Too embarrassed to join the gym



  • girlwithcurls2
    girlwithcurls2 Posts: 2,273 Member
    Dawn1996r wrote: »
    I don't think I can afford a PT or even if my gym offer this. It's a very small local gym and is pretty basic as they come which is also more embaressing as I'm bound to bump into people I know.

    I'm going to have a look at youtube and go from there, I know the person behind the desk will be able to give me a quick tutorial on most of the equipment.

    One more thing--maybe choose a quiet time so that there aren't many people there when you get your tour. Nobody likes to look like they don't know what they're doing, but everybody starts somewhere. I always admire the people who DON'T mind looking like beginners/newbies, and they just walk up and ask, or they stand around and watch and take it in. I'd love to be that un-selfconscious. Just think, if you learn and start, within a week or 10 days, you'll be into a routine, and nobody even remembers that you didn't know what you were doing. It's just taking the first step that is hard.
  • dropitlikeasquat87
    dropitlikeasquat87 Posts: 53 Member
    edited May 2016
    I used to be like that too. I joined a gym and I was so nervous people were going to judge me. The best advice I can give is to ease into it. The first time I went to the gym all I did was walk on the treadmill and watch other people. Watching other people do things helped me a lot and I learned how to use some of the equipment that way. You can also YouTube it. There's a lot of helpful tutorials out there. I usually wear a tank top, a sports bra, and leggings or capris to the gym. Be careful bc sometimes my leggings are see through when I bend over ugh. If you find that your leggings are see through bring a jacket with you and tie it around your waist when you do exercises bending over. And sometimes you don't want dudes staring at your booty when doing deadlifts.
  • MSJourneylog
    MSJourneylog Posts: 41 Member
    To be honest I'm still not 100% with the gym! But you just got to realize that everyone is self-absorbed- NOT in a bad way.

    Everyone is there for the same purpose. Go once to scope it out (preferably a trial run before you pay for anything). Go on the treadmill or the elliptical or the bike. You'll see quickly no one even looks at you unless they want the machine you're using.

    If you just signed up take advantage of a free tour- most people are genuinely happy to show you around... it is usually their job and how they get clients (report with peeps).

    No one thinks you're weird or an idiot, they see so many people come in asking the same questions. Well unless you start doing crazy weird things like throwing the weights. Don't throw the weights.

    For what I wear sometimes it's tights and a T-Shirt but I still feel pretty self conscious so some days I wear sweats and a sweater. I'm pretty well - um- endowed so I usually go with a bra and a sports bra on top... gotta stop them suckers moving around. Ultimately no one cares as long as you're still mostly covered. Anything in the active wear section of Walmart is fine. So long as you're not naked or wearing a fancy black dress with heels you should be good. Oh and wear good fitting with good support sneakers. Best. Investment. Ever.

    Not sure what gym you go to but they most likely have a general circuit that's a great start. If you don't see (usually a bunch of machines in a circle) ask the front desk. They're simple and designed for full body workout in a short time. Long term this isn't ideal but it's perfect for starting and finding limits. They usually have little bars to adjust the weight so it will get you familiar with what you can do without having to go back and forth with a bunch of weights. Also, they usually have little diagrams of a dude doing what you're suppose to do in case you forget.

    If you're dead set on free weights Youtube or Google 4-5 moves and do them with 1 lbs weights. You'll know if you need more and you can increase if you need to. I looked through Youtube and grabbed a 20 minute weight workout I was cool with. Watched it like 8 times and then played it while I worked out. Gave me something to focus on and a guide so I could get through it without messing up.

    :wink: Best of luck!

  • beautifulwarrior18
    beautifulwarrior18 Posts: 914 Member
    edited May 2016
    Dawn1996r wrote: »
    Most people are embarrassed to go to the gym because of their size but for me it's because I do not know how the hell to work out all the equipment.

    I don't know whether I should just spend my entire time at the gym on a treadmill or mix it up with weights but then I don't know how much weights I should lift (I'm very weak) ha!

    I'm worried people are going to think I'm a right idiot and I don't know really what to do in a gym.

    Any tips?

    Also what do you wear to the gym (FEMALE)

    Any help is really appreciated

    #1. Get over it. Getting your body to where you want it to be is going to require being uncomfortable. If being healthy and in shape was comfortable everyone would be doing it.
    #2. The majority of those "machines" are not necessary for a good workout. In fact, most machines hinder workouts by providing unhelpful stability and support and allow your muscles to be lazy. Machines can be helpful when you're trying to increase the strength of a particular muscle or subsection of muscle to fix muscle imbalances but you're better off using dumb bells, barbells, kettle bells, medicine balls, body weight, etc. A lot of times you'll find that when you do a workout on a machine and then do an equivalent move with free weights that the free weights are much more difficult because the machine is encouraging muscle imbalances and assisting you in ways free weights don't.
    #3 What I said about machines above also goes for treadmills. You're better off running off the treadmill because then you will be forced to propel yourself forward. Treadmills will make certain muscles lazy. The only two cardio machine I encourage use of is the rower, and the bike (especially for injuries). Plus there are so many other awesome forms of cardio you can do at a gym like jump rope, box jumps, burpees. Box jumps are my favorites. You feel like a mega bad *kitten* when you can jump a box that's higher than your knees. Especially when you're like me and have little leprechaun legs.
    #4 Every gym has a trainer and I've never been to a gym that doesn't offer a free consultation with a trainer when you join. Ask them to help you create a full body workout that incorporates cardio and strength training. I'd also stress that you prefer not to use machines but instead use free weights. Make sure with free weights you're learning proper form to help you prevent injury.
  • Dawn1996r
    Dawn1996r Posts: 9 Member
    Thank you all for your feedback. For those just saying just go, it isn't that easy for someone who suffers with anxiety, so going to the gym is a massive achievement for me.
    I went to the gym, it was complete rubbish, so trying to find a gym for me now.

    Thanks again all x
  • Mike02209
    Mike02209 Posts: 301 Member
    Making fun of an overweight person at the gym is like making fun of an unemployed person at a job fair.
  • heyitslexi95
    heyitslexi95 Posts: 39 Member
    If you currently have a membership to a gym & haven't used it yet, or are still contemplating joining a gym... Typically before your first time in the actual gym, workers will spend a bit of time with you on teaching you how to use the different machines. There are even some classes at different gyms you can join & they will spend a certain amount of time working with you so you know how much weight to lift & when to change the weight after you hit a plateau.
  • emdeesea
    emdeesea Posts: 1,823 Member
    edited June 2016
    I have anxiety issues too, so I get it. And you really need to just get over it and find a gym you like and ask someone for help. The sooner you get out of your own head the sooner you can start to accomplish your goals.

    From your own profile: "The best project you'll ever work on is YOU"

    Now is the time to start on that.
  • rsclause
    rsclause Posts: 3,103 Member
    Don't worry about it, we all think everybody is "looking" at us when we walk in but they really aren't. I would get someone to walk you through the machines ie. Nautilus etc. Then start with light weight at first and start going up each week until it starts to require real effort. This way you don't get hurt or get sore as hell. Later after building some strength you can try the free weights if you like. What to wear? You could go insane with high fashion/ high budget or keep it simple with a Tee shirt and shorts. The new high tech fabrics like under armor breath better and don't hold sweat like cotton does.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    OP_ did you ever make it to the gym?
  • Maria_Fatima
    Maria_Fatima Posts: 238 Member
    Go with some kind of a plan. And be prepared for the nervousness you are bound to feel! No, it WON'T be easy, and yes, you WILL bump into people you might know and it will be weird and embarrassing. But the journey of fitness isn't just physical. A lot of it requires mental and emotional preparation even. So go with a confident attiude and plan a set of exercises beforehand. Google and YouTube all the way!
    If you have an idea of what to do, you'll be better able to communicate with others too. Observe them, talk to them and soon enough, you'll feel like you belong too.
  • tiggerlove
    tiggerlove Posts: 225 Member
    I felt the same way when I started but, the ppl that work there will be able to show you how each machine is to be used. The gym i went to had a tour that last a hour and a half to show you each machine and what it does and now most of the machines have an illustration on how to use them now. Good Luck