password on phone



  • Simplyamazing33
    Simplyamazing33 Posts: 13 Member
    Yes my 5 year old loves to text lol it's a definite need lol
  • hdatres
    hdatres Posts: 635 Member
    No pass word........if your hiding it from your love, than it shouldn't be on there.
  • JessicaJS23
    JessicaJS23 Posts: 1,863 Member
    I have mine set up to where it's locked when I'm not at home and it is easily (swipe to open) accessible when I am at home. I have nothing to hide from my husband, if that was the inference, but if it were to be stolen, I don't want my nudez disseminated .

    the idea that when you get married you lose all right to privacy is so foreign to me

    Who said anything about "losing" a right? If I needed to be private about something that I didn't want my husband privy to, it sure as *kitten* wouldn't be something on my phone; that just screams all sorts of suspect to me.

    Yup, nope, still can't think of anything I'd need to be private about with him...

    my email is on my phone and i've had several conversations with my therapist that are for my eyes only

    but you know there were no cell phones when i was growing up and i still remember my moms freaking out at me if i tried to go inside her purse

    no one was allowed in there

    I don't have kids or a therapist....or work for the CIA, so I don't have anything to hide from him...yet. So, don't misconstrue that as if marriage itself is the reason. As if that binding makes you some submissive rodent. I'd talk to your therapist about that, as well... ;)

    i didn't say there was anything wrong with marriage

    i said "the idea that when you get married you lose all right to privacy is so foreign to me"

    people seem to have the idea that if youre married you and your spouse should share everything all the time and that seems just weird to me

    i mean

    i have conversations with friends about their feelings/relationships too and those are private

    also i think it's really lame when I bring up therapy and someone says something derogatory with a kitten winking smiley. there's nothing wrong with therapy and it shouldn't be stigmatized. when you say *kitten* like that youre adding to the problem.

    My best friend and I just talked about this the other day. Her husband will just pick up her phone and use it ( which is fine to her ) but she figured out he was reading her texts and looking at her history. She said she could care less about the history but the texts pissed her off. She said exactly what you did.. Friends share information that is none of his business. She said "when you text me you should not have to worry who is going to see it besides me" I think she's right. My I phone doesn't have the option NOT to be locked neither does my iPad. It's never been an issue with a SO.

  • wolverine66
    wolverine66 Posts: 3,779 Member
    MsAmandaNJ wrote: »
    synchkat wrote: »
    I don't
    I've enough passwords to remember don't need another
    I'd end up using my ATM pin. It seems like a pain to enter it every single time you use the phone.

    Don't a lot of phones use fingerprints anymore? I mean I don't have to enter in the passcode, but unlock it with my finger which takes .420 seconds

    not locking your phone because you take care of it and know where it is is like not wearing a seat belt because you are a good driver. in both instances, you shouldn't be worried about yourself, but others.

  • Cameron_1969
    Cameron_1969 Posts: 2,857 Member
    Yes, because I happen to know my ex's passcode and would totally snoop her phone if she would ever let it out of her sight in my presence. .
  • Guns_N_Buns
    Guns_N_Buns Posts: 1,899 Member
    Just because a device is locked, doesn't insinuate that it's because someone has a nosy, untrustworthy partner that likes to do 'cell sweeps' to determine if you have something to hide. You shouldn't have to apply a bandaid (in this case locking a device) if you have a bigger issue going on (in this case ZERO trust - - or lack thereof with a spouse). My husband COULDN'T care any less about what's in my phone and knows if he had to use it that I have personal emails in there that he has no business looking at; I trust that he doesn't. Again, marriage isn't about HAVING to share everything, it's about finding someone that you want to share everything with, but always respecting boundaries.
  • LouLouStBijou
    LouLouStBijou Posts: 987 Member
    I have a password on my phone for a variety of reasons....mostly cause I don't want my lovely husband (hi sweetheart) to snoop my text messages with my friends in which I complain about him! Actually, I have it locked more for security from strangers.
  • NorthCascades
    NorthCascades Posts: 10,968 Member
    Beth and I know how to unlock each others' phones. I can't remember either of us using the other person's phone though.
  • chunky_pinup
    chunky_pinup Posts: 758 Member
    I only have a password because I have to since I use my phone for work and receive pages on it with patient information. husband knows my password because I get lazy at home and will ask him to text people for me, lol.
  • melmelw03
    melmelw03 Posts: 5,332 Member
    I lock mine because of the raunchy messages and wall posts I get around here that I'd be mortified for my bride to see.

    I love it when a man refers to his wife as his "bride".
  • branflakes1980
    branflakes1980 Posts: 2,516 Member
    Yes, my husband and I like to exchange "adult moments" throughout the day, and I have an 8 year old daughter that loves any and all electronic devices she can get her grubby little paws on. So... yes, my phone is password protected.
  • OneHundredToLose
    OneHundredToLose Posts: 8,523 Member
  • brb_2013
    brb_2013 Posts: 1,197 Member
    edited May 2016
    You know I didn't with my last phone, but I do now (just like 2 months ago got this one). Banking stuff for sure, but mostly for the photos *blushes and hides*
    I lost it at a museum when it was the old one... I got a wink when it was returned by security that is still giving me the heebies.

    Edited to add that my husband and I both save each others finger prints in our phones so we can always open one another's phones. It's more locked from people who may find/take the phone.