telling your husbands,boyfriends how much you weigh?



  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I would if he asked. I don't think he's ever asked in the 15 years we've been together. Or indeed 21 years we've known each other. He knew me when I had an eating disorder, though, so he knows enough not to let me have scales in the house.
  • kristarablue
    kristarablue Posts: 702 Member
    NEVER!!! I won't even let my doctor weigh I have made more than one medical assistant pissed off because I refused. One person in the world knows and he is just an amazing friend I actually met on MFP so that was recent and I am quite sure he does not know anymore as my progress has changed and he sucks at when I was married I never told my husband, but you must understand my former husband was thin and never would understand and yes he would judge pretty sure most would, either that or it is just me judging myself, either way I must trust someone so implicitly to tell them and that is so hard to do.
  • fatkidlovescake
    fatkidlovescake Posts: 66 Member
    I told him as he refused to believe that i'd put on nearly 5 stone in 18 months from 9st4lbs to 14st3lbs (i'm 5'10") not entirely sure where it is myself if i'm honest as I went from 26/27 - 31inch waist and 37 - 41inch hips which to me doesn't seem to be worth 5stone!! My thighs are a little chunkier but not enough to stop my size 12 (uk) skinny jeans fitting that I bought (a little on the big side originally) when I was around 9st7lbs!!
  • ATXJudie
    ATXJudie Posts: 67 Member
    He just knows when I'm exercising and happy with how I look I'm more willing to put out

    This is SO true for me too!

    He has asked, I think just out of curiosity. I admit to subtracting about 5 pounds off when I tell him...
  • jalapenos
    jalapenos Posts: 345 Member
    NO! I have never told him what I weigh. I do tell him what I lose. lol
  • ChitownFoodie
    ChitownFoodie Posts: 1,562 Member
    My boyfriend is there for every weigh in, but that's because I usually dont believe that I have lost any weight. So he sort of proves it to me by checking my weight. LOL! I swear sometimes I think I'm fat....then he tells me to check and I'm good!
  • shanolap
    shanolap Posts: 1,204 Member
    Funny some say they don't and then there it is on the bottom of their signatures.

    BTW, yes my husband knows. He'a a pilot and has to balance the weight in our Cessna.
  • valeriebpdx
    valeriebpdx Posts: 497 Member
    No, I don't do that. My husband is 6', about 140 and all muscle and bone--he's in great shape and has done the most he can with his skinny frame. So I outweigh him by 15 lbs on a good week (closer to 25 now due to some ill-considered choices through spring finals and vacation, though he put on a few on vacation too). He knows I weigh more than he does and when I get down a few to around 155 he usually starts heaping on compliments. After 15 years he has finally smartened up enough to keep his yap shut about my weight, unless he is saying that I am looking good after some progress, but we both know we both aren't too happy with the whole situation of my weight, and talking numbers about it with an engineer isn't gonna do anyone here any good.
  • jalapenos
    jalapenos Posts: 345 Member
    Funny some say they don't and then there it is on the bottom of their signatures.

    BTW, yes my husband knows. He'a a pilot and has to balance the weight in our Cessna.

    Why would you assume that their significant others are on MFP ,log on and look at their account or even know they have an account on MFP? If their weight is on a signature, who is to say that their loved one sees it?
    Just saying....
  • janine0187
    janine0187 Posts: 15
    Of course I tell my boyfriend. The reason why is because we are losing weight together.
    Even if we would not lose weight together I would still tell him how much I weight. Wouldn't bother me at all.
  • doobabe
    doobabe Posts: 436 Member
    Funny some say they don't and then there it is on the bottom of their signatures.

    BTW, yes my husband knows. He'a a pilot and has to balance the weight in our Cessna.

    Why would you assume that their significant others are on MFP ,log on and look at their account or even know they have an account on MFP? If their weight is on a signature, who is to say that their loved one sees it?
    Just saying....

    Exactly what I was going to say. :o)
  • Hollycat
    Hollycat Posts: 372
    Funny some say they don't and then there it is on the bottom of their signatures.

    If he were computer literate:wink: , it wouldn't be there :noway:

  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Wow, it would never occur to me NOT to tell him!

    He knows how important this is to me, and is really supportive, and listens to my babbling reports of my progress with some degree of attention :wink:

    I also know he loves me no matter what I weigh, so I feel really comfortable discussing it with him.
  • lausa22
    lausa22 Posts: 467 Member
    My boyfriend never asked! He was never bothered by how much I weigh :)
    But the other day, after I'd lost 8lbs, I asked him 'how much do you think I weigh?' and he got it spot on, first guess.
    Once I weight less than him, I'll have no problem walking around in my underwear proclaiming what I weigh!
  • tanyaMax
    tanyaMax Posts: 524 Member
    I do, i think i tell him too much lol. tell him how much i have lost evey week. even when i gained hehehe
  • CoachMaritova
    CoachMaritova Posts: 409 Member
    Ummm, do I have to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth?? Well... if there were a reason to, or if we were seriously involved I would, I have nothing to hide... but if I had just started seeing him, probably not... unless like I said there were a reason to...
  • My boyfriend and I started losing weight together (which felt full circle because we put the weight on together while traveling in Europe)

    I feel so blessed to have him by my side through it all! We count calories together, shop, cook, play netball, personal training, the gym and go hiking on weekends.

    I honestly couldn't do it without him! Every Friday morning is weigh in day and we both get super excited about each others success, weight really is just a number and I'd be more than happy to tell anyone how much I weigh (I don't even have it or my food diary hidden on MFP) :)
  • shanolap
    shanolap Posts: 1,204 Member
    Funny some say they don't and then there it is on the bottom of their signatures.

    BTW, yes my husband knows. He'a a pilot and has to balance the weight in our Cessna.

    Why would you assume that their significant others are on MFP ,log on and look at their account or even know they have an account on MFP? If their weight is on a signature, who is to say that their loved one sees it?
    Just saying....

    Exactly what I was going to say. :o)

    Without being too specific, some responses were to the effect that they don't tell anyone and there it is on the bottom of their signature. Not passing judgement, just an observation.
  • oxavecamourxo
    oxavecamourxo Posts: 270 Member
    I'll tell anyone that asks. I don't really care. I wouldn't like telling people my weight if I wasn't working on it, though. If I was still sitting on the couch all day stuffing my face, I probably wouldn't want people to know. lol But my husband definitely knows. I weight myself all the time & run into the living room to tell him if I've lost a pound. :happy:
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 22,070 Member
    It's never bothered me to tell anyone my weight or my age. It's not like if I shave 20 pounds off my weight or 20 years off my age, I'm actually going to look lighter or younger than I actually am. It would be sweet if it worked that way! :happy: That doesn't mean I haven't been bothered by my weight. I surely have. I'm actually a little perturbed with it right now.
  • Melaniemarie86
    Melaniemarie86 Posts: 57 Member
    I've never told my boyfriend how much I weigh, but I don't think he really minds. He just wants me to be healthy and happy so we can be together for a longgg time. :smile:
  • perrytyra
    perrytyra Posts: 357 Member
    It has been a long time since I had a boyfriend. Of course I was skinny then, so I probably didn't care. I can't imagine not telling my husband. He can see how big I am, what would it matter about the number?
  • I will tell anyone how much I weigh. I may still be overweight, but I have lost a lot of weight and I am proud of it! Plus the transparency seems to help other people too.
  • TakeOne
    TakeOne Posts: 345 Member
    Now if a guy I was seeing flat out ASKED...hmm I not sure I would tell him. That's purely because I don't think a guy should ask a girl how much she weighs (unless that happens to be what you're talking about). Beyond that, yeah I would have no problem tell someone how much I weigh. Actually it does sometimes come up b/c people want to know how much my dog weighs..LOL..which is only a little less than what I weigh!

    If you had asked me a few years back tho...the answer totally would have been no!!
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    I am open about it. If my husband has a problem with my weight he can kiss my a## or book it. If he can't be supportive of his wife then there is no reason for him to be around but that is not the case. He is very supportive! :D
  • eates
    eates Posts: 334 Member
    He knew/knows. He'd seen me naked 1000s of times, it's not like he didn't know I'd gained weight. Was it a bit embarrassing to admit to my hubby who's a foot taller than me that I weighed more than him? Sure was. But you can bet he helped me celebrate the day I stepped on the scale & weighed less than him!
  • sccamero
    sccamero Posts: 164 Member
    I used to be scared to tell my fiance but he asks and i tell him. He is just wants me to be healthy and he loves me no matter my weight.
  • kristarablue
    kristarablue Posts: 702 Member
    Funny some say they don't and then there it is on the bottom of their signatures.

    BTW, yes my husband knows. He'a a pilot and has to balance the weight in our Cessna.

    Why would you assume that their significant others are on MFP ,log on and look at their account or even know they have an account on MFP? If their weight is on a signature, who is to say that their loved one sees it?
    Just saying....

    Exactly what I was going to say. :o)

    Without being too specific, some responses were to the effect that they don't tell anyone and there it is on the bottom of their signature. Not passing judgement, just an observation.

    I tell no one how much I weigh, but I will tell anyone how much I have lost. I just won't say what my goal weight is or how much my current weight is so there is only one part of the equation...I am sure deductive reasoning and all one could take an educated guess and that is fine, but as to specifics, not a chance.
  • zeeeb
    zeeeb Posts: 805 Member
    i did, as much as i didn't want to. but it's kind of liberating. no more secrets, no more pretending like you are not quite as big as you are... and no more excuses.

    now my partner knows, and he asks, and i'm totally accountable if i put on weight.

    it was a good thing to tell him, it really does make me accountable, because i would just be too embarrassed to go there again, so now i've lost most of my baby weight, there is no excuses, i have to keep it off, otherwise he'll want to know how many kilos i've put on.
  • Cytherea
    Cytherea Posts: 515 Member
    Funny some say they don't and then there it is on the bottom of their signatures.

    BTW, yes my husband knows. He'a a pilot and has to balance the weight in our Cessna.

    Why would you assume that their significant others are on MFP ,log on and look at their account or even know they have an account on MFP? If their weight is on a signature, who is to say that their loved one sees it?
    Just saying....

    Exactly what I was going to say. :o)

    Without being too specific, some responses were to the effect that they don't tell anyone and there it is on the bottom of their signature. Not passing judgement, just an observation.

    I think that maybe the point was more that they go out of their way to NOT tell their significant other, but have no problem telling strangers on a website?

    Anyyyyyyyyyyyyways, I tell my husband absolutely everything, so he knows how much my starting weight was and how much I weigh now. For a while he didn't know, but that was strictly because *I* didn't know how much I weighed! Once I finally got around to weighing myself, he knew. I think I've always been heavier than him... even when we started dating back in high school, he was super skinny and we may have weighed the same, but I quickly gained weight from there. He has gained a bit over the years too, but this is the first time EVER that I have weighed less than him... it was even one of my major goals! And I always used to tell him how close I was to weighing less than him. Now I've weighed less than him for a while... and every time I hit a new low weight I immediately call him at work to say "guess what?! guess how much I weigh??" :laugh: He's amazingly supportive and so happy for me and proud of me.

    Not only that, but at this point, I'll tell ANYONE. I have no shame in the fact that I used to weigh so much because I've worked incredibly hard to lose it and get to where I am at now! I don't go around just telling people how much I weigh, but if it comes up in conversation, I have no problem giving anybody the numbers. I even got on a scale in front of two of my friends a few weeks ago, after they did it, even though they both weighed less than me. I'm PROUD of how far I have come and I will share it with anybody who wants to hear it, LOL. :wink:

    And on the same note, I wouldn't be offended at all if somebody came out and asked me my weight or my starting weight. My brother was visiting and I wanted him to try and pick me up (since that was never an option before) and he asked me how much I weighed, and I told him (and my cousin, who was there too), without hesitation, even though they are both tremendously fit and have ridiculously low body fat percentages (and I am definitely not there yet!).

    It is really quite freeing!
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