Women & Bodybuilding



  • attyscott10
    attyscott10 Posts: 1 Member
    I commend you on having a goal and pursuing it! Women that train (and possibly compete) are some of the most sexy women out there, IMO; not just because of their physical appearance but because of the drive and commitment they possess. Begin your training process, set incremental goals for yourself, re-assess periodically and just watch the magical transformation occur. You may find that you want to compete or you may just enjoy having that appearance. He will continue to love you, possibly even more from the added confidence (not saying you are not confident now) that comes from such a vast transformation in your physique. Stay Uplifted!
  • branflakes1980
    branflakes1980 Posts: 2,516 Member
    I commend you on having a goal and pursuing it! Women that train (and possibly compete) are some of the most sexy women out there, IMO; not just because of their physical appearance but because of the drive and commitment they possess. Begin your training process, set incremental goals for yourself, re-assess periodically and just watch the magical transformation occur. You may find that you want to compete or you may just enjoy having that appearance. He will continue to love you, possibly even more from the added confidence (not saying you are not confident now) that comes from such a vast transformation in your physique. Stay Uplifted!

    Very strong first post.. For real. :flowerforyou:
  • TheBigFb
    TheBigFb Posts: 649 Member
    Jams009 wrote: »
    TheBigFb wrote: »
    I just think they shouldnt do it. No place for a woman


    Blocking up the gym as well like. Curling in the squat rack or something like that
  • lesleyloo7879
    lesleyloo7879 Posts: 439 Member
    usmcmp wrote: »
    I am a competitive bodybuilder. I compete in natural competitions (I don't use steroids) in women's heavyweight. These two pictures were taken a few weeks apart:

    I only look big when I flex and I'm super lean. When I'm not flexing I don't look very big. You don't have to compete in the actual bodybuilding category because there are multiple categories you can choose from (these are natural competitors):

    You are like seriously my hero...... this former Squid will get there!!!
  • KeepingUpWithKari
    KeepingUpWithKari Posts: 287 Member
    I commend you on having a goal and pursuing it! Women that train (and possibly compete) are some of the most sexy women out there, IMO; not just because of their physical appearance but because of the drive and commitment they possess. Begin your training process, set incremental goals for yourself, re-assess periodically and just watch the magical transformation occur. You may find that you want to compete or you may just enjoy having that appearance. He will continue to love you, possibly even more from the added confidence (not saying you are not confident now) that comes from such a vast transformation in your physique. Stay Uplifted!

    Thats why I want to get into bodybuilding. Its further than just the appearance. I want it for the strength that you gain in and out. Thank you so much for the VERY positive post.

    I will stay uplifted. :)<3
  • KeepingUpWithKari
    KeepingUpWithKari Posts: 287 Member
    Timshel_ wrote: »
    And my brother in law laughed at me and said "eww you're gonna look like a man"

    My response to guys who says that all women who lift will look like a man is, "you're supposed to be a man and you don't look like that, sooooo..."

    Thanks, I <3 you for this. And will be using it on the next mofo..
  • KeepingUpWithKari
    KeepingUpWithKari Posts: 287 Member
    It seems like this argument, that they'll get "bulky" is a common one. It's one that deters too many women from learning about and getting started with weight lifting.

    It's as if they are going to do it once and wake up looking like she-hulk. .

    Is it possible (even without steroids) for a woman to get muscular (what some might call bulky) through weightlifting? Absolutely!. .Is it going to happen by accident overnight while you're sleeping and surprise you?. .uhhh. no .

    Basically, weight-lifting gives women a wonderful range of options that aren't available otherwise. .

    (Oh, and it also feels really good to be strong!)

    I know no knowledge in the matter. I know I'll transform the way that I want. Lean and strong.
  • KeepingUpWithKari
    KeepingUpWithKari Posts: 287 Member
    Jams009 wrote: »
    _Waffle_ wrote: »
    Just make sure you use light weights so you don't bulk up too much

    It doesn't work like that...

    OP; would you be wanting to compete? Or just look nice? Do you know about the different categories and stuff?
    Physique would be difficult to acquire naturally, but a bikini category body would be possible (with a lot of work).

    Your hubbies reaction could just because he has some misconceptions about what bodybuilding is and thought you were going to turn into a bulging mass monster overnight. That simply isn't possible for women without a tonne of drugs, and a ridiculous amount of training and dedication.

    Thank you for all of your posts.

    To answer your question, my idea is to transform my body for the appearance, strength, health, and confidence. IF I could compete. Wow, I'd be very happy.

    And I've explained this to my husband. He's not a total jerk about it. I just wished he had shut his brother's mouth for me.
  • KeepingUpWithKari
    KeepingUpWithKari Posts: 287 Member
    usmcmp wrote: »
    I am a competitive bodybuilder. I compete in natural competitions (I don't use steroids) in women's heavyweight. These two pictures were taken a few weeks apart:

    I only look big when I flex and I'm super lean. When I'm not flexing I don't look very big. You don't have to compete in the actual bodybuilding category because there are multiple categories you can choose from (these are natural competitors):

    You always amaze me :) and thanks for the info..
  • KeepingUpWithKari
    KeepingUpWithKari Posts: 287 Member
    You will NOT look like a man, even lifting heavy weights is unlikely to cause you to "bulk" (unless you are taking supplements/estrogen-blockers). Personally I bust my *kitten* trying to build more muscle and its been slooooow progress, you've got this, I dont think your plan sounds unreasonable at all.
    TheBigFb wrote: »
    I just think they shouldnt do it. No place for a woman

    LOL I just spit my coffee out !!!
    Women + Bodybuilding = One Hot body that belongs to a strong beautiful woman!!!!! Tell the BIL to shove it (does he lift?) You do your thing and be your best!!!!!
    pslinger wrote: »
    People who say women should not lift have never, ever, been around women who lift and look fantastic. Sometimes ignorance is just that. . .ignorance. Go for it, be the best you can be, and blow your husband's mind and tell the brother-in-law to just blow. . .away.
    When I lifted really heavy. I could deadlift more than my body weight. I was 5"4", 135 #'s, and a size 4. There was nothing gross about it. I had muscle, but I still looked very feminine. Lift heavy, eat right and you will get good results. You won't get that manly look unless you do steroids. If you can find an older book called "New Rules of Lifting" or "New Rules of Lifting for Women" by Alywn Cosgrove, they are great resources. The first one they put out was geared towards men, but so many women did the program and got great results they put out the second one. The one for women will clearly lay out what you need to do and eat to get the results you want. I've done both and they are awesome. Good luck!

    Thanks everyone for your very positive responses. If I didn't quote you, believe me I read it. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

    I will continue to work towards my weight loss. I'm talking to a coach who also lifts. She believes in my goals and thinks they're realistic. I'll be hiring her in June. I'm in the middle of my lease ending so I'll be moving end of May.

    I have even put in my 2 weeks where I work at (love thay job). For a full time 3rd shift position at a factory so I can afford her. Because otherwise that'll be my husband's other arguement.

    I'm making sacrifices and taking steps everyday to get me that much closer.

    I have a ways to go but I'm going..
    TheBigFb wrote: »
    I just think they shouldnt do it. No place for a woman

    And you, you need to get back to work and quit slacking.. ;)
  • marthaglz910
    marthaglz910 Posts: 13 Member
    I disclosed my goal of bodybuilding once I'm closer to goal weight with my husband the other day..

    And my brother in law laughed at me and said "eww you're gonna look like a man"


    My hubby looked at me and said "you can't do that" and gave me a disgusted look..

    Made me think, what if my goal is unrealistic? What if I'm in over my head? :(

    A little background, I'm 5'4. 24. And I have a 100 pounds to lose give or take. I may readjust my goals the closer I get.

    Maybe your brother in law is afraid that you'll look better than him :wink:
  • MindPump1
    MindPump1 Posts: 77 Member
    _Waffle_ wrote: »
    Just make sure you use light weights so you don't bulk up too much

    If that isn't the worst case of bro-science I've heard all day, I don't know what is.

    You can lift as much as you want, your growth is mostly depended upon how much you consume. Do yourself a favor and listen to a podcast called Mind Pump. They will change they way you look at fitness and lifting. Best of luck!
  • KeepingUpWithKari
    KeepingUpWithKari Posts: 287 Member
    alexzenk86 wrote: »
    _Waffle_ wrote: »
    Just make sure you use light weights so you don't bulk up too much

    If that isn't the worst case of bro-science I've heard all day, I don't know what is.

    You can lift as much as you want, your growth is mostly depended upon how much you consume. Do yourself a favor and listen to a podcast called Mind Pump. They will change they way you look at fitness and lifting. Best of luck!

    Thank you I subscribed..
  • engodwin
    engodwin Posts: 516 Member
    Your goals are fine. It's then men in your life that need adjusting.

  • StacyChrz
    StacyChrz Posts: 865 Member
    There is no reason that you can't follow this dream. Get healthy, lift heavy, become a bodybuilder.......do it for you!
  • lindalee0315
    lindalee0315 Posts: 527 Member
    There are many different divisions in women's body building. In order of least to most muscular, the following divisions exist: "bikini", "fitness", "figure", "physique", and then total "body building." If you googled the different types, you will find that it's really only when you get into "physique" and above where you get into more "muscular" divisions. And of those, I wouldn't even say "physique" is "manly." The women in physique are oftentimes much smaller in real life than you think they would be. They diet down to show off their hard-earned cuts and definition. I'm working towards my first "figure" competition in October. I weigh 144 lbs, am 6' tall, and can deadlift over 200 lbs. I wear a size 4. No one who knows me would ever say I look manly. I would do a little research into this area and show your boyfriend the different divisions. It will also help you decide on what your goals really are. The women who show in physique, and even figure, have to eat a ton, lift really heavy, and work very hard to get their muscle. Without steroids, it is impossible for a woman to look like a dude.