Fit for Future Families - June 2011



  • peggy1209
    peggy1209 Posts: 84 Member
    Well, today was day 51 . . . ugh, but I have a strong feeling that tomorrow with be CD1 all over again.

    I wish things could be slightly more regular, but I am starting to chart my temperatures this week . . . and hopefully that will provide some predictability in the future.

    On the bright side, I finished day 16 of Jillian's Shred today . . . whoo-hoo!!
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Jalara - my new start was a little rocky (leftovers, but generally not so bad. Much less snacking, but how did I ever have trouble eating enough calories?? LOL

    Alisia - at least that's one less issue that could be causing your issues......but yeah, those cramps can be pretty depends on the doctor.

    Peggy - Good job on shredding #16!!!

    Dani - my favourite book for getting pregnant is TCOYF. If you're looking to find one that helps you prepare, I'm not sure, but there is lots of information online if you search for preconception diets and exercises. Also talking to your doctor is good. They can do a full workup to make sure that you aren't deficient in anything baby will need (giving you an option for what to eat to supplement). And of course a prenatal with at least 1000mg.

    AFM -'s too early!!!
  • kah78
    kah78 Posts: 391 Member
    Alisa--glad to hear that the HSG went well--except for the wonderful office staff interaction. I didn't have to do a prego test with mine--so sorry you had to go through that! "Beautifully clear tubes"--that's wonderful! And I really liked your description of the cramping as a contraction--now that I think about it, you are totally right! I went into the labor breathing too, without even realizing it during the procedure. At least with the HSG they don't keep coming--haha!

    Today is day 1 for me. Definitely no IUI this month. Hubs is definitely gone during the "critical" we didn't order any of the meds and stuff. Hopefully next month...unless it turns out that I'm ovulating on the side that is blocked...which I don't know that they would be able to tell until after I have already started the meds and I don't know how all of that will go down. Another lesson in "control what you can control" and stop worrying about the rest of it. For a while, anyways.

    Last night was full of potato salad and banana pudding. Not a winner in the weight loss/maintenance department. Today is a new day, right? (I'm having a lot of "new days" recently.) Hmmmm.....

    Hope everyone has a good day!
  • Kileysmommy32
    I also have PCOS and Hypothyroidism. I started out having periods when I was 10, but by the time I was 16 they started getting sporatic. I am not 32 and haven't had periods on my own since I was 25 years old. I have a almost 4 year old daughter, which I conceived with Femara, metformin, and HCG trigger shots. I have had 4 miscarriages since I was 24. So, don't give up hope, it can happen, sometimes it just takes us a lot of work. I am still trying, but I have put it in God's hands. Good Luck!
  • pixieofdoom
    pixieofdoom Posts: 356 Member
    Hi guys,

    Sorry I've been absent, I've not been all that well. Also had AF for the second time in a month - a bit unexpected after years without anything at all but I guess that's the way it's going to be for a while now.

    I completely understand the whole 'when are you having kids' thing from friends and family, I haven't been able to bring myself to tell them we're having problems (I think mainly because I blame myself). It's good to have people here that you can be open with, I've always had loads of support from these guys!

    Congrats on the excellent loss Jalara, it must feel really motivating.

    Have fun Hawaii trips you lucky people.

    I'm still feeling a bit vague and out of it so will catch up later. I'm feeling so guilty about missing the time at the gym and pool from feeling horrible so I may just have to drag myself there tonight anyway despite not being quite up to fighting fit yet. I guess if I take it easy it won't hurt
  • abeare
    abeare Posts: 510 Member
    Karen, When you say IUI shot, do you mean the HCG shot? If so that sucks! I sat with a nurse 5 minutes after my U/S and she explained to me what to have DH do. It lasted 5minutes or less. I’m glad I didn’t have to take yet another day off work for that. And yes what is up with everyone thinking that TTC women don’t work? I’m very fortunate that my clinic caters to working women, which is why I get my appointments set for 6:30am most times (so I can go into work afterwards). Best of luck, let us know how it goes. Oh and a piece of advice, freeze the section of your tummy that he’ll be injecting and look away, you wont even know it happened.
    Update: They can tell through u/s what side has the dominant follicle, which will tell you what side you should be O’ing from.

    Newmrsdec, congrats on the good day at the gym! Don’t forget to take it steady at first, it’s so easy to be all into your workout when you start but if you push too hard you’re more likely to loose steam. This is a marathon and not a race, and we’re all here to help you stay motivated for your new healthy lifestyle with hopefully a little one running around sooner than later.

    Jalara, love the little miss blog, very cute. I think we deal with not just little miss’ in our dieting but in our TTC too! My family falls into a lot of these categories, my aunt tried to tell me that sangria was healthy for you because it had red wine and fruit in it, and that the health benefits outweighed the calories! Delusional much!

    Dani, Welcome, and feel free to just jump right in to the conversations. As for healthy meals that are cheap, that’s a little tricky because fruits and veggies will always be more expensive than boxed meals. It can be done however, it’s a matter of planning, try to find recipes and meals that ask for the same veggies for that week so that you don’t spend crazy $ on veggies that will only work in one meal. Then switch up the variety the following week of course (or you’ll get bored with the same old stuff. Oh and a good way to make sure you don’t waste veggies is to take all your veggies at the end of the week (just before they go bad) and make your own broth. This means you don’t waste your veggies and don’t have to buy Sodium filled broth!
    Check online for recipes, there are great sites dedicated to low cal healthy meals like this one:

    Alisa, So sorry to hear that it was so painful! I never had an HSG done, but rather a sonohysterogram which is apparently a similar test. Mine felt like period cramps, actually it felt more like light period cramps. Thankfully the test was worth it, now you know it’s only the PCOS you have to contend with and not a myriad of other issues. Good luck O’ing by yourself! Oh how’s the not smoking btw?

    Peggy, WTG on the day 16 of the shred!!!

    AFM, I decided not to temp this month because I wanted a mini break (I was planning to start back up next month even though it’s a “useless” cycle too) but yesterday I was feeling REALLY crampy and when I went to the washroom I saw that I not only had EW but I was slightly spotting too. I’ve never spotted during O, this was a first, but I looked at the calendar and yup on CD14, right on schedule. There was no BD’ing last night, but instead this AM. Hopefully it was enough to mean I don’t ever have to do another IUI. Wishful thinking I know, but FC!

  • peggy1209
    peggy1209 Posts: 84 Member
    Well, today was day 51 . . . ugh, but I have a strong feeling that tomorrow with be CD1 all over again.

    I wish things could be slightly more regular, but I am starting to chart my temperatures this week . . . and hopefully that will provide some predictability in the future.

    On the bright side, I finished day 16 of Jillian's Shred today . . . whoo-hoo!!

    I'm quoting myself. Yup, I was right . . . DAY ONE is here... where's thef-ing chocolate . . . LOL
  • batgirlrox
    batgirlrox Posts: 105
    Hello again,

    Newmrsdec- I agree don't push yourself too hard but exercise does feel nice and rewarding after a long break.
    Dani- Welcome! I am a huge veggie sale buyer, if its not on sale and I don't desperately need it I replace it with something cheaper or that is.
    Peggy- Keep up the good work. That workout drains me entirely :)
    Ashley- Hopeful thinking is the best way to be:)
    Pixie- Hope you're feeling a little better now. I hate those out of it days.

    AFM- I hope everyone else was able to get out and enjoy some of the nice summer weather we are finally getting. Last few days have been a little up and down. Woke up with my worst headache of my life on Tuesday hoping it had to do with the first week of Prednisone decrease and am hoping to not have another one for a very long time(ever would be ideal haha.) Although once I was finally mobile again and my hubby got home from work we went and did a hard leg work out and run at the gym. My outter glutes still hurt and they never seem too which feels very rewarding. So to top off my rollercoaster day we had the inlaws over for a BBQ and my Father in law throws out the "You know I've been waiting very patiently for my own little grandbaby" *eye roll* Sometimes I wonder what goes through that mans head. They have been kept pretty up to date on my medical situations because of the fact my Mother in law is an RN and likes all the nitty gritty. My hubby was quick to change the topic and come for comfort but it still stings a little. I managed to keep it together with no meltdown though.
    Yesterday my hubby and I were supposed to go golfing with some friends but he woke up ill so my sister and I went instead, let me tell you after the leg work out climbing up and down hills after my ball was more effort then it really should have been. Pain = gain I guess. Followed by a nice relaxing pedicure yesterday afternoon was a nice treat. Fell off the healthy eating regim after our Fun day it seems. Have to learn how to sit on the reataurant patio with friends and not order the sugary drinks or munch on the appies that are ordered.
    Back to work today makes for an easier eating plan :) Hope everyone has a good day!
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Ashley - I hope that this is your cycle too!!

    Peggy - sorry you were right

    Amanda - that's exactly what my dad says too.......I just tell him he has 3 other children (none of whom are married or in a position to have children) and that keeps him pretty quiet, but I'm just used to it now...

    AFM: My garden is now FLOODED...seriously. I took a picture of some of my flowers floating in the garden.......we've had so much rain in such a short amount of time that the ground just can't handle it. I like rain as much as the next farmer, but COME ON!!!
  • kah78
    kah78 Posts: 391 Member
    Hi all--yesterday was crappy. Got a letter from my insurance company saying that they denied coverage for my HSG. I flipped out! I spent HOURS making sure that it would be covered before I did it. Yesterday I was just to livid and upset to do anything with it--it's like it just hits all of the raw nerves I have--you all know what I mean. So, today I called my insurance and in my best nice "please help me figure out what happened" voice, tried to get this straightened out. Turns out the hospital didn't get the required preauthorization for the procedure!!! So, instead of the insurance company just trying to be nasty this time, the hospital just dropped the ball and left me out to dry to the tune of many hundreds of dollars. Ugh. So I've left a message for the person who told me that the hospital would take care of the preauthorization, and have asked them to help me figure out who to talk to about this. I'm still so livid and upset about it. Disappointment gets covered up by anger so quickly for me now. I just feel let down by everyone. At least I know I have to pay for the rest of it out of more insurance surprises. Still, I'm hoping I don't have to pay an extra almost grand because someone dropped the ball. How much does that suck? Even when I try to do everything right and jump through the hoops I have to, I'm still getting....well, you know.

    Okay--enough venting. I finished a book last night called "Wanting another child: Coping with secondary infertility". It's kinda academic at times, but has a lot of vignettes from people dealing with secondary infertility. I really enjoyed it. I liked it because it the only book I've found dealing specifically with secondary infertility, which has some different issues than primary, since another kid is already involved. In any case, it helped. It didn't specifically address crappy insurance companies and screwball hospital employees not doing their jobs, but it still helped, since I know some of my anger and all is compounded by the stress of the issue itself.

    I haven't been logging my food very well, but given my emotional state in the last 24 hours, I think I've been doing pretty well. I forgot to weigh in this morning though. Oh well. Hope everyone else is doing well! Happy weekend!
  • sdavisneill
    sdavisneill Posts: 115 Member
    I love that in just a few days we have so much activity on this board! Warning, lots of comments below. :smile:

    ASHLEY, Sorry about the family challenges. Most of my close friends know, but we haven't really told our parents. My mom knows that a side effect of PCOS is difficulty with conceiving, so I think that's kept her at bay for know. Mostly, I don't want to have to spend time when we see them talking about all the details of it. It's exhausting! I did tell my brother so he could run interference if we needed. He's always been my partner in crime, so figured this would be a good thing to have him in on. Oh & thanks for the tip on the shots. We're not doing those yet, frankly I'm terrified of it (I don't even give blood!), but it's nice to have a potential strategy when we do get to that point.

    AMANDA, strength to you with the craziness your body is having to go through on that medicine. The weight loss process can be so demotivating when you can't see tangible targets. Here's a link that a friend shared about body image. I don't really buy into the eating strategy this site is talking about it, but the article was really interesting. Especially since I had such a weird week last week with weight fluctuations, despite doing more exercise and staying on track with my eating. My body was getting stronger & healthier, even though the scale didn't reflect it.
    I love golf too, by the way. I think it is a great activity, it just gets too hot here in Georgia in the summer for it though.

    KATIE, welcome back and hello! I think I joined since the last time you posted.

    JALARA, soooo proud of you for the progress on WW!!!

    ALISA, biggest *HUGS* after that experience with the HSG! I was so glad I took the whole day off when I did that. Mild cramping is a bunch of crock! But, very glad for you on the clear tubes! Where are you going in Hawaii? We're off to Maui for a wedding end of July. I'm so excited!

    COURTNEY, way to go on getting back into the exercise!

    DANI, welcome. Sorry I don't have recipes and grocery lists to share. We really don't cook, so I've been very focused on finding better choices that are quick prepare or how to eat better when eating out.

    PEGGY, I'm so impressed with your continued determination on the shred. I have to mix up my workouts or I get bored, so I'm not sure I could make 30 days on that.

    FIONA, sorry you haven't been feeling well! Glad to see you back and hope everything is a-ok soon.

    PAM, no kidding about the rain! We've been getting it like buckets down here too. That stinks about your garden. Hopefully it doesn't hurt all your plants and flowers.

    KAREN, grrrrrr about the hospital and insurance. I hate how complicated the health care payment process is. It's like the rules change all the time to intentionally trip you up. Good luck working it all out.

    AFM, very glad it is Friday. Stayed on track well with eating & exercising, but emotionally I've been all over the place. Had a big argument with DH a couple of days ago. The friends that we're going on vacation with in late July let him know that they're expecting. He told me and my face fell for a minute. He was angry with me for begrudging them their happiness. That isn't the case at all, of course. My disappointment is in our situation, not that I'm not happy for them. I am. He just doesn't get the emotional trigger. I hate how calm and rational he always is. Yes, he's disappointed too, but he has properly placed this in the "things I do not control" bucket, so it doesn't rattle him. I just know I need some times to be irrational about it, and I just need support, not for someone to "fix" my way of thinking. I know I should accept that we're different and that we view things differently, but damn it, I have a right to my crazy! The good news, is that it was just an argument and we went right back to getting along and even BD the next day. :wink: It's just another reminder of the long journey this is and why I'm grateful to know that there are wonderful women like y'all out there going through the same craziness.

    Have a wonderful weekend everyone!!
  • kah78
    kah78 Posts: 391 Member
    UPDATE: Just so everyone knows....I worked it out! In the end, the hospital said it was their fault that the preauthorization didn't happen and that I would not be getting a bill from them for the procedure--they would "eat it". YESSSS!!! And, the fact that they admitted it just made my day. They didn't try to blame me or tell me I didn't do something, which was what I expected. Well, another 2-3 hours down the drain getting that all taken care of, but for that amount of money, it's still a pretty good hourly wage. The world seems a little less cruel right now. :-)
  • batgirlrox
    batgirlrox Posts: 105
    Good Morning Everyone,
    Well today has begun much happier then expected. I woke up to bright blue skies and sunshine even though the forecast was rain all day. It's amazing how a little sun can bright the mood so.
    Karen- WOW. I could not even imagine how you are feeling. I have had some family members go through similar situations with major surgery's and the hospital and insurance companies saying it would be covered and then at the end they end up with bills in the 100000's. I'm hoping things get straightened out for you right away and the mistake is fixed.
    Stephanie- That post was awesome thank you so much. I need to share that with one of my friends who is insanely scale obsessed. Definately puts things into perspective thats for sure.
    AFM- Not much is new. Increased my interval speed on the treadmill from 5.5 to 6.0 and completed 30 mins of training on that yesterday. Still early today and hope the sunshine keeps my mood up.
  • laurajoyk
    laurajoyk Posts: 305
    Hi everyone. I'm new to this group. I'm a 27 year old stay at home mom. I just had our little girl on May15th. I am already 2 lbs less than my pre-pregnancy weight, but I started out with 70 lbs to lose, so I'm on a mission to lose most of that before we try to have another baby. We plan on TTC when she is somewhere between 6 months to 1 year old. I have my 6 week check-up on Monday and want to see what my doctor says is reasonable. I am soooo antsy to start working out. I've been walking a little but I'm not supposed to start working out till my doctor gives me the green light. I've been eating clean for the last week at least so I know thats been helping with the weight loss along with breast feeding.

    I can't wait to get to know all of you :smile:
  • Mystic_Potato
    Mystic_Potato Posts: 57 Member
    Hi ladies! Peggy1209 told me about this group.

    I skimmed through some of the posts. It really seems like what i am looking for.

    A little about myself. I am currently a 37 (yikes- almost 38) year old SAHM. I have a one year old son that I adore. I conceived him through IVF. My husband and I spent 10 years trying for him before seeking help from a specialist. I took the hormones for 2 years, did IUIs and finally 2 tries at IVF. It was exhausting but knowing I over came that I know I can get through anything! Because of my age and my husband's age we are getting right back into it to try for baby #2. I know how hard this road it!

    I was never a skinny lady and 2 years on hormones plus years of working too much (I was a family therapist prior to staying home) and eating an unhealthy diet made a bad situation worse. Prior to having my first child I lost about 15 pounds on my own despite taking all of the fun hormones that tend to bulk you up. My pregnancy was rough and I was on bed rest and could not eat much so I actually lost weight throughout my pregnancy! In theory this sounds good, except it killed my metabolism. The delivery was crazy and I had a pretty radical c-section, so more time off my feet! Bad fortune struck again when about 6 months post pardum I got hit with a wicked virus. Initially a stomach flu that hit everyone, it seemed to really grab me. I was sick for months. It latched on to my nervous system and caused neuropathy, hair loss, and attacked my liver! I am finally getting better - which I attribute to watching every single thing I put into my body.

    Anyway, I am on the road to [hopefully] have #2! We are not trying to prevent a pregnancy and I am monitoring ovulation (which is working YAY!) but in a few weeks- assuming my health continues to be clear- I will go back to the specialist for a frozen embryo transfer. If that does not take - well back to the drawing board. I need to be as healthy as possible!

    So nice to "meet" you all. Hoping we can support each other during this journey. May you all hold the babies you have in your hearts in your arms!
  • redheadmommy
    redheadmommy Posts: 908 Member
    Hi Ladies,
    I am so glad I find this topic. I am 36 years old and a mother of a 2.5 yrs old boy who was conceived via IVF. We are trying desperately for a sibling since he was born. I was breastfeeding him until last fall, and weaned him when he was 2, so we can start fertility treatments again. Since than we had 4 failed treatments ( 3 IUI, 1IVF), and I developed some cysts, which I never had in my life before. I always been a chubbier women, but the many years of stress from infertility and really put on the pounds. The icing on the cake was my pregnancy when i gained 70lb. I slowly started to lose weight after my son turned one, but restarting the fertility treatment restarted the weight gains.

    After our last failed IVF, I decided I had enough. I still want a sibling for my son, but I can not take this whole infertility hell anymore.
    We decided to take a break, and I will focus on myself for a a while.
    I month ago i was at the point that I thought I will never ever want to go though any fertility treatment anymore.

    I hope if I get into a normal weight, it may happen naturally. In any case, a healthy weight and improved self-esteem and emotional state of mind might help me endure further treatments.
  • sugarcrystal8
    sugarcrystal8 Posts: 38 Member
    Alisa - Glad to hear your HSG went well! I'm going to have to wait until early August for mine since I've got 2 trips planned in July, and so the timing with provera and then scheduling would be funky.
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Welcome all the newbies. Just wanted to let you all know that I'll probably be pretty MIA with vacation this week and my inlaws in town. I'll try and get online as much as possible, but my computer is hooked up to the much for privacy...they very obviously pay attention to what I write (on FB mostly) on the TV - they read it out to maintain your privacy as much as mine, I'll have to log in before the day starts or after everyone's in bed ;)

    Hopefully this week of R&R will be just what I need!
  • carina73
    carina73 Posts: 270 Member
    Hi Ladies. I'm sorry for not being here lately and not keeping up with what's going on with all of you.

    Things have been really bad for me for just over a week. It's a private issue and I know I really shouldn't talk about it to anyone other than my DH but it's killing me. I'm a social person and I think and deal as I talk, and this week has been really hard. I don't know what to think, how to feel. I'm lost and feel like I'm fake, b/c no one IRL knows what's going on, so our conversations go on normally. NO ONE has noticed anything wrong with me even though my FB status said I was sad. I had a few inquiries, which I privately msg'd them saying I was dealing with some stuff, but NO ONE has followed up. I feel so alone.

    I'm really in a bad place. I've had to stop TTC. RIGHT when I was due to ovulate. I'm so angry, yet numb.

    So, please know that I am thinking of all of you, but just can't deal right now. I hope you all understand.
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Hi Ladies. I'm sorry for not being here lately and not keeping up with what's going on with all of you.

    Things have been really bad for me for just over a week. It's a private issue and I know I really shouldn't talk about it to anyone other than my DH but it's killing me. I'm a social person and I think and deal as I talk, and this week has been really hard. I don't know what to think, how to feel. I'm lost and feel like I'm fake, b/c no one IRL knows what's going on, so our conversations go on normally. NO ONE has noticed anything wrong with me even though my FB status said I was sad. I had a few inquiries, which I privately msg'd them saying I was dealing with some stuff, but NO ONE has followed up. I feel so alone.

    I'm really in a bad place. I've had to stop TTC. RIGHT when I was due to ovulate. I'm so angry, yet numb.

    So, please know that I am thinking of all of you, but just can't deal right now. I hope you all understand.

    *hugs* Carina :( I'm so sorry to hear that. I can only imagine how frustrated you are...TTC and having issues is hard enough with all of the crazy other stuff sneaking up on you. I hope you find peace soon. You are not fake....fake people wouldn't let anything hurt are very very real! I'm thinking of you tonight :frown: