March 2016 Running Challenge



  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    Congrats @MobyCarp that sounds like a great race. You are totally killing it!
  • gradchica27
    gradchica27 Posts: 777 Member
    Lent is in the books and so is my mileage goal! Looking forward to a rest and a Reese's egg tomorrow :smile:

    3/21. Cross
    3/22. 4.3 m
    3/23. 3.25 m
    3/24. Cross.
    3/25. 3.5 m
    3/26. 3.5 m
    3/27. Rest.
    Wtd. 14.55 m

    Mtd. 69.7 / 60 miles
  • ceckhardt369
    ceckhardt369 Posts: 115 Member
    Virkati wrote: »
    Has anyone done the Insane Inflatable 5k ? It looks fun, but I'm not sure I want to spend the $$. But if it's as fun as it looks, it would be totally worth it lol

    A friend and I did it last year and are signed up again for one this year. It was a great race and lots of fun!
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @MobyCarp Congratulations! Too funny about the fellow that was glad you had a bday!
  • AdrianChr92
    AdrianChr92 Posts: 567 Member
    edited March 2016
    Hello people. I'm not sure I'll hit my goal for the month but anyway it's better than last month. Or maybe I will who knows. I'm supposed to taper for next sunday when I got my first 10k race. Tomorrow is my long run and I can't wait. I went to the local sport shop and raided their running section today. No more running in cotton anything. Tech shirts, shorts, long tech pants, tech socks and everything. Even an assortment of gels and some isotonic tablets. Ok maybe I got carried away a little but I can't wait to run tomorrow. I also considered some spandex tights but I steel need to talk to my inner self about that.

    Oh and I also got a pack of gummies (5) and I couldn't wait and ate one :) . It tasted okaysh, I've had better. Should I take these with water like gels or are fine on their own?

    .....Date.....Distance...Pace (min/km).........................Random thought of the day
    March 01 - rest
    March 02 - 5 km............(4:42).........Stop bouncing like Bambi you idiot you gonna kill your knees
    March 03 - 7 km............(6:00)............................Bend at the ankles not the waist.
    March 04 - 3.5 km.........(7.46)....................A metronome app helps with your cadence
    March 05 - rest
    March 06 - 15 km..........(6:00)............Need to taper long run next week but don't want to
    March 07 - 5 km............(7:08).........................,.............Treadmills suck
    March 08 - rest(4k walk)
    March 09 - 3 km............(6:00).................................Treadmills really suck
    March 10 - dead
    March 11 - dead
    March 12 - dead
    March 13 - dead
    March 14 - 4 km.............(4:20).......................Turns out I'm quite good at biomechanics
    March 15 - rest
    March 16 - 4.4 km..........(6:50).................I can't do this any slower watch leave me alone
    March 17 - 3.4 km..........(5:50)......................Tap Tap Tap Tap Tap Tap Tap Tap Tap
    March 18 - 3.4 km..........(5:00)........................................Gotta go fast
    March 19 - rest (xt)
    March 20 - 6.5 km..........(5:40)........................................Praise the sun
    March 21 - 5.3 km+ONE (1) hour of stationary bike..............Music
    March 22 - 5.6 km
    March 23 - 3.6 km....................................................I ate 5 bananas today
    March 24 - 6 km............(7:00)......................................Now that's easy
    March 25 - 2 km............(6:30)..................................Gotta rest a little too
    March 26 - rest


    03/04: Bucharest 10k and Family run (registered)
    16/04: Color Run Bucharest (registered)
    15/05: Bucharest Half Marathon (need to register till march 31)
  • _nikkiwolf_
    _nikkiwolf_ Posts: 1,380 Member
    @MNLittleFinn Actually, for me the Brooks are the only shoes so far where I didn't have to go half a (or even a full!) size bigger. For what it's worth, this is my personal table of the brands I've bought running shoes from so far:
    Mizuno 40 / US 9 / UK 6.5
    Saucony 40.5 / US 9 / UK 7
    Brooks 39 / US 8 / UK 6
    Asics 40.5 / US 9 / UK 7
    I'm not buying shoes of an unknown brand online - they are just so random about sizes!

    @Amandajs232 Sometimes it's great to look back and see how much things changed. You've done amazing in the past few month! I really love this challenge, it's so motivating!

    @michable Wow, already more than 200km for the month, great job!

    @greenolivetree regarding the time difference between Strava and Garmin: yes, as WhatMeRunning wrote, Strava deletes time you stand still. Somewhere in your run log you can see also the"elapsed time", but it uses "moving time" to calculate your pace. One of the reasons I keep using runningahead in addition to Strava, since I feel like ignoring the stopped time isn't really fair - I do get some recovery when I stand around at a traffic light (or stand around staring at my phone, trying to figure out how to get home). So if there is actually a way to switch that feature off, I'd love it if somebody could point me towards where I can change that setting!

    @ariceroni Amazing time, congratulations on the PR and the age group win!

    @MobyCarp That age group win streak is super impressive, kudos!


    I'm visiting my family for easter (Fri - Mon) - and I didn't pack any running clothes!
    ...That's not as serious as it sounds - I managed a run on Friday before heading for the airport, and I happen to have some "retired" running gear stashed at my parents place. I might just take changing the clock a little further than necessary and get up early enough tomorrow morning. Early enough to head for a run before I have to dye the eggs for the easter breakfast. I guess the chances of success of that plan depends on how much beer and late night chatting will still happen tonight - I think I'll have to switch off my laptop and refill the fridge now :-)

  • AdrianChr92
    AdrianChr92 Posts: 567 Member
    edited March 2016
    @_nikkiwolf_ For strava thing, just set your run as a race and it will count time standing still too. Otherwise it doesn't count time you didn't move
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Hello people. I'm not sure I'll hit my goal for the month but anyway it's better than last month. Or maybe I will who knows. I'm supposed to taper for next sunday when I got my first 10k race. Tomorrow is my long run and I can't wait. I went to the local sport shop and raided their running section today. No more running in cotton anything. Tech shirts, shorts, long tech pants, tech socks and everything. Even an assortment of gels and some isotonic tablets. Ok maybe I got carried away a little but I can't wait to run tomorrow. I also considered some spandex tights but I steel need to talk to my inner self about that.

    Oh and I also got a pack of gummies (5) and I couldn't wait and ate one :) . It tasted okaysh, I've had better. Should I take these with water like gels or are fine on their own?

    Nice! It's great having the tech material. My husband will still run in heavy fabrics, well, until his nips chaffe.

    I think @skippygirlsmom said that sucking on the gummies works. I haven't run with them, I can never figure out where to keep an open package without worrying that I'm gonna get sticky.

    My husband refuses to do the tights too. Most seem to wear shorts over them. They can be a bit revealing. But I never think twice when I see guys in them... Except one guy- but he doesn't seem to shower.. Or never changes his shorts?
  • Virkati
    Virkati Posts: 679 Member
    3/1 - Last swim lesson with Davis
    3/2 - 3.28 Treadmill run
    3/3 - ** 3.27 Lunch walk
    3/4 - ** 2.11 Lunch walk
    3/5 - 5.4 Sloan's Lake (includes cool down)
    3/6 - 2.92 Treadmill make-up run
    3/7 - Rest
    3/8 - 2.31 Treadmill run
    3/9 - ** 2.65 Lunch walk
    3/10 - 2.92 Lunch run
    3/11 - Rest
    3/12 - Rest
    3/13 - Lazy
    3/14 - 3.87 (includes cool down)
    3/15 - Swim lesson with Jason
    3/16 - Life Day
    3/17 - 3.42 Treadmill Run, swim lesson cancelled
    3/18 - Life-Lazy-eat all the food day
    3/19 - 6.7 (includes cool down), half mile swim.
    3/20 - 3.89 Recovery run (includes cool down), 100m in pool.
    3/21 - 3.69 Third day in a row, legs like cement and super slow, but still felt pretty good
    3/22 - **2.23 Lunch walk, swim lesson, physical muscle issue
    3/23 - Full rest day, snow day, muscle very sore
    3/24 - Skipped swimming, skipped scheduled 4 miles. Muscle very sore
    3/25 - 2.01 test run for tomorrow's long run. Muscle still unhappy but I think I can do it tomorrow.
    3/26 - 7.36 Treadmill. Distance is a PR. Muscle unhappy but motrin, ice, a couple days rest should help.

    04/24 Graffiti Run with grandkids - "Memaw's Mini Posse" is our team name!
    04/30 Greenland Trail Race...8 mile
    05/15 Colfax Marathon (Half)
    6/4 Insane Inflatable--under consideration
    08/07 Tri for the Cure Sprint Triathlon
    09/05 Labor Day Mini Marathon (Half)
    10/16 Rock-n-Roll Denver Half

    **Ticker run mileage only**
  • JohnONE29
    JohnONE29 Posts: 101 Member
    3.26.16 - 9.8 miles.

    Upcoming Runs:
    4.3.16 - Knoxville Marathon - 3rd time
  • rune1990
    rune1990 Posts: 543 Member
    Ran in my sauconys instead of the mizunos today just to test out the possible aggravation on the hip. Next run will be in the mizunos. My hip seemed to dislike sitting more then running.

    3/1 - 3.1
    3/2 - 3.1
    3/3 - x-train stationary bike
    3/4 - 3.1 slooow miles with my average HR
    3/5 - bought new shoes!
    3/6 - 4 miles
    3/7 - x-train stationary bike
    3/8 - 3.1
    3/9 - 3.1
    3/10 - true rest day
    3/11 - awesome 3.1
    3/12 - 3.1 windy but great
    3/13 - 2 mile building
    3/14 - x-train stationary bike
    3/15 - awesome 3.1. super awesome
    3/16 - 3.1
    3/17 - rest day. hip feeling hot, iced
    3/18 - 3.1 iced hip
    3/19 - 3.1 iced hip
    3/20 - 3.1 hip hurting. iced. stretches
    3/21 - rest. strength stretches hip glutes
    3/22 - 1 mile treadmill, felt good strength stretches for hips glutes
    3/23 - rest.
    3/24 - 3.1 treadmill. good dynamic stretches first, nice stretching after. no pain, iced after just in case.
    3/25 - strength and stretch
    3/26 - 3.1 awesome miles. hip felt a little pinchy while shopping all day, but was totally fine on the run and after


    June 25 Perth Kilt Run 8km
  • 4leighbee
    4leighbee Posts: 1,275 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    Hello people. I'm not sure I'll hit my goal for the month but anyway it's better than last month. Or maybe I will who knows. I'm supposed to taper for next sunday when I got my first 10k race. Tomorrow is my long run and I can't wait. I went to the local sport shop and raided their running section today. No more running in cotton anything. Tech shirts, shorts, long tech pants, tech socks and everything. Even an assortment of gels and some isotonic tablets. Ok maybe I got carried away a little but I can't wait to run tomorrow. I also considered some spandex tights but I steel need to talk to my inner self about that.

    Oh and I also got a pack of gummies (5) and I couldn't wait and ate one :) . It tasted okaysh, I've had better. Should I take these with water like gels or are fine on their own?

    Nice! It's great having the tech material. My husband will still run in heavy fabrics, well, until his nips chaffe.

    I think @skippygirlsmom said that sucking on the gummies works. I haven't run with them, I can never figure out where to keep an open package without worrying that I'm gonna get sticky.

    My husband refuses to do the tights too. Most seem to wear shorts over them. They can be a bit revealing. But I never think twice when I see guys in them... Except one guy- but he doesn't seem to shower.. Or never changes his shorts?

    Two things about tights: (1) I used to be old-prude-lady against running tights without shorts over them ... until I tried them. Now I couldn't care less if someone out there thinks I'm showing too much - they are awesome! No chafe, no bother ... that said, (2) We saw a grown man (not that his age would have mattered) wearing running tights - like, the very thin ones from the 80s/90s - and a sweater, enjoying a leisurely stroll with his wife into Colonial Williamsburg. This is not okay. I can't erase the image, people. There is a line. ;)
  • 9voice9
    9voice9 Posts: 693 Member
    MobyCarp wrote: »
    A guy who was happier about my 60th birthday than I was informed me that he won his age group because I wasn't in it, and "of course you won your age group." This, before I even got to the computer to look up standings. 24th of 467 overall, 1st of 12 in the M 60-64 age group. The age group win got me a curved glass plaque and a box of organic sunflower seed butter:

    That makes 4 age group wins in 4 local races so far this year. The age group win streak will break at my next race, which is Boston. There are a lot of 60 year old guys registered for Boston who are faster than I am.
    Grats on the AG win. I know what the other fella feels like, tho - there are WAY too many 50-54 folks round here for me to ever place AG-wise. 'Course, I'm slow as a pregnant turtle, too, so....
  • juliet3455
    juliet3455 Posts: 3,015 Member
    edited March 2016
    10 km Walk - Run through the Trees in the Snow on a Trail we call " Cadillac Ranch " ( lots of Old Cars abandoned in the Trees and one Cadillac ) that traces a route along the middle of our River Valley - so lots of terrain/elevation changes. Varied from Frozen Mud, Ice Pack, Hard Pack Crusted Snow to Loose 14" Deep Snow and some of the Low Spots - Gullies were Mini Lakes that required a careful detour to keep your feet dry. Later when it warmed up some of the South Facing hills turned into Muddy Super Sliders. Didn't realize it was going to turn into a Tough Mudder. Still was a nice day as it started at -7C ( 19F ) and warmed up to 5C ( 41F ) with no wind and bright sun. We will be using this route quite a bit as part of our Training for the next HM as it has lots of rolling hills and a few steep pitches similar to the Jasper HM and Emperors Challenge 20km. We can do a 5km Uphill/Downhill/Uphill loop on the Far North end of it to increase the distance/elevation changes.

    03/01 – 0.0 Km – 0.0 - 140 km
    03/02- 10.0 Km – 10.0 - 130 km
    03/04- 11.0 Km – 21.0 - 119 km
    03/05- 13.0 Km – 34.0 - 106 km
    03/06- 8.0 Km – 42.0 - 98 km
    03/12- 20.0 Km – 62.0 - 78 km
    03/13- 6.0 Km – 68.0 - 72 km
    03/14- 7.0 Km – 75.0 - 65 km
    03/16- 8.0 Km – 83.0 - 57 km
    03/23- 9.0 Km – 92.0 - 48 km
    03/26- 10.0 Km – 102.0 - 38 km – 365.8 Km YTD

    38 km to goal with 5 days and 3 planned runs left in the month.

    I went out and bought some new running gear today and it made me reflect on where I was in November when I first joined this group - there was a lot of walking to make up distances, it was all treadmill (I am now firmly in the dreadmill camp) and I was 30lb heavier. It was almost emotional standing there dressed in proper running gear looking the part.

    @Amandajs232 I think every single runner on this form can relate to this. After my Run and Coffee with the gang this morning I stopped in at a local shop and tried on some new to me clothes. When I started on MFP back in ancient days I shopped in the XXL section - Tried on some MEDIUM TOPS today and they fit - yes they had a few Bumps and Round spots that I am still working on - But they fit - Now to find a V Neck style to accommodate my Guerilla neck and I am going to do some serious famed Spring Retail Therapy. Sally Ann look out here comes some old clothes.

    @Elise4270 Congrats on the Temporary Maintenance Cycle where you have been at the same weight for almost 3 years but still changed shape and still working to lose the last few, and yes I agree we all need to step back and ignore the scale every once in a while.

    @CariTJR I agree with your comments directed to @Amandajs232 - "Big well done on losing all that weight, I'm 25lb down so far and still going, like you say, it's quite a shock to see your reflection in proper running gear and you think "god, that is actually me!".
    @CariTJR Spreading out your long runs sounds like a good plan at this stage - build a few more base miles.

    @MobyCarp Congratulations on the AG Win. In one of my races this year there was only 2 in my AG so when I picked up my race package they said Congratulations on the AG Placing. I looked at who the other runner was and said I get 2nd ~ I was right as I finished 45 mins behind the other runner - who ended up 1st overall.
  • HonuNui
    HonuNui Posts: 1,464 Member
    March Goal: Run often

    3/1 3.44
    3/2 9.27
    3/3 rest
    3/4 3.30
    3/5 meh
    3/6 3.70
    3/7 3.12
    3/8 struggling
    3/9 mightily
    3/10 5.00
    3/11 more meh
    3/12 4.05
    3/13 4.01
    3/14 3.14
    3/15 rest
    3/16 3.38
    3/17 snorkel 2.5 hours
    3/18 3.20
    3/19 rest
    3/20 13.39
    3/21 bonding
    3/22 with son
    3/23 and DIL
    3/24 and shivering in the cold Great Basin
    3/25 travel
    3/26 3.12

    Total 62.44

    Thanks for all your prayers and good wishes for my son. I walked into his house on Monday afternoon and recognized he was having a neurologic emergency. So much of our week together was spent with more emergent medical imaging tests and emergency radiation to his spine to ward off his impending cauda equina syndrome. Our time together was great, tho the prognosis remains grim.......thanks for your continued good thoughts and prayers.

    Upcoming races:
    3/20 Big Island International 1/2 marathon
    6/26 SHEPower Virtual 1/2 marathon
    11/13 Las Vegas Rock n Roll 1/2 marathon

    Ticker is my goal for 2016 and accumulation to date:


  • greenolivetree
    greenolivetree Posts: 1,282 Member
    @WhatMeRunning @_nikkiwolf_ @AdrianChr92 Thanks for the Strava info. As long as the weather is cool, stopping/walking to blow my nose is just part of my running. When it's warmer I'll get more accurate results. My Garmin said 9:27 average pace, 9:21 average moving pace and Strava said 9:11. Looking at my splits I can tell which miles I stopped :-p

    On the shoes, I'm a 6.5 and my Brooks are 6.5 but my Nikes are 7. I've always had to go up in Nike.

    @kristinegift So funny about the air on your behind! I didn't wear shorts for 8 years while I was overweight. After I lost weight I had to work my way from capris to knee length to shorter shorts :-D

    @HonuNui I'm sorry your son isn't well :(
  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    1 Mar – 3 km
    2 Mar – 4 km
    5 Mar – 5 km
    6 Mar – 10 km – first time ever!
    8 Mar – 7.5 km
    10 Mar – 5.1 km
    12 Mar – 5 km – parkrun PB!
    13 Mar – 10 km
    15 Mar – 7.5 km
    17 Mar – 5.4 km
    19 Mar – 5 km
    20 Mar – 13 km - furthest distance yet!
    22 Mar – 7.2 km
    24 Mar – 7.1 km
    26 Mar – 5 km – parkrun PB!
    27 Mar – 15 km – new distance PB!

    Total: 114.8 km
    Goal: 60 km – I’m WAY over!

    So happy with my 15K distance PB today!

    I kept an even pace throughout. My legs felt heavy in the last few kms, but my heart was light, so it was smooth sailing.

    No major aches or pains, too... big bonus!
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,403 Member
    @HonuNui - I am so glad you were able to be there for your son and recognize that he needed help! I am sure he was so happy to have you there too!
    @AdrianChr92 - I buy the regular gummy bears at the grocery store or wherever they are cheapest. I think it is always better to have them or other fuel with water but I do tend suck on the gummies and bloks letting them slowly dissolve in my mouth so they don't upset my stomach. @Elise4270 - I put a few or however many I think I need/want in a ziplock and put it in a pocket or in my belt so no open package or sticky mess. I do the same with my shot bloks.
    @MobyCarp - congratulations on the AG win!
    @Amandajs232 - I have been on maintenance for a bit now (60 lbs down) and I still have those moments when I catch myself in my running or workout gear and have to stop and realize it really is me!
    @kristinegift - I pretty much only wear compression shorts as the others all seem to ride up on me or chafe. Is there a reason you don't want to wear compression? I actually found a site with compression shorts with side and back pockets but I don't remember the name and can no longer find it :(

    Is it wrong that I am totally focused on getting my bandage off and a smaller cast put on, Wednesday afternoon and whether or not I will be able to fit in a run afterwards? I honestly have not thought of much else and am still thinking about which shoes to wear, how far to run...
  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    edited March 2016
    Great read:

    When Skip and I worked at the Rocket City Marathon I admit we were in awe of the runners who finished first, holy crap what times they had. But as the morning went by my awe of them turned to complete and utter amazement and more aweness (yes that's a word) for the runners coming in later. This article hits the nail on the head about what I thought. OMG to be out there running for over 4 and 5 hours (and some 6) and still coming across the line with a smile on their faces...what dedication.

    Wow, thanks for that! Beautiful.

    4leighbee wrote: »
    I did it! Ten miles outside! :smiley:

    Yay, @4leighbee !

    ariceroni wrote: »
    3/26: 6.55 mile race, 49:44 (7:36 pace) + 1 mile warm up

    Had another awesome race today! It was the Chicago Quarter Marathon (6.55 miles), but I really thought of it more as a 10K plus a little bonus haha. My goal was under 50 minutes; official time was 49:44! So I am right on track for a running a 1:40 half in 8 weeks. I was the 5th female overall and 1st in my age group, which was pretty exciting! And my 10K split was 47:03, which is a new PR for me! Overall, a great race :)

    Awesome effort and nice win!

    Congratulations too to @MobyCarp !

    HonuNui wrote: »
    Thanks for all your prayers and good wishes for my son. I walked into his house on Monday afternoon and recognized he was having a neurologic emergency. So much of our week together was spent with more emergent medical imaging tests and emergency radiation to his spine to ward off his impending cauda equina syndrome. Our time together was great, tho the prognosis remains grim.......thanks for your continued good thoughts and prayers.

    I was thinking of you and your son today. I'm glad you are spending time with him. May it continue to be quality time and precious.
  • Amandajs232
    Amandajs232 Posts: 194 Member
    March 2016

    2/3 1k
    5/3 6k
    6/3 5k
    9/3 1k
    12/3 6k
    13/3 8k
    16/3 4k
    17/3 4k
    19/3 8k
    20/3 6k
    22/3 4k
    24/3 4K
    26/3 8k
    27/3 6k

