Just a perspective shift, someone here wishes they were as fat as you are!



  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    I hope people who are discouraged and disappointed about losing only 2-10 lbs in a week or two and call themselves disgusting take a look at this thread. Someone out there wants to shake you for being so negative when you are doing great.

    I focus on how far I've come and all the positives I've gained.
  • becbec777
    becbec777 Posts: 44 Member
    I love this thread and thank you for the fresh point of view. I wish I could be 16-18 size as right know I'm about 29-22 but I will get there. It's hard work retraining they self.it's almost like being in kindergarten again and learning your ABC's instead how to eat and normal portions and when to stop eating bye, etc etc. just know that each person at their current weight inspires those at higher weights. So paying it forward helps and thank you. Please feel free to add me on as a friend.
  • becbec777
    becbec777 Posts: 44 Member
    Meant to type 20-22 size.
  • ChaleGirl
    ChaleGirl Posts: 270 Member
    This was beautiful to read and soooo true. Thank you for posting! We can be so hard on ourselves instead of loving ourselves whilst on this journey.
    I'm definitely going to try and be more positive, as this has really put things into perspective this morning!
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    What an awesome post. I've always felt this way. I started right where you started, and currently right where you are so I can strongly relate, I just couldn't have articulated it as well. I'm happy, and it saddens me when people post threads where they describe themselves as "gross" or "disgusting" or "failure" at weights I would be totally stoked to reach. These people are missing on so much joy and life. It doesn't make their struggles or feelings any less valid for having only a few pounds to lose, but a change in perspective would make things so much easier and less taxing emotionally.
  • meryl135
    meryl135 Posts: 321 Member
    Such a wonderful reminder, today and everyday! Congratulations to you for making such great progress and achieving healthy changes. Thank you!
  • workin_onit
    workin_onit Posts: 101 Member
    I was thinking about this while I was vainly admiring my 227lb body this morning. I feel GREAT! I know that the body I have, size 16-18, many women on here are horrified to have. I started at 315 (340 if you count pregnancy weight), snug size 26. I've lost nearly 100lbs and seeing my figure emerging again, having the strength and energy I have, being able to shop in a regular department store, all of these things are so fantastic! It's all about perspective! No matter what size you are today, you should make the decision to love yourself and love your body how it is RIGHT NOW, and then love yourself enough to take care of it and get it where you will feel your most healthy. Just a rambling, pre-coffee thought. It is so much easier to take care of someone you love, than someone you hate.... and someone out there is so excited to only need to lose 100 more lbs, 20 more lbs, 5 more lbs.

    This!!! You sound great. And I want to emulate your attitude :smile: Please add me as a friend...
  • TheChrissyT
    TheChrissyT Posts: 263 Member
    I started out at 5'6 230 and now I'm 174 size 8. I feel like I did when I was 230. Dieting is a struggle. I'm feeling like I can't get back on track. ):

    So you can see that the problem isn't your body, it's what you THINK of your body. You should message me and I will send you some ideas and things I did to change my perception of myself. <3 You are beautiful and you're doing great, but the only person that really matters for, is YOU!
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,714 Member
    Great post OP! I can tell you are going to be a successful long-term maintainer given you mindset and thought process. Congrats and keep moving forward!
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    Someone put in perspective for me once: my weight is someone else's goal weight...enjoy the journey.

    So true.
  • gianna42
    gianna42 Posts: 5,991 Member
    What a great post! There are so many people who need to hear this - including me. I need to lose 30 and like you once did, hate looking at pictures of myself, or dressing in a way that people may think that I think I look good already. Totally sabotaging thoughts! You are so right about loving ourselves enough to take care of our bodies, and that includes loving through slip-ups and set-backs - they will happen but it doesn't make us failures since we're all human.
    Thank you so much for sharing -your great attitude will go a long way toward your success!
  • Rushbrook60
    Rushbrook60 Posts: 95 Member
    Wow! That was actually a really good message to send out! Thank you for the thought and reflection
  • Mouse_Potato
    Mouse_Potato Posts: 1,495 Member
    I love this! I spent five months in a cast and I regained some weight and lost some muscle in the process. I have recently gone back to the gym and I "checked in" on Facebook with the message "Getting mah body back!" Much to my surprise, a friend commented "Can I have your current body?" It was quite the eye opener! We are our own worst critics.
  • TheChrissyT
    TheChrissyT Posts: 263 Member
    I love this! I spent five months in a cast and I regained some weight and lost some muscle in the process. I have recently gone back to the gym and I "checked in" on Facebook with the message "Getting mah body back!" Much to my surprise, a friend commented "Can I have your current body?" It was quite the eye opener! We are our own worst critics.

    We really are. There was a thread awhile back about what people didn't like about their looks, and ask I scrolled through I saw some of the most beautiful women picking apart things I couldn't even see. There's so much pressure to be perfect, but we aren't airbrushed in real life. I feel like one of the goals for my journey HAS to be practicing self love/acceptance. I literally stop my own thought and correct it when I start picking myself apart. I still have a really long way to go (probably around 50-60 MORE lbs), so I'd love to only have as far to go as you do too! I'm excited to earn that though.
  • Meganthedogmom
    Meganthedogmom Posts: 1,639 Member
    I <3 this post. I need to remind myself of this! For the most part I am okay with how I look with clothes on, but naked - not a chance. I want to become more accepting of the body I have right now.

    I do see girls on here often who are at my goal weight (same height) wanting to lose 15 or 20lb and I think, "man, I would take it if I was your weight!" But everyone has different goals. I have to remember how far I've come.
  • scubakat67
    scubakat67 Posts: 485 Member
    Wonderful post - thank you so much for sharing! We should celebrate our accomplishments, no matter how small the victory. It's still a victory.
    I started out at 5'6 230 and now I'm 174 size 8. I feel like I did when I was 230. Dieting is a struggle. I'm feeling like I can't get back on track. ):

    And @terrileighfit13 don't get so down on yourself! I'm 5'4-5'5 and you're at my CW and I'm a size 14 (trying to be a size 8) - and that's IF the 14 fits! You're doing an amazing job.

    One of the fitness gurus out there (not sure which one) has the saying "Do your best, forget the rest." Stay positive. Keep that train moving and we will reach our destination.
  • chellycakes
    chellycakes Posts: 348 Member
    Awe, I love this.
  • TheChrissyT
    TheChrissyT Posts: 263 Member
    I <3 this post. I need to remind myself of this! For the most part I am okay with how I look with clothes on, but naked - not a chance. I want to become more accepting of the body I have right now.

    I do see girls on here often who are at my goal weight (same height) wanting to lose 15 or 20lb and I think, "man, I would take it if I was your weight!" But everyone has different goals. I have to remember how far I've come.

    I feel like I'm so far away from where I want to be that I haven't really set any specific number goals. All number goals right now are to lose 8lbs so I can be the weight I was the first time I was horrified by my body. This time I can't wait to be the fattest girl ever that I thought I was then. Then 4lbs after that and I will have lost 100lbs. From there it's 16 more lbs to be under 200. Once I get there I think I will stop focusing on the number and start focusing only on how I look and feel and see where the weight is that is right for ME. One that I can feel good at, be healthy at, and maintain without hating my day to day.
  • SonjaCRice
    SonjaCRice Posts: 6 Member
    I could not love this thread more! thank you all for helping me get out of my funk this morning! @TheChrissyT I sent you a friend request… i would love to hear what has worked for you :)