Motivation, Success and Frustration Sharing!



  • goonietime
    goonietime Posts: 11 Member
    Went kayaking yesterday and as much as I didn't want to I went to the gym today. Ha! I always feel better after, but getting the motivation to get out the door is the hardest. Hope everyone had a great weekend!
  • Welshgem84
    Welshgem84 Posts: 45 Member
    Hi everyone. I have just found this feed and I would love to join your Fitbit challenge group! I lost a lot of weight in 2014 (70lb) but I struggled with maintaining it so I have had to start again and I need some help with motivation! Got a Fitbit for my birthday but only been really using it since jan 1st but got no current friends on there to challenge me to better myself! You guys seem to be really supportive
  • GillianSmith2
    GillianSmith2 Posts: 387 Member
    @Welshgem84 hi here is my fitbit link you can try to add me if you like //
  • GillianSmith2
    GillianSmith2 Posts: 387 Member
    Good morning everyone. I have had a great weekend although not so great on the calories. We went out for my friends birthday to the ABBA tribute which was a great night but i consumed LOTS of alcohol :wink: and then yesterday we went to support some fellow students that where competing in the Gforce open kickboxing competition, so although i was on my feet all day standing in mainly one spot my step count was rubbish and we ate cobs and crisps and biscuits which just about finished my calories before we even got home to have a proper meal. so i went over big time yesterday. Our team came away with a few trophies so that was great :) Back on it today. so i must get of to the gym and get burning :wink: have a great day everyone.
    Newbies please feel free to add me if you like.
  • ngolden3320
    ngolden3320 Posts: 360 Member
    Well where is everyone this weekend?? Hope everyone had, is having a good one. I had a food day off. Tomorrow the hubs and I start our cleanse I was going to enjoy the day and the next 10 are totally clean eating with limited complex carbs and limited dairy. Fun times for sure. It is a good thing I love fruits and vegetables. So tonight I am eating a baked white potato (queue the gasp) and a steak.
    So tomorrow I get on the scale, take my measurements and then try my hardest to not get on the thing again for 10 whole days. This is always the hardest part for me. Wish me luck.

    Good Luck on your cleanse. Let us know how it goes. What exactly does it consist of? I could sure go for a nice steak and baked potato. I would even take a baked sweet potato. I think I will tell the family that is what I want for Mother's Day.

    Had a very lazy weekend. My mom came home from the hospital. I have to go over today after work and get all of her meds set up for the week. Hopefully she will take them like she should. I really hate TOM you gain all the water weight and then I take forever for it to come off and before you know it then it is TOM again. Ugh! :# I did however lose almost 1 1/4". So that is something, even if the scales are not my friend the tape measure is.

    @CariTJR Good to hear from you. We are all here for you when you are ready to get back at it.
  • FitEqualsSmile
    FitEqualsSmile Posts: 160 Member
    Welcome newbies. Feel free to add me if you like.

    Well my fun meal got me 2 pounds but I am sure it is mostly salt as I downed a number of salt and pepper potato chips as well - well worth it. I was very surprised when I measured myself this morning. I have lost about 4 pounds in the past month, not complaining, but slow. What surprised me was I have lost a little over two inches in my waist in 5 weeks. I know my pants where fitting better but I was floored. Now if my fat roll would go away as fast. That thing is holding on for dear life.

    Nicole - glad your mom is coming home but those meds are a killer. My FIL went through this last year and it was tough getting his meds straight and home care straightened out. Good luck. I do the 10 day Advocate cleanse. It has some supplements but mostly just really clean eating. It is what really got me on track with aligning my diet with my migraines last year. This first time I did it my migraine went away. I have been on track pretty much ever since.

    Gillian - I LOVE ABBA.

    @goonietime - I am so jealous that you can kayak already. I can not wait to get the paddle board out but for me it is more like July. These fingerlakes are cold.

    Cari - I hope all is going okay, you are in my thoughts.
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    @CariTJR So glad to hear from you! I've had you in my thoughts this past week. I think taking the rest of the week after the funeral is a great idea. I look forward to having you back around once you're ready

    @GillianSmith2 That is really cool that you're blackbelt level and an instructor! I am in awe of your commitment and accomplishments in the sport

    @FitEqualsSmile Four pounds in a month sounds like an awesome loss, and the 5 inches is even better!

    @ngolden3320 Way to go on the inches loss! TOM gains are the worst! Even though their temporary the bloat messes with your brain

    @health_guard sounds like you had a crazy productive weekend, way to go!

    @goonietime I agree, there are a lot of nights where I'm like "I don't wanna go to kickboxing, I'd rather stay on the couch and cuddle the dog and watch TV" but then as soon as I get to the gym I have an amazing time and am so glad I went. Kayaking sounds like a blast!
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    Going to see in the in-laws Thursday-Sunday so I am definitely going to avoid the scale next Tuesday. My MIL always has healthy options, but just a ton of food and it's always home grown, fresh from the farm delicious and impossible to resist so I always overeat.

    My weekend was filled with wine, eating out, and chocolate so I definitely overdid it. We were also really active though and explored the river trails (on top of the 2 grappling practices I had this weekend). I think I will hop on the scale tomorrow though just to get a baseline for before my weekend away. Maybe it will help keep me more in check?

  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    @jkhoffe I do Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. It's like wrestling, but with chokes and joint locks. If you've ever seen the UFC (cagefighting) it's what the guys are doing when they're on the ground.

    Don't remind me about swim suit season ;) I don't know if I'll ever be ready to be that exposed in public! lol. Sounds like you've got a great plan to rock it though!
  • JenHul
    JenHul Posts: 368 Member
    Options Good Morning, this is my Fitbit Profile tag thingy, if any of you Fitbiter's?!? (not sure that is a word) would like to add me as a friend on there as well. I do participate in challenges. Have a great day!
  • GillianSmith2
    GillianSmith2 Posts: 387 Member
    @JenHul ive sent you a friends request on fitbit :smiley:

    @Rachel0778 your Brazilian jiu jitsu sounds so much more hardcore than anything i would do. :wink:

    I have decided i am going to give running a try. Its something i have never really got into as i have problems with my knee, but i am going to get myself some good trainers and start of slow and see how i go. I am hoping to start next week so wish me luck :blush:
  • FitEqualsSmile
    FitEqualsSmile Posts: 160 Member
    Gillian - try a C25K app. I used one last summer and thought they were great. It gets you going at a nice slow progression. If you look around some of the apps are 5 weeks to a 5K and others are 8 weeks so you choose.
  • danan01
    danan01 Posts: 136 Member
    Happy Monday! Hope everyone had a great weekend! I think I did ok this weekend. And we got to spend some time on the beach, so that makes all the work we are doing so worth it! I love the beach and the sun and warm weather! Have a great week!
  • kris10mknott
    kris10mknott Posts: 3 Member
    edited April 2016
    Hey Ashlee! Hello ShyCush6! Hello everyone! lol
    My name is Kristen. I used to work night shift as a CNA and that's exactly where I started my current weight gaining struggle so I totally understand where you are coming from. I am now back in nursing school and the stress has taken a new toll on my body which has made me binge eat like no other. I feel like I never have time to cook or when I do have extra time to myself (when I''m not studying or sleeping), then I just don't feel like caring about eating healthy or exercising. This sucks because it's caused me to gain about 20 lbs in nursing school. I know I should love my body for what it is, but its painful to look in the mirror and like what I see.. I joined this group today because I feel like I need to change my perspective in order to lose weight and keep it off. I feel like having a little motivation from someone who understands the struggle will definitely help! Thanks so much y'all!
  • Lauramo06
    Lauramo06 Posts: 15 Member
    Welcome to all newbies.

    I had a horrible weekend.... I had a friend die in a car accident. Good news is I didnt eat much bad news is I didnt eat much and what I did eat was crap. I dont feel like exercising at all. I just want her back. sorry to be a bummer today. :(
  • GillianSmith2
    GillianSmith2 Posts: 387 Member
    @Lauramo06 so sorry to hear your news, take care of your self, you are in my thoughts
  • karina0679
    karina0679 Posts: 51 Member
    Hello everyone, I have been overweight for as long as I can remember. Currently I am at the highest weight I've ever been and feel so down about it. Some days I can't even stand looking in the mirror. I want to lose weight but always end up giving up because I crave the junk food. Any tips or advice would be appreciated. Thank you
  • FitEqualsSmile
    FitEqualsSmile Posts: 160 Member
    @karina0679 - you just have to take it one day at a time. I find when I am starting to stray I hit the boards for motivation. And log everything before you eat it. It makes a hugh difference for me. Maybe start with changing one thing. Stop drinking soda, add more veggies, stop eating out; even one of these will make a difference. Good luck. Feel free to friend me.

    MFPJVAL Posts: 11 Member
    Hi all, my name is Judy and I have been struggling with my weight for the last 13 years. I have tried several different ways to lose weight but only managed to yo-yo. About 4 years ago I joined weight watchers and did great. I lost 40 lbs and was feeling great! Friends and family started saying " you look great, you don't to diet any more" or " one more bite won't hurt". Guess what it did!! Now I'm back at it. Just joined a gym and I'm working with a trainer along with trying to eat healthy and change my mentality on how I view weight loss. I am now telling myself this is a
    Lifestyles change NOT a diet, so NO I don't need to stop! I would really like a support group that I can look to when I'm struggling and somewhere i can make friends that understand where I come from.. So here I am and I need your help!
  • bluepoppies777
    bluepoppies777 Posts: 438 Member
    Karen, good luck with the cleanse! Keep us posted! I've tried a few in year's past, but I never see the results I am looking for, and I just get crazy cranky!!! Lol
    Gillian and Rachel, I sure admire you two and your martial arts! Way to go, you guys inspire me so Koch!
    Rachel, don't even talk to me about going to I laws and being nervous about the food. Yikes! 5 days away for the funeral and there was barely anything healthy, no gym in sight and I was completely off the rails. Good luck and enjoy your time there. I find it works for me to try to eat the proper portions rather than worry about what I am eating (within reason, not Cheetos and wine for dinner!) lol! Work hard this week before you go!
    Laura, so sorry about your friend. What a shock. Hopefully you will be able to take care of yourself this week.
    Welcome to the noobs. The beginning is so hard, and can be overwhelming. We were all there, feeling like we can't even go one day within calories. But take it one day, hour, meal at a time and believe in yourselves! Small daily changes and telling yourself you DO have will power works! We are all in the same boat, and have good days and bad days. Check in with is and we will support you!