Help! I have arms like a man.



  • fitmom4lifemfp
    fitmom4lifemfp Posts: 1,575 Member
    Thank you everyone for the cheerful comments. You're right that I shouldn't feel bad because of few folks as long as I'm happy with weight lifting. I like shape of my arms, but I think it's too big, isn't it? I'll keep do weight lifting, and dieting because I think if I lose more weight and fat, my arms might get smaller and toned.

    grizzlygift, your arms are neither big nor manly, but you do have some good definition going on there - keep up the good work!
  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    If you continue to stay in a deficit then you can slim down your arms. No worries, you are doing great!
  • emdeesea
    emdeesea Posts: 1,823 Member
    Your arms are not "too manly." :)
  • lesleyloo7879
    lesleyloo7879 Posts: 439 Member
    Your arms are not manly, sexy yes manly no..... They are just Jealous keep it up beautiful!!!!
  • mathjulz
    mathjulz Posts: 5,514 Member
    I wouldn't say those arms are especially "manly." You have good definition and they don't look out of place with the rest of your physique, which is definitely feminine.

    Are you at your goal weight? If not, as you continue to lose body fat, your arms will slim out as well.I think you look great, by the way. Keep doing what you're doing and ignore the ignorant comments.
  • 737jac737
    737jac737 Posts: 54 Member
    I was taught that heavy weights/low reps gives you big bulky muscles and that alternating comfortable/heavy/comfortable weights with high reps gives you lean muscles. Example: I will do biceps, 3 reps of 12, first rep comfortable weight, second weight one heavier, third rep back to comfortable weight. When I say comfortable, I don't mean easy. I mean the most weight I can do without it being a challenge. Hope this helps.
  • singingflutelady
    singingflutelady Posts: 8,736 Member
    737jac737 wrote: »
    I was taught that heavy weights/low reps gives you big bulky muscles and that alternating comfortable/heavy/comfortable weights with high reps gives you lean muscles. Example: I will do biceps, 3 reps of 12, first rep comfortable weight, second weight one heavier, third rep back to comfortable weight. When I say comfortable, I don't mean easy. I mean the most weight I can do without it being a challenge. Hope this helps.

    so wrong. ALL muscle is lean. Lifting heavy doesn't make you bulky. The OP isn't bulky
  • luckynky
    luckynky Posts: 123 Member
    The problem is not your arms nor does it have anything to do with you. The problem is the men you are finding who have low self-esteem. The first response I read to your post worded it as if "you make men feel inadequate." THAT IS NOT SO. YOU DO NOT MAKE MEN FEEL INADEQUATE! The men feel inadequate due to their own weakness! All you need to do is to keep looking until you find the man who is not weak and who appreciates you for you for the amazing woman you are!
  • upoffthemat
    upoffthemat Posts: 679 Member
    Nice pics, I don't see anything to be ashamed of there. Be proud of all the work you have put in to get those guns!
  • 2011rocket3touring
    2011rocket3touring Posts: 1,346 Member
    Nothing manly about you or your arms. Nice? Absolutely! Manly? Heck no!
  • MalcolmX1983
    MalcolmX1983 Posts: 214 Member
    edited May 2016
    The people telling you this are known as haters.
    They're insecure about their own bodies, so have to resort to putting someone else down.

    You have muscle definition.

    I know girls that would kill to get arms like yours.
    They're not strong girls or into the whole bodybuilding swag either, just regular girls who want a "toned" body.

    Lose some fat if you want, cause fat does add a bit of size, but don't lose that hard earned muscle, just cause some scrawny idiot feels threatened by a strong woman.

    Keep lifting heavy and next time someone says you have man arms, tell them it's cause you're strong and prefer that to being weak.


    I started lifting very heavy because I was told it helps me lose weight, and I did lost 80 lbs so far and it's amazing. But only thing is I have arms like a man. I know having muscles is good, but sometimes I feel unconfident to wear sleeveless top. I've always been told that my arms look like a man. Some of them make fun about my arms like "wow your arms is bigger than mine(men)" or "I'm afraid of you now"
    If I lose more weight by dieting and keep weight lifting plus cardio, does it help me have smaller arms? Or should I stop lifting? (I don't want to stop lifting after seeing the result; weightlost,stronger, better shape.)
    Or I have no hope to fix my arms and have to accept how my body type is.
    Thank you in advance for any advice.

  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,134 Member
    OP, you do not have manly arms. Your friends are idiots.
  • msf74
    msf74 Posts: 3,498 Member
    Thank you everyone for the cheerful comments. You're right that I shouldn't feel bad because of few folks as long as I'm happy with weight lifting. I like shape of my arms, but I think it's too big, isn't it? I'll keep do weight lifting, and dieting because I think if I lose more weight and fat, my arms might get smaller and toned.

    Sounds like a good plan.

    Obviously what's right for you and what you feel comfortable with is the key thing.

    I guess some people would consider your arms to look "masculine" or "manly" and I think for the time being at least those comments may keep coming. Learn to tune them out.
  • Noelani1503
    Noelani1503 Posts: 378 Member
    Lose some fat if you want, cause fat does add a bit of size, but don't lose that hard earned muscle, just cause some scrawny idiot feels threatened by a strong woman.

    I second this. OP, I think you're a beautiful, strong WOMAN. Having strength DOES NOT make you less of a woman. It makes you awesome.

    I don't have strong arms like yours (yet...I'm working on it!), but I do have powerful legs. I would have zero interest in a guy who didn't value that. And a guy who made fun of my strength? Who tried to knock me down because of his insecurities? I wouldn't even tolerate that in a friend.
  • emdeesea
    emdeesea Posts: 1,823 Member
    737jac737 wrote: »
    I was taught that heavy weights/low reps gives you big bulky muscles and that alternating comfortable/heavy/comfortable weights with high reps gives you lean muscles. Example: I will do biceps, 3 reps of 12, first rep comfortable weight, second weight one heavier, third rep back to comfortable weight. When I say comfortable, I don't mean easy. I mean the most weight I can do without it being a challenge. Hope this helps.

    They taught you wrong. Muscles cannot be "shaped."
  • HillSlug98239
    HillSlug98239 Posts: 28 Member
    I wouldn't have taken those comments as them making fun of my arms -- to me, they sound like compliments.

    Enjoy being you. Don't let the negative voices - including the ones in your own head - hold you back.
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    Your arms look like wonderful strong female arms.
  • shor0814
    shor0814 Posts: 559 Member
    Thank you everyone for the cheerful comments. You're right that I shouldn't feel bad because of few folks as long as I'm happy with weight lifting. I like shape of my arms, but I think it's too big, isn't it? I'll keep do weight lifting, and dieting because I think if I lose more weight and fat, my arms might get smaller and toned.

    Nobody else can answer that for you. There will always be someone with a different opinion about your arms but only you can decide what is right for you.