Women over 40 who want to lose weight, support and motivate each other.



  • dkayingram
    dkayingram Posts: 737 Member
    Hi all, I am 48 down 14lbs and have about 40 to go! Count me in.
  • dinopaw
    dinopaw Posts: 2 Member
    Count me in. I'm about to turn 42. Yikes. 6 lbs down, 24 lbs to lose.......
  • prettygirlstorm1
    prettygirlstorm1 Posts: 722 Member
    Hi all I'm Vada 49 and I have 40 pounds to lose. I also do weight watchers and I am down 15 so far. I am so committed to this. I will not be 50 and fat!! Feel free to add me!!!
  • lucyleigh4
    lucyleigh4 Posts: 33 Member
    zenmummy wrote: »
    lucyleigh4 wrote: »
    Good luck to you all! You CAN do it! I am almost 41 and have lost 25-30 lbs (depending on where I am in my goal range) in the past year. I am the same size I was in high school. And I have 5 children. It can be done!! Weigh all foods and log every morsel that goes into your mouth.

    That is so nice to hear. I have done exactly that for just over a month, and hope that I will not only lose this weight, but adopt good habits for life.

    I still log my foods and weigh everyday. Helps keep me in check!

  • cesser1
    cesser1 Posts: 63 Member
    Hello. I am 45 and am in kg world. Want to get rid of 33 of them in the long run, but first goal is 23. Add me as well, and I shall do more than just like.
  • jc1229
    jc1229 Posts: 220 Member
    Hi! Add me! My name is Julie and I'm 42. Ive lost 10lbs so far and looking to lose another 70lbs. I'm on here every day so can definitely help support and motivate you! The more friends the merrier! ☺
  • prgirl39mfp
    prgirl39mfp Posts: 3,154 Member
    HI everybody,
    I'm 48 (almost 49) I've been struggling with the same 10 - 15 for about 3 years now. My dream is to actually compete in a Figure Competition just to prove to myself i can do it!! I have some serious psychological road blocks to being able to stick to my eating plan (even when my calorie allowance/macro allowance is pretty high!!) I'm also going through a lot of peri menopausal stuff that makes losing weight even more difficult! I'm going to send out some requests but if i happen to miss you and you want to send me one please do!!!

    Pre menopause...don't get me started. I dealt with my psychological issues with a therapist. I no longer overeat. Totally recommend it.
  • prgirl39mfp
    prgirl39mfp Posts: 3,154 Member
    cvhbryant wrote: »
    I'm turning 41 this year and just started training for a marathon (life goal!) I'm here to loose the 15-20 that I've settled with over the past few years. I have a major sugar addiction and find that I don't do extreme diets well. I don't do well knowing that I "can't" have something. I'm using MFP to help me with moderation and portion control as well as weight loss. I've had a very disciplined week and am feeling great about it. Happy to join, motivate and support!

    Portion control is key. I purchased a food scale and it has done wonders for me. I measure everything.
  • prgirl39mfp
    prgirl39mfp Posts: 3,154 Member
    Diem78 wrote: »
    I will be 38 this Summer. But am already peri-menopausal and have over 100 lbs to lose. Gawd. I hate even saying that. I was HOT about 10 years ago. :( Can I get in?!

    I was HOT too!! Time to bring Sexy BACK!! hahahhaa
  • Pinkvela
    Pinkvela Posts: 21 Member
    I'm 57 and I thought my increased weight was the "new normal" and I just had to deal with the menopause look, i.e. the little belly and added weight on the hips, but now I see that it doesn't have to be that way. But it does take effort, and reading about other people's journeys helps to keep me on track.
  • chiccam
    chiccam Posts: 239 Member
    Add me! Feeling my forties!
  • djcodered
    djcodered Posts: 1 Member
    Soon to be 47 with 30 lbs to lose. Single and no support from friends or family, find it difficult to be motivated since I work from home. Friends anyone?
  • Jeannie4546
    Jeannie4546 Posts: 8 Member
    I'm 45 and have about 40 left to lose. I have lost about 15 since March. I am doing better now that I gave some friends on here.
  • bodhgaya
    bodhgaya Posts: 5 Member
    I am 45 years old and lost 10 pounds in the last three weeks. 20 more to go... Since I went in menopause last two years, I suddenly gained a lot of weight and felt weak as well. Now I am on the rise again to good health and weight. But I think it is really only about feeling good. If I eat well, eat well and take some 'me-time' for meditation or massage or manicure or whatever makes me feel good, I think losing the weight becomes a little easier. When I am busy with work and the stress that comes with it, I tend to stop taking me time first, followed by stopping exercise and those somehow always lead to eating unhealthy too. At that point, I step in and put 'the feel-good-factors' in place again... And lose weight. To maintain the positive, I think support can really help.
  • prgirl39mfp
    prgirl39mfp Posts: 3,154 Member
    bodhgaya wrote: »
    I am 45 years old and lost 10 pounds in the last three weeks. 20 more to go... Since I went in menopause last two years, I suddenly gained a lot of weight and felt weak as well. Now I am on the rise again to good health and weight. But I think it is really only about feeling good. If I eat well, eat well and take some 'me-time' for meditation or massage or manicure or whatever makes me feel good, I think losing the weight becomes a little easier. When I am busy with work and the stress that comes with it, I tend to stop taking me time first, followed by stopping exercise and those somehow always lead to eating unhealthy too. At that point, I step in and put 'the feel-good-factors' in place again... And lose weight. To maintain the positive, I think support can really help.

    Good for you!! Feeling good plays a mayor role. I had to go to counseling for a number of issues and sadness was one of them sabotaging my efforts. Good for you.
  • atara6
    atara6 Posts: 1 Member
    Add me please! Just turned forty, would like to lose 30!
  • goingforgoal
    goingforgoal Posts: 25 Member
    edited May 2016
    I'd like to join too. I'll be 46 in a few months and we have been empty nesters since last August. I was losing until then and then I started drinking wine! And my hubby makes a killer skinny margarita but you can have too much of a good thing. Right now I have to focus on getting back to where I was and the move on to lose the remaining 25lbs! Oldest daughter graduates college in 11 days so the party planning has begun. Planning to stay focused and hoping MFP can help!
  • TyBdream
    TyBdream Posts: 3 Member
    I'd love some accountability and support! I lost 100# before I turned 40. I had started by walking and clean eating, built up to runing. I lost it all in 7 months. I maintained for 8 months then was training for a half marathon and changed jobs. That through my routine and planning off! I emotional eat already, so I was extra hungry from training and there is always food at schools (my new job) plus McDonald's easy access. Now I'll be 43 next month and back to need to loss 100 lbs it's such a vicious cycle! I did really good clean eating (80%) and walking (was up to run 2 of 3 mile route...and most people walk faster than my run) and lost 15#. Then the next week gained 5 and bam was upset so ate a ton on crap! I am determined to get back on track. I don't want to scale more than 1x a month to not focus on that. I know before I lost inches when I gained, but didn't measure this round. I get upset when my husband tries to hold me accountable, I feel he's judging. ..which I'm sure is in my head. I've been having a hip go out weekly now pinching my sciatic nerve, so I'm to the point of having to lose at least 20. My family is always willing to walk with me. Anyone think you'd be a good accountability partner?
  • kdblpn
    kdblpn Posts: 147 Member
    Anyone feel free to add me too. I am 42 years old. I started my journey here on MFP May 31, 2015. I have lost 149 pounds so far. My diary is open to my friends. I love reading others diaries and getting new food ideas. I started my journey at 442 pounds and I currently weigh 292. My goal weight is 200 ( i may lower that later but I would be tickled pink with 200). I recentlyhad to have my gall bladder removed so the past few weeks have been hit and miss as far as logging but I was sticking to my normal eating habits so I was still able to lose 6 pounds even without logging. Like i said before, feel free to add me..i love having new friends.

  • prgirl39mfp
    prgirl39mfp Posts: 3,154 Member
    Thanks for your posts. We can do this. It just takes a lot of work and determination. Slow progress is still progress. With supoort the journey is much easier.