Most annoying things people say when your losing weight!!



  • joinn68
    joinn68 Posts: 480 Member
    osche731 wrote: »
    When average/thin people complain their fat to's hurtful and discouraging.

    I am with you on this. Similarly when they eat a tiny little bit of something and claim out loud that they LOVE food!
    I am fat but some people are fatter and I avoid complaining about my weight around them. Not that they can't complain but it's not very thoughtful of them to do it around me. I always feel from those slimmer people that they are slyly trying to insult me.
  • sstout02
    sstout02 Posts: 65 Member
    "You're not planning to lose any more weight, are you?"
    Lol , yup. I hate that one.

  • sstout02
    sstout02 Posts: 65 Member
    ericaconti wrote: »
    osche731 wrote: »
    When average/thin people complain their fat to's hurtful and discouraging.

    When I started, I weighed almost 300 pounds. I'm currently maintaining at 135. There are days where I feel fat. There are also parts of my body that still have a lot of fat on them. So even though I'm average/thin, I wasn't always and I still have "fat" I'm working on.

    You never really know a person's story.
    Congrats! On your journey. Stay healthy!

  • sstout02
    sstout02 Posts: 65 Member
    I was told recently that I had gotten too a female co-worker. One of her friends came by later to tell me that the only reason she had said that was because I now weigh less than she does and she can't handle that. Sorry, not sorry.
  • sstout02
    sstout02 Posts: 65 Member
    Nothing! I have to say the fact that only two people at work have asked me if I've lost weight is really disappointing. I've lose 20 pounds. My clothes are falling off... it HAS to be noticeable. But nothing... no one says anything, ever.

    It has to make you feel a little good about yourself if people are saying you're looking too thin, even if it's annoying, at least people notice and it means your hard work is showing. Be proud.
    Thanks hun! Do it for you:). You notice !!
    Someone asked my how much I'd lost and I told him (at that time) 100 lbs. He said, "Wow! You must've been huge!"

  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    RWClary wrote: »
    ...I tune out the loser herd.

    Bahahaha! <3
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    "You don't need to lose any weight, you're already skinnier than a lot of people". I'm not going to lower my standards for myself because other people are worse off. I want to be the best version of myself that I can be.

  • minniestar55
    minniestar55 Posts: 346 Member
    I don't let comments bother me...just say "yeah, thanks, whatever" & move on. I was bothered, however, when I saw bro-in-law last weekend; he gave me a big hug & said, you've lost more weight, you're so slim! It bothered me because he is terribly overweight, needs to lose at least 5 or 6 stone; he is just 60, a really lovely guy, has 3 kids & 5 grandkids who adore him; has very high blood pressure, high cholesterol, drinks loads of beer, has huge beer belly, & both his knees are shot & need to be replaced but he's scared to get surgery. History of heart attacks in his family. I'm sure he prob has type 2 diabetes (both his parents did). I love him to bits, he's kind & funny, but he's dicing with an early death because he won't get hold of his weight, & I find it sad.
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    I don't let comments bother me...just say "yeah, thanks, whatever" & move on. I was bothered, however, when I saw bro-in-law last weekend; he gave me a big hug & said, you've lost more weight, you're so slim! It bothered me because he is terribly overweight, needs to lose at least 5 or 6 stone; he is just 60, a really lovely guy, has 3 kids & 5 grandkids who adore him; has very high blood pressure, high cholesterol, drinks loads of beer, has huge beer belly, & both his knees are shot & need to be replaced but he's scared to get surgery. History of heart attacks in his family. I'm sure he prob has type 2 diabetes (both his parents did). I love him to bits, he's kind & funny, but he's dicing with an early death because he won't get hold of his weight, & I find it sad.

    Could be he was inspired by you :)
  • JulieSlack
    JulieSlack Posts: 25 Member
    It's the people who try to force feed me junk food or donuts that annoy me. I plan what I'm eating for the day and I take my meals and snacks to work so that I don't get tempted I'm not depriving myself. If I want a donut I'll have a bloody donut IF I want to but if I don't fancy it, which is most of the time then I'm not eating it just to please someone else
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,048 Member
    I can deal with the "you're getting too skinny" and "don't lose anymore weight!" and "you're not still on the diet are you?" and "I could lose weight too, but I prefer a well-rounded varied diet and not just salad" (that last one puzzled me given that my diet is more varied than it was before I started on this mission to lose weight ... and I rarely eat salad).

    But twice now I've gotten the "old" comments.

    The first was a few months ago when one coworker looked me up and down, and then said, "You'd better not lose any more weight ... don't you know that when women our age lose weight, they just look ....... OLD."

    And then just the other day, a coworker was in the kitchen when I walked in to get myself a glass of water. "You're not still on that diet are you?" she asked. "I'm maintaining now", I said. And then out it came ... "If you lose any more weight at all, you'll look really gaunt and gaunt women just look old."

    I'm not "old" and people consistently guess my age about 7 years younger than I really am ... so I don't think I'm actually in any immediate danger of looking like I'm 103 or anything ...
  • hdatres
    hdatres Posts: 635 Member
    Let's see how long it last this time, hahaha!!!
  • natalie3505
    natalie3505 Posts: 169 Member
    kgirlhart wrote: »
    I mostly get tired when people comment about what I can and can't eat. At Easter my mother in-law was packing up some food for my son to take back to college. He said no on the cake and she said "well I know mom can't have any" . I told her I could have some, I just didn't want to take it home with me because I had already had candy for dessert that day. I can eat anything I want, I just chose not to eat things that put me over my calorie goal. And sometimes I chose not to have things even if they fit because they don't help me reached my goals (like protien) or I know that I'll feel hungry later and not have any calories left for the day. And my husband has already asked me more than once if I'm sure I need to lose more because he can't see where I have room to lose any from. (I am still overweight and about 20 lbs from goal and most of it is sitting on my stomach). But most of the comments I get are positive.

    I would take the hubby's comment as the sweetest of compliments! After all, he sees you naked and is obviously happy with how you look. I'm 3 weeks in and haven't had a lot of progress yet, but my husband told me I was looking good the other day. He is always complimenting me, but it made me feel good for him to notice my fat loss / fitness efforts.
  • lalikitten
    lalikitten Posts: 2 Member
    My family tries to tell me that eating healthy is just a phase and I'll get over it... Oh well
  • JustSomeEm
    JustSomeEm Posts: 20,210 MFP Moderator
    I'm surprised people get upset with the "You're getting too skinny" comment.

    I would take that as a huge compliment.

    It's both a compliment and a slap in the face. It implies 1. that the individual making the comment lacks self-confidence and 2. that you lack self-awareness. I've had this 'compliment' a couple of times - there's nothing nice that can be said in return. Saying 'thanks' sounds sarcastic (and in my case is MEANT that way). Usually I end up making some comment about me having lived in this body for nearly 40 years and knowing it better than the commenter. I will decide when enough is enough, thanks.
  • Maxematics
    Maxematics Posts: 2,287 Member
    It's easy to say to ignore comments that other people make toward you, but the fact of the matter is that they shouldn't be making comments to begin with. When people walk into a room and it's quiet, they often brainstorm for something to say for the purpose of making small talk. What they usually come up with is something mundane or inane to say instead of just staying silent. This results in many of the comments people have been told in this thread.

    If a co-worker were to walk up to you and say "You're so fat! You really don't need to partake in eating the birthday cake we brought to the office for Dan today" in most cases HR would get a call so fast due to the unprofessional and rude behavior exhibited by said co-worker. Why does this become okay when the comment becomes "You're so skinny, you probably won't even eat a piece of birthday cake we brought to the office for Dan today"? It's still rude and uncalled for. It's not a compliment. Rather than implying that you're so fat that you probably stuff your face with food all day, the person is now implying that you're so thin that you starve yourself.

    People shouldn't comment on other people's weight, period. I ignore the comments people make toward me, but it gets old hearing that my metabolism must be fast, that I don't/won't eat cake, that I probably exercise too much, etc. If I turned around and told the commenters that they probably don't get off their butts enough or stuff their faces too much, they'd be offended. People in my immediate circle don't do this, so far it's just been co-workers and they are mostly women, sadly. People may think they are complimenting you, but "You look great!" is a compliment, not "Wow, you're such a skinny minny! It's sickening."

    Then other people just go past the realm of inappropriate into "Who the hell do you think you are?" territory. One man at my job told me to stop losing weight because I still have to look like a woman. I don't look manly and to assume that I'm going to shape my body to be arousing for someone else is laughable. I've also told this story a few times on threads like this here on the forums but, after losing weight, someone in a mutual friend's social circle told people I lost weight because I was using drugs. A horrible, untrue rumor but it hurt because I grew up with a drug-addicted parent and even hearing a rumor like that about myself made me feel sick and angry, especially when other people chose to believe it instead of "eat less, move more".
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    If someone told me it's so easy for me to lose weight, I'd probably smack them in the face. Or REALLY want to.
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    edited April 2016
    joinn68 wrote: »
    osche731 wrote: »
    When average/thin people complain their fat to's hurtful and discouraging.

    I am with you on this. Similarly when they eat a tiny little bit of something and claim out loud that they LOVE food!
    I am fat but some people are fatter and I avoid complaining about my weight around them. Not that they can't complain but it's not very thoughtful of them to do it around me. I always feel from those slimmer people that they are slyly trying to insult me.

    Then again, it might not be about you at all. Believe it or not, most people are far more concerned about themselves to spend the mental energy trying to insult others on the sly.

    You know what I don't find thoughtful? Imagining the worst of people and the belief that others don't struggle with body image just because they are at a lower weight than others.
  • WendyLaubach
    WendyLaubach Posts: 518 Member
    "Losing ain't easy, friend. I'm not going to accidentally waste away." That cracked me up. It's what I tell my husband when he worries.

    No one's said anything awful to me. Mostly my friends, family, and neighbors have been extremely nice. I love it when they come out to the road to flag me down and ask my secret. If they're not careful, they'll get an earful of exactly how much I've lost and how. Now and then someone suggests that I've already lost enough (hardly! I'm still a little more than 10 lbs. from graduating from "obese" to merely "fat"). All I can say is that it shows how distorted our standards have gotten, not to mention how enormous I was when I started. Even so, I can't get enough of it. Bring the comments on!
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,048 Member
    Someone linked me to this calculator: and told me it is so much better than the usual BMI calculators.

    I filled in my info and it told me what the usual BMI calculators say ... but then it had a bunch of comments underneath including this one:

    Weight management?
    This is no issue for you, luckily.

    Um. Right.