April 2016 Running Challenge



  • ceciliaslater
    ceciliaslater Posts: 457 Member
    Very slow and painful (mentally) 4.5 miles today. Set out to do 5.5, but I just wasn't feeling it, so cut it a bit short. That puts me at 24 miles so far this month. Mom just decided last night that she's coming to visit me this weekend, so I probably won't get a run in on Sunday. Feel like I could use a break anyway, so all is well.

    Good luck to everyone racing this weekend!
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    Date Miles today. Miles for April
    4/1 REST DAY
    4/2 14.3 miles - 14.3 <<< 13.1 HM + 1.2 warmup
    4/3 REST DAY
    4/4 4.2 miles - 18.5 << will try and get a second lunch time run in
    4/4 4.0 miles - 22.5 << daily double, 3E +1HMP
    4/5 8 miles - 30.5
    4/6 4.2 miles - 34.7 << easy recovery 4 (taper week)
    4/7 6 miles - 40.7
    4/8 5 miles - 45.7
    4/9 3.3 miles - 49
    4/10 14.2 miles - 63.2 << 13.1 + 1.1 w/u
    4/11 6.2 miles - 69.4
    4/12 9 miles - 78.4
    4/12 6.2 miles - 84.6 << daily double
    4/13 6.2 miles - 90.8
    4/14 9.6 miles - 100.4
    4/14 6.2 miles - 106.6 << daily double
    4/15 6.2 miles - 112.8 << recovery run


    Upcoming races:
    Oak Barrel HM - 4/2 <<<< 1:38:00 3 in AG
    Bridge Street HM - 4/10 <<< 1:36:33 3 in AG
    PEO-AVN Team Day 5K - 5/4
    Cotton Row Run 10K - 5/30
    Firecracker Chase 10.2 miler 6/25

  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    Nice Running @Stoshew71 !
  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,878 Member
    @dennie24 - good idea to avoid the storm!
    @MobyCarp - Good luck! We will be with you in spirit!
    @5BeautifulDays - that has to be quite scary that you lost a friend from the same thing a few years ago. So young she was too. Hang in there, and I'm sure you will find a race you can plan for. Have you looked into the Divas run? There is one in Northern VA the end of September. It is through wine country. I grew up there and never remember any vineyards! I am still stupidly waiting for the Nike people to announce their women's race so not entering anything until then. But, that is one I have my eye on because my mom lives there and I could stay with her and then run it. And that's her birthday weekend as well.

    Today was supposed to be strength training and when I got to the gym I told the trainer "it's cold in here" and he immediately says "are you sick? You sound awful, it's not cold in here!" Me: "Well... a little, but I can still lift weights". He reminded me of a few months ago when I had to take a break for a whole week from everything because I ran and lifted weights when I was sick. So, I went home. Husband had gotten home early and said "You are early. What happened?" I told him and he said "yeah, I was thinking the same thing but I knew there was no use in telling you that". Yup - he's right. I can be stubborn to the point of stupid. (He didn't say that, I did). When I ran yesterday I sort of knew I should be resting, but I just couldn't stop myself. Catching up on my fellow runners and going to bed early so I can hopefully bike tomorrow.

    4/1- 5.1 miles in the rain
    4/2 - rest/travel day
    4/3 - 34 miles on bike
    4/4 - 5.1 miles (intervals)
    4/5 - 5.1 miles - intervals (although slower than yesterday)
    4/6 - 22 miles on bike + Strength training
    4/7 - 4.2 miles - slow and steady
    4/8 - strength training
    4/9 - 34 miles on bike
    4/10 - 50 miles on bike
    4/11 - 5.1 miles + strength training
    4/12 - 4.2 miles
    4/13 - rest day (biking rained out).
    4/14 - 4.8 miles
    4/15 - sick day


  • Ohhim
    Ohhim Posts: 1,142 Member
    With yesterday's mileage, I was debating between resting today, or squeezing in an easy run before tomorrow's delayed onset muscle soreness kicked in, but the weather was way too beautiful to skip, so I did 7 easy miles with a few friends. I mostly kept on a level track which helped, and definitely will take off tomorrow from running to rest my knees. Being up north it is going to be tough doing a proper taper for the marathon in 2 weeks given the social running network I have here, but I'll make a concerted effort to cut back for the race.

    4/1 - 0.5 mile (pre-lift warm-up)
    4/2 - 6.5 miles (speedwork - 6 x 5 min threshold/1 min rest)
    4/3 - 20 miles (8 super-easy, 7 easy, 5 mid-hard)
    4/5 - 4 miles
    4/6 - 8 miles (w. 6x1km repeats at 10K pace in middle)
    4/8 - 2 miles
    4/10 - 13.1 miles (Ironman Florida 70.3, 1:40:14 run, 5:07 total time)
    4/13 - 9 miles
    4/14 - 21.5 miles (20 miler + 1.5 mile late night run)
    4/15 - 7 miles

    Total: 91.5 miles
    Goal: 160 miles
    Remaining: 68.5 miles

    Upcoming races:
    5/1 - Pittsburgh Marathon
    9/25 - Ironman 70.3 Augusta
    10/9 - Chicago Marathon (lottery TBD)
    11/5 - Ironman Florida

    @mobycarp - With all of your training, if a 7:45 pace at this point only puts you in zone 2, I'm positive you'll crush your 3:10 goal time on Monday.
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    1.4 - rest
    2.4 - hike out to Frankenstein (missed cycling)
    3.4 - 13.4 km - 5 super slow, 7 hills and stuff (new shoes!)
    4.4 - Should have been gym, was rest.
    5.4 - 8.4 km - hard time focusing on the run. Pace fine, despite a lot of stop and go.
    6.4 - 5.7 km - 'fast' and ugly - PR'ed 5K
    7.4 - missed run
    8.4 - travel day to Paris too tired for catching up on running after the drive.
    9.4 - 8.3 km in Versailles (pictures on Strava.) slow but up one point on VO2Max.
    10.4 - planned 15 - leg was iffy, pushed to next day
    11.4 - 15 km - should have been long slow run, actually PR'ed 10K (whoops, felt like a LSR)
    12.4 - rest - travel to Switzerland
    13.4 - Took the train up to Jungfraujoch and it was quite windy - the girls were not up to a hike at that altitude (they had to lie down a few times). Then a short hike on the way down when the train couldn't go further. No run.
    14.4 - 5.2 km run with my youngest daughter, her first "dad run". I also tapped my toe hard during stretching and broke the IP joint capsule. It's 20 shades of ugly. Also 800m swim.
    15.5 - Off day, toe looks terrible, but doesn't feel broken. Girls didn't wake in time for run. Travel back to France, then Germany.

    total 56 km April goal 140 km

    Running thoughts: Unless, I recapture the mileage I'm going to miss the month - Funny thing, adding my km up, it looks like 120 km was aligned with actual planned kms. I'll have to play it by ear but I'm not changing goal mid month.

    I did get a new HRM arm band (see if it replaces my chest one) so more toys to motivate.

  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    found one of my elastic ankle supports from when I did Thai Boxing, and put it on. The compression on my food along with forcing my ankle to stay in a good position mean that my foot/arch have been ache free for over an hour now. planning on wearing it to bed and on the run tomorrow morning.
    ROBOTFOOD Posts: 5,527 Member
    4/15 - 5mi all out. 36:14 (7:15/mi). Best performance since last May! #stoked

    4/1 - Easy 10.1mi @ 8:25/mi
    4/2 - rest.
    4/3 - 1mi fun hike for views of SLC. 400ft vertical.
    4/4 - Snowboard 41.8mi 30,000ft, descent (not counted on April total), 55.8mph top speed.
    4/5 - 7.3mi mountain (steep) run. About 2,000ft vertical, 14:31/avg. Medium effort.
    4/6 - Rest
    4/7 - 4.5mi easy w speed bursts 8:50 - 5:40/mi
    4/8 - rest
    4/9 - Beginners Luck 25k trail race (2:53)
    4/10 - 7.1mi on Black Mtn, 2,234ft vertical gain, 14:11/mi (PR)
    4/11 - AM 9mi easy (8:41/mi) ---- PM 6.4mi trail (1,207ft vertical) -15.4mi total
    4/12 - rest
    4/13 - AM: 2.25mi Med w H bursts (6:59 avg). 2.25mi slow back. PM: 10.2mi @ glacial (9:05/mi) - 14.7mi total.
    4/14 - 8.3mi easy. 463ft vert.
    4/15 - 5mi all out. 36:14 (7:15/mi)

    April total - 89.4 / 153mi
  • greenolivetree
    greenolivetree Posts: 1,282 Member
    5k for me today. Went to a trail where I could run a softer surface (pic included - this is one of my favorite places to run bc of the gravel or whatever it is). No pain but it felt awful tough despite slowing down. I think all 3.1 miles were 9:45 pace? The heat was getting to me also and it was only 61F when I finished. LOL I'm not very tolerant of warm weather. Maybe just having 5 days off running made me feel "off". d8itfieu6kdm.jpg
  • 9voice9
    9voice9 Posts: 693 Member
    01-Apr: 0.00 miles but 4.42 miles (walk)
    02-Apr: 6.63 miles
    03-Apr: <Life Day>
    04-Apr: 8.11 miles
    05-Apr: 5.86 miles
    06-Apr: 2.26 miles
    07-Apr: 2.75 miles
    08-Apr: 2.77 miles
    09-Apr: 10.13 miles
    10-Apr: <Life Day>
    11-Apr: 7.53 miles
    12-Apr: 2.79 miles
    13-Apr: 3.33 miles
    14-Apr: 3.26 miles
    15-Apr: 3.28 miles
    17-Apr: <Life Day>
    24-Apr: <Life Day>


    Upcoming Races:
    16-Apr: Running for Ronald 10K, Macon, GA
    23-Apr: Christ School 5K
    07-May: All About Animals 10.2K
    14-May: Battle of Byron 5K
    21-May: Georgia JugFest 5K
    28-May: GEICO Special Olympics
    04-Jul: Peachtree Road Race 10K, Atlanta, GA
  • MobyCarp
    MobyCarp Posts: 2,927 Member
    @MNLittleFinn - It's good you found that ankle support. I run with flexible supports on both ankles, though I suspect the right ankle doesn't need one right now. They let me recover from ankle sprains without going all the way to the couch, and I appreciate that.

    @greenolivetree - That looks like a concrete sidewalk with a crushed stone trail beside it. Crushed stone is kinder to my ankles and knees than asphalt, and *much* kinder than concrete. Also, I know well the feeling of roasting at 61° after running through the winter! It takes some time to acclimate to warmer weather.
  • MLS1582
    MLS1582 Posts: 71 Member
    4/1 - 2.2m
    4/2 - 6.2m (my first full 10k!)
    4/3 - 3.9m recovery
    4/4 - 2m easy
    4/6 - 3.6m 8x400 @ 2:20/interval
    4/8 - 4.1 easy
    4/9 - 4m easy
    4/10 - 6m race pace
    4/11 - Skipped it - YIKES!
    4/12 - 2.5 m
    4/13 - 4m wog (speedwork fail!)
    4/15 - 4 miles easy
    4/16 -
    4/17 -

    Total: 42.5/75.

    Tonight's run was a very pleasant and slow jog. I totally zoned out and thought about life stuff and teaching stuff and schedule stuff. Then we went out for Mexican food and I ate about 4x the calories I burned on my run - such is life. It's been a good day, overall!
    I'm trying to remember to really slow down and keep my "easy" runs truly easy. My mileage will be climbing steadily from now until Sept. so keeping things slow when called for is a must (at least, this is what I keep telling myself as I spend an hour running 4 miles!)

    5/7 - Sgt. Larner Memorial 10k
    6/25 - Jackson River Scenic Trail 10k
    9/4 - VA Beach R&R Half Marathon
  • ariceroni
    ariceroni Posts: 422 Member
    4/01: Off, rest day
    4/02: 12 miles, long and easy
    4/03: 8K race - 36:36 (7:22 pace) - new PR! + 1 mile warm up
    4/04: 4 miles, easy
    4/05: 5 miles, easy
    4/06: 5 miles total, 2 miles @ 7:38 (LT) pace (am)
    4/06: 4 miles, easy (pm)
    4/07: 5 miles, easy
    4/08: Off, rest day
    4/09: Half Marathon - 1:53:11 - treated as a long run with strong finish
    4/10: 4 miles, easy
    4/11: 6 miles, easy
    4/12: 7 miles total, 3x1 mile repeats @ 7:19 pace
    4/13: 6 miles, easy (am)
    4/13: 4 miles, easy (pm)
    4/14: 8 miles total, 5 miles @ 7:45 (goal HM) pace
    4/15: Off, rest day
    Total: 89.54 miles

    Much needed rest day today :) I always feel weird on the days that I don't run though!


    Races I'm registered for:
    04/03 - Shamrock Shuffle (8K) 36:36 - new 8K PR!
    04/09 - Chi Town Half Marathon 1:53:11 - took it nice and easy
    04/24 - Ravenswood Run (5K)
    05/22 - Chicago Spring 13.1
    05/28 - Soldier Field Run (10 miles)
    07/21 - Esprit de She 5K
    09/10 - Magnificent Mile Half Marathon
    09/25 - Chicago Lifetime 5K
    10/09 - Chicago Marathon
    10/30 - Hot Chocolate 5K
    11/27 - Space Coast Half Marathon
  • greenolivetree
    greenolivetree Posts: 1,282 Member
    @mobycarp Yes, 8ft wide concrete trail and the side part I love is tiny bits of something. That trail is part of a 36 mile multi-town trail system called The Razorback Greenway. I specifically choose this section with the softer side part. I see a few other runners taking advantage of it but most don't seem to? It's once a week for me as I mostly run from home on the neighborhood streets.
  • michable
    michable Posts: 312 Member
    Week 16 of 27 Marathon training program complete. 69 km this week over 5 runs. 3 x 8.5 km runs, a 15 km midweek longish run, and a 28.2 km long run this morning. Long run pace 7:34 min/km, av HR 134, max HR 152. Ran down to the beach and out along the beach road, and had a pretty stiff headwind on the way back. My husband pointed out to me that I must have had a nice tailwind on the way out. I said "no way! the wind must have changed direction!" ;)

    I ate snakes at 12 km and 22 km, but did feel a bit lightheaded after my shower, waiting for my oats to be ready. (Had to sit down and put my head down on the table). My husband said probably hypoglycaemic post the run. I think the headwind took more out of me than usual.

    My left calf is a little sore, but otherwise, nothing seeming out of the usual. I will be taking a cutback week next week because I have had 3 big weeks in a row.

    Apr 1 – Rest
    Apr 2 – 27.55 km
    Apr 3 – Rest
    Apr 4 – 8.59 km
    Apr 5 – 8.72 km
    Apr 6 – 13.32 km
    Apr 7 – Rest
    Apr 8 – 8.58 km
    Apr 9 – 27.59 km
    Apr 10 – Rest
    Apr 11 – 9.1 km
    Apr 12 – 8.58 km
    Apr 13 – 15.37 km
    April 14 Rest
    April 15 – 8.57 km
    April 16 – 28.2 km

    Total: 164.17 km / 240 km

    5 June Rocky River Run 21km
    3 July Gold Coast Marathon


  • 5BeautifulDays
    5BeautifulDays Posts: 683 Member
    ddmom0811 wrote: »
    Have you looked into the Divas run? There is one in Northern VA the end of September. It is through wine country. I grew up there and never remember any vineyards! I am still stupidly waiting for the Nike people to announce their women's race so not entering anything until then. But, that is one I have my eye on because my mom lives there and I could stay with her and then run it. And that's her birthday weekend as well.

    I just looked that one up...what a fun-looking race! If it doesn't compete with any thing else, I might just do that one. :)
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,410 Member
    edited April 2016
    ddmom0811 wrote: »
    Have you looked into the Divas run? There is one in Northern VA the end of September. It is through wine country. I grew up there and never remember any vineyards! I am still stupidly waiting for the Nike people to announce their women's race so not entering anything until then. But, that is one I have my eye on because my mom lives there and I could stay with her and then run it. And that's her birthday weekend as well.

    I just looked that one up...what a fun-looking race! If it doesn't compete with any thing else, I might just do that one. :)

    @5BeautifulDays and @ddmom0811 - I ran a Divas race in February here and it was really a lot of fun. There was SO much support and camaraderie and everyone was cheering on and encouraging others faster and slower. I also love the jacket we got instead of a t-shirt. I too am waiting for Nike to announce the LA race. It is still on the list for 2016 but I have not seen or heard anything about the date... I have already schedule other races so hopefully when they do announce, it won't conflict with anything I have already paid for!
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,410 Member
    I had a couple of great runs this week. It is getting crazy at work again with lots of deliverables on the 29th for some reason. I am fitting in my runs where I can but this next week it is going to be hot again so it will be more challenging. I think I may have to join the ranks of those of you who get up a 4:30am to get your run in! No running this weekend - I will be at agility trials with Hobbes the Vizsla all weekend. Hopefully he will be focused and I won't get lost on the course :wink:

    04/04.......5.25........19.02 - + Agility
    04/05.......5.21........24.23 - + Strength Training (one armed :))
    04/07.......5.86........30.09 - + Strength Training (one armed :))
    04/08.......4.34........34.43 - Rain run!
    04/11.......6.20........40.63 - + Agility
    04/14.......6.30........52.23 - Fartleks
    04/15.......6.40........58.63 - Back to base


    Upcoming Races - Let me know if you will be running too!
    06/25/16 - SHEPower Virtual Half Marathon
    07/31/16 - San Francisco 2nd Half Marathon
    09/xx/16 - Beat the Blerch Half Marathon, Seattle
    11/19/16 - USA Invitational Half Marathon (Yay, I qualified again!)
    xx/xx/xx - Nike Women's Half Marathon, Los Angeles
    12/18/16 - San Diego Holiday Half Marathon
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,410 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    Rest/travel day today. Appointment day with the hip surgeon. I have 88 days of running left. I had to ask for another steroid injection. Least it'll (hopefully) keep me running for a few more weeks and my mind off surgery.

    He said I was thin enough and thinks he can get to the pudendal nerve also *gulp* :scream: *crossing fingers he leaves that alone*, I told him if he could free the sciatic I'd be elated... I'll have to stretch and do nerve glides twice a day for the rest of my life. But that's OK. I'll have an 8 inch scar across my a$s. That's not super cool.

    Patiently waiting for Dr Toi's office to phone with steroid injection date.

    Found the best yet, gluten free beer today. Daura Damm. May look in to regular massages, and see if my old local PT can help me stretch.

    @Elise4270 - You know you could get a tattoo around that scar to make it interesting - just saying... depending on the scar maybe a runner, running along it :)
    Hope the injection helps and keeps you going a few more weeks! Do you have a date already for the surgery?