Fit for Fall Challenge - 6/20 - 9/05



  • Huskeryogi
    Huskeryogi Posts: 578 Member
    @ MamaDee2 - that is an AMAZING loss for 1 week! Holy schnikeys!!!! You go, girl!

    @ islander22 - the excel flle will be maintained by myself & koeniginhla

    Welcome to the newest members of the challenge!!! :flowerforyou:

    At the top of page 10 I have a posting that summarizes the format of the challenge
    At the top of page 16 I have a posting that provides the Google Doc link (copy/paste into your web browser) that contains the excel file to track everyone's progress

    Thanks for joining!

    Thank you so much for putting together the excel file! It's going to be really cool to see how the group does overall!
  • Barrettmomof3
    Barrettmomof3 Posts: 140 Member
    Week One Check in!
    SW: 218
    CW : 217

    On the way!! Everyone Keep up the good work.
  • Jessicapages
    Jessicapages Posts: 427
    1st week weigh-in:
    Oh well I am happy that I didn't gain!!This is a new week and I am going to try and lose 1-2 pounds!
  • Thank you all for your have no idea how much of an encouragement this challenge has been for me. I did good with the challenge last week, met water goal every day and carried by baby (17 pounds now) when I went for walks. This week I will be trying to do an exercise DVD...have never done one, but excited to try. Will do something light due to ankle (might try the pilates). Thank everyone for the motivation to meet the goals we have set! Good luck to everyone and good job...

    CW: 136

    Happy Monday and great job everybody so far! Keep it up!
  • appleskye
    appleskye Posts: 54
    Hi! I only took my Week 1 weight yesterday, and it's still about the same today.
    So CW: 156.
    Well done to everyone sticking at this for a week! I can tell this is going to be a great motivator for me. Thanks to the moderators for all your hard work!
  • laursed
    laursed Posts: 73 Member
    Hope it's not too late to join....I would love to check in with someone every Monday.
    CW 271.7
    GW 245

    I worked hard last week and lost 2 lbs! I am exercising 5-6 days each week. I've lost half an inch from my waist and hips, I never thought I would be so happy about half an inch!:happy:
  • oliviawink
    oliviawink Posts: 713 Member
    Perfect timing on the challenge ideas as usual with this group! Since I'm off the running for the time being I have to find something else to do anyways and this will help me focus. For this week I'm going to do the Self magazine Your Best Body Fast workouts. There are 8 total on Hulu and I just put them all in my queue.

    Oh I NEVER thought to check hulu, I've been using netflix instant. What a good idea. I'm going to go check that out, as netflix (last I looked) only has 3 self workouts...
  • ces223
    ces223 Posts: 2
    Here we go. Weighed Saturday 204.4. YAY! The speed walking is helping.
    I really want to get down the rest of the weigh (way).
    Looking forward to a new week. Anybody else out there "race"walking? I am only doing it about 30 minutes a day, at my lunch time, but it has made a difference already.
    See you next week. Hopefully with more good news.
  • oliviawink
    oliviawink Posts: 713 Member
    I'd really love to join you, even though I'm a week late. Here is my info:
    CW (6/26): 155
    GW (9/05): 146
    NSV: lower my BP by 5 points
    Thanks for posting this!


    That's a great NSV!! My favorite success stories on here are when people post about going to the doctor after 6 months (or however long) on MFP, and have normalized their blood pressure, cholesterol, etc. and are able to come off their meds. That seems to be a really rewarding outcome of this whole process. :)

    @ CalieI KNEW the doctor in the house was going to love that one when I read it.
    Great NSV Lisa - there's nothing more important than your health!
  • krfederico
    krfederico Posts: 26 Member
    6-20 SW 291
    6-27 CW 289

    Down 2 lbs!
    Yeah. I've been living in 300's and 290's for a few years now. It's great to see a new number. Goodbye 300's and 290's. Here I come 270's.
  • oliviawink
    oliviawink Posts: 713 Member
    SW (6/20): 164.5 GW: 158
    CW (6/28: 164

    Like Jess, I am battling TOM. I feel the bloat everywhere. On Thursday the scale was reading 163, but weigh-in today had me higher again b/c of the water retention (from TOM and yesterday's beer intake I suppose). Not worried about 164, just makes me want to push a little harder so that smaller number comes back next week.

    As one of my NSVs is to not weigh everyday (which ironically isn't a true NSV b/c it's about the scale). I can't get back on the scale until Friday. I better be good so I can do the happy dance (just like Ailene :drinker: ) after weigh in.

    Last week's goals: 4/7 working out with weights. 7/7 water

    This week's goal: found a great looking recipe on for cold quinoa salad, and I haven't had quinoa (for those unfamiliar: It's a high protein grain) in ages. Got some at the grocery store, can't wait to make it tonite as a side. Also made a HUGE asian chicken salad for lunches this week. Lots of protein AND fiber!
  • panda0619
    panda0619 Posts: 6
    I know I'm a week behind, but is it too late to join this challenge? I have a starting weight from this Saturday, but I'm going to weigh in on Monday mornings.

    6/25 SW: 207
    6/27 CW: 203.5
    NSV goal: Run a half marathon in the fall, which of course means consistently training through the summer.
  • Mel36Run
    Mel36Run Posts: 114 Member
    I know I am a week late but I would love to join this group.

    SW 244
    CW 181
    GW 150

    My goal is to lose 20 pounds during the challenge. Todays weight is 181 goal for challenge 161. I also want to shave time off my trail race in August. I would like to beat my March race time by at least 5 minutes.
  • Tissues
    Tissues Posts: 361 Member
    SW 143.6
    todays weight 149

    I didn't even think it was possible to gain that much weight in a week so UP 5.4.. I'm swollen.. badly. Even my face. So I'm on sodium cleanse this week and plan to see that number dramatcially decrease by next week (you know.. back to 143 would be awesome..). I had fun this weekend.. too much fun. I met my NSV of only getting on the scale 2x this week, but didn't tone it on the Alcohol like I should have (weddings.. you know..)

    all in all I'm pretty down on myself this morning, but I have a glme plan so i just have to see it through from start to finish.
  • ceejay000
    ceejay000 Posts: 402 Member
    Here's my weigh-in:

    SW: 143.5
    Week 1: 142.0

    GW: 135.5

    Good job to everyone this week for just coming back here and checking in, regardless of the number on the scale. Keep up the good work. :)
  • MCPTeach
    MCPTeach Posts: 4
    YAY RAH! Back on track!

    SW: 214
    CW: 211.2


    So, do we do the 10 glasses of water this week or is that for last week and I missed it?

  • anbuckmaster
    anbuckmaster Posts: 51 Member
    SW: 133
    CW: 132.5

    Lost .5 lbs

    I got the 10 cups of water in most days and tried to add more weight to my workouts. I also worked out 5/7 days last week which is a NSV for me since I usually give up if I am a little sore instead of pushing through so I'm feeling pretty proud of myself.
  • Sealgirl
    Sealgirl Posts: 7
    Boo.. I had company this week and they eat A LOT. It was hard to withstand but I did a pretty good job. Gained back 4 lbs, but am back down 3. So my weigh in is 1 lb heavier than last week. Hopefully this week will be easier and I will see some results!

    SW: 165
    CW: 166
  • Lavmann
    Lavmann Posts: 54 Member
    Week 1 weigh in: 247.0
    Drank all my water and worked out with weights most days of work out, unless I was just running (doing the c25k and just couldn't stomach the additional weight)
  • helena98
    helena98 Posts: 327
    SW: 202.6
    CW: 199.0

    NSV: Stay at calorie limit = 2/7 days

    Yay for week one! I was really surprised to see a 3.6 lb weight loss, especially since I only stayed at my calorie limit 2 out of 7 days. I think the extra calorie burn came from all my late spring/yard cleaning projects.

    The real challenge will be if I can have a weight loss in week 2. My pattern this summer has been lose one week, gain the next week, with NEVER 2 weeks in a row of weight loss. I'll aim for more days in my NSV, and hopefully I'll have success!

    Great job, everyone, for sticking with the challenge and reporting in today! It's all helpful feedback, seeing what worked last week, what didn't work, and making positive changes the next week. Love it!

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