Your most intense pain ever?



  • Noelani1503
    Noelani1503 Posts: 378 Member
    edited May 2016
    This is making me realize I haven't felt real pain. I had a natural birth of a 10+ lb kiddo, but I didn't think it was that bad. Some of y'all have been through serious trauma.
  • FromHadesWithLove
    FromHadesWithLove Posts: 104 Member
    Probably when I was 13. I fell off one of our horses, broke my lower leg on impact, and then the horse stepped on my thigh(same leg) and broke it lol I still have a scar on my leg where the bone came out, it was so nasty and I vaguely remember telling the doctor that he might as well just cut it off lol
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,645 Member
    When I partially tore my left hamstring and had to drive to work each a manual drive car. Pushing down on that clutch put me in near tears each time.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • Landoficeandsnow
    Landoficeandsnow Posts: 139 Member
    I get cluster headaches... Doctors tried to link them to concussions from football but nobody really knows why I get them. It is essentially a brain freeze that last for 15-20 minutes at a time.
  • HoolaHoopsMcGee
    HoolaHoopsMcGee Posts: 2,749 Member
    Gallbladder attacks. Searing, radiating pain that won't let up for hours and has you nauseuos and blinded like a migraine and feels like your back is breaking and guts are tearing open
  • Mufasa_1124
    Mufasa_1124 Posts: 18 Member
    The most intense pain I have ever experience was the time i gave birth, I found out at last minute it was going to be a C-Section due to the fact my daughter was loosing oxygen

    The recovery was horrible and then I had complications but it was worth through it all because I have a healthy baby girl

  • Anaris2014
    Anaris2014 Posts: 138 Member
    The worst (and I've done all manner of stupid things resulting in broken bones, dislocations and the like, torn muscles and so on) was a dye injection into the salivary gland under the tongue while suffering from an infection. I developed a 20 year fear of needles from that pain - I just remember lying there crying and the radiologist saying "I'm so sorry, we have to wait to check the x-ray before we can do anything else".

    I've had many a filling done without pain relief and that's not even a scratch compared to the pain of that injection.

    Broken ribs was also a bad one (managed to break the same 3 ribs both at the sternum and half way across my back - meaning they weren't attached properly at either end). They were sneaky buggers, it was fine so long as I didn't move. Once I did move I immediately regretted it, and would try to get back to the old 'comfortable position' - that was not fun. Still not as bad as that needle, not even close.

  • needernt
    needernt Posts: 675 Member
    So many Frankensteins.
  • needernt
    needernt Posts: 675 Member
    I do healing, if anyone needs it.
  • Malenurse51
    Malenurse51 Posts: 181 Member
    I thought it was passing kidney stones on 3 different occasions. Turns out urinating afte waking up AFTER having surgery for kidney stones...and it lasted at least a week. Whoever told my urologist that Vicodin would handle the "discomfort" was sadly mistaken. :'(
  • avionicsman14
    avionicsman14 Posts: 68 Member
    Gall stones!! Had my gall bladder removed in 2006. That was some pain! I've rolled my ankles several times each and dislocated fingers playing volleyball. Broke my had playing softball. But gall stones that was some pain.
  • Arwen1218
    Arwen1218 Posts: 118 Member
    I've had children with no meds and two major back surgeries after breaking my back in the military... But the absolute worst pain I've ever had was when I contracted bacterial meningitis from pain injections in my back... I was literally on a morphine drip in the hospital for a week!! When I was discharged I had a port put in for antibiotic and pain medication for another month.. Definitely the worst pain I've ever had.
  • vivmom2014
    vivmom2014 Posts: 1,647 Member
    Prolonged dry socket.
  • xXxWhitneyxXx
    xXxWhitneyxXx Posts: 119 Member
    20+ hours of labor pains, emergency c section and 5 days in the hospital after my incision became infected. I literally thought my intestines would just fall right out of me after that. Terrible.
  • Char231023
    Char231023 Posts: 700 Member
    Cracked rib and steroid shot in my heel.

    I had to have a shot in my palette when the other shots failed to numb my tooth when getting a cap.
    The shot it self wasn't painful it was the feeling that the liquid was going in my nose.
  • Riffraft1960
    Riffraft1960 Posts: 1,984 Member
    Got hit by a dirtbike when I was 6, was about an hr away from gangrene. Couldnt have a graft surgery then because I was too young. Had to redress/bandage my leg every day for 2 years until I had grown enough to be able to have a successful skin graft. I don't want to try to explain what it was like because it would be useless.

    Fun times :)

    It's strange that the couldn't do your skin grafts at 6yo. The reason I said that is I was hit by a car when I was 6 and it tore up the front of my leg and foot. I was already going to give this story as the most pain I have every had. The redress/bandage of my leg and foot every day was the most intense excruciating pain. You are right it is almost useless to try to explain, 49 years later it is still seared in my brain.

    That said I only had to endure it for 28 days until they did skin grafts. I wonder why they had to wait for you to grow up. I will say this, I did have to have 3 different skin grafts at 6, 7 and 9yo for it to finally be completely successful. However I would gladly go through even more skin grafts than go though the redress/bandage during all that time.
  • Riffraft1960
    Riffraft1960 Posts: 1,984 Member
    Got hit by a dirtbike when I was 6, was about an hr away from gangrene. Couldnt have a graft surgery then because I was too young. Had to redress/bandage my leg every day for 2 years until I had grown enough to be able to have a successful skin graft. I don't want to try to explain what it was like because it would be useless.

    Fun times :)

    It's strange that the couldn't do your skin grafts at 6yo. The reason I said that is I was hit by a car when I was 6 and it tore up the front of my leg and foot. I was already going to give this story as the most pain I have every had. The redress/bandage of my leg and foot every day was the most intense excruciating pain. You are right it is almost useless to try to explain, 49 years later it is still seared in my brain.

    That said I only had to endure it for 28 days until they did skin grafts. I wonder why they had to wait for you to grow up. I will say this, I did have to have 3 different skin grafts at 6, 7 and 9yo for it to finally be completely successful. However I would gladly go through even more skin grafts than go though the redress/bandage during all that time.
  • Spliner1969
    Spliner1969 Posts: 3,233 Member
    strozman wrote: »
    Ruptured a disk in my back. Close to deploying and was scared I'd get medically discharged and lose my daughters insurance coverage. Felt like I was stabbing me with a knife 24hrs a day. Stopped sleeping, but somehow kept working out/running. Thought about killing myself every minute of every day, figured I would get myself killed once deployed just to get some relief. Right before leaving I could hardly walk and had to go see a doc that told me no way in hell I was deploying. I broke down in tears, because I let my squad down and my kids. Got surgery and 8 months later was gtg!

    This. I ruptured/bulged a disc in my back about 12 years ago, it completely mashed my sciatic nerve going down my left leg. The pain was so excruciating that when the nurse asked me "on a scale of 1-10 how much does it hurt", I replied "b*tch if you cut it off it would hurt less", she said "that's a 10!". It hurt so damn bad I wanted to die to make it stop. Nothing but morphine would touch the pain, and even then it was short lived relief. Eventually it completely impinged the nerve and I had to have emergency surgery (lost the feeling below my waist). That was, without a doubt, the worst pain I've ever felt. I had another bout with it last year when I managed to rupture 2-3 discs in my lower back doing too much high impact walking trying to lose weight (I was seriously overdoing it based on my current weight at the time). Pain was almost as bad. Since recovering from that (without surgery this time thanks to some yoga and steroid shots) I've made my core the focus of my daily exercise and it's helped a lot.
  • jnichel
    jnichel Posts: 4,553 Member
    Road rash on both arms with three cracked ribs thanks to a blowout on my front tire while doing about 65mph.