calling all moms : )



  • cyndyjlo
    cyndyjlo Posts: 17 Member
    Hi! I'm new here too - signed up a while back, but now I'm ready to get serious! I have four children: 9, 6, 6, and 9 months old. I'm not sure how to friend someone on here, but giving and getting the support would really help me!

    *** Anyone who would like to friend me is welcome to! Thanks !
  • angelacasey736
    angelacasey736 Posts: 249 Member
    I have a 7 year old and a 19 month old - always looking for new friends to support one another. This community has been a blessing to me! Please feel free to friend me and i look forward to cheering you on!!
  • JustTara99
    JustTara99 Posts: 3 Member
    I am a working mama to 2 little girls - 3yo and 8 month old..anyone can feel free to friend me... Always looking for more support and to share my experiences :happy:
  • _angua_
    _angua_ Posts: 35
    I have a 16 month old and a twelve week old, so I know exactly how you feel. I am trying to add more exercising through the day by taking the little ones on walks and getting them involved in being active even at a young age.
  • SugarBaby1987
    SugarBaby1987 Posts: 62 Member
    Hi! I have a three and a half year old daughter, a two and a half year old son, a one and a half year old son, and a two month old daughter. I have a lot of weight to lose, but I am determined to do it. I mainly want to be healthy & active, and I am determined not to pass on my horrible eating habits to my children.
  • megz4987
    megz4987 Posts: 1,008 Member
    I have a (almost) 4 month old girl. Feel free to add me!
    I've gained back all the weight I lost (plus30lb) 5-6years ago all in 9months of pregnancy. I have lost close to 45lb and determined to do it the HEALTHY way this time. I want to be an example for my daughter when she gets older. I want to keep up with her and also to be healthy to live long enough to annoy my fiance for a long time to come :x hhaha
  • Jasmine_Moonstone
    Jasmine_Moonstone Posts: 80 Member
    I am the mom to a very energetic almost 5 year old little boy. I am also looking to loose weight & get healthier for my son. I have been walking with a friend a couple of days a week for excersize. We go to a little local park that has a walking track. My son rides in his stroller & then afterwards he gets to play at the play ground while we rest & cool off. We usually walk 3 miles.

    Also I have been using the Leslie Sansone Start Walking At home video. It is a great video that is very easy to follow. I use it when we can not get to the track for whatever reason.
  • PinUpMommy
    PinUpMommy Posts: 94
    Hi! I'm a mom of 3, 5 1/2 year old girl, almost 4 year old boy, and an 18 month old girl. :)
  • HSmamato4
    HSmamato4 Posts: 70
    Stay at home mama to 4 right here. I have a little less than 200 pounds to lose. Yes, you read that right. But I am determined and FED UP (the name of my blog lol) and never going back! Feel free to friend me! So important to have support and accountability.
  • runlorirun
    runlorirun Posts: 389
    I am a mom to three, although mine are much older than the others (20 yrs old, 10 yrs old and 8 yrs old), but I also run a small daycare so I am around little ones all day. I watch ages 12 weeks to 5 yrs old. I adore this age group!

    Feel free to add me.
  • alison_cpb
    alison_cpb Posts: 23
    I'm a Mom of three - 6, 4 and 18months. I also work full-time so finding time to workout is challenging. Right now I walk/run for 60 minutes each morning before everyone gets out of bed... very early days, but it's paying off!

    I'm 5'4" and shooting for 140lbs to start... any other mom's feel free to friend me!
  • dannidoc
    dannidoc Posts: 19
    Hiya ladies im dani mum to 3 girls 4,2 and1 and a sahm too i am also 5ft2 and 147lbs at present hoping to reach 135 for my 25th birthday
  • bstamps12
    bstamps12 Posts: 1,184
    I am mom to a 3 year old girl. On MFP, I have gone from 155 in January to 139 today and I am 5'5". Feel free to add me!
  • DizzieLittleLifter
    DizzieLittleLifter Posts: 1,020 Member
    Hi! Congrats on your new addition! I have two girls, ages 9 and 5. :D I'm at my goal weight, but still trying to lose body%, aiming for 17% (maybe 15 longer term down the road).
  • Rebjones612
    Rebjones612 Posts: 408
    Hello, feel free to friend me.
    I am the mother to a 14 year old daughter and 5 year old son.
    Looks like we have the same goals in mind.
    It always helps to have friends to motivate and support you.
  • kmbutler09
    kmbutler09 Posts: 29 Member
    I have a 9 month old, and am just now getting this weight off. I am 5'3" and am aiming for 130-140. Feel free to add me!
  • I am trying to lose weight also, I am currently 208 and I want to get down to atleast 150 so I can get pregnant again.My daughter is 2 1/2 years old and I still haven't lost any weight, I have gained since I had her! I have been looking for someone to talk to about it losing weight and what is working for them also :) I have been trying to lose weight for so long & I don't feel like anything is working.
  • yvmgil
    yvmgil Posts: 6
    I am a mom and I have been struggling with my weight for a while. I have 3 yr old twins and I am 5'3" and my goal weight is 145#. I just recently rejoined MFP and I am motivated to lose my weight or at least be toned by my birthday, which is around the corner. Along with watching my calories and now walking, I will be starting with a personal trainer today. I will see what he has to offer me before I commit. I have had a personal trainer in the past and I lost body fat and dropped down in weight too. But that was before my twins and recently I have an no motivation to loose the excess weight. I hope you can be as motivation to me as well. I will keep you posted. Thanks for sharing.

    SW 162
    GW 145
  • mbeach1977
    mbeach1977 Posts: 275 Member
    I have 4 kiddos, 9,7,7,6! Add me if you like!! Having kids definitely makes this lifestyle change more difficult, but I'm doing it!! 19 lbs to go to get to my goal!
  • kynichol21
    kynichol21 Posts: 87
    Hello!!!! I am a mom of a 9 month old girl and step mommy for a 4 year old girl. I am also looking for more moms as my friends. So anyone feel free to add me.
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