I am NOT giving that up!



  • PandaFit450
    PandaFit450 Posts: 626 Member
    I believe that if you start denying your body what it wants, then it craves it all the more. Lifestyle changes are all about compromise - eat smaller portions, otherwise it's a diet and we've all been there before!!

    A 'little' of what you fancy' really does do you good :smile:
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    Alcohol, and Cheese. I make sure I burn off whatever I do eat though so I can live guilt free. That's easy to do when drinking and dancing.
  • jv6271
    jv6271 Posts: 5
    Hamburgers, but it's all a matter of incorporating it into the calorie counter. If I know I'm having burgers for dinner, a smaller lunch will come in. Today for lunch, I brought a hamburger, but to save on calories, I'm going to drop the bun and use a lettuce wrap. We'll see how that works.
  • allysabee
    allysabee Posts: 123
    I wouldn't be able to give up ice cream... it's the love of my life :P I also love cheese. It sucks that is has such a high fat content, but there is of course lower fat options out there! Laughing cow triangles are great, even though they're processed... I looove babybel's too! I am going to try the light ones though - hopefully they're just as tasty!
  • bmw4deb
    bmw4deb Posts: 1,325 Member
    I was a big milk drinker, I haven't had real cows milk in months
    I love the almond milk now!
    I have changed or given up many things The hardest for me has been
    Salt I have cut way back but it is still an issue
  • Punkedpoetess
    Punkedpoetess Posts: 633 Member
    Baked goods, french fries, and ice cream. Trying to learn how to moderate them now with smaller portions rather than have an all or nothing approach.
  • oyvonnee
    oyvonnee Posts: 116 Member
    Vanilla Caramel Creamer for my coffee --- BUT..... I have cut it down to 1 x a day and I split one serving between two cups of coffee to make it last. It starts my day with a smile! Yum!

    Give me hot, strong, sweet coffee to start my day and you've got a happy girl!

    Yvonne :yawn:
  • Hundley3
    Hundley3 Posts: 13 Member
    I haven't made a conscious decision to give up any particular foods but now that I'm eating fresher, more flavorful foods that are better for me from a nutritional standpoint I find that I just don't have a desire to eat the processed stuff like I used to.
  • kristidem
    kristidem Posts: 160 Member
    Popcorn with BUTTER - like 1/4 to 1/2 stick. I used to eat that once or twice a week (which of course attributed to my long term weigh gain). I have weaned myself to plain pan-popped popcorn with no butter. But once in a while I want the unhealthy butter on top, or movie popcorn with that oliy butter stuff. MMmmmm. It's the one really unhealthy thing I couldn't live without!
  • Gary6030
    Gary6030 Posts: 593 Member
    I did decide to give up something. Its been hard. McDonald's Mocha Frappe. Nearly 600 calories of nothingness. I found that this high sugar, high fat drink was causing me to crave all day long. Once I cut it out within 48 hours those sugary cravings went away. I love them but they aren't productive in any way. Besides less than 18 months ago I lived without them before they were invented so I'll live the other 41 years of life without them. However I do agree with the posts that much of what we deny ourselves isn't always that bad in moderation and a little extra exercise. Keep up the good work you all look terrific.
  • KittyMul
    KittyMul Posts: 74 Member
    I'm with Hundley, after not really eating processed foods for a while I just stopped craving them. I do sometimes get cravings though but I make myself go through a little checklist before I'll eat it because I usually find I'm either tired (and craving sugar) or cold (it's Winter here, I crave hot, carby foods). If I'm not tired or cold, then I think if there's a substitute or a healthier way to have it . If I'm still craving, I'll just eat it, but I usually find it doesn't taste as good as it did in my head! I did this with a Mars Bar last week, I remembered them being WAY more delicious.

    I really hate limiting myself in certain situations though - I refuse to give up celebrating with champagne, or having pancakes in bed with my boyfriend, or not fully enjoying a meal out at a restaurant I've been dying to try. I figure they're only once in a while events, in fifty years I won't look back and think of the time I gained a hundred grams, I'll look back and remember the beautiful dinner I had for my anniversary.
  • GTI_Girl
    GTI_Girl Posts: 207
    steak....with some fat on it. I m sorry but I LOVE steak fat! MmmHmmm... I will cut the larger chunks off, but the smaller flavor chunks stay!
  • irishwitch
    irishwitch Posts: 21
    What can I say Cheesecake is my favorite thing in the world. I didn't give it up though, I just make it from scratch now. And found a recipe where I make them into little bites, and they are only 45 calories per bite. Topped with a piece of fruit and they are amazing. I have everyone around me eating them now. I can never keep enough of them around.

    But with all the talk of wine i must say I miss a nice glass of red wine. Maybe with dinner tonight.
  • TenLaws
    TenLaws Posts: 273
    Chocolate, caramel, and honey. Thank goodness for all natural protein bars.
  • bella51708
    bella51708 Posts: 47
    Mine is definitely homemade macaroni and cheese. I love it. That was the one thing I could not give up on any diet. I just have to watch portions. I love a creamy, gouey mac and cheese casserole. I also love pizza and fried chicken. If I want these things, I just to make sure I leave room in my calories for them.
  • ZebraHead
    ZebraHead Posts: 15,207 Member
    :flowerforyou:I give up nothing. I make choices.:flowerforyou:
  • ebilharz
    ebilharz Posts: 20
    salsa and chips. now they are natural baked corn chips, and I try to limit to 8 to 10 of them, but they are one of the only carbs I eat, being gluten free, and I would go crazy without them. Every now and then I will eat far more than a serving size, but hey, there are worse things in the world than baked corn chips and salsa, right?
  • georgiag111
    georgiag111 Posts: 424
    Coffee with my sugar and milk in it, If I DONT have my coffee I will feel sorry for my kids lol - 6 Kids + morning coffee is a MUST MUST MUST!
  • Huskeryogi
    Huskeryogi Posts: 578 Member
    Popcorn with BUTTER - like 1/4 to 1/2 stick. I used to eat that once or twice a week (which of course attributed to my long term weigh gain). I have weaned myself to plain pan-popped popcorn with no butter. But once in a while I want the unhealthy butter on top, or movie popcorn with that oliy butter stuff. MMmmmm. It's the one really unhealthy thing I couldn't live without!

    My mom and I always go to movies on the fourth of July and I'm already looking forward to movie theatre popcorn with butter! I'm taking next Monday as a free day. No guilt - it's a choice.
  • jv6271
    jv6271 Posts: 5
    Coffee, but I was able to make the switch to Skim Milk in it, and i've switched to Splenda a while ago. The hardest thing for me to give up is peanut butter. It just screams to me at night. I try to save calories at the end of the night (with a cup of skim milk).