After he cancelled our 2nd date....



  • MalcolmX1983
    MalcolmX1983 Posts: 214 Member
    edited May 2016
    Move on.
    Take it from a guy.
    He wanted the other girl, but it didn't work out.
    He still got the itch to scratch, so that's where you come in.

    You've dodged a bullet.


    He had a genuine reason for the cancellation.

    I met a guy over the weekend and we had a great date on Saturday night. He texted me on Sunday to wish me Happy Mother's Day. Then yesterday morning he texted me saying he wanted me to come over last night. I said ok. But just before I was about to leave he texted me and said "I can't do it tonight." didn't give a reason. I texted back and said "No problem."

    But about 15 minutes ago he sent me 4 texts in a row saying how are you, sorry something came up, I wish I could be with you now. Haven't responded yet. Truthfully I'm really interested in him but him cancelling last night was not cool. Just wondering what my next move should be. Would really appreciate any advice. Thanks!

  • aub6689
    aub6689 Posts: 351 Member
    @myfavoriteyear Yep, I'd do exactly that. He has to make it clear he wants to see you and if it becomes a repeat, then bolt.
  • trish2016
    trish2016 Posts: 156 Member
    edited May 2016
    Play him at his own game don't be overly interested and if he does suggest another date make him wait for a week or so you don't want to seem needy.
    I wouldn't look too much into cancelling so what big deal blokes do that all the time it was only the second date and then he was texting asking how you were so obviously is concerned he messed up.
    If he keeps doing it then something is up like he has another girlfriend / wife or date...check him out on social media see what his profiles are like you will get a good or bad vibe about him and will know where you stand.
  • StephanieJane2
    StephanieJane2 Posts: 191 Member
    Say you'll meet him for coffee or drink, not in your home that way you'll see if he just wants sex
  • kristen6350
    kristen6350 Posts: 1,094 Member
    My rule 1 of dating - First 3 Dates must be "OUT", meaning I either meet you at a place or you come pick me up and we go somewhere. NO House dates until date 4. That way you weed out men who just want some.

    You were either sloppy seconds or he almost got caught (either girlfriend or wife was home). You are better than that. RUN!
  • Gainz147
    Gainz147 Posts: 1,318 Member
    _MistahJ_ wrote: »
    Met him on Saturday, ready to bang him on Monday, starts thread the next day asking random people advice. I'm thinking the guy was lucky something came up and he should run.

    Legend hahahahahahahah
  • finny11122
    finny11122 Posts: 8,436 Member
    I met a guy over the weekend and we had a great date on Saturday night. He texted me on Sunday to wish me Happy Mother's Day. Then yesterday morning he texted me saying he wanted me to come over last night. I said ok. But just before I was about to leave he texted me and said "I can't do it tonight." didn't give a reason. I texted back and said "No problem."

    But about 15 minutes ago he sent me 4 texts in a row saying how are you, sorry something came up, I wish I could be with you now. Haven't responded yet. Truthfully I'm really interested in him but him cancelling last night was not cool. Just wondering what my next move should be. Would really appreciate any advice. Thanks!
    Ye two just met . He probably had something come up. His follow up texts indicate that he likes you . One date at a time. The more ye get to know each other the more time ye will make for each other. Hang out and have a laugh and you will find out what he is really like after 2 or 3 weeks.
  • synchkat
    synchkat Posts: 37,368 Member
    finny11122 wrote: »
    I met a guy over the weekend and we had a great date on Saturday night. He texted me on Sunday to wish me Happy Mother's Day. Then yesterday morning he texted me saying he wanted me to come over last night. I said ok. But just before I was about to leave he texted me and said "I can't do it tonight." didn't give a reason. I texted back and said "No problem."

    But about 15 minutes ago he sent me 4 texts in a row saying how are you, sorry something came up, I wish I could be with you now. Haven't responded yet. Truthfully I'm really interested in him but him cancelling last night was not cool. Just wondering what my next move should be. Would really appreciate any advice. Thanks!
    Ye two just met . He probably had something come up. His follow up texts indicate that he likes you . One date at a time. The more ye get to know each other the more time ye will make for each other. Hang out and have a laugh and you will find out what he is really like after 2 or 3 weeks.

    All hail Finny the voice of reason with whom I happen to totally agree. stuff comes up. at least he cancelled and didn't leave you hanging and waiting
  • finny11122
    finny11122 Posts: 8,436 Member
    synchkat wrote: »
    finny11122 wrote: »
    I met a guy over the weekend and we had a great date on Saturday night. He texted me on Sunday to wish me Happy Mother's Day. Then yesterday morning he texted me saying he wanted me to come over last night. I said ok. But just before I was about to leave he texted me and said "I can't do it tonight." didn't give a reason. I texted back and said "No problem."

    But about 15 minutes ago he sent me 4 texts in a row saying how are you, sorry something came up, I wish I could be with you now. Haven't responded yet. Truthfully I'm really interested in him but him cancelling last night was not cool. Just wondering what my next move should be. Would really appreciate any advice. Thanks!
    Ye two just met . He probably had something come up. His follow up texts indicate that he likes you . One date at a time. The more ye get to know each other the more time ye will make for each other. Hang out and have a laugh and you will find out what he is really like after 2 or 3 weeks.

    All hail Finny the voice of reason with whom I happen to totally agree. stuff comes up. at least he cancelled and didn't leave you hanging and waiting

    Any well adjusted single guy is going to be working and have things going on . He ain't going to be lazing about. The fact he got in touch with her and wanted to see her again is a good sign. She needs to chill , go on a few dates and see what he is really like .
  • myfavoriteyear
    myfavoriteyear Posts: 31 Member
    Lol :D He was practically begging to see me a little while ago. I said I'd let him know.
    _Waffle_ wrote: »
    dianeh47 wrote: »
    Keep your guard up. Sounds like he booked a date with you and then someone else called. Easier to cancel with you and go with the other person he may have know longer. I say move on. If you aren't worthy of his trust, he's not worthy of your time.

    If a guy can't drop his entire life to be with you after a single date then he's not worth your time. Move on!

  • ElkeKNJ
    ElkeKNJ Posts: 207 Member
    What would make YOU happier? Going on another date with him or not? Decide on that basis. You are now still practically strangers and don't owe each other anything yet. I would go out with him. Sounds as if you would enjoy his company, and he would enjoy yours. You pick the place, and split the bill.
  • wilsoncl6
    wilsoncl6 Posts: 1,280 Member
    From a guys perspective, here is a list of the possibilities:

    1. Something actually came up and he wasn't comfortable going into detail. It was only the second date after all.
    2. He was hoping to get some when he came over but had second thoughts about it. Guys woose out all of the time and he may have not wanted/felt confident enough to put himself in that position. What guy asks a woman to come over to her place on the second date and not have sex in the plans?
    3. He made multiple plans with multiple women and the other plans panned out so he had to either cancel with you or decided to go with the other woman instead. Some guys cast a wide net and when they catch more fish than they can eat, some fish have to be tossed back or put in the cooler for later.
    4. He is married/has a girlfriend and couldn't get away.

    I say, give him a chance to either hang himself or redeem himself. Just pay attention to the signs and if the BS flag starts going up, it's time to move on. Trust your gut.
  • LaMartian
    LaMartian Posts: 478 Member
    Well, pry a little bit. Get some info. Maybe he had a good reason... or maybe he'll give you the willies and you'll know he's full of crap.
  • Guns_N_Buns
    Guns_N_Buns Posts: 1,899 Member
    Maybe he legitimately had something come up/happen. I've eaten too much broccoli before and had to cancel a date...I say chill TFO and not take every little thing a person does personally; go with the flow.
  • beagletracks
    beagletracks Posts: 6,034 Member
    synchkat wrote: »

    if you really like him don't play games. Life is too short for that and you might end up missing out

    Agreed. Listen to the advice of a very wise woman.
  • synchkat
    synchkat Posts: 37,368 Member
    synchkat wrote: »

    if you really like him don't play games. Life is too short for that and you might end up missing out

    Agreed. Listen to the advice of a very wise woman.

    With age comes wisdom....thank goodness something comes of it
  • Peter_Brady
    Peter_Brady Posts: 3,750 Member
    synchkat wrote: »
    Lol :D He was practically begging to see me a little while ago. I said I'd let him know.
    _Waffle_ wrote: »
    dianeh47 wrote: »
    Keep your guard up. Sounds like he booked a date with you and then someone else called. Easier to cancel with you and go with the other person he may have know longer. I say move on. If you aren't worthy of his trust, he's not worthy of your time.

    If a guy can't drop his entire life to be with you after a single date then he's not worth your time. Move on!

    if you really like him don't play games. Life is too short for that and you might end up missing out

    Look at you being the voice of reason now. :)
  • synchkat
    synchkat Posts: 37,368 Member
    synchkat wrote: »
    Lol :D He was practically begging to see me a little while ago. I said I'd let him know.
    _Waffle_ wrote: »
    dianeh47 wrote: »
    Keep your guard up. Sounds like he booked a date with you and then someone else called. Easier to cancel with you and go with the other person he may have know longer. I say move on. If you aren't worthy of his trust, he's not worthy of your time.

    If a guy can't drop his entire life to be with you after a single date then he's not worth your time. Move on!

    if you really like him don't play games. Life is too short for that and you might end up missing out

    Look at you being the voice of reason now. :)

    Look at you all gushy. :p