Transpyloric Shuttle Study



  • ptsmiles
    ptsmiles Posts: 511 Member
    @iSparkleForever My appetite has gradually come back. Before the study, I laughed at the nutritionist when she told me I would be eating between 1200-1500 calories because I didn't think I would be able to do it and not be starving. I apologized when I went back after the procedure. Weekends need some work, as I tend to almost feel like I have to play catch up. I feel like I've been good all week and weekends are my chance to make up for it. Not that I'm necessarily eating horribly, but I definately tend to go over my calories. Part of the problem is the weekends screw up my routine.
  • iSparkleForever
    iSparkleForever Posts: 3 Member
    @ptsmiles so how much have you lost so far? And have you attempted alcohol?
  • ptsmiles
    ptsmiles Posts: 511 Member
    @iSparkleForever I have lost 10lbs and a total of 5 3/4" in two months. :-) *ducks under desk* Yes, I have attempted alcohol and had no ill side effects.
  • houstod4
    houstod4 Posts: 6 Member
    So just had procedure today! I am having lot of gas but currently no cramping. So does everyone with device experience cramping?
  • houstod4
    houstod4 Posts: 6 Member
    Ok cramping today with very little appetite!
  • ptsmiles
    ptsmiles Posts: 511 Member
    I have heard a bunch of us complain of cramping. Mine wasn't bad, so it is possible that it was just gas. My biggest complaint was the throat irritation from the breathing tube. My first follow up endoscopy was much better.
    Keep us posted on your progress.
  • richelleschaefer
    richelleschaefer Posts: 4 Member
    I had my procedure on April 25th and still get some cramping, not bad though. Haven't lost many pounds - 7, but inches have been pretty good. I agree with the throat irritation - I was in tears the couple of days after it was SO sore. Weekends are bad for my calories and I find if I don't drink enough water, I tend to gain.
  • lyssa2u
    lyssa2u Posts: 2 Member
    Hola, happy to have found others doing the study I am scheduled for my procedure June 3rd, excited !!!
  • yertle
    yertle Posts: 14 Member
    Is anyone here getting the device at UC SAN diego?
  • lyssa2u
    lyssa2u Posts: 2 Member
    3 days post, sore throat and cramping still present, looking forward to puréed food " never thought I'd say that" lol
  • vblake2012
    vblake2012 Posts: 9 Member
    Hey guys, I'm really excited to find others like me that have had the procedure. I had mine done the 20th of April. At my one month follow up I was down 22.5 lbs. I was told to try to get in more calories and stay on liquid if I couldn't tolerate solids. I go for my 2 month on June 20 for the edg. Anyone experience problems with constiation and diarrhea?
  • GiantSmurfette
    GiantSmurfette Posts: 1 Member
    edited June 2016
    I just had my procedure on Monday (6/13/16). I read the feed here can anyone tell me how long the naseau & cramping lasts? Today, day 1 after the procedure I was telling the Dr. I couldn't tell if I was full from pressure or hungry & then next thing I knew the cramping and naseau kicked in I raced home & passed out for about 2 hrs. b/c of the pain. So it seems like I'm having a slightly different experience. I'm in NY btw, the Stony Brook study.
  • Rosichely
    Rosichely Posts: 1 Member
    edited June 2016
    Hope you are feeling better.
  • mwillis626
    mwillis626 Posts: 1 Member
    I just had my procedure on 6/14/16. The stomach cramps have been horrible. I'm hoping they won't last much longer. I'm excited to have found this group. I was hoping to connect with others that are going through the same thing
  • ttlovesjb
    ttlovesjb Posts: 2 Member
    Had my procedure today. Interested to see if I can tell if I have the device or not
  • tr111300a
    tr111300a Posts: 2 Member
    Hi everyone, stumbled across this site today just had my procedure yesterday 6/29. Stomach hurting so bad last night could not sleep and had to get up to take something for pain. I'm in a blind study so not sure if I have the device. I've had an EDG before but it didn't feel at all like this.
  • mrsborah09
    mrsborah09 Posts: 1 Member
    edited July 2016
    I everybody! I'm late jumping on here. I am going this Thursday for my EDG (and hopefully getting the device.) Excited to see how things are going for everybody. After reading I'm a bit leery about how I will feel after though.
  • mlvardy
    mlvardy Posts: 8 Member
    Just curious to see how everyone is doing and if they are losing weight and feeling okay? I have my appointment on July 28th and am really nervious
  • Aly129
    Aly129 Posts: 1 Member
    I had the procedure a week ago. I go back and forth on whether or not I have it. Lol
  • mlvardy
    mlvardy Posts: 8 Member
    Just wondering how everyone is doing and if you are losing weight and feeling okay. Any insight you can give will be greatly appreciated. Thank you.