Newbie wanting to start needed!



  • kathrynjean_
    kathrynjean_ Posts: 428 Member
    Yay! Congrats!! I really think you'll have a blast. Just remember, the first time is the scariest and it only gets better from there :)
  • biodigit
    biodigit Posts: 145 Member
    arditarose wrote: »
    I know it can be pricey, but if you let them know exactly what you want to learn (how to squat, deadlift, bench and overhead press with proper form)


    Trainer should really be able to assist you learning the proper form. Especially how to properly Squat, Deadlift etc.

  • armydreamers
    armydreamers Posts: 175 Member
    biodigit wrote: »
    arditarose wrote: »
    I know it can be pricey, but if you let them know exactly what you want to learn (how to squat, deadlift, bench and overhead press with proper form)


    Trainer should really be able to assist you learning the proper form. Especially how to properly Squat, Deadlift etc.

    Thank you!

    Haha when I first saw your username I thought it was "bigidiot". Lol :lol:
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    biodigit wrote: »
    arditarose wrote: »
    I know it can be pricey, but if you let them know exactly what you want to learn (how to squat, deadlift, bench and overhead press with proper form)


    Trainer should really be able to assist you learning the proper form. Especially how to properly Squat, Deadlift etc.

    Thank you!

    Haha when I first saw your username I thought it was "bigidiot". Lol :lol:

  • armydreamers
    armydreamers Posts: 175 Member
    edited March 2016
    Yeah...I got a few of those letters mixed up...and added one. :confounded::lol:
  • jessiefrancine
    jessiefrancine Posts: 271 Member
    Have you downloaded the Stronglifts app? If not, you definitely should. It tells you exactly what to put on the bar every workout. I have modified my default settings, though. Instead of adding 5 lbs every time I lift, I have it add 2.5 lbs (I also halved the amount added to deadlift to 5 lbs each time). This has been a more sustainable climb for me than if I followed the prescribed progression of 5 lbs added each time, and I've been able to continually make progress much longer without stalling.
  • WilsonFilson
    WilsonFilson Posts: 83 Member
    Stronglifts is good, but I think you're going to be happier with a hybrid between traditional strength training and body building. Strength training only (over a long time) can result in a lower-body heavy body and not enough development elsewhere. I highly recommend this for ladies in your position:
  • armydreamers
    armydreamers Posts: 175 Member
    Have you downloaded the Stronglifts app? If not, you definitely should. It tells you exactly what to put on the bar every workout. I have modified my default settings, though. Instead of adding 5 lbs every time I lift, I have it add 2.5 lbs (I also halved the amount added to deadlift to 5 lbs each time). This has been a more sustainable climb for me than if I followed the prescribed progression of 5 lbs added each time, and I've been able to continually make progress much longer without stalling.

    I do have the app and that's a good idea to add weight more slowly. Do you think it's worth paying the $9.99 for the extra info?
  • armydreamers
    armydreamers Posts: 175 Member
    edited April 2016
    So I saw my trainer for the first time today. We did a fitness assessment but didn't start lifting yet. Since my kids are off next week we'll start the following week. The only thing I'm not sure if I agree with is he wants me to do 30-60 minutes of cardio on T/Th and the lifting on M/W/F. A friend told me it would be more beneficial to do 1 or 2 sessions of HIIT a week instead of long duration cardio. So we'll see. I'm sort of scared of HIIT. :scream:
  • amypixton2010
    amypixton2010 Posts: 11 Member
    I have done strong lifts and Jamie eason's live fit. Strong lifts would be a better start, then later if you get the lifting bug, I'd do her program for variety. I also just finished reading Thinner, Leaner, stronger by Michael Matthews which he explains and breaks down the benefits of heavy lifting as well as details the form for squats, bench, deadlifts. He doesn't advocate for trainers or machines and especially not supplements (which a lot of trainers will push on you). It's an easy read and talks a lot about diet and how to eat based on your weight lifting goals.
  • jessiefrancine
    jessiefrancine Posts: 271 Member
    Have you downloaded the Stronglifts app? If not, you definitely should. It tells you exactly what to put on the bar every workout. I have modified my default settings, though. Instead of adding 5 lbs every time I lift, I have it add 2.5 lbs (I also halved the amount added to deadlift to 5 lbs each time). This has been a more sustainable climb for me than if I followed the prescribed progression of 5 lbs added each time, and I've been able to continually make progress much longer without stalling.

    I do have the app and that's a good idea to add weight more slowly. Do you think it's worth paying the $9.99 for the extra info?

    I haven't paid for that stuff, so I can't really give you an opinion on whether it's worth it. I can tell you that using just the free app still feels adequate for me.
  • WilsonFilson
    WilsonFilson Posts: 83 Member
    I'm sort of scared of HIIT. :scream:

    Don't be! Look forward to the 20-30 min cardio sessions instead of 45-60.