
  • glow_worm_eyes
    glow_worm_eyes Posts: 34 Member
    mamafazz wrote: »
    @galehawkins: what is your macro pattern that has helped?...I struggle with cravings as well. On low carb I crave carbs..on lowfat I crave fat..just want to stay in caloric deficit without being miserable.

    @mamafazz first of all there are 'mental' only in our head cravings and there are 'physical' cravings for carbs, protein or fats. In my case I expect many of the billions of critters living in my digestive track was made up of the bad types rather than the good types since my cravings were only for carbs. The bad guys crave glucose most often as I see it. While they can get some glucose from protein but none for fats they signal the brain to crave fast carb foods in my simple view.

    Medically we know if cravings are not stopped a caloric deficit can set many of us for a 100%+ regain down the road especially if we used exercise to lose fat when we tire from using willpower to fight off cravings.

    After 40 years of serious joint and muscle pain and yo yoing weight I decided to test cutting my carbs to <50 grams daily. In just 30 days my pain was managed without meds for the first time in 40 years. 40 years of serious IBS resolved six months later and is still gone a year after that.

    5% carbs, 15% protein and 80% fats has been my macro for the past 1.5 years and resulting in improved health and blood markers, weight loss that has been maintained for a year while I stuffed my face with my macro.

    Others may report the same results with very different macros. We are all different. Remember I was 63 (currently 65) and in very bad health rushing towards a premature death before I finally got myself off of sugar and all forms of grain as a elimination test. Yes I did read medical studies that supported my 5/15/80 macro as being safe for the rest of my life. I have earned an OD degree and my wife is a pharmacist so we can read and understand medical research and understand not to just take it at face value. Most all medical research can be misleading at one level or another. All social media medical info/advice should ONLY be used as a starting point to do personal research and NEVER to be acted upon at face value. What may be good for one may kill another.

    Remember we do not become obese like I was unless we are physically sick/unhealthy from some cause. My health had to start to improve before my health markers could improve.

    Best of luck in finding the macro that works for you. I had to finally get aggressive because the doctors wanted me to start on Enbrel injections for pain management in just 30 days. I had tried tapering off of 60 days and was a total failure. Going cold turkey was very hellish the first two weeks then my brain stopped sending out craving messages. The first 90 days was weird with a steep learning curve and somewhat weird for the next 90 days.

    I'm glad I ran across this. I have been experimenting with a higher fat diet myself. I have been known to binge, and I knew that this was something that I could change, so I began to study different diets. I am currently reading the book "eat fat, get thin" that's on the nyt best seller list. For the past few days I have had no cravings or really even that much hunger. I have had a lot of energy and alertness. I will say that it's a little scary to dive into something that I don't truly understand yet, but it really seems to be working. So for now let's eat avocados, walnuts, olive oil, and butter! :D:D
    And I admit this is still a little scary for me. But I want to stay this path for a while to see if it will benefit my health.
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    @glow_worm_eyes I have doing this Way Of Eating for 1.5 years and even with my background it is still a little scary for me went I come across literature with the mindset of 40 years ago. :(

    Just last year I had some nurses to get bent out of shape with my WOE. The madding part they had my 45 pound weight loss and vastly improved health markers in front of their eyes.

    For people who have been doing this WOE for longer than I have consider requesting to join this MFP subgroup. They are very aware and very helpful to new and old alike.

    Below is a doctor's story how he too found LCHF by accident when he at 52 with a 2 year old son realized the way he was eat meant he might die before his son could get out of high school. Our twins were a driving force for me to change my WOE. It is a 27 minute video of a MD talking about how he was never taught this WOE in med school for addressing diabetes that developed without his knowledge.

    For a lot more details on this WOE below is the full article of where I found Doctor Jay Wortman, M.D's video.

    Best of Success.
  • glow_worm_eyes
    glow_worm_eyes Posts: 34 Member
    Thank you very much @GaleHawkins . I'll definitely join the group and check out the other information you've provided.
  • FindingAmy77
    FindingAmy77 Posts: 1,266 Member
    edited March 2016
    I have had the same problems before. Preplanning what you eat, pre portioning out all packaged foods as much as you can, drink more water and last but not least exercise more so you can eat more. Also get rid of what is in your house that is a trigger food and add in more fiber and protein in your diet with meats and vegies and oatmeal, etc. Those are your biggest two friends when eating at a deficit. They help keep you fuller and for longer. By adding in more of fiber and protein and cutting down on carbs/sugars it may be exactly what will curb the hungries for you. I know it helps me.
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    I have had the same problems before. Preplanning what you eat, pre portioning out all packaged foods as much as you can, drink more water and last but not least exercise more so you can eat more. Also get rid of what is in your house that is a trigger food and add in more fiber and protein in your diet with meats and vegies and oatmeal, etc. those are your biggest three friends when eating at a deficit. They help keep you fuller and for longer.

    Man that sounds like a lot of work. Why not just kill your cravings then there will be no trigger foods in the house? With 17 year olds in my house the trigger foods set on the same table I eat at. After two weeks of not eating ANY trigger foods (things containing sugars or any form of grains) the cravings just faded away so effectively there were no trigger foods in the house in my case.
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    Thank you very much @GaleHawkins . I'll definitely join the group and check out the other information you've provided.

    I hope the info and encouragement out of that group helps you @glow_worm_eyes as much as it helped me.
  • chism21
    chism21 Posts: 155 Member
    Thank you all for your comment I would take the time to take them under consideration. @GaleHawkins I know this might not be your plan but you seem to be following a plan similar to the Atkins diet in which you restrict the amount of carbohydrates you consume per day.
  • glow_worm_eyes
    glow_worm_eyes Posts: 34 Member
    I have had the same problems before. Preplanning what you eat, pre portioning out all packaged foods as much as you can, drink more water and last but not least exercise more so you can eat more. Also get rid of what is in your house that is a trigger food and add in more fiber and protein in your diet with meats and vegies and oatmeal, etc. Those are your biggest two friends when eating at a deficit. They help keep you fuller and for longer. By adding in more of fiber and protein and cutting down on carbs/sugars it may be exactly what will curb the hungries for you. I know it helps me.

    I can't even eat steel cut oats. I become ravenous after about two hours...
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    chism21 wrote: »
    Thank you all for your comment I would take the time to take them under consideration. @GaleHawkins I know this might not be your plan but you seem to be following a plan similar to the Atkins diet in which you restrict the amount of carbohydrates you consume per day.

    @chism21 I do not know Atkins but I have been told this is the same as the first phase of the Atkins diet. Dr. Jay Wortman, M.D. states the same in his interview near the bottom of the article below.

    Eating <50 grams of carbs daily tiggers also Chaperone Mediated Autophagy which is to enhance our health and lifespan per some.
  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    chism21 wrote: »
    Thank you all for your comment I would take the time to take them under consideration. @GaleHawkins I know this might not be your plan but you seem to be following a plan similar to the Atkins diet in which you restrict the amount of carbohydrates you consume per day.

    @chism21 I do not know Atkins but I have been told this is the same as the first phase of the Atkins diet. Dr. Jay Wortman, M.D. states the same in his interview near the bottom of the article below.

    Eating <50 grams of carbs daily tiggers also Chaperone Mediated Autophagy which is to enhance our health and lifespan per some.

    What is, in plain words for me, Chaperone Mediated Autophagy? I looked it up and did not understand it.