As I read the food diaries of MFP members..



  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I'm an extremely picky eater. I buy what I know I like. I eat what I know I like. I don't have a ton of money to spend on groceries, so I don't want to spend it on food I may not like. If I stick with what I know I like - then I am good. I'm okay without a ton of variety in my life where food is concerned.

    I guess I don't understand why people feel the need to question other people's food choices? I honestly don't care what anyone else eats - it is their choice, their body. I worry about what I'm eating and nothing else. To be completely honest, I don't even look at other people's diaries unless I am specifically asked to do so. *shrug* I guess it just doesn't matter to me.
  • LindseyC87
    LindseyC87 Posts: 178 Member
    I find I get a taste for something and then eat it everyday until I hate it :laugh:

    I get in the mood for something and eat it over and over and over again until im sick of it for awhile.. Right now, that is cream of wheat. Last week was oatmeal, then week before that was egg white omelets, etc etc etc.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I eat a lot of the same foods because it works for me. I don't fix what ain't broken. Boring? Maybe. But it works.

    AGREED! :)
  • k8edge
    k8edge Posts: 380
    I eat pretty much the same breakfast/lunch every day in rotation. I would say it is out of convenience/cost sake. If I ate something different each day I would have to buy a lot more ingredients at the store. So I rotate between eggs, English muffin, cereal for breakfast... And usually have a wrap sandwich w/ fruit or Subway for lunch. I do however love to mix things up for dinners. I plan that a week in advance and try new recipes all the time.

    What can I say... I am a creature of habit.
  • TripleJ3
    TripleJ3 Posts: 945 Member
    My reason starts with E, easy.

    I have 3 daughters and run a daycare in my home during the week. I like to try new things so maybe I'll make a batch of butternut squash soup. Well no one around here is going to touch it so I freeze individual portions then at lunch thaw it out, add my usual turkey breast (which I do the same with that, roast then freeze) avocado and whatever else I may want that day. I'll easily have that for lunch Mon-Fri.

    Since I'm usually eating something different than everyone else it makes it so much easier on me. Dinner time is where I try to do less of being a short order cook but so far it works for us. I still introduce new things to my kids but this way ends up working in my favor. They see me eating something they don't have and they ask to try it and then will start to request it. If I set the same dish in front of them and say, this is dinner, I get more moans and reluctance to even try.

    So far it works for us.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    For me, it takes the guess work out of all the meals.

    I know that for breakfast I'll have an egg, a piece of ten grain bread w/butter and some form of fruit.

    Lunch it's that same ten grain bread, turkey, mayo, and again fruit.

    Snack is something with peanut butter normally

    Dinner is whatever I have a taste for.

    Also the turkey I buy is 7.99 a pound and when it's on sale at the store I tend to stock up.. which leaves me with turkey for weeks on end!
  • brit49
    brit49 Posts: 461 Member
    Im OK with it, I lost a 1lb same thing different day Its mostly my schedule
  • Lovelystrumpet
    mine is pretty much down to cost and calories. I'm a student so have a ridiculously low food budget per week, as my rent, bills and transport to campus eat up most of my loan money - normally I never spend over £15 for 7 days worth of food. I look out for the 'buy one get one free' and 'three for £5' or whatever offers, and usually this means eating the same or similar think over and over again.

    As well, the things I am used to eating, I know the calorie values inside out by now, so I deem them 'safe' foods, and know that if that is what I have in my cupboard, I will be ok with regards my daily limit. This is also the reason I eat a lot of food that comes in packets and bars, such as salad pots and cereal bars, and veggie burgers, because the portions are measured out for me and I know exactly how many calories are in it. If I make, say, a spag bol or lasagne, it is much harder work figuring out the calorific value of a plateful, and there's a chance I could go over the recommended portion size when dishing it up.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I think I have a lot of variety. I get sick of foods pretty quickly if I have them every day.

    Except bagels. Asiago or Cheddar. Yum.
  • TS65
    TS65 Posts: 1,024 Member
    Honestly, as I get further along in this journey, food has become less and less important (less exciting?). While I used to just love certain high calorie foods, I find them not worth it, so I stick to what I know is good and healthy. Boring perhaps, but it's working. I do tend to go out occassionally and will try something new and not worry about it - but even then, I find myself choosing healthy over yummy most of the time.
  • djthom
    djthom Posts: 651 Member
    I eat oatmeal for breakfast almost everyday because it's quick and delicious. I eat a salad with feta cheese most weekdays because I work in a high school kitchen and it's the healthest thing I can find there that I like. As far as dinner goes, alot of times when I make something healthy that I like the rest of my family wont eat it, so I end up eating it everyday until it's gone so I don't have to throw it out. I have a very hectic schedule and find if I can't grab something quick to eat that's healthy then I will grab something quick that's unhealthy. So sometime I will purposely make alot of something so I will have leftovers that I can grab on the run. Sometimes I'll freeze portions if it's something that freezes well.
  • Benji49
    Benji49 Posts: 419 Member
    I eat a lot of the same things for lunches mostly because I eat lunch with my husband and, being diabetic he likes to stick to what works to keep his sugar levels balanced. I try to mix things up for supper but am limited by the fact that I cook for the whole family and I tried the making something for me and then a meal for the rest of them and it really doesn't work. AKA it drives me crazy!

    I have found since I started counting calories that I am more likely to balance the meal for everyone and less likely to go with a junky meal because one child asks for it. (And don't judge by my record for this week because I'm stressed out about my son moving out Monday.)

    I do think that this is going to be the way I eat from now on because I can't seem to limit my intake if I don't count.:ohwell:
  • tn2010
    tn2010 Posts: 228 Member
    Every diet or meal plan I read has tons of variety. The problem is that it doesn't use up the same that tablespoon of chopped parsley I use in one recipe leaves me with the rest of the bunch to use up later. As a full-time working mom, I don't have time to make myself an omelet every morning, so my breakfasts tend to jockey back and forth between eggs and yogurt. We have a strict "use it up" policy in our house, so like others, we will have many repeats until we run out, and then we change it up. That being said, I love to cook and I can be really creative with what I have on hand, but some things are good enough to keep eating for a while! I agree that a lot of diets lack variety, but I think we're all learning and once we're comfortable with the major changes we're making, then we can branch out.
  • bellinachuchina
    bellinachuchina Posts: 498 Member
    :flowerforyou: I decided to get entertainment and recreation from something other than food, so I keep my eating simple and find my fun and variety in other ways. :bigsmile:

    This, exactly.

    I am selective about when I decide to be imaginative with my food choices. Usually I save that for special events, family gatherings, holidays, or if I'm just "in the mood" for something different. I've been maintaining my goal weight for over a year now, eating the way I am comfortable. It is realistic, you just have to be a dedicated, conscious eater forever.

    I stick to lean meats, seafood, fruits/veggies, homemade protein bars, non-fat greek yogurt, natural peanut butter, cocopop multigrain rice cakes, a frozen meal here or there, coffee, & skim milk :)
  • bellinachuchina
    bellinachuchina Posts: 498 Member
    My reason starts with E, easy.

    I have 3 daughters and run a daycare in my home during the week. I like to try new things so maybe I'll make a batch of butternut squash soup. Well no one around here is going to touch it so I freeze individual portions then at lunch thaw it out, add my usual turkey breast (which I do the same with that, roast then freeze) avocado and whatever else I may want that day. I'll easily have that for lunch Mon-Fri.

    Since I'm usually eating something different than everyone else it makes it so much easier on me. Dinner time is where I try to do less of being a short order cook but so far it works for us. I still introduce new things to my kids but this way ends up working in my favor. They see me eating something they don't have and they ask to try it and then will start to request it. If I set the same dish in front of them and say, this is dinner, I get more moans and reluctance to even try.

    So far it works for us.

    Agreed! I'm usually eating something different from the family, so that is definitely a factor. And my kids also ask to sample what I have, if they like it I know that I can make that for the entire family next time.
  • court428
    court428 Posts: 34
    I eat a lot of the same things because I am super broke, especially at the end of the month!
  • True_angel4ever

    I eat a lot of the same foods because it works for me. I don't fix what ain't broken. Boring? Maybe. But it works.

    Amen to that! I eat alot of the same stuff too, and i also have a slim fast most mornings, but hey this is working for me, so im gonna keep with it!
  • redheadmommy
    redheadmommy Posts: 908 Member
    Although i do not eat any diet supplement things or shakes or whatever, but I think my diary could use a bit more variety.

    I have to admit, often I lack imagination , and there is family constraint. I am not going to cook 2 different things for 3 people, because my husband picky one way, my toddler another way and than there is me. Mainly I think we should eat more fish and seafood, but I have really no idea how to cook them.

    As far as fruit and veggies concern, we eat the same ones until I run out. I shop at Cosco once in 2 weeks and buy 3-4 fruits by the case and 4-5 big back of vegetables, and I only buy small amounts during the middle time. Around here that is the cheapest you can go on fresh produce. So yes my evening snack was peach for 5-6 days in a row, but I like it so what? If next week they have a mango case I will buy 2 cases , because everybody loves it in our house.
    Also I like the egg with bacon or sausage type of breakfast, and almost every day I eat that. It is usually one of my highest calorie meal of the day, but it is sooo worth it. :)
  • Ginial1479
    Ginial1479 Posts: 45 Member
    YUP... THAT'S ME TOO!!!
  • jllipson
    jllipson Posts: 646
    Comfort and what I know how to make. I am the type to try new recipes and experiment, so occasionally I do make other things.