Motivation, Success and Frustration Sharing!



  • GillianSmith2
    GillianSmith2 Posts: 387 Member
    Hi, My name is Gillian but i prefer Gill. I am 44 years old, married and have 2 teenage boys 17 and 14 and live in the UK. I have been a yoyo dieter most of my life. I get to a healthy weight and then stop dieting, never managing to get to maintenance. I thinks thats why i had a wobble a few days ago as i have been here for 139 days and lost 22lbs with only 8lbs left to go its quite scary knowing where to go next. But with all your great support its got me over the wobble and back to being positive :) Onwards with the journey :)
  • Samgrim91
    Samgrim91 Posts: 25 Member
    edited March 2016
    Good day today - only left the house to go for a 25min walk this evening with the hubby. Was under my calories but didn't quite hit my steps. No gym tomorrow night will be running round doing all the bits we planned on doing on Saturday (Food shopping etc) our towns football and rugby clubs are both playing home matches on Saturday and some idiot thought it would be a good idea to put their stadiums on the same side of town! We live walking distance to the football grounds so will not be leaving the house on Saturday. It normally brings the town to a standstill when they both have matches! Small Achievement of the day: I had to tighten my Fitbit! The usual hole I use on the wristband was too big now! :D
  • tazzy2911
    tazzy2911 Posts: 323 Member
    Oh my god ladies, I thought boxercise was tough on Tuesday night...went to circuits tough!! And scary to see how unfit I really am!!! Could only do about 5 or 6 push ups in a minute!! Thought my core was my biggest issue, turns out I've no upper body strength either!!!! I'm going to be so sore tomorrow!! :s I was signed up for another class tomorrow (bums tums and thighs) but I cancelled it, I know I'll be too sore! I'm still going to go to the gym though and try walk it off on the treadmill!!

    Little bit about me...I'm Sinead, 32 from Ireland (so getting the same crappy weather as the girls in the uk!!) I lost 50 lbs with ww a couple of years ago and have managed to keep most of it off, but still have about 25 lbs to go so back on the wagon now! I'm married, no kids but have 2 dogs (they're my babies!!)
    Thanks shy again for starting this thread and to everyone for being so active on it! It really is inspiring! Love logging on and getting notification with loads of new comments!!

  • ChangeIsADecision
    ChangeIsADecision Posts: 709 Member

    HA!! LOVE IT!!! :D That's awesome!
  • ChangeIsADecision
    ChangeIsADecision Posts: 709 Member
    #dailycheckin.... I'm jealous of all you Happy Scalers! I have an Android .... No Happy Scale! :/ Any other Android users .... do you have an alternative?

    It looks like everyone is doing well - I fudge today at lunch. BUT I logged it - I guess, how do you log when you go out and have no idea what how to log what you ate? I completely guessed. Better than nothing. I found a spreadsheet with a graph b/c I feel like if I see it over a period of a few weeks I'll stay motivated. Today's lunch disappointed me a little. I totally gave into the sour cream but I did eat a lot of salad, I just didn't make the best decisions.

    I saw this on Insta this AM.... Had to share!

  • ashbashsweets
    ashbashsweets Posts: 61 Member
  • dschoenbein
    dschoenbein Posts: 17 Member
    ShyCush6 wrote: »
    I'm thinking it's time to share our names and maybe how much we have to lose again.. We have quite a few newcomers! Thanks to all the ones that have stuck it out with me for so long!! Love it!! Also love the new contributors that are great at checking in!!
    I do better when I have names to go with cheering, so share if you'd like!
    I'm Shy <---that's my name... (most people think I am really shy, which I am not) short for Shyanne... and my goal is about 45 lbs. give or take. This is my second go at MFP and I found core groups of motivators really helps me! I lost 35 lbs last time and lost my mojo and here I am again! =( No other excuse besides the fact that I let it all go for some idiotic reason... slowly gained it back and didn't stop it until I was at the "WTH just happened faze" I am addicted to sweets that is my main problem... finally over the soda crap so I beat that now. I'm 40 with a 14 (going on 20) daughter who inspires me everyday to get fit! So here we go! =)

    Great idea Shy. My name is Dawn. I am a teacher from the US but I live abroad. I have for 10 years in 3 different countries. Right now I am in Saudi I often wish for the weather in the UK...but it will never happen here. :) I have lost 30 pounds since October and have about 70 more to go. I am really grateful to the support everyone gives one another here! IT really makes a difference when things get tough.
  • dschoenbein
    dschoenbein Posts: 17 Member
    tazzy2911 wrote: »
    Oh my god ladies, I thought boxercise was tough on Tuesday night...went to circuits tough!! And scary to see how unfit I really am!!! Could only do about 5 or 6 push ups in a minute!! Thought my core was my biggest issue, turns out I've no upper body strength either!!!! I'm going to be so sore tomorrow!! :s I was signed up for another class tomorrow (bums tums and thighs) but I cancelled it, I know I'll be too sore! I'm still going to go to the gym though and try walk it off on the treadmill!!

    Little bit about me...I'm Sinead, 32 from Ireland (so getting the same crappy weather as the girls in the uk!!) I lost 50 lbs with ww a couple of years ago and have managed to keep most of it off, but still have about 25 lbs to go so back on the wagon now! I'm married, no kids but have 2 dogs (they're my babies!!)
    Thanks shy again for starting this thread and to everyone for being so active on it! It really is inspiring! Love logging on and getting notification with loads of new comments!!

    Sinead..I know how you feel. You are right...walk off the soreness and get that lactic acid out of your muscles!! It is so tempting to just sit around when you are sore, but the walking is great to help.
  • CariTJR
    CariTJR Posts: 343 Member
    edited March 2016
    #dailycheckin.... I'm jealous of all you Happy Scalers! I have an Android .... No Happy Scale! :/ Any other Android users .... do you have an alternative?

    I have an android and I did have a quick look the other day, there do seem to be a few alternatives to Happy Scale in the Play Store, but I didn't download any of them. I might have a proper look over the weekend though and see what I can find. I'll let you know. :smile:
    It looks like everyone is doing well - I fudge today at lunch. BUT I logged it - I guess, how do you log when you go out and have no idea what how to log what you ate? I completely guessed. Better than nothing.

    I have this problem sometimes too, this is one of my main 'issues' about eating out, i'm fine if the menu has calories (obviously) but when it doesn't it REALLY throws me. I just tend to look up the nearest thing in the MFP datatbase and then take the entry with the highest calorie count to err on the side of caution. Or if i'm feeling really naughty, I just don't bother logging it at all haha. Bad Cari!

    Ok, so following on from the other posts - I'm Cari which is pronounced 'Carrie' (think Sex In The City), I live just north of London (born a Londoner!) with my partner who is a mountain bike fanatic. We're not married and we don't have any kids, mainly because my OH is like a kid and still thinks he's 15 lol. I'm 40 in May and have yo-yo'd with my weight through the last 15 years or so, but decided that I can't face turning 40 AND being fat, so here I am. I did a stint on MFP a couple of years ago and lost 30lb, but became lazy and complacent and it all crept back on, this time I am determined not to do the same again. I've lost 21lb so far and I have another 30 or so to go, i'm not concrete about his though, and I'll decide when I get nearer my goal how I feel. In the meant time I have started trying to run again after many years, and I'm working hard to build it up, but it's a slow process (although I am seeing progress). I also walk a fair bit, and I really need to get back to my yoga class, because I enjoy it, and because my instructor is also a friend and she keeps telling me off. I stumbled across this thread and am so happy I did, because everyone has been super welcoming, inspiring, motivational and so helpful about so many things. Plus everyone listens to my moaning and never tells me to shut up! :wink:
  • ngolden3320
    ngolden3320 Posts: 360 Member
    Hi I'm Nichole I'm 47 and I live in Ohio with my hubby and 3 kids. I was always fit when I was younger. Played softball and volleyball, then I got married had kids switched to a job where I don't walk around to much. Have tried numerous times to lose weight but I guess I was ready to commit. I have lost 10 #'s so far and have 30 more to go. I know this is my time. I am finally in the right frame of mind or something. I actually enjoy going to the gym now (all except for the treadmill, that thing is just torture for me. I don't know why but I really hate that thing). I really thing MFP and all of my friends here are what is helping me to stick wit it this time. So a Big thanks to all of you.

    Happy Friday to all of you :) It finally got here.
  • ChangeIsADecision
    ChangeIsADecision Posts: 709 Member
    CariTJR wrote: »
    #dailycheckin.... I'm jealous of all you Happy Scalers! I have an Android .... No Happy Scale! :/ Any other Android users .... do you have an alternative?

    I have an android and I did have a quick look the other day, there do seem to be a few alternatives to Happy Scale in the Play Store, but I didn't download any of them. I might have a proper look over the weekend though and see what I can find. I'll let you know. :smile:

    Awesome Cari.... Love this thread too!!

  • ChangeIsADecision
    ChangeIsADecision Posts: 709 Member
    #dailycheckin - I'm Jen, I turn 42 in July. I got married very young (19 yrs old), got divorced (23 yrs old) - gained almost 100 lbs in the 3 years I was with my first husband. I moved to Indiana to be close to my family and get away from that situation and lost 75lbs over the course of 6 mos to a year. Fast forward 15 years and I meet the love of my life and we love to cook. So some of the weight has come back on and that's what I'm trying to lose now.

    This is great... I'm happy to meet everyone. i'll have to bookmark this page so i can go back and see everyone's story! - We've got a fun weekend planned.... a friend got a Groupon for a winery tour, lunch and wine for Christmas so we'll be touring a winery tomorrow. So excited!

    This AM's workout was a fun filled time of Turbo Jam... then my laptop DVD player quit again - 20 mins into it! So I hopped on the trusty elliptical for my last 10 mins.
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    I am so glad I finally have names to put to faces- thanks Shy for having us do proper intros!

    Jen (@jkhoffe)- I know you're going to rock that 7K! It's really cool that your husband is active with you. And there's nothing bad about slow weight loss. You're making sustainable changes that are going to stick with you for the long term

    Jen (@ChangeisaDecision) Your winery plans sound amazing! You'll have to share if you find a new must have bottle!

    Nichole- I'm with you, the treadmill is the dreadmill. I'm all about doing any activity that doesn't have me chained to a machine, thank goodness there are so many other options!

    Cari- I don't think you're a whiner at all! You're out there accomplishing amazing things, joining new groups, and constantly challenging your status quo of fitness. You're rocking it!

    Dawn- That is so cool that you've been able to live globally. What are some of the biggest differences between Saudi Arabia and the US?

    Joy- 30 pounds since October?!? You're incredible!!! You are going to smoke your goal!
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member

    Does any one else have a fear when they start a new activity that they will lose their strength/stamina that they built from old activities? I feel like I'm starting to get concerned over my strength/endurance because I'm focusing on sports now instead of just pure cardio/weightlifting.

    I went to Muay Thai last night and had so much fun that I ended up being there for over 2 1/2 hours! The guys spent a ton of time working with my on my truly atrocious technique. I seriously can't believe how nice and welcoming they are to a newbie. This morning my body decided that 5am was a perfectly acceptable time to be wide awake (not thrilled body, not thrilled) so I went for a quick 4 miler just to make sure I haven't lost my running mojo. You don't realize how much of running is core work until you go running with a sore core, youch!

  • CariTJR
    CariTJR Posts: 343 Member
    edited March 2016
    jkhoffe wrote: »
    Have a 7K tomorrow, and will do my 2nd half marathon with my husband in the fall.
    I’m jealous, you’re doing so well with your running. Good luck for tomorrow, I’m sure you’ll smash it!
    Rachel0778 wrote: »
    Cari- I don't think you're a whiner at all!
    Thank you, I’m not sure my OH would agree with that statement though lol. It’s just the weather, I need to trade places with Dawn in Saudi for about 6 months of the year….
    Rachel0778 wrote: »
    so I went for a quick 4 miler just to make sure I haven't lost my running mojo.
    Again, very jealous, the day I can say I went for a "quick 4 miler" I will be one happy girl. Rachel, you rock, you are like the epitome of fitness inspiration.

    It's really nice to hear a little bit about everybody, it makes you feel closer as a group, more like friends than just someone on the other side of a screen. I always find it a bit odd when you're speaking to somebody and all you've got is a screen name to refer to them by - great idea Shy. :smile:

    And it's Friday again people! Yipeeee. And you know what? Even better, it's SUNNY today - wooohooo! This makes me a very happy lady indeed. Hope you're all having wonderful days today.

  • danan01
    danan01 Posts: 136 Member
    Happy Friday! Thanks, Shy! It is nice to know names, as it makes it a little more personal. I'm Dana. I am turning 39 next month and live in Louisiana with my husband and 3 kids (18, 16, 14). I have yo yo'd with the weight probably since high school. Maybe 8 years ago now I was at a high and I was able to lose about 40 pounds and felt great. But then life happens, and I didn't pay attention and ended up even higher than before. Back in September when I started this time I was at my all time high and finally I am realizing that I can be in control of this, I just have to put in the work. I just have to be consistent. And I don't want to turn 40 being as unhealthy as I was. So, since then I am down about 26 pounds with a goal of around 60 more. We will see though the closer I get. I am jealous of all of you and your exercise. I don't get much by way of exercise. I do walk when the weather is nice (which is hasn't been here lately) and I am occasionally going to a trampoline aerobics class when I can fit it in my schedule. That is a lot of fun! Well, I know it is going to take time to get there, but this time I am in the right frame of mind that if I just keep going, eventually I will make it. As long as I am going in the right direction! It is great to hear some of your stories to know that I am not alone in this. This is a great group and you all keep me motivated to keep going every day! Hope everyone has a great weekend!
  • ngolden3320
    ngolden3320 Posts: 360 Member
    Cari-glad to hear that it is finally sunny. I'm not sure what it is like in Ohio yet as I start work at 4 am and it is pitch black. Kind of been chained to my office today so I couldn't even tell you if the sun came up yet. LOL
  • CariTJR
    CariTJR Posts: 343 Member
    You know what Friday means? Meme time! :smiley:
    time! -
  • CariTJR
    CariTJR Posts: 343 Member
    Last one before I go, this is me for sure -

  • GillianSmith2
    GillianSmith2 Posts: 387 Member