How's everyone coping with Easter temptation?



  • jzancola
    jzancola Posts: 17 Member
    Considering I just started my plan today I was very good for Easter. I had none of the usual snacks like cold cuts crackers chips and nuts. I was selective at dinner taking small portions. And I had a cup cake with three mini eggs on it.
  • tomteboda
    tomteboda Posts: 2,171 Member
    My plan allows for regular enjoyment of free calories. I am within my goal eating. I enjoyed acini de pepe salad and peeps today; yesterday I had some of the same salad and dove chocolate mini-eggs.

    The Easter Bunny was kind to me and brought me peanut-free chocolate. I'm a happy happy woman.
  • kalm3
    kalm3 Posts: 67 Member
    Easter has taught me that out of sight out of mind is true for me. I hosted a big Easter pot luck and guess who has way too many leftover cakes, pastries and food. Ugh. I've been eating like an animal. Honestly so down on myself for undoing what I've done the past 2 weeks
  • incisron
    incisron Posts: 550 Member
    I don't celebrate Easter. I've been messing up and yesterday was the day I got back on track. I use alot of my calories on junk anyway.
  • cate320
    cate320 Posts: 130 Member
    I'm lucky in that I live far far from family, so my bf and I didn't even celebrate Easter this year. His mother did send us a personalized basket filled with candy, though, but I just stuck it all in the freezer.
  • 6pkdreamer
    6pkdreamer Posts: 180 Member
    cate320 wrote: »
    I'm lucky in that I live far far from family, so my bf and I didn't even celebrate Easter this year. His mother did send us a personalized basket filled with candy, though, but I just stuck it all in the freezer.

    ...go a step further and feed it to the chickens like I did plus the Tim Tams