April 2016 Running Challenge



  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited April 2016
    @MobyCarp I watched the race off and on as the elite men started, I forgot the elite women started earlier. The initial reports, as I remember it, they were saying it was ideal race conditions with temps in the mid-upper 60's, expected highs in the low 70's with a mild breeze. I thought that was a bit warm even for me running a much shorter distance. But, figured maybe humidity was different than what I'm familiar with.

    They compared the temps to the L.A Olympic qualifying full. Again, how it was so much better.

    It was only once the elites and other athletes begain to drop and lag times were noted from last year or their qualifying races, that the claim of warm temps were hindering the best performances. One elite female droped at the 5 mile mark. The temp was 72 the first time I heard mention of it being warm. The elite men couldn't have been too far out, maybe the last 3-5 miles.

    I have one other aquaintance that ran it. Hes fast and young, 28 ish. 6:45-7:00 pace ultras. He finished 3:18-3:23. And he set his Strava run on private (or deleted it). I commented on it, congratulated him. Idk what happened. He wasn't ready/willing to share the details. Probably processing it all.

    Seem it was a challenge this year. I believe you were well trained, but then I see all the miles and discipline you share. I've yet to see anyone claim that they had a beast of a run. I'm sure recounts from the elites will be shared soon, if they haven't already.

    My dentist ran it too, but I won't see him for a few months. But if I "run" in to him, I'll inquire. He's run it many times.
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    edited April 2016
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    @MobyCarp I watched the race off and on as the elite men started, I forgot the elite women started earlier. The initial reports, as I remember it, they were saying it was ideal race conditions with temps in the mid-upper 60's, expected highs in the low 70's with a mild breeze. I thought that was a bit warm even for me running a much shorter distance. But, figured maybe humidity was different than what I'm familiar with.

    They compared the temps to the L.A Olympic qualifying full. Again, how it was so much better.

    It was only once the elites and other athletes begain to drop and lag times were noted from last year or their qualifying races, that the claim of warm temps were hindering the best performances. One elite female droped at the 5 mile mark. The temp was 72 the first time I heard mention of it being warm. The elite men couldn't have been too far out, maybe the last 3-5 miles.

    I have one other aquaintance that ran it. Hes fast and young, 28 ish. 6:45-7:00 pace ultras. He finished 3:18-3:23. And he set his Strava run on private (or deleted it). I commented on it, congratulated him. Idk what happened. He wasn't ready/willing to share the details. Probably processing it all.

    Seem it was a challenge this year. I believe you were well trained, but then I see all the miles and discipline you share. I've yet to see anyone claim that they had a beast of a run. I'm sure recounts from the elites will be shared soon, if they haven't already.

    My dentist ran it too, but I won't see him for a few months. But if I "run" in to him, I'll inquire. He's run it many times.

    Everything she ^^^^ said. @mobycarp glad you are feeling better about the race.
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    @MobyCarp I watched the race off and on as the elite men started, I forgot the elite women started earlier. The initial reports, as I remember it, they were saying it was ideal race conditions with temps in the mid-upper 60's, expected highs in the low 70's with a mild breeze. I thought that was a bit warm even for me running a much shorter distance. But, figured maybe humidity was different than what I'm familiar with.

    They compared the temps to the L.A Olympic qualifying full. Again, how it was so much better.

    It was only once the elites and other athletes begain to drop and lag times were noted from last year or their qualifying races, that the claim of warm temps were hindering the best performances. One elite female droped at the 5 mile mark. The temp was 72 the first time I heard mention of it being warm. The elite men couldn't have been too far out, maybe the last 3-5 miles.

    I have one other aquaintance that ran it. Hes fast and young, 28 ish. 6:45-7:00 pace ultras. He finished 3:18-3:23. And he set his Strava run on private (or deleted it). I commented on it, congratulated him. Idk what happened. He wasn't ready/willing to share the details. Probably processing it all.

    Seem it was a challenge this year. I believe you were well trained, but then I see all the miles and discipline you share. I've yet to see anyone claim that they had a beast of a run. I'm sure recounts from the elites will be shared soon, if they haven't already.

    My dentist ran it too, but I won't see him for a few months. But if I "run" in to him, I'll inquire. He's run it many times.

    I totally agree with all of this. To add to it, @MobyCarp You've run Boston (at almost double my age) at a pace I can't do for much shorter distances, and you did it on a day that was Heck for a lot of people. Huge Kudos to you!
    ROBOTFOOD Posts: 5,527 Member
    edited April 2016
    @MobyCarp I've been reading all the races on Strava on a TON of people had problems. Lot's of interesting race titles.

    4/19 - Daily double (mini, cut short). 2.2mi @ 8:44/mi. Wasn't feeling it today. 8.2mi for today.

    4/1 - Easy 10.1mi @ 8:25/mi
    4/2 - rest.
    4/3 - 1mi fun hike for views of SLC. 400ft vertical.
    4/4 - Snowboard 41.8mi 30,000ft, descent (not counted on April total), 55.8mph top speed.
    4/5 - 7.3mi mountain (steep) run. About 2,000ft vertical, 14:31/avg. Medium effort.
    4/6 - Rest
    4/7 - 4.5mi easy w speed bursts 8:50 - 5:40/mi
    4/8 - rest
    4/9 - Beginners Luck 25k trail race (2:53)
    4/10 - 7.1mi on Black Mtn, 2,234ft vertical gain, 14:11/mi (PR)
    4/11 - AM 9mi easy (8:41/mi) ---- PM 6.4mi trail (1,207ft vertical) -15.4mi total
    4/12 - rest
    4/13 - AM: 2.25mi Med w H bursts (6:59 avg). 2.25mi slow back. PM: 10.2mi @ glacial (9:05/mi) - 14.7mi total.
    4/14 - 8.3mi easy. 463ft vert.
    4/15 - 5mi all out. 36:14 (7:15/mi)
    4/16 - 5.2mi recovery (873ft vert)
    4/17 - 22mi long run (9:35/mi) (705ft vert)
    4/18 - 3mi (7:31/mi)
    4/19 - AM 6mi easy (7:57/mi) PM: 2.2mi (8:44/mi) - 8.2mi T

    April total - 127.8 / 153mi
  • HonuNui
    HonuNui Posts: 1,464 Member
    April Goal: Run often

    4/1 couldn't
    4/2 4.05
    4/3 3.15
    4/4 ennui
    4/5 snorkel 3.5 hours
    4/6 6.30
    4/7 3.65
    4/8 5.81
    4/9 rest
    4/10 6.20
    4/11 strength train
    4/12 3.00
    4/13 rest
    4/14 3.96
    4/15 meh
    4/16 4.12
    4/17 strength train
    4/18 4.05
    4/19 4.02

    Total 48.11

    Upcoming races:
    6/26 SHEPower Virtual 1/2 marathon
    11/13 Las Vegas Rock n Roll 1/2 marathon

    Ticker is my goal for 2016 and accumulation to date:

  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    Due to a miscommunication about whether or not the kids had school this morning I did not get my morning run in. So I fit in a lunch time 4 mile run.:

    Strava is giving me too much info. I wondered by your run's title of "Lunch Run" why you weren't dodging spiders and vampires and cougars in the dark. :smiley:
  • zmcgrandles
    zmcgrandles Posts: 78 Member
    04/01 3.1 miles easy
    04/06 4.5 miles comfortable run
    04/08 10 miles much better than the last long run, managed to get out of the habit of walking breaks
    04/14 4.5 miles
    04/15 4.8 miles
    04/18 5 miles


    03/20 Canterbury Riverside 10k 1:16:12
    05/29 Edinburgh Half marathon
  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    Stoshew71 wrote: »
    1:04:30 is my current 10K PR. Haven't run in a 10k race, so it's Garmin time.

    According to the MRC you should be able to run a half in 2:23:48. Maybe put down 2:25 to be on the safe side.
    But sign up for a 10K man.

    Looking for 10Ks already. Problem is driving distance. I'm in the middle of nowhere and it's like a 3 hour drive to most races.

    @MNLittleFinn Stop being my running double! :smile:

    We run similar amounts, distances and times, and I'm 3 hours from most races (plus I don't drive!).

    My longest run is 15 km, most recently two weeks ago. I did 10 km in about 1 hr 2 mins on Tuesday. I run 4 times a week. I started running in September 2015.

    I'm also dying to do a half, but since I'm probably twice your age, I'm not planning to do one till a nearby one in August (although it's partly a trail run with a section up a small mountain).

    I'll be following your progress! Loving your questions and the answers they provoke. Cheers.
  • vandinem
    vandinem Posts: 550 Member
    Date      Miles      MTD
    ------    -----    -----
    Apr 01    103.7    103.7  April Fools!!
    Apr 03      6.2      6.2  Cohasset 10K, PR and 19th in my age group!
    Apr 05      5.3T    11.5
    Apr 06      3.8T    15.3
    Apr 09      6.4     21.7
    Apr 10      5.0     26.7
    Apr 11      3.6T    30.3
    Apr 12      3.8T    34.1
    Apr 16     11.2     45.3
    Apr 17      4.3     49.6
    Apr 19      5.0     54.6
    Apr 20      4.2     58.8

  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,878 Member
    Got to catch up later with all the posts I missed yesterday (111).

    4/1- 5.1 miles in the rain
    4/2 - rest/travel day
    4/3 - 34 miles on bike
    4/4 - 5.1 miles (intervals)
    4/5 - 5.1 miles - intervals (although slower than yesterday)
    4/6 - 22 miles on bike + Strength training
    4/7 - 4.2 miles - slow and steady
    4/8 - strength training
    4/9 - 34 miles on bike
    4/10 - 50 miles on bike
    4/11 - 5.1 miles - recovery run from all the biking + strength training
    4/12 - 4.2 miles
    4/13 - rest day (biking rained out).
    4/14 - 4.8 miles
    4/15 - sick day
    4/16 - 4.2 very slow miles (feeling better)
    4/17 - 35 miles on bike
    4/18 - 5 miles (intervals)
    4/19 - strength training
    4/20 - 4 miles + biking tonight


  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    So a strange thing happened yesterday when I did a lunch time run. It was warm and that made the run difficult. I liked that because I want to acclimate to the coming warmer weather. There was also a strange yellow ball in the sky and everything was brightly colored. It was quite an interesting run.

    This morning when my early run alarm went off I felt a bit more tired than normal and it was raining. I looked at the forecast and saw that by lunchtime there is a chance of strange yellow balls in the sky around lunch time, and it will be rather warm too making the run a bit of a challenge.

    Challenge accepted!:smile:

    Never take the easy way out :wink:
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member

    1-no run yet, maybe later
    6-yoga tonight
    8-late night tonight(ani difranco concert), so no run this morning
    12- slept in
    13-yoga (foam rolling-esque aerial yoga)
    16-my bacholette party-lots of dancing
    17-recovery from party.
    19-4.86mi hard one


  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    4/1- Rest
    4/2- 6.23 miles
    4/3- 4.01 miles
    4/4- Rest
    4/5- 4.02 miles
    4/6- Rest
    4/7- 4.02 Miles
    4/8- Rest
    4/9- 6.24 Miles
    4/10- 4.01 Miles
    4/11- Rest
    4/12- 4.14 Miles
    4/13- 2.2 Miles (first Wednesday Run)
    4/14- 4.13 Miles
    4/15- Much needed Rest
    4/16- 8.2
    4/16- 1.4 <- Second little jog, with wife
    4/17- Rest <- made myself rest
    4/18- Rest <- Normal scheduled Rest day
    4/19- 4.1
    4/23- Rest<- Part of cut back/heal up

    Total- 52.7/60

    Note: Cut back week this week, to let my foot heal up all the way and to get rested for beginning HM training next week. 10 Weeks and 5 days until my first HM. Have a 5k and a 10k in there as well!
  • instantmartian
    instantmartian Posts: 335 Member
    4leighbee wrote: »
    Thought this would bring a smile to some (all?) of you today: a friend I hadn't seen in a while who isn't crazy about working out told me that she'd run two miles the other day. Turns out she calls what she does on the elliptical "running." ;)

    That's so cute! It only takes like 15 minutes to "run" two miles on an eliptical, too, so she was really booking it! :)

    I actually started "running" using the elliptical--I was too fat to do anything else. But as soon as I started actual running, there was no way you could get me back on that beast! Some people hate treadmills, but I really hate ellipticals!

    I HATE ellipticals! I have so many friends who use them, own them, and love them. They don't understand how I can run six-plus miles on a treadmill in the winter. I don't understand how they can stand being on an elliptical for more than two minutes. They claim it's the "best workout." I claim I can name about 500 things that are better. To each his own, I guess.
  • WhatMeRunning
    WhatMeRunning Posts: 3,538 Member
    4leighbee wrote: »
    Thought this would bring a smile to some (all?) of you today: a friend I hadn't seen in a while who isn't crazy about working out told me that she'd run two miles the other day. Turns out she calls what she does on the elliptical "running." ;)

    That's so cute! It only takes like 15 minutes to "run" two miles on an eliptical, too, so she was really booking it! :)

    I actually started "running" using the elliptical--I was too fat to do anything else. But as soon as I started actual running, there was no way you could get me back on that beast! Some people hate treadmills, but I really hate ellipticals!

    I HATE ellipticals! I have so many friends who use them, own them, and love them. They don't understand how I can run six-plus miles on a treadmill in the winter. I don't understand how they can stand being on an elliptical for more than two minutes. They claim it's the "best workout." I claim I can name about 500 things that are better. To each his own, I guess.
    When I was recovering some foot pain after my first HM I found I could go 3 hours at the same HR on the ellipticals a lot easier, and much more frequently than running for 3 hours (my HM time then). I would do that 3x/week to keep my cardio up while recovering. No way I could have run 3 hours 3x/week then. And the day I run 3 hours on the treadmill, please shoot me (no offense to treadmill users).
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    edited April 2016
    Thanks @kristinegift I was really leaning that way, but the stubborn part of me said keep pushing. I'll take tomorrow off and do my Thursday, Saturday and Sunday runs but just do 5 miles on Sat instead of 8. Think that will work, or cut the sun run too? Just as a general thought, How I'm feeling will be a decider too.

    With pains, do not "keep pushing it".

    With a single hard workout, you would expect some soreness to last a day or so. But when you start to add workout on top of workout on top of workout when the soreness turns into little pains and you never enter into your next key workout fully refreshed, then you know you need a cutback week.

    I learned this the hard way. 3 weekends in a row (~May of last year) I started off my long run with very sore glutes. Then all of a sudden my gait fell off and my pace went to hell. Took a few weeks and did horrible in a race that I should have gotten my first award at before it all came back. I never took a down week last year until then.
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    Stoshew71 wrote: »
    With pains, do not "keep pushing it".

    With a single hard workout, you would expect some soreness to last a day or so. But when you start to add workout on top of workout on top of workout when the soreness turns into little pains and you never enter into your next key workout fully refreshed, then you know you need a cutback week.
    Slept in today until 0610, it felt wonderful.

    Was scheduled to run, but with the HM in July and starting training for that next week, I'm taking it easy this week. 4 VERY EASY miles tomorrow, then 5-6 maybe on Sat, and MAYBE another 4 on Sun, but that depends on how I feel on Sat.

    June 10k is chip timed and on a "hilly" course. They mailed a map to me since they didn't have one online. I guess winners in age groups get pie....too bad I'm not fast enough to get a pie......but I'm in it for the run/race experience.
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    So a strange thing happened yesterday when I did a lunch time run. It was warm and that made the run difficult. I liked that because I want to acclimate to the coming warmer weather. There was also a strange yellow ball in the sky and everything was brightly colored. It was quite an interesting run.

    This morning when my early run alarm went off I felt a bit more tired than normal and it was raining. I looked at the forecast and saw that by lunchtime there is a chance of strange yellow balls in the sky around lunch time, and it will be rather warm too making the run a bit of a challenge.

    Challenge accepted!:smile:

    I also woke up this morning with the attitude of a lunch run instead. Slept in a little later. Today is only a recovery day, so I had that option. And I am taking it.