worst gym dude of all time?

Today at the gym:

There's one squat rack. I wait 15 minutes to use it while someone is finishing up. No problem, I fit in some other work. When he's done, I wait a minute, nobody sets up, and so I rack up my warm-up weights for squatting. As I'm starting, a guy shows up and says he was going to use this next but he "had to wee-wee." I say I'll keep it short today and just do a few sets. He says he wants to work in instead. I say OK. I start my first set. WHILE I'M SQUATTING, he throws two 2.5# weights between my legs and they land in front of my feet. He says he needs them for his set. I try to stay calm. During my second set, HE STANDS IN THE SQUAT RACK WITH ME. (btw, I'm female.) He does a set. For my third set I go to change to a higher weight. He gets irritated and sweeps all the weight off one side of the barbell so that it crashes 5 feet to the floor and tells me I shouldn't have changed the weight. I walk away and say it's all his.

I've only been lifting weights for nine months, and every other lifter I've met is kind and lovely. But this guy was truly the worst.

Venting over.


  • sparklybelle
    sparklybelle Posts: 7 Member
    I did not. I know I should have. I will if I see him again. He's dangerous and a menace.
  • sparklybelle
    sparklybelle Posts: 7 Member
    jemhh wrote: »
    Why would you not say something right then?

    I know, you're right. I think I was sort of dumbfounded so I just left.
  • pichiPurinsesu
    pichiPurinsesu Posts: 776 Member
    Sounds like a tool. What an idiot
  • FitPhillygirl
    FitPhillygirl Posts: 7,124 Member
    That type of behavior used to happen at least once a week at my old gym. Reporting it did little to no good, so I'm now at a new gym. Turns out this new gym has 3 other gyms that I can go to, and everyone is very considerate of everyone else around them. :)
    OP: it may or may not do any good to report that incident to management, but it's worth a shot anyway.
  • xCyanideGirlx
    xCyanideGirlx Posts: 116 Member
    *kitten* like this is why ill NEVER join a gym.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Report him? For what??? She gave him permission to work in and didn't object when he acted like a complete and total tool. She should have told him to GTFO as soon as he started that childish mess.

    Not gonna lie, the OP kinda lost me when the rack was clear but she still waited a few more minutes to see if someone else wanted to use it before she stepped into it. WHAT EVEN WAS THAT????
  • Anaris2014
    Anaris2014 Posts: 138 Member
    The guy sounds like a jerk to me.

    Although I felt like I was that jerk recently - there was a woman setting between the machine I wanted and then walking off to use some other machine (I assume, I actually have no ide where she went) but she left her town so I knew it was in use. I stepped in to another machine to fill the time. When she left the machine (taking her towel this time), I jumped in. Half way through my set she reappeared. I felt like a jerk. So I finished my set, reset the machine to the weight that she had been using, and apologised profusely, explainng that when she took the towel I thought she was done.

    Fortunately, she accepted the apology and admitted that she'd changed her mind and decided to come back for another set. I spend the rest of my session feeling like a jerk and being exceptionally careful about stepping in on anyone else's machine.
  • ObsidianMist
    ObsidianMist Posts: 519 Member
    DavPul wrote: »
    Report him? For what??? She gave him permission to work in and didn't object when he acted like a complete and total tool. She should have told him to GTFO as soon as he started that childish mess.

    Not gonna lie, the OP kinda lost me when the rack was clear but she still waited a few more minutes to see if someone else wanted to use it before she stepped into it. WHAT EVEN WAS THAT????

    "That" was courtesy above and beyond what was required.

    no doubt, you wouldn't see me potentially passing up a squat rack after already waiting fifteen bloody minutes for it.