African Mango - Dr. Oz Recommended. Have You Tried it?



  • healthhereIcome
    i have just stumbled upon this and am very intigued... planning on going tomorrow and buying from gnc! heres hoping!!! im going to be tracking progress weekly...just trying to get my fitness tracker up and running... :happy:
  • dorian04
    dorian04 Posts: 1

    I want to try African Mango. Can you tell me the name of the one you bought thanks.
  • Seajolly
    Seajolly Posts: 1,435 Member
    I'm thinking of buying the African Mango Extreme after reading those Amazon reviews! Wow...
  • Seajolly
    Seajolly Posts: 1,435 Member
    Gave in and ordered the African Mango Extreme by Eden's Finest today on Amazon. The reviews were great so I decided to give it a shot. Hope it works for me. Hoping it'll help my digestion and move things out of my body faster! I've been irregular lately and it's really bothering me.
  • alexandethansmom
    I read alot of positive reviews so Im going to give it a shot, Im going to dominican in sept and I want to be down at least 25lbs by then, hopefully more! I will post my progress. Wish me luck!!
  • missruiz11
    missruiz11 Posts: 32
    Wow!! I am intrigued by all these reviews on African mango..I am putting this at the top of my things to do list. Stay tuned!!
  • Seajolly
    Seajolly Posts: 1,435 Member
    My bottle of African Mango Extreme arrived today. I have never taken any sort of weight loss supplements before but this one is all natural and the reviews are awesome so I'm going to give it a try... Starting tomorrow morning. You're supposed to take it twice a day (1 pill before breakfast and 1 before lunch).
  • Seajolly
    Seajolly Posts: 1,435 Member
    Started African Mango Extreme today. I decided to start slow and just take 1 pill a day. I took my pill with breakfast this morning, and within a few hours developed a headache. I also felt very disconnected at work today... I was tired, but nothing had changed in my life except for starting the African Mango Extreme. So now I'm wondering if I should continue with it. I looked online and two side effects of African Mango Extreme are drowsiness and headaches!

    I sure would hate to have just wasted like $30 on a bottle of pills... So should I try taking it 1 more day and see if the same symptoms happen before throwing in the towel?
  • katie_on_a_mission
    I haven't tried it but I don't trust a single word that comes out of Dr. Oz's mouth. He is constantly peddling the most asinine pseudoscientific CRAP! I wouldn't bother with the African Mango.
  • monica2410
    monica2410 Posts: 124 Member
    No, and won't either. I grew up eating wild mangoes all summer long in Africa and was obese to overweight most of my childhood. Maybe they weren't the right type?
  • Seajolly
    Seajolly Posts: 1,435 Member
    I think I'm going to try at least 1-2 more days on the supplement before giving it up, because this evening I've had small BM's where (TMI alert!!!) the stool looks like something I've never really seen before. It almost looks like small pieces of fat, like this photo below:


    Is that possible??? :huh:
  • craig1768
    craig1768 Posts: 44 Member
    Has anyone on this site tried this for more than 30 days? There seems to be a ton of 'I am starting today'... or 'I am buying it today'... 'I am on day 2...' but no... 'I have tried it for thirty days and here are my results'.

    I am 6 days in, nothing spectacular yet. I will try to post something when I reach 30 days.

    I have a friend who swears by it. She works out every day... so do I...

    The proof is in the pudding.... maybe.

  • sparrow747
    sparrow747 Posts: 87
    Bump for this... I've never taken a supplement but this is intriguing.
  • Seajolly
    Seajolly Posts: 1,435 Member
    I've taken the supplement for about a week now. I can't say I've really seen ANY difference yet, and if anything I think I'm more constipated than usual so I don't know what's up with that! I think I'm going to keep going for another week and see if there's any progress but so far, nothing for me...
  • CanToGirl
    CanToGirl Posts: 474 Member
  • craig1768
    craig1768 Posts: 44 Member
    Okay... here is some feed back. I ended up trying two miracle pills.

    I took PES Erase for thirty days. I didn't really see anything signifant in taking these pills, except feeling more dehydrated.

    African Mango (Eden's African Mango Extreme). I have about 4 more days left (of a 30 day pack). I have been taking it 2 times a day, 30 minutes before meals. As with the PES Erase, no change in weight or body composition. My spouse is going to try a second round and continue into the 60 day range. She is also taking the Eden's African Mango lean. She is continuing, because maybe it takes longer to notice results?

    I am not saying that there is not any benefit with these. I just didn't experience anything that would make me continue to into another 4 weeks.
  • Seajolly
    Seajolly Posts: 1,435 Member
    Yeah I stopped taking the Eden's African Mango Extreme as well. Wasn't doing a thing for me at all! Big waste of money.

    I swear all the great reviews on Amazon are due to the fact that if you write a 5-star review on there, Eden's will send you a free 2nd bottle of the stuff... :huh: I know this is true because when I bought it, they sent me a paper that said this on it!
  • craig1768
    craig1768 Posts: 44 Member
    Bump! Anyone else care to chime in on their experience?
  • NancyKK
    Hello everyone! Just posted a couple things on the African Mango Extract, wondering if anyone out there seen them yet. Just started on this site, sounds like it would be interesting to keep in touch with other people trying to lose weight, what they're try'n, if it's working or not! Happy Holiday!

    Nancy in Muskegon
  • NancyKK
    Hello! Great to hear your success! What "mg" of African Mango Extract are you taking? Just ordered it from Amazon, Green Web Properties, 3 bottles of Super AM1200 around $25. Each pill is 1200mg, says take 2x day and do not exceed recommended dosage. Thought I heard or read to take 2 before each meal......can you help please?
