Did you lose weight after having the Mirena taken out?



  • emmam1212
    emmam1212 Posts: 67 Member
    Yes! That thing was making me so hungry and I didn't even realize it was happening. Had it out about a month ago and already lost 7 lbs and I've even slowed down exercising. I just don't feel nearly as hungry as I used to and I get satisfied faster. It's been slowly tapering off. It wasn't like over night.
  • emmam1212
    emmam1212 Posts: 67 Member
    Ps. Look into it online some more. I read so many articles and forums. They say something like 10% of women have adverse reactions like weight gain from the hormones in it.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Ps. Look into it online some more. I read so many articles and forums. They say something like 10% of women have adverse reactions like weight gain from the hormones in it.

    you can't gain weight without excess calories.

    The hormones may increase your appetite but that is a desire to eat not need to eat.

    10lbs max due to water retention per the testing done.

    People need to figure out appetite vs hunger.
  • KarlyK929
    KarlyK929 Posts: 44 Member
    I am so, so glad I saw this thread. I had the Mirena put in about two and a half years ago. Shortly thereafter, I started getting cystic acne breakouts all over my face, specifically on my jawline. I have had clear skin my whole life, so to start breaking out like a pubescent teenager was a shock. I searched for what could be causing it, and the only thing that made sense was the Mirena. I tolerated the acne for about a year, since the other benefits of the IUD seemed to outweigh the negatives, but then I started noticing scarring along my chin from the acne. I went to my doctor and asked to have it removed, and he got snippy with me because he didn't believe it was causing the issue (I no longer go to him). Less than two weeks after removal, the acne had completely cleared. Unfortunately, there is not much information about the side affects of Mirena out there, which was another reason I waited so long to have it removed - I figured it must be something else causing it. I still have a few scars, but I'm glad I took it out when I did. It's vindicating to see so many other women who have suffered with the same issues.

    I didn't notice any of the other side effects mentioned in this thread, but I was also studying for my CPA at the time and might have attributed anything else to that.
  • size102b
    size102b Posts: 1,370 Member
    edited April 2016
    I'm on no 3

    I had my second out to get pregnant
    Miscarried last year then fell pregnant immediately then I had hemoraghing researched it & if you have mirena for years this can happen 9 years I had it sadly I developed Sepsis at 5 month pregnant and lost baby Lily due to hemoraghing I had a vanishing twin too.
    Intensive care was so bad
    Then I hemoraghed for months leading to ambulance rushing me to hospital with my children watching last one was Recuss it was so bad .
    11 blood transfusions in 3 months

    How did they stop the hemoraghing ???

    Mirena ... I'd either be dead or had a hysterectomy if I never had another
    It's been 7 months since my third.


    When I had my first at the end of the Five years I lost weight on ww every week 17 weeks
    Then I had to have a new mirena my weightloss was 0 sts or gain.

    It took at least a year for it to settle my libido was low.

    Roll on 2 years I lost 71lbs in 10 months doing CICO lots exercise seems once mirenas settled it doesn't effect my weight

    So I am 11 weeks into this weightloss and it's taken this long to lose 12lbs though inch loss is good 12 inches so I know mirena effects my weightloss until I've had it a good while
    I've 10 years mirena experience sadly it nearly killed me & lost our much wanted babies but it's stopped the bleeding that it caused.

    We are all different no one can say it doesn't effect your weight because as in life we are all individual & when I lose weight its strict but mirena does effect me in the first year.

    Here's my 2012 photo 2 year mirena

    Good luck guys xx
  • size102b
    size102b Posts: 1,370 Member
  • MissusMoon
    MissusMoon Posts: 1,900 Member
    I lost ten pounds in a couple of days after having it taken out.
  • Lose2Cruise2016
    Lose2Cruise2016 Posts: 36 Member
    I had a Mirena for 5 years, had it taken out when it 'expired' and did not get another one placed. BUT, my youngest child was 11 when I got it, and I was 40 so no "post childbirth" perspective. I had also heard stories that the Mirena doesn't make you GAIN weight, but could slow down or otherwise inhibit weight loss. That has not been my experience. When I work the logging and exercise program like I know I should, I lose weight. When I don't, I don't.
  • Revealme
    Revealme Posts: 10 Member
    I just had mine removed yesterday. I had it for 3 yrs and in the last year my weight creeped up by 17lbs. No reason, I am a healthy 40 yr old. That being said, I was scared to tell my doctor the reason was because of the weight gain because like many of you, I read online that some people's doctors were telling them that wasn't a reason. As soon as I told him...he said "yup, that's a side effect". I am so happy to have it out and see if I start losing this weight. Already the belly bloat is down and it's been one night only. I will keep you posted! I am not going to change anything I am doing for at least a month so I can see if in fact the mirena coming out affects anything.
  • Charlot4444
    Charlot4444 Posts: 170 Member
    Been losing steadily with mirena. When I ate too much I gained.

    Sex drive is still roaring lol so good that way too (saw a few mentions of it diminishing in others)

    So far only good has come from mine (super light periods)
  • Revealme
    Revealme Posts: 10 Member
    Well I promised an update and here it is. I had the mirena removed on April 21st...today is May 5th so exactly 2 weeks ago. I have only lost 1lb. Also I never experienced the "Mirena Crash" that I read about so that's a good thing. Only had 2 days of a period and now back to a blank slate. Although I have not lost the significant weight I was hoping for at this time, my stomach has deflated quite a bit. I am still hopeful and will continue to see if I lose weight over this month and then I will know if it was the mirena causing the weight gain...for now all I can say is it was the mirena that made me look like I was pregnant though!
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Revealme wrote: »
    Well I promised an update and here it is. I had the mirena removed on April 21st...today is May 5th so exactly 2 weeks ago. I have only lost 1lb. Also I never experienced the "Mirena Crash" that I read about so that's a good thing. Only had 2 days of a period and now back to a blank slate. Although I have not lost the significant weight I was hoping for at this time, my stomach has deflated quite a bit. I am still hopeful and will continue to see if I lose weight over this month and then I will know if it was the mirena causing the weight gain...for now all I can say is it was the mirena that made me look like I was pregnant though!

    Yes there can be some bloat associated with it...but it wasn't mirena that caused the weight gain...it can cause some gain due to water retention but that's false weight imo.

    It will increase appetite so if there was actual weight gain it was due to excess calories...but remember pms can cause increased appetite...
  • positivebodyimageisvcrucial
    positivebodyimageisvcrucial Posts: 2 Member
    edited May 2016

    Here are some peer-reviewed sources reporting weight gain as a side effect of Mirena. None of them mentions appetite. None of them says that the observed weight change was necessarily less than 25 pounds, and none of them says that the weight can only be attributed to water and bloating. Also, if the hormones released by the Mirena are so minuscule as to stay entirely local, then per se they would not have any side effects on areas other than the uterus, e.g. hair loss and bloating.
  • hamstertango
    hamstertango Posts: 129 Member
    I discovered after a few years that birth control with hormones in did not suit me after trying them all weight gain, depression, making me into a short tempered evil witch! So eventually I had a iud that contains no hormones fitted and have zero problems since.
    If you suspect the same don't drag it out, get it changed ASAP and regain your normal self!
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member

    Here are some peer-reviewed sources reporting weight gain as a side effect of Mirena. None of them mentions appetite. None of them says that the observed weight change was necessarily less than 25 pounds, and none of them says that the weight can only be attributed to water and bloating. Also, if the hormones released by the Mirena are so minuscule as to stay entirely local, then per se they would not have any side effects on areas other than the uterus, e.g. hair loss and bloating.

    Firstly the first link is to the insert that comes with it.
    2nd one same thing different format (indicates that weight gain is in less than 1 in 10)
    3rd one only shows abstract doesn't mention weight gain
    4th line is the same as the 3rd link

    and since there are only two more I will read them but I will say this..what is your point.

    Mirena causes some weight gain and none of the links say it's more than what some of us have been saying. Yes it does...in the majority 10lbs caused by water retention...not 50....

    but nice try for a first post.
  • positivebodyimageisvcrucial
    positivebodyimageisvcrucial Posts: 2 Member
    edited May 2016
    The fifth article reports a 46% incidence of weight gain, and the sixth article lists weight gain, along with irregular periods and pelvic pain, as the main reason for discontinuation. The sources don't say it's more than 10lbs but they also don't say it's less than that, and they don't describe any mechanism for the weight gain. The 10-25lbs max figure is unfounded, as is the idea that such is the case for "the majority," as is the claim that it's all due to water weight. 9% of Mirena users experiencing weight gain is still thousands of women.

    Anecdotal evidence about the Mirena is insignificant in suggesting that the IUD can or cannot have a large, small, or nonexistent effect on weight. Whether one person or another on a forum has had positive or negative experiences with the Mirena is completely irrelevant to the next person's experience. Any individual person gaining weight or not has no significance on the statistics for the general population, and vice versa.

    As with any birth control (indeed as with anything a doctor can offer), some people will experience side effects. Nevertheless, the IUD is a magnificent piece of technology, and I recommend that every woman of child-bearing age who doesn't want to get pregnant should try getting one inserted, if her doctor thinks it is medically appropriate. IUDs can be very cheap with health insurance. They are superior to other forms of contraception in many ways, they are highly effective and safe, and the risk of serious side effects is minimal. If there are unpleasant side effects, get the device removed. If not, keep it in. Everyone's body will respond in a unique way, and making any kind of sound judgement on the experiences of people whom one has never even met is next to impossible.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    side effects during a clinical trial are reported by the participants of the study.

    They are informed that "...anything unusual..." that happens must be reported and thereby it is recorded as a side effect. Per the SOP of clinical trials.

    None of the participants in those studies or any study of a hormonal BC method are in a lab setting eating a calorie controlled diet.

    I am basing my statements of knowledge of how people gain weight. Mirena does not magically make calories appear in the body...only food does that.

    As for your claims to what the articles say...fifth article says 8.8%..but based on what I can see it's all articles on a similar study
  • Lathandria
    Lathandria Posts: 42 Member
    I didn't read through all of these comments, but I just wanted to chime in here and leave my 2 cents.

    I had Mirena put in after the birth of my daughter in 2010. I had it in for five years and I gained a little bit of weight. I never really had any issues with my Mirena. I was in surgery when I had it taken out because I was having Essure put in at the time, and my OBGYN said if I hadn't been under anesthesia at the time, he wouldn't have been able to take it out because it was lodged in my uterus and he basically had to yank it to get it out. He bombarded my mom with a ton of questions because she was with me during surgery, and asked her if I was having any issues with it. It freaked me out of course but I never really though too much about it until after I started having issues with my Essure.

    I won't go into detail on that, since mfp isn't too friendly with these sort of posts about IUDs and side effects...but I will say I almost died and had to have a hysterectomy as a result, and I never EVER encourage anyone to put any sort of foreign device inside their bodies.

    Yes all women are affected differently, but the risk, to me, is just much to great to support anyone I love potentially harming themselves.
  • ekpmymail
    ekpmymail Posts: 4 Member
    edited July 2016
    Hi all—I just came from my doctor's office (MD, not a naturopath or anything woo like that). My experience with Mirena has been mixed but I am getting it out. I want to say that I am solidly pro-science, and fought tooth and nail to see any other reason for the issues that my doctor has pinned on the Mirena.

    I have no thyroid function due to radiation post Graves disease and I am on Synthroid daily to replace my thyroid hormones. Prior to Mirena my weight and Synthroid dose had been stable for 6 years. One month post-insertion I developed cystic acne, the solution to which was spironolactone—an anti-androgen (signals hormone imbalance!). 6 months later my thyroid slowed. I have been in a spiral of weight gain and increasing dosages (dosage is weight-based to some extent) ever since.

    My doctor has, after 35 lbs of weight gain, cystic acne and galactorrhea (lactating without being pregnant or having ever had a baby) , concluded that the Mirena is to blame. Some people are sensitive to hormones and her theory is that my estrogen to progestin levels are off. Extra estrogen (re: estrogen dominance, which I was surprised my mainstream internist actually mentioned! I thought it was only the faux docs on the internet who bought that.) binds the thyroid hormones that regulate metabolism and would have been responsible for sending my thyroid into a tailspin. I don't think the weight will fall off, but I have a feeling my 1400 calorie diet will be somewhat more effective post-removal

    I eat really well and am active. I will update some time after my removal Tuesday.