p90x Support Group



  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    It's been very quiet in here. Anybody still bringing it in this thread.

    I'm on week 8. Day 60 coming up this week.
    Just finished Kenpo X.
    Not noticing much difference on the scale but noticing many other things.
  • jackelyn14
    jackelyn14 Posts: 59
    It's definitely been quiet on this thread! I'm on week 6. Doing really well now, though last week was terrible for getting the workouts in. I have a bit of a benefit having had a baby 4 months ago, but when I did my 30 measurements I'd lost 7 inches from my belly! Also, since starting p90x my core feels stronger now, after having two babies, than it ever has been. I'm definitely loving how it feels.
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    Can I revive this thread?? I started P90X (officially) on Saturday. I tried to start about two weeks ago, but a knee injury put things on hold for me.

    I need all of the support I can get, so hopefully someone else checks in here soon too! :D
  • AngieMcHenry
    AngieMcHenry Posts: 36 Member
    I am on Day 38. I went on a trip with my teenage daughter and didn't do the recovery week DVD's like I should have. I started phase 2 on Monday and I can sure tell I missed a week. My arms feel like noodles. I keep reminding myself that this is how I felt at the beginning of phase 1, so maybe there is hope. I will do Back and Biceps and Ab Ripper x this afternoon.
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    I just started week 9 this week and passed my day 60. Recovery week was more or a relax week. Back at it this week.

    Angie, I know what you mean about the arms feeling like noodles. 1 week after not using them, this can happen.
    One thing I did notice in phase 2, was that I seemed a lot stronger in my exercises. It made me feel that the first 30 days were getting used to the exercises, and the 2nd 30 days were actually doing them right every day.

    Misskortney - Welcome. Good luck - The best tip I can provide right out of the gate, is to do your best and forget the rest.
    Don't expect to be able to keep up with the people on the DVD right off the start.
    Some exercises you will not be able to finish, or you won't be able to complete. Modify, modify.

    Use your worksheets. I just picked up a sheet that I last used on week 3. The difference of weights used and reps completed between week 3 and week 9 is a NSV all by itself.
  • frogmanjared
    Wow, it feels like a long time... the last time I worked out was 4 weeks ago!!! How did this mess happen... well, as some of you might recall, I had to take a break because mid-workout migrane, and there were plenty of heat headaches that followed in a week of record-breaking heat in WI. I tweaked my knee up by hitting it on something (I'm at the perfect height where every corner seems to be at knee level) It's doing okay, but I don't want to over-do anything otherwise there'll be pain no matter how I try to rest it. Then when I felt good for a couple days I was planning on starting up again.. nope! I woke up one morning and I collapsed when I tried to put my socks on! A week later it wasn't any better (couldn't lift 20 pounds... literally!) went to the doc, got some stuff and its better now. And now that I'm getting ready to start a workout routine... more record heat! I just can't get a break. I was doing really well for nearly 3 weeks, and it always falls apart. Maybe setting a goal of 160 was unrealistic, I think I might have to stick with 150. My plan now is to start with yoga (I can do this all I want, has never set me back/ caused any issues) and find a routine with P90x workouts that doesn't bring on the migranes. I think not repeating each set of workouts will be a good start, and only doing 4 days/week, but I'll still feel like I'm doggin' it a little! Has anyone else created their own workout routine using P90x dvds?
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    @Thumper44 - thank you!! I haven't been recording my numbers or anything, but last night I could tell in just about a week that I was feeling stronger, so I definitely will start keeping track now!

    @Frogmanjared - I modify a lot of the P90X workouts because I tweaked my knee right out the gate and I'm nursing it pretty hardcore right now. Typically I wear a knee brace during the workout, and I will attempt any move *gingerly* at first, and I will stop or back up on the intensity as soon as I feel any discomfort at all. So, last night I was doing a squat move that required my right (injured) knee to bear the most of my weight while my left leg was behind.. like a lunge but not - anyway, it turned it I could move far into a squat at all, so I just held my body in that position with my knee as bent as was comfortable and tightened and released my glutes while staying stationary. (Basically I just squeezed my buttcheeks together!) I feel like I was at least attempting the moves and getting my body moving without fully maxing out. Also, no matter what kind of exercise I do, I always ice my knee for 30m after just to make sure I'm giving it plenty of TLC.

    I suffer from migraines, but never exercise-related... I"m wondering if maybe you need to really hydrate right before you start? I do get them when I'm even a touch dehydrated, and the exertion could totally exacerbate it!