ANYTHING other then food to use as fuel??



  • kazminchu
    kazminchu Posts: 250 Member
    I hate to advertise something that makes me weep with despair, but I saw an advert for a thing called Huel. Apparently it's everything your body needs, in a powdered, tasteless form. I think it's a sign of the end of the world, but maybe it'll fit your needs.
  • MommyL2015
    MommyL2015 Posts: 1,411 Member
    I think I understand where you're coming from. Earlier times when I tried to lose weight, it was the food I was "supposed" to eat that really turned me off and I would fail every time. "Healthy" is a subjective term and the key to weight loss is finding foods that you like that you are willing to eat to keep you in a calorie deficit, while meeting nutritional needs. For me, those kinds of foods are cereal, sandwiches, pizza, tacos, hamburgers, pasta and things like that. I have not changed the foods I used to eat at all, I simply changed how much of them I eat. I look where I can cut calories, like I'll I use less oil and butter and use sriracha on my burgers and salsa on my tacos instead of mayo or a lot of cheese (but a little cheese!) Little things like that make a huge difference. I happen to like some vegetables, so I do a roasted mix of broccoli, carrots, zucchini, onion and celery. Instead of french fries, I roast fries with a little oil and Parmesan cheese or seasoning salt. I find hot cereal to be filling for the amount of calories the have and I sweeten with splenda or flavored sugar-free coffee creamers. Find things you do like and make those your fuel. You won't be successful if you're miserable and think you need to eat gross food. Soylent sounds absolutely dreadful, but I'm not against some type of protein & fruit smoothie--I love those.

    If someone told me I had to eat a baked salmon covered in mushrooms and avocado slices with a kale and cilantro salad on the side, I'd tell them to grab a fork and enjoy 'cause there's no way in hell any of those things are touching my lips. ;)
  • Jthanmyfitnesspal
    Jthanmyfitnesspal Posts: 3,522 Member
    As far as calories I'm a 6'3" guy, tipping the scales at 205 pounds. My daily calorie goal is 1700 or less per day. From past experience that seems to be the tipping point for me. Sadly that means I'm HUNGRY 24/7, but one issue at a time I thinks.

    I surmise that you're trying to lose 2lbs a day. Why the rush? That would put me in a terrible mood too.

    I struggle mightily with hunger at times as well. It takes a major effort not to over eat. Again, you can choose to lose weight at whatever rate you want, can't you? Try doing a few days at a "maintenance" level and see what that's like.

    It is literally impossible to hate all "healthy" foods because everyone disagrees what foods are "healthy." My advice is that you learn how to cook more foods.
  • tiny_clanger
    tiny_clanger Posts: 301 Member
    I know someone who has pretty extreme sensory issues with food due to specific learning disability. Food they liked one day make them throw up another day, sometimes they are living off sugary coffee and energy drinks as they just can't face the thought of getting anything down. They can't manage anything with lumps, anything crunchy or that might be spiky, etc.

    They tried one of these meal replacement powders - like Soylent linked to above, and found it was a revelation. Blended up very smooth and with lots of water, it makes a drink they can just pour down themselves without worrying. This guy is finally getting enough calories to function, and the difference is amazing - he's "eating" about 2500-3000 calories a day, he's gaining weight, his skin, hair and general demeanour are completely different and so much brighter.

    While he's not eating that way for calorie control (quite the opposite, he urgently needs to gain), it could be calorie controlled if necessary as the calories per measure are known. So it's just a case of mixing up as much as you need in a day, or as much as you need allowing for treat foods which you like too.

    May be something to consider if food is really, really becoming a problem for you?
  • finneyjason218
    finneyjason218 Posts: 166 Member
    edited April 2016
    Search "100% food" online.

    It's called space station nutrition. Bottles of powder that are ground up food.

    They taste ok and are portioned out where three bottles gives you 2000Cals and all of your vitamins and minerals. I only use them when I am too lazy to pack a lunch, but they are complete nutrition without any of the headaches of cooking/preparing regular food.

    This is exactly what you were asking for in your original post. At about $3/bottle not a bad deal either
  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,179 Member
    Wow! So many replies and so many ideas, you people are great. I'm going to try and shutotgun all the ideas people posted, rather then do 20 quotes, hope everyone that took the time to reply sees this!

    How fast am I trying to loose weight??

    As fast as I can, simply put if I stick to my 1700 cal diet, AND I hit the gym 6 days a week, AND I don't cheat with treat foods EVER, then I will loose one pound per week. If I miss any of those I stay the same or will gain weight back. Many of you have looked at what I do and thought I was trying to loose weight fast, but fact of the matter is if I don't HAMMER on myself then I can't loose weight period. Its been this way my whole life.

    Why don't you eat foods you like in moderation??

    The only foods I like are junk and garbage foods (there is a rat joke in there to be sure!). But the few foods I do enjoy are so bad for a person NO ONE is going to say its OK for me to eat them. At this point I also feel guilt if I eat something like sweets because I have been trying so hard for so long to loose my fat. So one way or another if its food its bad for me.

    Why don't you cook food so that it tastes good to you?

    Can't be done, you would have to bury the taste of fish and veggies to the point were I could not taste them at all. I used to kill everything I ate with hot sauce, but that ripped my guts up too much. I'm pretty much eating most of my stuff raw/plane these days. I figure if I'm going to hate eating it no matter what then cooking it is a waste of time.

    Have you tried any other diets?

    Yes, low carb, no carb, vegan diets, liquid diets as well as a number of diet plans that a number of gym trainers have come up with for me. Some were better then others, but none of them worked.

    Do you have an eating disorder??

    Maybe, for the past ten years I have been eating foods I hate on a regular basis s..was it the chicken or the egg? It might not be a BAD idea to see a shrink about this, but I'm at a loss as to what they could do to make food taste any different to me then it does now. I certainly didn't decide how food tastes to me. The example I give is that I don't like how bacon tastes, and fried chicken makes me sick! I give these examples to show people how messed up my taste buds are!

    That's all I got hope that clears a few things up, did I miss any?

    I hate bacon and unless the chicken (or anything else fried) is fried in good quality vegetable oil, the smell alone makes me gag. Even walking outside most fast food places, I am feeling slightly sick, because of the frying smell. My taste buds are just fine.
    Get an appointment with someone specialising in eating disorders. It might be emotional. Or it might you are sensitive to certain smells and textures and there might be techniques to help you.

  • Alyssa_Is_LosingIt
    Alyssa_Is_LosingIt Posts: 4,696 Member
    Do you use a food scale to weigh all of your food in order to track your calories? The reason I ask is because you mentioned that it has been hard for you to lose weight in the past without "hammering" yourself, and that's usually due to inaccurate logging, causing you to eat more than you think you're eating. This is especially important if you have a smaller amount of weight to lose (35 lbs isn't that much in the grand scheme of things), as you will need to be as accurate as possible to see results.

    If you eat a lot of pre-packaged foods, a food scale is even more important, because the weight of the food on the label may be less than the actual weight of the food, meaning that the food that you eat has more calories than what's on the label.

    Also, what is your age and activity level? Do you have MFP set to lose a lb a week?
  • LazSommer
    LazSommer Posts: 1,851 Member
    Wow! So many replies and so many ideas, you people are great. I'm going to try and shutotgun all the ideas people posted, rather then do 20 quotes, hope everyone that took the time to reply sees this!

    How fast am I trying to loose weight??

    As fast as I can, simply put if I stick to my 1700 cal diet, AND I hit the gym 6 days a week, AND I don't cheat with treat foods EVER, then I will loose one pound per week. If I miss any of those I stay the same or will gain weight back. Many of you have looked at what I do and thought I was trying to loose weight fast, but fact of the matter is if I don't HAMMER on myself then I can't loose weight period. Its been this way my whole life.

    Why don't you eat foods you like in moderation??

    The only foods I like are junk and garbage foods (there is a rat joke in there to be sure!). But the few foods I do enjoy are so bad for a person NO ONE is going to say its OK for me to eat them. At this point I also feel guilt if I eat something like sweets because I have been trying so hard for so long to loose my fat. So one way or another if its food its bad for me.

    Why don't you cook food so that it tastes good to you?

    Can't be done, you would have to bury the taste of fish and veggies to the point were I could not taste them at all. I used to kill everything I ate with hot sauce, but that ripped my guts up too much. I'm pretty much eating most of my stuff raw/plane these days. I figure if I'm going to hate eating it no matter what then cooking it is a waste of time.

    Have you tried any other diets?

    Yes, low carb, no carb, vegan diets, liquid diets as well as a number of diet plans that a number of gym trainers have come up with for me. Some were better then others, but none of them worked.

    Do you have an eating disorder??

    Maybe, for the past ten years I have been eating foods I hate on a regular basis s..was it the chicken or the egg? It might not be a BAD idea to see a shrink about this, but I'm at a loss as to what they could do to make food taste any different to me then it does now. I certainly didn't decide how food tastes to me. The example I give is that I don't like how bacon tastes, and fried chicken makes me sick! I give these examples to show people how messed up my taste buds are!

    That's all I got hope that clears a few things up, did I miss any?

    I called you a whiner. What's your age/height/weight/gender? Why do you insist you "HAVE" to do things a certain way because that's how you have "always" had to do things? It doesn't seem like that works out for you in the long run.
  • chelsy0587
    chelsy0587 Posts: 441 Member
    edited April 2016
    The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting different results....

    Try something different.
    Try to be open to new suggestions.
    Find your TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure) and subtract calories from that number not just what MFP sets up for you... Nutrition is different for everyone, MFP is great but when it comes to calories they give you an average.

    You could drink protein shakes, but I promise you'll eventually want to eat, chew and swallow REAL food. And I'm not sure how that might work with Diabetes.
  • MommyL2015
    MommyL2015 Posts: 1,411 Member
    Wow! So many replies and so many ideas, you people are great. I'm going to try and shutotgun all the ideas people posted, rather then do 20 quotes, hope everyone that took the time to reply sees this!

    How fast am I trying to loose weight??

    As fast as I can, simply put if I stick to my 1700 cal diet, AND I hit the gym 6 days a week, AND I don't cheat with treat foods EVER, then I will loose one pound per week. If I miss any of those I stay the same or will gain weight back. Many of you have looked at what I do and thought I was trying to loose weight fast, but fact of the matter is if I don't HAMMER on myself then I can't loose weight period. Its been this way my whole life.

    Why don't you eat foods you like in moderation??

    The only foods I like are junk and garbage foods (there is a rat joke in there to be sure!). But the few foods I do enjoy are so bad for a person NO ONE is going to say its OK for me to eat them. At this point I also feel guilt if I eat something like sweets because I have been trying so hard for so long to loose my fat. So one way or another if its food its bad for me.

    Why don't you cook food so that it tastes good to you?

    Can't be done, you would have to bury the taste of fish and veggies to the point were I could not taste them at all. I used to kill everything I ate with hot sauce, but that ripped my guts up too much. I'm pretty much eating most of my stuff raw/plane these days. I figure if I'm going to hate eating it no matter what then cooking it is a waste of time.

    Have you tried any other diets?

    Yes, low carb, no carb, vegan diets, liquid diets as well as a number of diet plans that a number of gym trainers have come up with for me. Some were better then others, but none of them worked.

    Do you have an eating disorder??

    Maybe, for the past ten years I have been eating foods I hate on a regular basis s..was it the chicken or the egg? It might not be a BAD idea to see a shrink about this, but I'm at a loss as to what they could do to make food taste any different to me then it does now. I certainly didn't decide how food tastes to me. The example I give is that I don't like how bacon tastes, and fried chicken makes me sick! I give these examples to show people how messed up my taste buds are!

    That's all I got hope that clears a few things up, did I miss any?

    The bolded part would be impossible to say because you haven't given an inkling of what you actually do like to eat. But I bet I wouldn't say it was bad or not okay. As far as I'm concerned, there are no bad foods.

    I think you're being a bit melodramatic. For weight loss, you just have to eat less calories than your body burns. The type of food doesn't matter. Obviously, you're eating something if you think you need to lose weight, right? Eat what you like, try to get creative with whatever that is so you can meet basic nutritional needs and if you have to use some type of protein or meal replacement drink to fill in some nutritional gaps, do that.
  • robininfl
    robininfl Posts: 1,137 Member
    If you fasted on water for a couple of days, do you think your palate might recover?

    With my kids, when their palate gets out of whack and they only like really junky stuff, I put them on a "diet" and don't give them anything sweet at all for a few weeks, but you say you have tried this?

    If you like beer, have you tried popcorn or grits with nutritional yeast?

    Do you like any cheeses or breads?

    Is it a texture problem, or just flavors?
  • GettingThere62
    GettingThere62 Posts: 83 Member
    I really think you should see your doctor about this. Taste and smell disorders are more common than you might think, and can often be resolved.

    Surely it would be worth eliminating any physical causes for your problem?
  • Queenmunchy
    Queenmunchy Posts: 3,380 Member
    I agree with the posters that have said that plain foods are probably the issue here. There is no reason why you can't make small tweaks (without sacrificing taste) to recipes or just eat smaller portions of things you really love.

    If beer means you are off track, pick a lighter beer or drink less of the beer you like. If you like tacos, make them with corn tortillas and lean meat. A pita or flatbread pizza with low fat cheese is not a big change. Wings baked with cornstarch on a rack make them crispy without frying.

    When I met my husband, he loved my chicken/zucchini nuggets off the bat without even knowing they were "healthy" because I cook well. The same goes for everything I make.

    My big thing is taking any meal, adding more vegetables into it, and swapping out the ingredients that I know are giving me the highest calorie counts. If you're unsure, check out really great blogs like
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    I feel like t your calculations may be off a little. You need to eat 1700 calories and gym 6 gauss pet week to lose one pound power week? That would make your TDEE 2200 which seems a little low for a male going to the gym 6 days a week.

    That said, I don't understand the statement I hate all healthy food. There is a huge variety of foods that can fit into a healthy diet.

    Start by eating foods you enjoy in smaller portions so that you stay within your calories. If it doesn't keep you feeling full all day, try subbing in something a little lower in calories.

    And it doesn't have to be tasteless food. My lunch tomorrow is shredded chicken with buffalo sauce, cream cheese, and blue cheese dressing. I add volume by mixing in green beans. They add crunch, but it still just pretty much tastes like buffalo sauce.

    And there are hundreds of vegetables and ways to prepare them. This does not sound like you not liking a flavor, this sounds like you mentally not liking any food you eat because you have given out some arbitrary designation as "healthy".
  • robininfl
    robininfl Posts: 1,137 Member
    leeandjon wrote: »
    I really think you should see your doctor about this. Taste and smell disorders are more common than you might think, and can often be resolved.

    Surely it would be worth eliminating any physical causes for your problem?

    This is a fantastic suggestion. OP is lucky he posted this here and you saw it.
  • GettingThere62
    GettingThere62 Posts: 83 Member
    OP, do you take metformin in relation to your diabetes? One of the possible side-effects of that medication is disruption of taste... Can be a metallic or bitter taste all the time.
  • rsleighty
    rsleighty Posts: 214 Member
    It sounds like a sensory thing to me as well. My 18 yr old can not handle certain textures. Sounds like yours is taste rather than texture.
    Other than junk food, what DO you like? Lets try to work from there.