Natural sugars



  • ricktrill
    ricktrill Posts: 19 Member
    vismal wrote: »
    ricktrill wrote: »
    In all of the years that I've been training, studying and helping people; I've found that giving out long, exhaustive explanations about how and why certain things shouldn't be done, only serves to intimidate them and does more negative than positive. I'm familiar with the information you've provided, but I can only speak from my own personal experiences. I understand that all experiences are different, and different macro and micro nutrients are going to be required for people depending on goals, weight, gender, body type, genetics, etc. This is the reason I kept the explanation short, and provided a sort-of template information for doing something in the immediate while also answering simply that fruit sugars aren't a negative. This is also the reason I included the qualifier "keep learning," because there many schools of thought on this particular subject, and it's important for everyone to find what works for them. :)

    So basically what you're saying is you gave less then optimal advice because most people aren't smart enough to understand something slightly more complicated (ratio vs simple mathematical equation) and that personal experiences are more important than evidence based guidelines supported by research?

    I'm quite certain the original person who posted this inquiry didn't see my answer in any way as insulting her intelligence. I'm not sure how you came to that conclusion. And yes, I would strongly advise again basing everything someone does on some "study" they see because the information is constantly changing, and what is gospel one day is junk science the next, as you demonstrated by saying the information I gave was "outdated." Everyone is different, and what works for some people may not work for others.
  • kgirlhart
    kgirlhart Posts: 5,010 Member
    If you don't have any problems with sugar (ie. diabetes) then I wouldn't worry about it. I would weigh them and log them and as long as they fit into your calorie goal then it is fine. I never worry about natural sugars and I don't really worry about added sugars either.
  • matean444
    matean444 Posts: 10 Member
    edited April 2016
    I do believe sugar is a problem. Simple or complex carbohydrates turn into sugar in the body. In fact, a slice of whole wheat bread causes higher glycemic reaction than white flour bread.

    New, and also old research long buried but now revived strongly suggests that sugar is the culprit in the great increase diabetes, heart and cancer issues, etc., because of the inflammation all carbohydrates cause.

    As for fructose, including "natural" raw honey and agave that so many health food places use, is one of the worse sugars.

    A quote from Maria Emmerich

    "The only organ in your body that can take up fructose is your liver. The first thing that eating fructose does is causing an increase in uric acid. Fructose inhibits nitric oxide, which would otherwise reduce our blood pressure.

    This is why fructose is famous for causing hypertension (high blood pressure).

    Fructose also initiates what’s known as lipogenesis, excess fat production. And the third thing that fructose does in the liver is it initiates an enzyme that inhibits our insulin receptors. That means your insulin levels all over your body have to rise…causing a whole slew of problems, including weight gain.Between 1970 and 2003 our average consumption of fructose increased from less than half a pound per year to 56 pounds per year. We were never designed to take in so much fructose. Even some natural sweeteners have lots of fructose. From 90 to 97 percent of the sugar in agave nectar is fructose. Up to half of the sugar in some varieties of honey is fructose."

    You may want to do your own research on sugar, to get an answer that satisfies your concerns.
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    That is a conceptual illustration of diurnal insulin action from a blog, not data. Here's some data :-

  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,401 MFP Moderator
    yarwell wrote: »
    That is a conceptual illustration of diurnal insulin action from a blog, not data. Here's some data :-


    Out of curiosity, the point being is?
  • AlyM725
    AlyM725 Posts: 158 Member
    Noel_57 wrote: »
    here is some pertinent information:

    Preach! Preach!
  • fr33sia12
    fr33sia12 Posts: 1,258 Member
    10ssmith wrote: »
    Foods that contain natural sugars such as grapes . Are they okay to eat while staying in your calorie limit? Like how much is a bad thing ? Do I need to watch sugar intake as a whole ?

    I asked my doctor about sugars as there's so much info and different opinions about how much sugar we can eat and from what sources. He told me sugar is sugar, the body doesn't know what the source is and it all has an effect on the body. And that I should try keep the amount of sugar I eat low no matter where it comes from. Yes it's better for you to eat fruit than say a donut or sweet, but they all still contain sugar. So for me personally I would rather still track sugar and try keep it low. @10ssmith I would say yes keep a track of sugar too, it certainly can't hurt you.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    How many daily fruit are recommended by your national food guide? That's your guideline. You can go over or under without hurting anything as long as you stay within your calorie goals.