Untreated yeast infection...really scared!



  • justBreathe33
    justBreathe33 Posts: 46 Member
    Theres something fishy going on here...
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    kuranda10 wrote: »
    ^^ what they said, but I'm having trouble understanding how anxiety is preventing you from taking a pill? they are small pills.

    They are TINY pills.

    If this is something that the doctor just called in for you, you might benefit from an actual appointment.
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    edited March 2016
    newmeadow wrote: »

    Yeast is normal. It is the state of overgrowth that can be a pain.

    But it's coating her tongue, blossoming in her toenail and flowing out with her pee, with bubbles. It's a terrible situation.

    @newmeadow that is an overgrowth that needs to be addressed. I got into coconut oil in a major way and my white tongue became pink after some time. While I expect the coconut helped since it kills yeast cutting out the sugar and grains took away that fuel source of the yeast. My post was just to communicate having yeast growing in our bodies is something we all have and we can not remove it but we can manage it. That is why several said get to the doctor because one should not get medical advice and act on it from social media sites.
  • carmelamadeleine
    carmelamadeleine Posts: 31 Member
    I haven't read all the post and replies... Have you gotten yourself checked for diabetes...? Hope it's not it. I know someone who has been dealing similar to yours. Told her to have blood glucose checked. now she is on metformin. It went away after blood sugar got controlled.
  • carmelamadeleine
    carmelamadeleine Posts: 31 Member
    Take prescribed meds. There is also fluconazole cream for women.
  • amyk0202
    amyk0202 Posts: 667 Member
    I'm really scared! Last March, I started having difficulty holding my urine and it would start coming out before I could get to the bathroom. I also wouldn't feel completely relieved and I would press down and more would come. That symptom I had a couple years ago and it was a yeast infection. They gave me Fluconazole and it cleared it up. I've been tested for a UTI several times and it has come back negative. This has gone untreated for a year. Now in addition to those symptoms, there are these clear circles coming out in my urine and clusters of bubbles and it almost has like a haze over it. Also a light beige mucus thing just came out. I also have itching at times. I'm really scared! It definitely looks like an infection. And I'm not taking an antibiotic when it's not showing anything there. They prescribed Fluconazole for me but my anxiety was so bad I was only able to take half of a 150 mg pill and that didn't clear it up. I would think it has to be a yeast infection. I also have toenail fungus and my tongue is coated in it. Has anyone ever experienced anything like this? What can happen if you leave a yeast infection untreated? I don't see how I can take Fluconazole when my anxiety is so bad, it's hard to take it. Also I know it can cause dizziness and I already have dizziness as well as shortness of breath from other health problems so I'm really worried.

    This story seems strangely similar to this thread before it was edited: http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/10322381/question-about-yogurt-and-yeast-infection/p1

    OP, If you have had an infection since last March (March 2015), you need serious help. If your anxiety is so bad that it is making it impossible to take the medication you need to clear this up then I feel like you haven't been as honest as you need to be with your medical providers. You need to get some intense psychiatric intervention to deal with your anxiety because it is having a dangerous effect on your life, and you need to see if there are alternatives to taking the anti-fungal in pill form. According to drugs.com, it is available as an injection or iv solution.