Paelo Challenge

RiverInTheRoad Posts: 77
edited September 28 in Food and Nutrition
**EDIT: It's the PALEO Challenge...not paelo. It's still early for me guys. Sorry. =_=

After much consideration, I've come to the conclusion that I need to make a change in the way I eat and the way I live. I have been talking to a couple of people who follow the paleo lifestyle about their journeys and I have to say that I am finally going to start my own journey. I thought that I would present this as a challenge to other members so we could support each other while we venture into the world of paleo. So, if you are interested in the paleo diet/lifestyle and have wanted to try it out for a while or are interested in learning more about it, this is the perfect challenge for you.

The Challenge:
*Try the paleo diet for 30 days
*The challenge will begin this upcoming Monday (27th)

Some points to mention:
*I will be posting some meal plans for those who need some help getting started
*It would help if whoever decided to take part in this challenge make their diary public. This is NOT required; I just think it would benefit other members to see who's eating what and give them some ideas for their own meals.
*Depending on how many people decide to accept this challenge, I will either leave it as one big group or split everyone up into teams (if you have a preference to be in a team [or not be in a team] with someone else, let me know)

NOTE: If you are currently on [or were previously on] the paleo diet, please leave a comment about your experience with it. Please give all of us the good and bad; completely candid so we can all get a better grasp of what this lifestyle is all about.

Some suggested reading to get you started:
*The Paleo Diet &The Paleo Diet Cookbook (check your local library; I found copies there)

So yeah, that's about it! Sorry for the wall of text, just wanted to be thorough. :3 Let me know if anyone has any questions and I'll do my best to answer them.


  • heniko
    heniko Posts: 796 Member
    I'm already a Primalist but loving this challenge!
  • Id love to join monday. I've always wanted to do the paleo diet, but i can never seen to stick with it. Maybe this challenge would help! I hear its one of the best ways to loose fat while being healthy.
  • funkyspunky871
    funkyspunky871 Posts: 1,675 Member
    I would give it a try... But, I just read the Paleo 101 on one of the websites you posted, and I'm a bit skeptical. First off, I don't think not calorie counting would work to me... Especially when there's "unlimited" meats and fats involved. :P

    ;_; And I have to give up cottage cheese!!!

    ...I'll think about it. :) I think if anything, I just need to step away from all the processed foods. Good luck to you!
  • Sporty98
    Sporty98 Posts: 320 Member
    I have done the Paleo Diet before....and it makes perfect sense! It can be awfully expensive, which is the one downside of the diet that I found. That having been said, I'd love a good challenge to jump start my weight loss again....thanks!
  • nakcinco
    nakcinco Posts: 3 Member
    I've been eating paleo, on and off, for a few months. I'm trying to go paleo while the rest of my family isn't, and that makes it a bit tough. When I do stay on course with my paleo choices I find that not only does the weight come off slow and steady, but I also feel great! I have Ulcerative Colitis (an IBS type of disease) and eating paleo has always made me feel better.

    The hardest thing for me was giving up the bad carbs; especially when the rest of the family isn't. So if you can get your whole family to do will make it much easier to stay on track. It can be tough, and expansive, to restock your pantry with paleo friendly stuff, so really plan with what you have, take the time to plan your meals.

    I'm up for the Challenge and would be willing to follow the path for 30 days, count me in!
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    I went Primal (Primal Blueprint - similar to Paleo) at the end of April after counting calories and logging for 6 months. I dropped 9.6lbs in those six months (went from 130 to 120.4 - hit my goal). I decided to just try it as an experiment for fun. I dropped 6.8lbs in 6 weeks and my muscle definition started popping up all over - I followed Primal Blueprint Fitness. I watched my body fat % drop and my belly almost completely go away. (smallest part of waist went from 31" to 27" inches during this time and below my belly button went from 33" to 30.5"). The hardest part was getting past the "carb withdrawl". This can take a few days or a few weeks.

    I had amazing success with it. I hit my lowest weight ever in my adulthood - 113.6lbs and have more definition than I have ever had in my life.

    Not everyone agrees with this lifestyle and not everyone will get the same results. But I do think it is worth a shot to at least try.
    When you pull out the carbs the constant hunger goes away. When you eat mostly protein and fats you get full and stay full for hours. I found it impossible to overeat on this. In fact I fought with all my might to eat as much as I burn in a day. Couldn't do it.
  • I would give it a try... But, I just read the Paleo 101 on one of the websites you posted, and I'm a bit skeptical. First off, I don't think not calorie counting would work to me... Especially when there's "unlimited" meats and fats involved. :P

    ;_; And I have to give up cottage cheese!!!

    ...I'll think about it. :) I think if anything, I just need to step away from all the processed foods. Good luck to you!

    Agreed! I'll still be counting calories personally. But will fade it out once I understand what correct portions are and how much it takes for me to sustain myself. The thing is, this diet is all about eating until you're full (not eating until you feel like you're going to burst) and this might be what your individual body needs. Of course, it's still going to be useful to count cals. because you need to know if you're eating too much meat, nuts, etc. so yeah. I will probably still be under calorie goals if I eat til I'm full (doing that currently and have dangerously low numbers ._, ) I hope you do join though! And yes, the cheese is going to be difficult (f-ing LOVE cheese) but where there's a will, there's a way.
  • shesnotthere
    shesnotthere Posts: 117
    I wonder if I can join? I ask because I am not exactly Paleo, but very similar. I am not giving up dairy or coffee. Unfortunately, if I had to pick coffee or being skinny, I might just choose coffee. Isn't that sad?? I limit it to two cups of coffee with heavy cream per day plus 1-2oz of cheese and sometimes a couple of TBS of sour cream. My weight loss doesn't seem to be negatively affected, so it's hard to get motivated to give it up. I have been losing 1-3 pounds a week since going low carb (under 20g per day).

    Also, I haven't been eating fruit and nuts, but I might add them back eventually. I do keep track of calories, mostly to keep track of carbs and out of curiosity. I rarely go over my calories per day and if I do I honestly don't worry about it.

    I am a lot more concerned about eating ethically. I can't afford pasture raised meat yet, but I do buy as organically and locally as I can.

    Where I am struggling is with eating non-salad vegetables every day. I just don't feel like eating them, but I know I need them!

    Edited to add: my diary is open to friends, so feel free to friend me. I don't really want it open to the general public.
  • LdyGeko
    LdyGeko Posts: 433
  • heniko
    heniko Posts: 796 Member
    Looking forward to your menu ideas
  • klabeau
    klabeau Posts: 261 Member
  • samb
    samb Posts: 464 Member
    Hi everyone :) This is a great challenge to get new people involved and people who already are, more commited to it. I first cut out bread/pasta/grains and corn (see as a strict vegetarian. Then I tried out eating meat and was committed enough to starting to go primal that I ate it more and more and learned to accept it because I was immediately seeing terrific results (more muscle definition and weight loss with less exercise!). Then once I got used to that a bit I started cutting carbs -- down to 75g a day and upping protein -- at least 75g a day. Then I finally went full primal/paleo. I eat meat and veggies and occasionally I will have potatoes, fruit, nuts, cheese. Now I am working my way down to 20g to start the Atkins diet as I am certain it will get me to my goals and keep me there. You have to take it one step at a time to really be successful. I cannot even begin to tell you how much going primal has changed my life all around. I have A TON more energy. I am happier. I am far more muscular. I have to workout less for better results. I don't plateau. And so on. This is the best thing ever and I wish more people actually believed it and went through with it. I know everyone is different and has their own ways of life so I would never try to force anything on anyone, but I would always suggest it because it truly has changed my life totally --- especially with finally making progress (it was the carbs that held me back all along - i used to work out for 3 hours a day and still not see results :/ ) and I have never ending energy now and my brain is much clearer! If that makes any sense....

    If you have any questions feel free to message me and I will do my best to either answer for you or find an answer. Feel free to add me I would love to have as many primal friends as possible so we can bounce ideas!

    These are the sources I have used that are great (some directly related to paleo, some are other things you may want to think about or look into):
    Atkins Diet

    Best of luck to all of you!! You can do anything you set your mind to and stick with and YOU WILL get to your goals, I promise!

    P.S. It was hard for me to cut out grains but I got used to it within a couple weeks and no longer craved them. It was hard to cut out fruit and processeed foods and candy....but after a few weeks I no longer craved them. Now I cringe at the thought of eating food that is not primal because it makes me feel like crap! It is not worth it and I feel the effects within an hour and then become sluggish. This is what proved to me how great the primal/paleo diet really truly is!! :)
  • Day 5 for me today...
    It's definitely working for me.

    Things are changing.
    I am feeling truly positive about what is happening within and without...litterally...without the grains, without the starch, without the dairy...I went in full tilt on this...and after 5 days only so far...unless at some point my body starts telling me otherwise, I have no plans on going back.
    25 days to go until I step back on the dreaded scale.
    60 to 90 minutes of Cardio a day on a 6 day cycle.

    So far, I feel fantastic! Sincerely.

    "The Paleo Solution" by Robb Wolf...worth the read, worth the time and the $$...

    No matter what you do, good luck to you.
  • momof8munchkins
    momof8munchkins Posts: 1,167 Member
    I'll join. I have been sticking pretty close to paleo for about a month .. I've not been a 100% , hardly any excercise and I've still dropped 18 lbs which is amazing!.. but I am wanting to step it up a notch go full on with the paleo plan and begin some kind of excercise... I won't be too hard because I have celiac's disease and have to eat close to this style anyway. I have not had any problems on the plan in fact I've felt great most of the time. none of the "carb flu" like symptoms like some people do.But I had already been GF for six months before going on this plan I went through a gluten detox period where I felt awful for about 6 weeks. The paleo meals I've made for my husband, he has really loved and said he can eat this way no problem.. he will not be 100% but that is okay, our children are not paleo though we are transitioning them to GF they still eat some grains, peanuts. legumes, and dairy. I personally don't find it difficult to eat different than the family now.. When I was "dieting" it was very hard to resist the urge to have what they were having. but now this is lifestyle I have to live , it's no biggie because I have no other choice if i want to be healthy enjoy a good quaility of life and be happy..knowing going off plan will make me really sick makes it very very easy to resist the no no foods. Many say this plan is expensive and I guess it can be if you are eating everything grass fed, free range and organic. which is great if you can afford it. We can't. My husband and I have 8 children to clothe and feed . I buy the majority of our Groceries from Sam's club and Aldi's however I buy as natural as our budget will allow. I do buy a few specialty items from whole foods like coconut oil and things like that. I think this plan is really easy if you just keep it simple and keep in mind- meats, eggs, fish , poultry, tons of non starchy vegetables ( steamed, grilled, boiled, fresh) , healthy fats -evco, evoo, drink lots of water and eat a few nuts and fruits.. no counting calories, or portion sizes.. it seems very simple to me. eat when you are hungry and until you are satisfied. do some strength training, live an active life style.. get good sleep, rest when you need too, let go of stress, eat good food. enjoy your life. simple.
  • MissKim
    MissKim Posts: 2,853 Member
    I'm already in a paleo/primal weight loss challenge (see my no pain thread) but love the idea of a 30 day challenge for paleo. and to have other people to be accountable too.
  • I wonder if I can join? I ask because I am not exactly Paleo, but very similar. I am not giving up dairy or coffee. Unfortunately, if I had to pick coffee or being skinny, I might just choose coffee. Isn't that sad?? I limit it to two cups of coffee with heavy cream per day plus 1-2oz of cheese and sometimes a couple of TBS of sour cream. My weight loss doesn't seem to be negatively affected, so it's hard to get motivated to give it up. I have been losing 1-3 pounds a week since going low carb (under 20g per day).

    Also, I haven't been eating fruit and nuts, but I might add them back eventually. I do keep track of calories, mostly to keep track of carbs and out of curiosity. I rarely go over my calories per day and if I do I honestly don't worry about it.

    I am a lot more concerned about eating ethically. I can't afford pasture raised meat yet, but I do buy as organically and locally as I can.

    Where I am struggling is with eating non-salad vegetables every day. I just don't feel like eating them, but I know I need them!

    Edited to add: my diary is open to friends, so feel free to friend me. I don't really want it open to the general public.

    You can definitely be a part of the challenge if you would like. By no means am I going to be a dictator, Nazi type figure about this. If using dairy works for you, it works for you. This challenge is mainly a support for those that are interested in pursuing the lifestyle or learning more about it. In that same breath, I would like for participants to stick with the "strict" version for the whole 30 days but I'm not (and I'm sure no one else) is going to resent you if you have a vice that you aren't willing to give up [though I would like it if you gave it up for at least 30 days. You can go right back to it after 30 days if you like, just give it the full 30]. Have you tried substituting the milk with coconut milk or another substitute?

    I will be posting my meal plan for the next upcoming week sometime tomorrow so you can get a better idea of a what good paleo day looks like. To be honest, after looking into it, I don't see how I didn't switch to this before. These recipes look AMAZING and easy as all hell to fix.

    I will also not be buying meat from local farms unless I deem it within my budget (which is pretty restricted). For my meat, I will be shopping at either Whole Foods or Trader Joes.

    You know what? You just gave me a great idea. I'll be scanning in and posting my grocery receipts throughout this challenge to let everyone know how much all of this is costing me (and when I go to farmer's markets, I will be keeping a hand tally of all things bought and their prices). I've heard that this can get expensive so I'm curious to see how frugal I can be about it.
  • samb
    samb Posts: 464 Member
    Also, I want to add...when I went vegetarian I lost 15 lbs from not eating the hormonal meat (got VERY close to my goal weight), but over time the grains destroyed my diet. Now even though I eat meat that is not organic/natural I still am losing weight. However, i think it would be best to try to find natural/organic foods as they don't have the hormones and you would likely lose even more weight. But it is expensive. Just a thought though.
  • samb
    samb Posts: 464 Member
    And I apologize but I am not able to make my diary public as I use it as a journal as well and keep EVERYTHING about my life on mine :/ I wish there was a way to just have the food part public...but if anyone has questions you may feel free to ask away!
  • shesnotthere
    shesnotthere Posts: 117
    I think you can just have your diary open actually. It's under settings and then diary.
  • Also, I want to add...when I went vegetarian I lost 15 lbs from not eating the hormonal meat (got VERY close to my goal weight), but over time the grains destroyed my diet. Now even though I eat meat that is not organic/natural I still am losing weight. However, i think it would be best to try to find natural/organic foods as they don't have the hormones and you would likely lose even more weight. But it is expensive. Just a thought though.

    Good points! I really do recommend going out to farmer's markets to pick up your veggies and such for this challenge or at least shopping at health concious stores that focus more on organic/pesticide free/natural then just running down to Albertsons. Like I mentioned above, I'll be posting my receipts of every food item I buy so you can all get a general idea of how much this thing is going ot cost. :3
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