Weight Watchers?



  • Cindys2016
    Cindys2016 Posts: 6 Member
    I did bith ways too because it was random the way they fiqured out the 2016 pount system and cost extra if had suger in it the calorie point was not the main reason behind what eating i fiqured out the calories to fiqure out how much i was eating same exact diet two days in riw equalef different totals with no good reason as to why exceot its to keep the $ comibg in because tgey wajt to keep collecting making money eveytime id ask for help they say pay fir meeting ir tell me to pay fir coach . last year i was successful with those points system and helped me eat better and thought it was expanding to include more excersises or emotional support but the points are very confusing and seems more like the low carb diet im not namig . so i was confused and disappointed in this years attempt last year when i ended up in hospital i couldnt travt anymore so i gained it back. This year lost couple pounds then decided to try fiqure out how it worked the community was fav part of this years attempt and someone there recommended this myfitness app to me as well. But no steady amount to eat each day so obonee day be stuffed next day be starving did both for couple months side by side and discovered more comfy counting calories because could vary flavore but not guilty if over because 80 cal hotdog is 14 points this year .
    Also learned drinking more wayer actually helps like my fitness encourages you to do ww used to tell you and track that but not this years.
    I apologize if anyone things im being negitive im a ww fan still it used to be the way that worked for me but myfitness is so much better and not sacrificing food money to get the app support less then three months ww is one year my fitness ( right now usibg free version but intend to purchase)
    So long story short im finding it better here and loosing and keeping it off no more yoyoing up and down . we van do togethet
  • size102b
    size102b Posts: 1,370 Member
    Fruits not free it 0 smart points as a member your told don't eat more than 2-3 portions a day as anyone would realise it mounts up so they should change that to choose 3 portions fruit a day

    Smart points are all about low carbing non processed foods as that's why people are eating a lot of and tbh it's good if your carb sensitive

    You can calorie count at goal every plan fails if you don't stick to a Maintenance.

    12 weeks I've lost 12lbs on here I had 84lbs to lose its very slow so I thought I'd do WW for a month & track on here to see if there's any difference found a 60% off voucher online.

    I can't eat lots veg & fruit as ibs but I'm carb sensitive

    Worth a shot to see if I can lose a little faster as I had 4 weeks no losses & weighed measured everything in food scales & measuring jug.
  • callmebubblesdarling2015
    Just my two cents here, but I think Weight Watchers can have value, and I hate to hear it dismissed as a scam. I've lost weight on WW, and I've also lost weight on MFP.
  • callmebubblesdarling2015
    Hit reply too soon. Unfortunately, I gained back both times because with either one you have to stick with it. I anticipate having to log on MFP or an equivalent the rest of my life, because I know without that accountability I slowly go back to my old ways and the weight comes back. It would be the same with WW, and once you reach maintenance with WW and become a "lifetime member", your membership is free.
  • Mexartes
    Mexartes Posts: 1 Member
    Any program or system that motivate you to better eating habits is good. But at the end it is ourselves to decide which work
  • perkymommy
    perkymommy Posts: 1,642 Member
    edited April 2016
    I heard they consider fruits and veggies "free".... um those have calories so how can one lose weight w/out accounting for those calories.

    They start accumulating points for their calories once you eat over the amount allotted. If I eat an apple it is considered 0 points but if I sat and ate several apples they would start to accumulate points, same with any other fruits but you'd have to eat a lot. And only some veggies have no points like carrots and broccoli, even though they have calories. It has to reach a certain caloric amount (somewhere between 50-70) in order for the food item to start having points so yes there are some things that have calories (low calories) that are 0 points if that makes sense. Any veggies that are canned have points but they are usually low.
  • perkymommy
    perkymommy Posts: 1,642 Member
    edited April 2016
    Just my two cents here, but I think Weight Watchers can have value, and I hate to hear it dismissed as a scam. I've lost weight on WW, and I've also lost weight on MFP.

    Oh yes I agree! I used Weight Watchers the first time back in 2006 and lost a ton of weight back then and kept it off very easily up until 2009 when I got pregnant with my third child. Then I gained it all back and then some because of life stressors. I've already lost 24 lbs in less than two months on Weight Watchers this year so it definitely works. And you can still eat what you want. It's not like Atkins or Nutrisystem where you have to eat cardboard every day. That's not realistic.

    Also, weighing and measuring food is very realistic IMO. If more restaurants did that for our meals then Americans wouldn't be so obese.
  • GraceAnneU95
    GraceAnneU95 Posts: 18 Member
    I'm on WW now and have been since December 2015, have only lost 10lbs and came here to figure things out more deeply. I could definitely eat more on mfp because it doesn't take into account how good for you the calories are (I.e. It's easy to go over on points if you eat all junk, but you can stay within your calories with all junk). But, I'm currently sticking to ww and just tracking it again on here and I eat about 1400 calories (maybe a bit under) before exercise. For reference, I get 30 points a day and 35 weeklies
  • alyssa0061
    alyssa0061 Posts: 652 Member
    perkymommy wrote: »
    I heard they consider fruits and veggies "free".... um those have calories so how can one lose weight w/out accounting for those calories.

    They start accumulating points for their calories once you eat over the amount allotted. If I eat an apple it is considered 0 points but if I sat and ate several apples they would start to accumulate points, same with any other fruits but you'd have to eat a lot. And only some veggies have no points like carrots and broccoli, even though they have calories. It has to reach a certain caloric amount (somewhere between 50-70) in order for the food item to start having points so yes there are some things that have calories (low calories) that are 0 points if that makes sense. Any veggies that are canned have points but they are usually low.

    That's not true. Fruits and vegetables never start accumulating points. And canned/jarred vegetables and fruits (in water or juice, not syrup) are free too. You can eat 26 apples and it's still 0 points. You can eat 14 cans of green beans and they're still 0 points.
  • benzieboxx
    benzieboxx Posts: 253 Member
    perkymommy wrote: »
    Has anyone here done WW along with MFP? I have been doing WW since Feb 2nd and lost 20 lbs on it. I started here a couple weeks ago after someone at WW referred me. What confuses me is I can log on my food here (I get 1200 per day) and have some left over sometimes but on WW I track my food (I get 30 pts a day) and will either meet my 30 pts or go over most days. Does anyone that has done WW know how many calories 30 pts is? or is that how WW decides on the daily points? Just a bit confused.

    I can't remember where the post was, and it's probably burried now, but someone here calculated their calories on both WW and MFP. According to WW she was barely eating 1000 calories a day most days. I don't know, WW just seems like they're steering away from their basic calorie/point method. I stopped using WW years ago when they were doing Points Plus so I have no idea how strict the program is now because I haven't done it. I can only go off of what people around me have said.
  • nadinestrother
    nadinestrother Posts: 11 Member
    I'm not sure how that correlates. By its very nature the points system will be less accurate than logging calories by weight directly. I'd just choose one and stick with it. Adherence is more important than accuracy I suppose.

    I agree with this comment. I have 4 children and did WW in the past (after the 1st 3) and successfully lost and kept off the weight until I had my 4th in Nov. At that point, I didn't need WW anymore because I already learned the skill of healthy food choices, portion control, and exercise. This time around I stuck with MFP and I'm already down about 30lbs. You will get results from both, but stick with 1 to keep your tracking accurate. Also, you may notice as you get closer to your goal weight or if you start any kind of weight training, WW will less accurately reflect your progress since the only measure is the scale (weight loss), not fat loss (body fat %). Feel free to add me if I can help in any way.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    I heard they consider fruits and veggies "free".... um those have calories so how can one lose weight w/out accounting for those calories.

    By starting with a lower overall calorie goal. WW wants to encourage members to eat fruits & veggies, so they are "free" (but not really). They used to give points back for fiber consumption too......games.
  • starjam25
    starjam25 Posts: 4,725 Member
    I do both WW and this. I love MFP for tracking food as I have to pay attention to my carbs and sodium (and WW can't do that) but what helps me the most is the weekly weigh-ins and group support! My leader is great and sets up lots of walks for the group, so we get to know each other and connect face to face. I know each leader is different and I'm really lucky to have this one, but I think the face to face contact really helps me.
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    edited April 2016
    Someone said they though it was 50 calories per point ... that's what I had figured out way back when, but it's not the same today.

    I've done WW several times over the past 45 years and at one time had it figured out but then they changed how they assign points ... still ... the higher the fat, sugar, starch in the food, the more the points are for that food.

    They are trying to condition you into making better food choices by skipping or reducing the amount of potato, pasta, rice, barley, bread, cookies, candy, ice cream, chips. pretzels, rolls, muffins, high fat meat you eat. You can eat a huge bowl of lettuce and cucumber or a whole pot of cabbage soup to fill up, but watch out for that artisan crusty bread you want to dip into flavored olive oil or spread butter over. And, you can eat a 4 ounce piece of skinless chicken breast, but have 2 thighs and you've just used up a huge chunk of your allotment.