Hundred Pushups Challenge for 2009! (January)



  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    okay-- I decided to go back to week three, using my recent exertion test as my guide for the proper level. I did week three, level three--

    At 1:30 this morning-- :laugh:
  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    Well, I have a cold. I didn't get my pushups in yesterday, and may or may not manage to make up for it today. I really don't have time to be sick right now! :angry:

    Nicky, I think I am pretty much doing them the way your trainer suggests... I started out going really low and slow, but found that I just wasn't making any progress after week 3 or so. So I started going faster and not going down quite as deep. Once I make it to 100 this way, I will probably go back to week 3 and work on improving my form.

    However, I can say that doing 'girl' pushups DOES help build you up to regular pushups - I did the program on my knees for the first two weeks because I couldn't do more than 1 regular pushup. After two weeks, I was able to do 6 regular pushups! I think MM had a similar experience. So, while they are not exactly the same, doing the modified form absolutely does help you work up to doing the regular kind.
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    Yes, I started out on my knees for a couple of weeks and then I was able to start over and go to plank style. :smile:
    I played too much wii yesterday! :tongue: My upper back, right side, is sore! I still managed to get through week 5 day 2 level 2
    Thought I would do better today on the last set. Oh well. See you all Friday!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Yes, I started out on my knees for a couple of weeks and then I was able to start over and go to plank style. :smile:
    I played too much wii yesterday! :tongue: My upper back, right side, is sore! I still managed to get through week 5 day 2 level 2
    Thought I would do better today on the last set. Oh well. See you all Friday!

    Whoa-- whoa-- whoa-- wait a minute-- hold the phone. Just how many sets are there in week 5? {{{shaking}}}
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    Marla, don't panic, but don't look ahead to week 5 or 6! :noway: You'll be fine once you get there, trust me. But looking ahead is a scary thing! I never thought I'd get here but here I am! And have been for a really really really long time!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
  • Forpar
    Forpar Posts: 23
    Coincidentally, I was just interrupted by the unmistakable, spasmodic sound of our cat about to hurl a furball onto the carpet. (Few things can get me to move that fast).

    This morning I repeated the Week 3 Day 2 workout with better results:

    I'll try Day 3 on Saturday.

    Look out for those wet spots!
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    *smacks forehead* I forgot that the sets were doubled up in week 5. Good thing I'm repeating it b/c I didn't do it right the first time! DUUUUUHHHH.
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Coincidentally, I was just interrupted by the unmistakable, spasmodic sound of our cat about to hurl a furball onto the carpet. (Few things can get me to move that fast).

    This morning I repeated the Week 3 Day 2 workout with better results:

    I'll try Day 3 on Saturday.

    Look out for those wet spots!
    Then you must train your cat better, forpar-- observe--

  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    Forpar, gotta love that sound! Especially when you are eating! :sick:
  • Wynnie
    Wynnie Posts: 225 Member
    ... I was just interrupted by the unmistakable, spasmodic sound of our cat about to hurl a furball onto the carpet.

    Ee-ooh. I was a lucky visitor at the National Zoo last year, when one of the female lions had a hairball - same nasty, heaving sound, but roaring instead. It was amazing... something to put on your bucket list for sure!

    PS - what week do you start doing double sets? I'm almost done groaning through week 3.
  • keiko
    keiko Posts: 2,919 Member
    I was happily going to log that I just finished week 4. But I read through the last few posts. Now I am scared of week 5!
    And thinking eeewwww! That has got to be the worst, that sound. My dog was making it a few nights ago! You're right ForPar, nothing makes you move faster!

    So on with today. Week 4, day 3, level 1

    I get to test this weekend to see what level I will be on next week. I like to keep a MWF schedule. Do you think it's better to test on Sat or Sun? Or do you think it won't matter?
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    Week five looks intimidating but you'll be surprised at how much you can do now! Just get started and don't be afraid!
    I did week 5 day 3 level 3 today. At first I didn't think I'd make it to 45 on the last set, but once I got warmed up I felt better about it.
    8-50 (min 45)
    Off to do sit ups. :grumble:
    Come on everyone! You are doing great! :bigsmile: I'm proud of you all!
  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    Ugh. I managed to do day 2 of week 6 on Wednesday with my cold, but breathing the frigid air here the past couple days has not helped matters! I will probably try to give my lungs another rest day get to day 3 tomorrow.

    So, on Wednesday night (while watching my recorded BL episode!), I did the following sets:
    1&2: 22
    3&4: 30
    5&6: 24
    7&8: 18
    9: 75 (min 58)

    I'll admit, the 75 was a bit of a stretch and my form was probably compromised... I just really wanted to get 75 because when I looked at the last several weeks, I saw that I had done 71, then the next week I managed 72, then 73, then 74 - so I really wanted to hit 75! :laugh:

    Don't worry - you guys will be able to do week 5! It gets easier after you repeat a couple times, too... :wink:
  • Forpar
    Forpar Posts: 23
    OK - was able to complete day 3 of week 3:
    30 (min28) - (glad nobody was taking pictures of that last set).

    Did somebody say double sets in week 5? Gives me something to look forward to ... I will take the time to appreciate week 4.

    You guys are an inspiration!
  • keiko
    keiko Posts: 2,919 Member
    I did my test after week 4 and did 30. That put me on week 4 again but up to level 3 (last week I did level 1) When I tried to do my push ups today it was such a struggle. I could not finish the last set. So I'm thinking that on Wed. I am moving down to level 2. I think I'm better off doing fewer with better form than doing them badly and really struggling to do them.

    I do want to say that I like how much stronger I feel than when I started. I feel this is helping me to build some muscle strength in my arms/shoulders. I'll be tank top ready when summer comes!
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    Keiko, congrats on moving up to level 3! The first day of the week is always the hardest, for me anyway. You may be able to do level 3 since they are shorter sets, but even moving up to level 2 is great! Keep it up!
    Cp, Forpar, Marla, how are you all doing?

    I just did week 6 day 1 level 1. I didn't struggle as much as I expected since I am sick and didn't get much sleep last night. I had just put lotion on my hands so my hands were trying to slip. :tongue: I'll try not to do that next time. :laugh: I was suppose to test over the weekend but I just didn't feel up to it. I knew I was ready to move on to week 6 level 1 anyway.
    45 (min 40)
    It's good to be back on week six!
    Happy pumping!
  • Wynnie
    Wynnie Posts: 225 Member
    I just finished week 3, but I think I'm going to repeat it because I was barely able to do it with "quakey arms" at the end, and no extras on the max. (plus I'm not in a hurry to reach the big bad week five) :ohwell:
  • Forpar
    Forpar Posts: 23
    Good morning everybody.
    This morning did week 4. day 1, level 3:
    33 (min.32)
    That last set took it out of me.
  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    Hi folks. I was sick and have missed a few days. I'm starting to feel better, so I will try to get back to it tonight. Last night I was up until 2:30 working on my project. :yawn: I should be at week 6, day 3.

    Welcome back to week 6, MM!
    Wynnie, Keiko, Forpar - you are all doing great! :flowerforyou: I repeated week 4 two or three times, I think. And it looks like I'm on my 9th or 10th iteration of week 6...:tongue:
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