Are you bikini season ready ?



  • AmandaJuneFit
    AmandaJuneFit Posts: 134 Member
    perkymommy wrote: »
    :D:D I'm surprised at how many really gorgeous bodies I'm seeing on the profile pics in this post stating that they are nowhere near ready for bikinis. :( I would kill just to have the body you all have now.

    A picture can be so wrong though ! Im sure in my picture i do not look 192.5 pounds. I am tall ( 5'11 ) and weighed 217lbs 3 months ago. So ive dropped 22 lbs , the reason for me saying i am not "beach" or "bikini" ready is because i would like to tone up my body much more !! When i am walking on the resort during my vacation i do not want my skin to be loose, id like to be tight and toned and 20 pounds less. Which i think is a very realistic goal !!!
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    No bikini for me ever... shar pei stomach isn't exactly attractive. I do have a cute bathing suit though!
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    Dunno, I've never worn one! I might though! I like me some cute one pieces though...
  • ashleyminnich1
    ashleyminnich1 Posts: 60 Member
    I'm going shopping tomorrow for a new suit! It will probably be tankini, but that has more to do with my comfort level of showing off that much skin than how my body looks. I do ab work, but it's because I run and want a stronger core for hills! I retain fat in my waist, so until that is gone all my muscle building is not going to show. LOL!
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    I wore one a couple of weeks ago. I weigh 200 pounds and nobody gave me weird looks or said anything. It felt great to go swimming again.
  • AmandaJuneFit
    AmandaJuneFit Posts: 134 Member
    usmcmp wrote: »
    I wore one a couple of weeks ago. I weigh 200 pounds and nobody gave me weird looks or said anything. It felt great to go swimming again.

    Good for you girl !!! Now that i am 20 pounds less i feel more confident with myself. And in reality , who really cares what other people think. As long as i feel good.
  • hellafitchic
    hellafitchic Posts: 9 Member
    Bring it on!! I am sooo ready for summer!! I live in California and love the weather here. It is currently a sunny 81 degrees out right now and wished I lived near the beach so I can hop to it. A lot of negative comments above, remember everyone has a different journey and you can't compare yours to someone who's in the middle of theirs. So put on that bikini (or man thong) and wear it proud!

    PS - Abs are made in the kitchen ;)

    Stay Fit, Beautiful People!
  • shadowfax_c11
    shadowfax_c11 Posts: 1,942 Member
    Not everybody feels the need. Farmers tan for me thanks. Bikinis are not appropriate (or sensible) attire for trail riding.
  • SarahPeters3
    SarahPeters3 Posts: 100 Member
    Running! And heavy weight lifting to tone
  • ridge4mfp
    ridge4mfp Posts: 301 Member
    Nope. Not ready. Won't ever be ready. Those days are gone for me, I don't even like them. For those that do, go for it and have fun. B)
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    perkymommy wrote: »
    :D:D I'm surprised at how many really gorgeous bodies I'm seeing on the profile pics in this post stating that they are nowhere near ready for bikinis. :( I would kill just to have the body you all have now.

    @perkymommy - I think it's mostly comfort/confidence issues. I wore a bikini last year and I still have it. However, the bikini on the bottom was really low cut and I have a skin/fat on my lower abdomen that kind of hangs over it. So in my case I would feel more comfortable if it was gone, but I'll settle for buying a bikini bottom that sits a little higher on my waist. The top was just a horrible fit and I plan to buy one this year that is based on bra sizes for a better fit.
  • AmandaJuneFit
    AmandaJuneFit Posts: 134 Member
    perkymommy wrote: »
    :D:D I'm surprised at how many really gorgeous bodies I'm seeing on the profile pics in this post stating that they are nowhere near ready for bikinis. :( I would kill just to have the body you all have now.

    @perkymommy - I think it's mostly comfort/confidence issues. I wore a bikini last year and I still have it. However, the bikini on the bottom was really low cut and I have a skin/fat on my lower abdomen that kind of hangs over it. So in my case I would feel more comfortable if it was gone, but I'll settle for buying a bikini bottom that sits a little higher on my waist. The top was just a horrible fit and I plan to buy one this year that is based on bra sizes for a better fit.

    I find that bikini's sized s/m/l do not fit me :neutral: The bottoms i may fit a large but i feel like bikini's sized like that are meant for one body type ! which i do not have. I mean every body's different. So i prefer a top that is based on bra sizes to get the perfect fit !
  • RA60172
    RA60172 Posts: 137 Member

  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    perkymommy wrote: »
    :D:D I'm surprised at how many really gorgeous bodies I'm seeing on the profile pics in this post stating that they are nowhere near ready for bikinis. :( I would kill just to have the body you all have now.

    I have no idea if I'm in that group but I have a lot of abdominal fat with a big skin roll. There's a reason why I don't wear fitted t-shirts :wink: I can't wear bikini underwear, let alone an actual bikini.
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    perkymommy wrote: »
    :D:D I'm surprised at how many really gorgeous bodies I'm seeing on the profile pics in this post stating that they are nowhere near ready for bikinis. :( I would kill just to have the body you all have now.

    @perkymommy - I think it's mostly comfort/confidence issues. I wore a bikini last year and I still have it. However, the bikini on the bottom was really low cut and I have a skin/fat on my lower abdomen that kind of hangs over it. So in my case I would feel more comfortable if it was gone, but I'll settle for buying a bikini bottom that sits a little higher on my waist. The top was just a horrible fit and I plan to buy one this year that is based on bra sizes for a better fit.

    I find that bikini's sized s/m/l do not fit me :neutral: The bottoms i may fit a large but i feel like bikini's sized like that are meant for one body type ! which i do not have. I mean every body's different. So i prefer a top that is based on bra sizes to get the perfect fit !

    Ya. I bought one last year like that in the winter with the goal to be able to wear it by the time summer was over. The bottom ended up not fitting right (tied as tight as I could and it still wanted to fall off) and the cups on the top never really ended up fitting (my fault for thinking my boobs would shrink enough for that). So this year I'm thinking I will buy one from Victoria's Secret in my bra size. It will cost more, but should fit much better.
  • AmandaJuneFit
    AmandaJuneFit Posts: 134 Member
    perkymommy wrote: »
    :D:D I'm surprised at how many really gorgeous bodies I'm seeing on the profile pics in this post stating that they are nowhere near ready for bikinis. :( I would kill just to have the body you all have now.

    @perkymommy - I think it's mostly comfort/confidence issues. I wore a bikini last year and I still have it. However, the bikini on the bottom was really low cut and I have a skin/fat on my lower abdomen that kind of hangs over it. So in my case I would feel more comfortable if it was gone, but I'll settle for buying a bikini bottom that sits a little higher on my waist. The top was just a horrible fit and I plan to buy one this year that is based on bra sizes for a better fit.

    I find that bikini's sized s/m/l do not fit me :neutral: The bottoms i may fit a large but i feel like bikini's sized like that are meant for one body type ! which i do not have. I mean every body's different. So i prefer a top that is based on bra sizes to get the perfect fit !

    Ya. I bought one last year like that in the winter with the goal to be able to wear it by the time summer was over. The bottom ended up not fitting right (tied as tight as I could and it still wanted to fall off) and the cups on the top never really ended up fitting (my fault for thinking my boobs would shrink enough for that). So this year I'm thinking I will buy one from Victoria's Secret in my bra size. It will cost more, but should fit much better.

    Yup that's happened to me as well. Ive wasted money thinking ill fit into something and then it just ends up not fitting properly. I recently purchased one from victoria's secret. It was $71.99 BEFORE taxes but WELL WORTH IT. Keeps my boobies right in place, its the perfect size so i have no extra back fat hanging over the band, and it looks great !!! I also find that their rippled scrunchy bottoms make my bum look really nice ! You should try them :smiley:
  • MichelleLea122
    MichelleLea122 Posts: 332 Member
    This thread actually makes me sad seeing how half the posts are saying things like "Bikini sizes are meant for one body type, which I do not have" or "I have loose skin and my fat hangs out" or "I will never be bikini body ready".

    Bikinis aren't exclusively meant for one body type, despite what Victoria Secret and Sports Illustrated would like you to believe. Wear one if you want, don't wear one if you don't, but don't ever feel like your body is not good enough to wear one. No one has a perfect body, believe it or not even super fit people still have stretch marks and unwanted fat deposits. No one is going to criticize you for wearing a bikini, and if they do they're ***holes and you don't need that type of negativity in your life.
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    edited April 2016
    This thread actually makes me sad seeing how half the posts are saying things like "Bikini sizes are meant for one body type, which I do not have" or "I have loose skin and my fat hangs out" or "I will never be bikini body ready".

    Bikinis aren't exclusively meant for one body type, despite what Victoria Secret and Sports Illustrated would like you to believe. Wear one if you want, don't wear one if you don't, but don't ever feel like your body is not good enough to wear one. No one has a perfect body, believe it or not even super fit people still have stretch marks and unwanted fat deposits. No one is going to criticize you for wearing a bikini, and if they do they're ***holes and you don't need that type of negativity in your life.

    @MichelleLei1 - I think you misunderstood. We were discussing the bikini's that come in s/m/l sizing (like the cheap ones at Walmart) which aren't designed very well. I tried buying one last year and it didn't workout because my boobs are larger than normal I guess and I guessed wrong on the bottom size (bought in winter to wear in summer...was losing weight at time). I don't have a body type that can buy bikini's that are sized like that; it doesn't work. I need something that is in bra sizing.

    I have loose skin/fat on the lower end of my stomach and the bottom I got last year was cut to sit really low. It bothered me that the skin/fat hung over it. I just want a pair of bottoms this year that sit's closer to where my jeans sit (just on top my hip bones) so that I can tuck the skin/fat hang in. Yes, I know that no ones body is perfect. That area just really bothers me (I think mostly because I can't tell if it's skin or fat still).

    I'm actually thinking something like this will be perfect:
  • tomteboda
    tomteboda Posts: 2,171 Member
    I wore a bikini as a teenager. One day I dove from the high diving board and the bottom piece stayed at the surface of the water.

    I will never again wear a bikini. Ready or not.
  • ekat120
    ekat120 Posts: 407 Member

    If The Beachgod says it, it must be true B)