Power 90...Who's With Me?



  • Adriana - great job on the workouts, keep it up and I am sure we will all be enjoying the benefits of our new transformations soon.

    Lana - I am right behind you, I am on my second week of p90. The more we do these workouts, we will be able to do the entire workout and then some with heavier weights.

    Tena - Thanks for looking into that for me. I will check it out. I am having issues with my account, it wont let me access anything in my profile to enter workouts or anything, it just keeps saying i have to wait for admin to approve my account. argh. I emailed customer service but no word yet.

    Last night I did P90 sculpt 1-2 with 15lbs weight, and I still dont feel the burn, yes there was the behind the head and lifting straight up was hard with 10lbs weght but everything else I did.. ok the pushups I sucked at but I think I did as many as they did, just probably looked horrible doing them with my arms shaking and all. Defnitely on Monday will be a different workout, I think I will just jump to P90X and hopefully start my transformation faster. lol

    Jenn - Sorry you didnt like Zumba, I still think we should get together and do belly dancing though.. I know the guys would really love if we learned the poll dancing video instead though. lol
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    Well, I just found out that beachbody is only allowed to ship the Activit vitamins, regular strength to Canada. Per law they are not allowed to ship anything else other than workouts. Sorry... I think that is terrible!

    Jenn: Do you have the Hip Hop Abs workouts???? Remember that I can help you with that. Just click on my profile and shop for products in there.

    Chrissy: Way to go on being so close to your goal! You should be SUPER PROUD of yourself! I have the BL workouts and they are alot of fun to do. Did I say fun....

    Sara: If it is Tony's, it can be P90, P90 Master Series, P90X, P90X+, 10 min trainers or 1 on 1 workouts. He has alot of workouts out there...


    Funny - how I've said they are fun too - I actually crave doing some exercise. I am limited due to my hip - not sure what I've done but I am able to do the Shred level 1 or 2 (2 with slight modifications) and biggest loser - level 2 and 3 haven't tried 1 since my hip - maybe do all 3 levels today - whew won't that kick my butt!!

    Yep that's what I'll do - wish me luck.....

    I saw the hip hop abs advertised last night - let me know what you think

    So Jenn - what is Zumba! Sounds so exotic! :blushing: I would say you've added a bunch of muscle and your much more tone and that's the fluctuation in measurements. I have a really hard time with measurements too - I always wonder did I measure in the same place last time??? I can actually see progress with not so floppy skin - that's what counts!
  • danahub
    danahub Posts: 10
    what is P90?
  • what is P90?

    Power 90 workout video, Tony Horton's one of many workout videos.

    Chrissy - Good luck I have never seem those workout videos, but I am sure they are a great workout.
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    Ok - I was so inspired by all you Power 90ers that I did all 3 levels on the BL Cardio - sweatin' like a man! :huh:
  • danahub
    danahub Posts: 10
    hi, I would like to know what this p90 is, ive been trying to find out but geeting no responses can you help please,
  • Chrissy - awesome job!!!

    danahub - I sent you a private message since you didnt see my response on the thread.
  • danahub
    danahub Posts: 10
    sorry i didnt see it go ahead and send it again, im not sure how to use this web very well. dont want this sent to my home email.thanks
  • Sweettart
    Sweettart Posts: 1,331 Member
    Hello everyone!

    Well today was suppossed to be sculpt 3-4 but was out with my mom all day and got my hair done so I can't ruin it by getting all sweaty so am taking today as my rest day.

    Awesome job everyone on your workouts!

    Sorry this is short Im exchausted for some reason today so Im going to lay down and I will catch up later!
  • tenaarnett
    tenaarnett Posts: 677 Member
    Hey Everyone! Tonight I did Tony's 1 on 1 Yoga and had a really good workout with that one. It is about 45 min long. Then I did the new 1 on 1 Cardio! It was pretty good! I was very happy with it! It was about 48 min long! I got a good calorie burn and my legs are sore... But that was a really long workout! I won't do those 2 together again. I might do one and pop in one of Tony's 10 minute Trainers. Tomorrow of course I have Legs & Back! But I do have to say all in all I had another AWESOME workout tonight.

    Jenn: Don't feel bad about moving your Rest Day around. We all have to do that once in awhile. Hope you have a great workout tomorrow!

    Sounds like everyone did pretty good day! Keep it up guys and we will succeed and reach our goals.

  • Tena - man that sounded like a really long day of working out, I am sore just thinking about all that. lol I decided that monday for sure I am just goign to start with the P90X, I sure need something more to keep me motivated to workout.

    Jenn- Cant wait to see your new hair, you didnt cut it again did you? I hope you had a good nap, i am very jealous since i really needed one too.

    Yesterday I wasnt very motivated but I did do sweat 1-2 with abs but just didnt have the heart to really push myself. I was so tired I even fell asleep watching grey's anatamy and I was so upset yet again two weeks in a row I missed the ending.. argh.. I really need to learn to record these shows so I dont have to worry about missing the ending.
  • tenaarnett
    tenaarnett Posts: 677 Member
    Good Morning Everyone! IT'S FRIDAY!!! I slept really good last night. Who wouldn't after that brutal workout yesterday... I won't make that mistake again. The 1 on 1 Cardio is a new one that I got in the mail yesterday. It was funny because Tony was grumpy at first and made it known that he did not feel like working out. (Kinda like we are sometimes...) But, by the end, he was his crazy normal self and funny! He said it only goes to prove that if you just push play and start the workout, by the end , you will be so glad you did! It was a pretty good one. It was like Sweat 5-6 but with a few more tougher moves in it.

    Jen: Tony sounded like you just said yesterday was like for you... Way to go on pushing play! That is what counts, you did it! I am so proud of you! I know what you mean about missing Grey's Anatomy... I finally got to watch it last night!

    Well, gotta get to work... I hope everyone has a great day and excellent workout!

  • lwagg: Don't be hard on yourself, we all need to cheat on our diets once in a while! If you follow a diet that you can't cheat a little is very likely you won't follow it....Try to plan for it next time, we all know that weekends are the hardest because we all want to go out have some drinks the best way to do it is to make sure you get the workout in the morning to get those extra calories on our diets and to have a plan before we go out.:drinker:
    Tenaarett: You are my role model, I love your abbs seeing you motivates me even more, I can't wait to finish P90 to start the P90X
    Huskeymom- Is okay to be tire I'm exausted at the end of my days but you keep on pushing play and thats great! Keep it up....:happy:
    Sweettart- We all need that extra pampering, A change of look is defenetly worth it after all the hard work your doing! Take care..:bigsmile:
    So Today was my 3rd day, I'm very sore. It was so hard to wake up... those pushups keep getting harder lol... I'm a bit impatient, I kind of want to see results right away lol I know I just stared but I'll keep pushing play is the only way.....
    Does anyone know if you don't add the extra calories to your diet because of the workout- what happens??? I feel like once I add those calories is too much food..........................
  • tenaarnett
    tenaarnett Posts: 677 Member
    Adriana: Thank you so much for your sweet words! You sure put a huge smile on my face. I never thought of myself as a role model. I am honored...

    On calories, I do P90X workouts and sometimes put others in for more muscle confusion. But I average burning about 600 to 700 calories a day in workouts. I keep my calories steady every day and average about 1600 to 1800 calories. If I am doing a specifically hard workout like P90X Plyometrics or P90X+ Intervals, that is when I try to input more calories and shoot for the 1800. I schedule all my meals and do not cheat at all, except I allow myself a cheat meal once a month. It was hard at first but now my body is used to it.

  • Sweettart
    Sweettart Posts: 1,331 Member
    Hey Everyone!
    Well today has also been a rest day for me:sad:

    The past couple of days I've had NO energy and have a headache that keeps coming and going. I really hope I am not catching something.

    Today I adjusted my food settings and now adding sugar and see if this helps my weight moving again. Also I am going to try and follow the Michi's Ladder which is a 5 tier food chain from beachbody. I am going to try and only eat from tiers 1 and 2 which says I will have a nearly perfect diet! But the one thing I will have to add which is not on there is my 100 calorie pack snacks for my sweet cravings.

    I need to shake up something cuz this plateau is killing me and I'm losing my mojo!!!!!

    Keep up the awesome work, and hey if you want to do some for me I'd love you even more!!!
  • tenaarnett
    tenaarnett Posts: 677 Member
    Hey Everyone! Just finished Legs & Back and it was EXCELLENT! I added a total 4 more unassisted pull-ups to bring the grand total to 100 unassisted pull-ups. Now you all know I am not a super woman and I do not knock them out 1 after another. I do 8, shake my arms out an do 8 more. I do 16 pull-ups twice per each type of pull-up. So I do have to shake the arms out during it...
    Now I am totally freezing and need to jump in shower and then eat some dinner. Man that Recovery drink tasted amazing!!!

  • Sweettart
    Sweettart Posts: 1,331 Member
    Way to go Tena on the awesome workout tonight! Thats mean about teasing how good your recovery drink is and We can't get it in canada!

    My headache is now gone and hope it doesnt come back and am still really tired so going to bed soon.

    I have a confession: I did eat REALLY bad tonight :mad: BUT tomorrow is a new day and Im looking forward to it!

    At 9am I am going to the gym and going on the treadmill for 30mins and Im going to see how many of those minutes I will be running, wow still seems weird to say me running.

    Again like I said Im going to follow the Michi's Ladder but I am now tracking my sugars in my food section and how am I only going to eat 24g of sugar a day? That is like 2-3 servings a fruit, any suggestions.
  • atynk
    atynk Posts: 400 Member
    Hi all, I know i have been MIA for a bit . I made a last min decision to go to florida for a week. don't get too jealous its only like 60's here, we haven't seen the sun yet so i had one goal to get a tan and its not going to happen. and im with annoying family its def not paradise lol. however. since there is nothing fun to do, i have been doing my 30 day shred dvd as well as my ab workout one everyday. and i have been eating pretty good and walking lots, so maybe ill get a weight loss out of this trip if anything. weather forcast for rest of trip- cloudy with showers :mad:
    im kinda getting bored of dvding it up,so i might do some laps in the pool . i tried rollerblading one day but have toe injury at the moment which hurts to skate on lol.
    its good to see everyone is still on their paths to success ! have a great workout / eating day
  • Sweettart
    Sweettart Posts: 1,331 Member
    Andrea: It sucks that you went away and its cold here but just be thankful you aren't here! It is like 0 degrees and we are going to get 4-8 inches of snow today. Anytime the snow wants to stop I'd love it!

    Well Im proud to say Im on track today!!

    Went to the gym with my friend and did 13mins on the bike, 5 on the elliptical and then went on the treadmill for 11 and wu/cd for 1 min and then 5mins walking at 3.5 and then 5mins jogging at 5.0. I can't believe that half the time on the treadmill I was jogging!

    THEN I came home and just got done my first day of P90 Sculpt 3-4, WOW what a workout!! I can hardly walk and I can hardly use my arms they are shaking!

    Yesterday I bought 6 Yoplait Light Fat Free Yogurts and NEVER again will I buy them, yes they are tasty but 15g of sugar no thanks!

    Hope everyone has a great day! :flowerforyou:
  • tenaarnett
    tenaarnett Posts: 677 Member
    Hey Everyone! What a beautiful day! I got up early and went to Chandler's (grandson) basketball game. He had a blast and made alot of baskets. They won by so much that at a point of 26-0, they quit keeping score... Every time he made a basket, he looked up at me smiling really big! I was clapping and shouting and giving him the thumbs up. April said he never looks at her during a game. I felt bad for her.. Then Ashley and I made a couple stops and I bought her a little b-day cake at Wally. She was so happy. She came home and opened her presents and is playing with her twin babies and pushing them in the stroller and feeding them in the high chair. It is really cute!

    Well, I plan to do my Kenpo+ and ARX w/extra abs around 3pm. Then I have to shower as Mike promised Ashley we would take her out for a birthday dinner and she picked chinese food. That is good because I can pick healthy instead of fattening...

    Jenn: Way to go on your workout and calorie burn today! That is amazing! Now no more cheat eating. That is counter acting your workouts. The way I look at it is, I work out so hard that I do not want to defeat the purpose by eating bad... Just tell yourself that and hopefully that will stop the urge to cheat...

    Andrea: Sorry your weather has been so bad.. BUT, way to go on your workouts! You should be proud of yourself for working out like that while on vacation. Not alot of people would do that!

    Well, gotta get ready for my workout....

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