What exercise did you do today?



  • closetlibrarian
    closetlibrarian Posts: 2,207 Member
    Box jumps, clean & press, front squats, back squats, OHP, jump lunges, bodyweight inverted rows, V-ups, Russian twists, plank jacks. I have no idea how much that burned, but it was definitely sweaty.
  • synchkat
    synchkat Posts: 37,368 Member
    Plenty of squats since I like working on my glutes and dressing provocatively for attention.

    Pics or it didn't happen

    I skated again.
  • GymRatSF
    GymRatSF Posts: 8,903 Member
    Back day. Not sure on calories.
  • ScottyNoHotty
    ScottyNoHotty Posts: 1,957 Member
    My polar FT4 says I masturbated for 6 miles......
  • chsberthelot
    chsberthelot Posts: 76 Member
    12 weeks to size. LeG day! burned a lot sweating big time
  • MissMonicaC4
    MissMonicaC4 Posts: 279 Member
    Brisk walking for 25 or so minutes and a swim for 75 minutes!
  • shaken2010
    shaken2010 Posts: 167 Member
    Went for jogging for 40 minutes and then swimming for an hour.
  • LeTmblwid
    LeTmblwid Posts: 160 Member
    uphill walk for 40 mins and core and arm strength exercise for 12 mins
  • pie_eyes
    pie_eyes Posts: 12,964 Member
    I walked up the stairs, down the stairs, up the stairs, down the stairs

    Up down up down and will do more of that later
  • synchkat
    synchkat Posts: 37,368 Member
    I ran around this for an hour think o.burnwd a few calories

  • Countryboy_83
    Countryboy_83 Posts: 946 Member
    1hr cardio burned 1000 calories, 9 sets of 10 dumbell curls, triceps extension on cable machine, ab machine, and lower back
  • GymRatSF
    GymRatSF Posts: 8,903 Member
    Arms and 40 minutes on stationary bike
  • neldabg
    neldabg Posts: 1,452 Member
    edited April 2016
    I'm part of a Fitbit challenge right now, so I walked 30k+ steps today as exercise. I burned a good 1086 calories. As a petite person, I highly enjoyed this large budget today. :)
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    Double workout day again.

    10 am - Stronglifts 5x5 (approx. 45 mins) maybe 100 calorie burn
    3:50 pm - 3 mile run (37 mins) Fitbit estimates that to be 253 calories burned
  • jh5377
    jh5377 Posts: 24 Member
    Rode my husband. Thats it.
  • AboveSpartan
    AboveSpartan Posts: 19 Member
    400 spear throws, 3 sparring sessions, 100 ft rope climb and 300 spartan kicks!
  • LauraWatson60
    LauraWatson60 Posts: 1 Member
    cut grass for an hour!
  • AboveSpartan
    AboveSpartan Posts: 19 Member
    Yes, a spartan must train his whole body! This is how we held xerxes for so long at the hot gates.
  • AboveSpartan
    AboveSpartan Posts: 19 Member
    Villae81 wrote: »
    Yes, a spartan must train his whole body! This is how we held xerxes for so long at the hot gates.

    So 600 kicks total that's 400 calories

    Yes my friend, for it is Saturday and therefore rest day.
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,181 Member
    edited April 2016
    Treadmill jogging 4.3 mph. 387 calories in 44:27 That was my 5K.