Would you take a vacation without your S.O.?



  • louicastillo1
    louicastillo1 Posts: 8 Member
    I am with my right hand at all times. I would say we have a powerful connection.
  • kathrynjean_
    kathrynjean_ Posts: 428 Member
    I actually take a trip by myself every year. This year I went to Arizona and spent 2 weeks hiking - it was a dream. But it would be my partner's nightmare. Plus, to be honest, I just like going by myself and being able to do whatever I want without having to check in with anyone else.

    It's funny because a lot of people see this as some sort of a "red flag" that there is something wrong with our relationship, but I think it's one of the things that makes us the strongest :)

    We take vacations together too when we get the chance, but my trips are my trips - I've been doing them since before we were together and I'm not going to stop now!
  • DrusiliaDD
    DrusiliaDD Posts: 71 Member
    No way, if she gets to go on holiday I'm coming too.
  • dbanks80
    dbanks80 Posts: 3,685 Member
    I've gone a small getaways with my girlfriends. But he would have a fit if I planned a big vacation without him and vice versa.
  • gcibsthom
    gcibsthom Posts: 30,138 Member
    Yes, I would and have taken vacations without her. And her without me. If I go with my SO, it's not much of a vacation.
  • yusaku02
    yusaku02 Posts: 3,472 Member
    I've taken 2 in the last year without my girlfriend but both those were planned before I met her. One was camping in the boundary waters with friends and the other was a fishing trip with my dad. About 4 days each and there's not much to budget for other than food and beer.
    Planning another fishing trip with dad on father's day weekend. She doesn't feel she's missing out :tongue:
  • Countryboy_83
    Countryboy_83 Posts: 946 Member
    edited March 2016
    We have no desire to be apart. Been 3 years and still feel lost without her

    this is sweet and also terrifyingly clingy

    Not clingy when your lover is your best friend. I have more fun with her then with anyone else so that's how we choose to spend our time. Haters going to hate
  • linddd
    linddd Posts: 6,591 Member
    I go on more vacations without my husband than he goes without me. There have been many trips with my best friends up to two weeks long and there's nothing like a best-friend girl trip! And when they come to visit, we take off to other places for a few days. I also go to visit my daughter & family more often than my husband does. HE goes on trips connected with work and sight-sees, etc., with other guys while there (usually in another country). This works for us. :-)
  • SugarBabyGirl
    SugarBabyGirl Posts: 7,026 Member
    Thanks everyone for responding. I asked because my hub takes several trips a year where his is completely incommunicado. For example, he went to the arctic circle on a fishing trip and there was no contact for 10 days. He goes hunting with his buddies and has no communication for another 10 days each year. He has never denied me the opportunity to go away, however, I don't really see the point of separate vacations. Aren't we supposed to want to spend leisure time with our spouse? I guess I am thinking along the lines of @markboone94
    Anyhow, I appreciate the input.
  • synchkat
    synchkat Posts: 37,368 Member
    Thanks everyone for responding. I asked because my hub takes several trips a year where his is completely incommunicado. For example, he went to the arctic circle on a fishing trip and there was no contact for 10 days. He goes hunting with his buddies and has no communication for another 10 days each year. He has never denied me the opportunity to go away, however, I don't really see the point of separate vacations. Aren't we supposed to want to spend leisure time with our spouse? I guess I am thinking along the lines of @markboone94
    Anyhow, I appreciate the input.

    That sounds like bliss to me! I think it's good for couples to have their own interests and friends outside of each other. I mean it's nice to go away together or as a family but it's nice to have your own time
  • EddieHaskell97
    EddieHaskell97 Posts: 2,227 Member
    Heck yeah! Camping, fishing, hunting. I went on a vacation with my dad to fly jets out in NV. We're both pilots, but she's not so it was only natural that she didn't come along.

    Likewise she's gone to Oregon and NYC without me and we're both totally cool with it.
  • megzchica23
    megzchica23 Posts: 419 Member
    No. I might take a day off to go hang with my sister alone but that is about it. He has gone to see his sick father alone for a few days but that isn't really a vacation. Cory and I love all the same things. So if we went to do those alone, we would be bummed we didn't get to share it together. Every year we go to Tokyo in Tulsa together. This year we are taking a cruise for our honeymoon. I can't imagine anywhere in the world I would need to go without him. Plus my anxiety doesn't allow me to go traveling around alone...and being alone seems boring to me. For a good trip I want company.
  • sunflowerhippi
    sunflowerhippi Posts: 1,100 Member
    Yes. My parents have a shore house. My guy hates the beach and swimming so I take our daughter down now with us a few times a year with my mother to go to the beach and relax. Before I went with just my mom.

    Spendings outside of gas is under $100 as it is dinner out one night and boardwalk stuff nothing crazy.

    He goes to NY and RI to visit friends. Only one friend I have any guidelines about and that is because as much as I love the guy he is a permanent bachelor and has never been in a relationship over 4 months so at times doesn't grasp the long term with kids behaviors. All I say to him is not to get my guy laid. I think that fair haha

    RI is to visit a friend, he spends the night at her place. All they spend is gas and dinner and such.

    NY is his family and friends because if he wants to go visit he can. I am not going to stop him.
  • abuck_13
    abuck_13 Posts: 382 Member
    Mine is in Europe right now as I'm working.....
  • WickedPineapple
    WickedPineapple Posts: 698 Member
    Thanks everyone for responding. I asked because my hub takes several trips a year where his is completely incommunicado. For example, he went to the arctic circle on a fishing trip and there was no contact for 10 days. He goes hunting with his buddies and has no communication for another 10 days each year. He has never denied me the opportunity to go away, however, I don't really see the point of separate vacations. Aren't we supposed to want to spend leisure time with our spouse? I guess I am thinking along the lines of @markboone94
    Anyhow, I appreciate the input.

    Separate vacations? Sure. Not communicating with your SO at all during that vacation? Hells no. I'd be crazy worried.

    As for wanting to spend your leisure time together, yes, of course you want to spend leisure time together. But ALL your leisure time ever? Not really necessary. I mean, do you want to go fishing/hunting with him? My husband talks about doing a backpacking/camping trip, but is aware I wouldn't go with him. I don't like camping, so why go? But I also wouldn't want to keep him from going either. However, I wouldn't be cool with an annual two-week vacation w/o me, since it would cut significantly into vacation time we both want to do.
  • yusaku02
    yusaku02 Posts: 3,472 Member
    Thanks everyone for responding. I asked because my hub takes several trips a year where his is completely incommunicado. For example, he went to the arctic circle on a fishing trip and there was no contact for 10 days. He goes hunting with his buddies and has no communication for another 10 days each year. He has never denied me the opportunity to go away, however, I don't really see the point of separate vacations. Aren't we supposed to want to spend leisure time with our spouse? I guess I am thinking along the lines of @markboone94
    Anyhow, I appreciate the input.
    Then go with him? :)
  • BroScience83
    BroScience83 Posts: 1,689 Member
    i dont get it